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20 2 (151)
1. Salinity and host drive Ulva-associated bacterial communities across the Atlantic-Baltic Sea gradient.
Mol Ecol
2022 Apr 8
van der Loos LM, D'hondt S, Engelen AH
2. Community composition of bacteria isolated from Swiss banknotes varies depending on collection environment.
Mol Ecol
2022 Apr 4
Bischofberger AM, Hall AR.
3. Fine-scale genome-wide signature of Pleistocene glaciation in Thitarodes moths (Lepidoptera: Hepialidae), host of Ophiocordyceps fungus in the Hengduan Mountains.
Mol Ecol
2022 Apr 4
Wang Z, Pierce NE.
4. Genetic composition and diversity of Arabica coffee in the crop's centre of origin and its impact on four major fungal diseases.
Mol Ecol
2022 Apr 4
Zewdie B, Bawin Y, Tack AJM
5. Satellite DNA evolution in Corvoidea inferred from short and long reads.
Mol Ecol
2022 Apr 30
Peona V, Kutschera VE, Blom MPK
6. Chromosome-level genome assembly for takin (Budorcas taxicolor) provides insights into its taxonomic status and genetic diversity.
Mol Ecol
2022 Apr 25
Li A, Yang Q, Li R
7. Metagenomic signatures of balancing selection in the human gut.
Mol Ecol
2022 Apr 21
Moeller AH.
8. Genome assembly, structural variants, and genetic differentiation between lake whitefish young species pairs (Coregonus sp.) with long and short reads.
Mol Ecol
2022 Apr 13
Mérot C, Stenløkk KSR, Venney C
9. Molecular parallelism in the evolution of a master sex-determining role for the anti-Mullerian hormone receptor 2 gene (amhr2) in Midas cichlids.
Mol Ecol
2022 Apr 11
Nacif CL, Kratochwil CF, Kautt AF
10. Lichen holobionts show compositional structure along elevation.
Mol Ecol
2022 Apr 10
Rolshausen G, Dal Grande F, Otte J
11. Population genomic evidence of selection on structural variants in a natural hybrid zone.
Mol Ecol
2022 Apr 10
Zhang L, Chaturvedi S, Nice CC
12. Multi-omics reveal differentiation and maintenance of dimorphic flowers in an alpine plant on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.
Mol Ecol
2022 Apr 1
Zhu M, Wang Z, Yang Y
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