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20 2 (151)
1. Complete metamorphosis and microbiota turnover in insects.
Mol Ecol
2022 Aug 30
Manthey C, Johnston PR, Nakagawa S
2. Metabarcoding and applied ecology with hyperdiverse organisms: Recommendations for biological control research.
Mol Ecol
2022 Aug 30
Lue CH, Abram PK, Hrcek J
3. Metabarcoding data reveal vertical multitaxa variation in topsoil communities during the colonization of deglaciated forelands.
Mol Ecol
2022 Aug 23
Guerrieri A, Carteron A, Bonin A
4. The microbiome of the pelagic tunicate Dolioletta gegenbauri: A potential link between the grazing and microbial food web.
Mol Ecol
2022 Aug 21
Pereira TJ, Walters TL, El-Shaffey HM
5. Isolated Grauer's gorilla populations differ in diet and gut microbiome.
Mol Ecol
2022 Aug 17
Michel A, Minocher R, Niehoff PP
6. Becoming urban - how city life shapes the social structure and genetics of ants.
Mol Ecol
2022 Aug 13
Janda M.
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