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20 2 (151)
1. DNA methylation markers of age(ing) in non-model animals.
Mol Ecol
20 2 3
Tangili M, Slettenhaar AJ, Sudyka J
2. Vertebrate genomics and adaptation - Status and prospects in Africa.
Mol Ecol
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Ishengoma E.
3. Inbreeding depression in an outbred stickleback population.
Mol Ecol
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Fraimout A, Rastas P, Lv L
4. Awaking the dormant virome in the rhizosphere.
Mol Ecol
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Braga LPP, Schumacher RI.
5. Detecting and analysing intraspecific genetic variation with eDNA: From population genetics to species abundance.
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Andres KJ, Lodge DM, Sethi SA
6. ebony underpins Batesian mimicry in melanic stoneflies.
Mol Ecol
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Foster BJ, McCulloch GA, Foster Y
7. Distinct routes to parallel adaptation in a mountain plant.
Mol Ecol
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Battlay P.
8. Uncovering the endemic circulation of rabies in Cambodia.
Mol Ecol
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Layan M, Dacheux L, Lemey P
9. Positive associations matter: Microbial relationships drive tick microbiome composition.
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Fountain-Jones NM, Khoo BS, Rau A
10. Winter is coming-The role of seasonality through the lens of the rodent virome.
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Chang WS, Wille M.
11. Environmental microbes promote phenotypic plasticity in reproduction and sleep behaviour.
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Téfit MA, Budiman T, Dupriest A
12. Impacts of Quaternary glaciation, geological history and geography on animal species history in continental East Asia: A phylogeographic review.
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Fu J, Wen L.
13. Evolutionary origin and establishment of a dioecious diploid-tetraploid complex.
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He L, Guo FY, Cai XJ
14. Sex chromosome heteromorphism and the Fast-X effect in poeciliids.
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Darolti I, Fong LJM, Sandkam BA
15. Weak antagonistic fitness effects can maintain an inversion polymorphism.
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Pei Y, Forstmeier W, Knief U
16. Seasonal gene expression signatures of delayed fertilization in Fagaceae.
Mol Ecol
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Satake A, Ohta K, Takeda-Kamiya N
17. Widespread gene flow following range expansion in Anna's Hummingbird.
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Adams NE, Bandivadekar RR, Battey CJ
18. Widespread introgression of MHC genes in Iberian Podarcis lizards.
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Gaczorek TS, Chechetkin M, Dudek K
19. Parental effects in a filamentous fungus: Phenotype, fitness and mechanism.
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Villalba de la Peña M, Summanen PAM, Moghadam NN
20. Phenotypic cross-species conservation and cross-generation directionality switching in epigenetic inheritance.
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Bhalla A, Sharma A.
21. Temporal dynamics of soil fungi in a pyrodiverse dry-sclerophyll forest.
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Bowd EJ, Egidi E, Lindenmayer DB
22. Diversity, distribution, and expression of opsin genes in freshwater lakes.
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He S, Linz AM, Stevens SLR
23. Barriers to chimpanzee gene flow at the south-east edge of their distribution.
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Bonnin N, Piel AK, Brown RP
24. The genetics of immune and infection phenotypes in wild mice, Mus musculus domesticus.
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Cheynel L, Lazarou L, Riley EM
25. Indirect maternal effects via nest microbiome composition drive gut colonization in altricial chicks.
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Diez-Méndez D, Bodawatta KH, Freiberga I
26. Parasite manipulation of host phenotypes inferred from transcriptional analyses in a trematode-amphipod system.
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Rand DM, Nunez JCB, Williams S
27. Emergence and clonal expansion of Vibrio aestuarianus lineages pathogenic for oysters in Europe.
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Mesnil A, Jacquot M, Garcia C
28. Captivity induces a sweeping and sustained genomic response in a starfish.
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Morin M, Jönsson M, Wang CK
29. Drivers of genomic landscapes of differentiation across a Populus divergence gradient.
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Shang H, Field DL, Paun O
30. Climate has contributed to population diversification of Daphnia galeata across Eurasia.
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Deng Z, Zhang X, Wolinska J
31. Early-life telomere length predicts life-history strategy and reproductive senescence in a threatened wild songbird.
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Morland F, Ewen JG, Simons MJP
32. Towards understanding insect species introduction and establishment: A community-level barcoding approach using island beetles.
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Jiménez-García E, Andújar C, López H
33. Juvenile hormone regulates the photoperiodic plasticity of elytra coloration in the ladybird Harmonia axyridis.
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Li JX, Tian Z, Liu XF
34. Genetic basis of ecologically relevant body shape variation among four genera of cichlid fishes.
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DeLorenzo L, Mathews D, Brandon AA
35. A learning experience elicits sex-dependent neurogenomic responses in Bicyclus anynana butterflies.
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Ernst DA, Agcaoili GA, Merrill AN
36. Sex differences in deleterious genetic variants in a haplodiploid social insect.
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Miller SE, Sheehan MJ.
37. Semipermeable species boundaries create opportunities for gene flow and adaptive potential.
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Satokangas I, Nouhaud P, Seifert B
38. Immune genotypes, immune responses, and survival in a wild bird population.
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Nelson-Flower MJ, Grieves LA, Reid JM
39. Recurrent allopolyploidizations diversify ecophysiological traits in marsh orchids (Dactylorhiza majalis s.l.).
Mol Ecol
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Wolfe TM, Balao F, Trucchi E
40. Ecological genetics of local adaptation in Arabidopsis: An 8-year field experiment.
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Oakley CG, Schemske DW, McKay JK
41. Putative adaptive loci show parallel clinal variation in a California-endemic wildflower.
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Hernández AI, Specht CD.
42. Groundwater environmental DNA metabarcoding reveals hidden diversity and reflects land-use and geology.
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Couton M, Hürlemann S, Studer A
43. Genome-wide phylogeography reveals cryptic speciation in the circumglobal planktonic calcifier Limacina bulimoides.
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Choo LQ, Spagliardi G, Malinsky M
44. Relationships between phenotypic plasticity and epigenetic variation in two Caribbean Acropora corals.
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Hackerott S, Virdis F, Flood PJ
45. Rickettsial pathogens drive microbiota assembly in Hyalomma marginatum and Rhipicephalus bursa ticks.
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Maitre A, Wu-Chuang A, Mateos-Hernández L
46. Maternal effect senescence via reduced DNA repair ability in the three-spined stickleback.
Mol Ecol
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Kim SY, Chiara V, Álvarez-Quintero N
47. Elevated temperatures reduce population-specific transcriptional plasticity in developing lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens).
Mol Ecol
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Bugg WS, Thorstensen MJ, Marshall KE
48. Ancient bears provide insights into Pleistocene ice age refugia in Southeast Alaska.
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da Silva Coelho FA, Gill S, Tomlin CM
49. When does early-life telomere length predict survival? A case study and meta-analysis.
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Eastwood JR, Dupoué A, Delhey K
50. Vascularization underlies differences in sexually selected skin coloration in a wild primate.
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DeLacey PM, Sen S, Schneider-Crease IA
51. The influence of parasite load on transcriptional activity and morphology of a cestode and its ant intermediate host.
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Sistermans T, Hartke J, Stoldt M
52. Multispecies coinfections and presence of antibiotics shape resistance and fitness costs in a pathogenic bacterium.
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Ashrafi R, Bruneaux M, Sundberg LR
53. Molecular insights into the dynamics of species invasion by hybridisation in Tasmanian eucalypts.
Mol Ecol
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Pfeilsticker TR, Jones RC, Steane DA
54. Evolution of the rice blast pathogen on spatially structured rice landraces maintains multiple generalist fungal lineages.
Mol Ecol
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Ali S, Gladieux P, Ravel S
55. Clones on the run: The genomics of a recently expanded partially clonal species.
Mol Ecol
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Pereyra RT, Rafajlović M, De Wit P
56. Reconstructing the colonization history of Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) in Northwestern Australia.
Mol Ecol
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Wittwer S, Gerber L, Allen SJ
57. The worldwide invasion history of a pest ambrosia beetle inferred using population genomics.
Mol Ecol
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Urvois T, Perrier C, Roques A
58. Early-life immune expression profiles predict later-life health and fitness in a wild rodent.
Mol Ecol
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Wanelik KM, Begon M, Bradley JE
59. Investigating the genetic basis of vertebrate dispersal combining RNA-seq, RAD-seq and quantitative genetics.
Mol Ecol
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San-Jose LM, Bestion E, Pellerin F
60. MHC class II genes mediate susceptibility and resistance to coronavirus infections in bats.
Mol Ecol
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Schmid DW, Meyer M, Wilhelm K
61. Defensive symbiosis in the wild: Seasonal dynamics of parasitism risk and symbiont-conferred resistance.
Mol Ecol
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Gimmi E, Wallisch J, Vorburger C.
62. Genomic insights of evolutionary divergence and life history innovations in Antarctic brittle stars.
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Lau SCY, Strugnell JM, Sands CJ
63. Host genotype and microbiome associations in co-occurring clonal and non-clonal kelp, Ecklonia radiata.
Mol Ecol
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Vadillo Gonzalez S, Vranken S, Coleman MA
64. The structure of root-associated fungal communities is related to the long-term effects of plant diversity on productivity.
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Maciá-Vicente JG, Francioli D, Weigelt A
65. Ecology, the pace-of-life, epistatic selection and the maintenance of genetic variation in life-history genes.
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Arnqvist G, Rowe L.
66. Genomic insights into the postintroduction failure of the Asian icefish Protosalanx chinensis in China.
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Qi J, Pan H, Wang X
67. Gene expression differentiation in the reproductive tissues of Drosophila willistoni subspecies and their hybrids.
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Ranz JM, Go AC, González PM
68. Parallel evolution and cryptic diversification in a common and widespread Amazonian tree, Protium subserratum.
Mol Ecol
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Misiewicz TM, Simmons T, Carter BE
69. The role of salinity on genome-wide DNA methylation dynamics in European sea bass gills.
Mol Ecol
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Blondeau-Bidet E, Banousse G, L'Honoré T
70. Relic DNA obscures DNA-based profiling of multiple microbial taxonomic groups in a river-reservoir ecosystem.
Mol Ecol
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Xue Y, Abdullah Al M, Chen H
71. Multisensory integration by polymodal sensory neurons dictates larval settlement in a brainless cnidarian larva.
Mol Ecol
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Birch S, Plachetzki D.
72. Lake Sinai virus is a diverse, globally distributed but not emerging multi-strain honeybee virus.
Mol Ecol
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Hou C, Liang H, Chen C
73. Regulation of host gene expression by gastrointestinal tract microbiota in Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha).
Mol Ecol
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Sadeghi J, Chaganti SR, Heath DD.
74. Genome-wide variant analyses reveal new patterns of admixture and population structure in Australian dingoes.
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Cairns KM, Crowther MS, Parker HG
75. Differential gene expression and mitonuclear incompatibilities in fast- and slow-developing interpopulation Tigriopus californicus hybrids.
Mol Ecol
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Healy TM, Burton RS.
76. Environmental stress during larval development induces DNA methylation shifts in the migratory painted lady butterfly (Vanessa cardui).
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Boman J, Zhu Y, Höök L
77. Distinct life history strategies underpin clear patterns of succession in microparasite communities infecting a wild mammalian host.
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Glidden CK, Karakoç C, Duan C
78. Biogeography and the evolution of acoustic communication in the polyploid North American grey treefrog complex.
Mol Ecol
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Booker WW, Lemmon EM, Lemmon AR
79. Individual variation in the avian gut microbiota: The influence of host state and environmental heterogeneity.
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Somers SE, Davidson GL, Johnson CN
80. The quest for good genes: Epigamic traits, fitness, MHC and multilocus heterozygosity in the guppy.
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Przesmycka K, Herdegen-Radwan M, Phillips KP
81. The transcriptional state and chromatin landscape of cichlid jaw shape variation across species and environments.
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Tetrault E, Swenson J, Aaronson B
82. Divergence of alternative sugar preferences through modulation of the expression and activity of the Gal3 sensor in yeast.
Mol Ecol
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Fita-Torró J, Swamy KBS, Pascual-Ahuir A
83. Rapid but narrow - Evolutionary adaptation and transcriptional response of Drosophila melanogaster to toxic mould.
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Trienens M, Kurtz J, Wertheim B.
84. Antibiotics reduce Pocillopora coral-associated bacteria diversity, decrease holobiont oxygen consumption and activate immune gene expression.
Mol Ecol
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Connelly MT, Snyder G, Palacio-Castro AM
85. Whole-genome sequencing reveals fine-scale environment-associated divergence near the range limits of a temperate reef fish.
Mol Ecol
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Nugent CM, Kess T, Brachmann MK
86. Rhizobium nodule diversity and composition are influenced by clover host selection and local growth conditions.
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Fields B, Moeskjaer S, Deakin WJ
87. Partial reuse of circadian clock genes along parallel clines of diapause in two moth species.
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Yu Y, Huang LL, Xue FS
88. Social and paternal female choice for male MHC genes in golden snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana).
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Zhang P, Zhang B, Dunn DW
89. Gene regulatory changes underlie developmental plasticity in respiration and aerobic performance in highland deer mice.
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Schweizer RM, Ivy CM, Natarajan C
90. Host immune responses to enzootic and invasive pathogen lineages vary in magnitude, timing, and efficacy.
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McDonald CA, Becker CG, Lambertini C
91. Intestinal microbiota of Nearctic-Neotropical migratory birds vary more over seasons and years than between host species.
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Skeen HR, Willard DE, Jones AW
92. History matters: Thermal environment before but not during wasp attack determines the efficiency of symbiont-mediated protection.
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Jones JE, Hurst GDD.
93. The contrasting effects of fluctuating temperature on bacterial diversity and performances in temperate and subtropical soils.
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Zhao XF, Li BH, Shu WS
94. A longitudinal survey in the wild reveals major shifts in fish host microbiota after parasite infection.
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Mathieu-Bégné E, Blanchet S, Rey O
95. Seasonal assembly of skin microbiota driven by neutral and selective processes in the greater horseshoe bat.
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Li A, Li Z, Leng H
96. Genetic fine-mapping reveals single nucleotide polymorphism mutations in the MC1R regulatory region associated with duck melanism.
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Liu H, Xi Y, Tang Q
97. Seasonal development of a tidal mixing front drives shifts in community structure and diversity of bacterioplankton.
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King NG, Wilmes SB, Browett SS
98. Developmental stress does not induce genome-wide DNA methylation changes in wild great tit (Parus major) nestlings.
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Sepers B, Mateman AC, Gawehns F
99. Metatranscriptomics and metabarcoding reveal spatiotemporal shifts in fungal communities and their activities in Chinese coastal waters.
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Wang M, Mara P, Burgaud G
100. Genomic divergence between two sister Medicago species triggered by the quaternary climatic oscillations on the Qinghai-Tibet plateau and northern China.
Mol Ecol
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Guo W, Yang Y, Zhang X
101. Genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphisms reveal recurrent waves of speciation in niche-pockets, in Europe's most venomous snake.
Mol Ecol
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Thanou E, Jablonski D, Kornilios P.
102. Genomics reveals the role of admixture in the evolution of structure among sperm whale populations within the Mediterranean Sea.
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Violi B, de Jong MJ, Frantzis A
103. Evolutionary history of the extinct wolf population from France in the context of global phylogeographic changes throughout the Holocene.
Mol Ecol
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Doan K, Schnitzler A, Preston F
104. Phylogeography of the blacklegged tick (Ixodes scapularis) throughout the USA identifies candidate loci for differences in vectorial capacity.
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Frederick JC, Thompson AT, Sharma P
105. Encouraging news for in situ conservation: Translocation of salamander larvae has limited impacts on their skin microbiota.
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Fieschi-Méric L, van Leeuwen P, Denoël M
106. Rapid turnover and evolution of sex-determining regions in Sebastes rockfishes.
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Sykes NTB, Kolora SRR, Sudmant PH
107. Geography, environment, and colonization history interact with morph type to shape genomic variation in an Arctic fish.
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Salisbury SJ, Perry R, Keefe D
108. High conservation of the dental plaque microbiome across populations with differing subsistence strategies and levels of market integration.
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Velsko IM, Gallois S, Stahl R
109. Evolutionary consequences of loss of sexual reproduction on male-related traits in parthenogenetic lineages of the pea aphid.
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Defendini H, Rimbault M, Mahéo F
110. More complex than you think: Taxonomic and temporal patterns of plant-pollinator networks of caraway (Carum carvi L.).
Mol Ecol
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Kilian IC, Swenson SJ, Mengual X
111. Soil depth and geographic distance modulate bacterial β-diversity in deep soil profiles throughout the U.S. Corn Belt.
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Lopes LD, Futrell SL, Wright EE
112. Disparate population and holobiont structure of pocilloporid corals across the Red Sea gradient demonstrate species-specific evolutionary trajectories.
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Buitrago-López C, Cárdenas A, Hume BCC
113. Long-term biogeographical processes dominate patterns of genetic diversity in a wingless grasshopper despite substantial recent habitat fragmentation.
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Hoffmann AA, Jasper M, White VL
114. Orchid-mycorrhizal fungi interactions reveal a duality in their network structure in two European regions differing in climate.
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Mennicken S, Vogt-Schilb H, Těšitelová T
115. Shifts in functional traits and interactions patterns of soil methane-cycling communities following forest-to-pasture conversion in the Amazon Basin.
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Obregon Alvarez D, Fonseca de Souza L, Mendes LW
116. Gene co-option, duplication and divergence of cement proteins underpin the evolution of bioadhesives across barnacle life histories.
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Wong YH, Dreyer N, Liu H
117. Introgressive hybridization in the west Pacific pen shells (genus Atrina): Restricted interspecies gene flow within the genome.
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Sekino M, Hashimoto K, Nakamichi R
118. Brain and antennal transcriptomes of host ants reveal potential links between behaviour and the functioning of socially parasitic colonies.
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Stoldt M, Collin E, Macit MN
119. Increased genetic diversity and immigration after West Nile virus emergence in American crows: No evidence for a genetic bottleneck.
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Townsend AK, Jones ML, Chen N
120. Divergent contributions of coding and noncoding sequences to initial high-altitude adaptation in passerine birds endemic to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.
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Hao Y, Song G, Zhang YE
121. Phylogenomic insights into the origin and evolutionary history of evergreen broadleaved forests in East Asia under Cenozoic climate change.
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Qin SY, Zuo ZY, Guo C
122. Genomic variation across Chinook salmon populations reveals effects of a duplication on migration alleles and supports fine scale structure.
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Horn RL, Narum SR.
123. Large effective population size masks population genetic structure in Hirondellea amphipods within the deepest marine ecosystem, the Mariana Trench.
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Piertney SB, Wenzel M, Jamieson AJ.
124. Range-wide evolutionary relationships and historical demography of brown bears (Ursus arctos) revealed by whole-genome sequencing of isolated central Asian populations.
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Tumendemberel O, Hendricks SA, Hohenlohe PA
125. Hybridization in late stages of speciation: Strong but incomplete genome-wide reproductive isolation and 'large Z-effect' in a moving hybrid zone.
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Caeiro-Dias G, Brelsford A, Meneses-Ribeiro M
126. Comparative population genetics of congeneric limpets across a biogeographic transition zone reveals common patterns of genetic structure and demographic history.
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Peluso L, Broitman BR, Lardies MA
127. Mitonuclear discordance results from incomplete lineage sorting, with no detectable evidence for gene flow, in a rapid radiation of Todiramphus kingfishers.
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DeRaad DA, McCullough JM, DeCicco LH
128. Simulating the effects of long-distance dispersal and landscape heterogeneity on the eco-evolutionary outcomes of range expansion in an invasive riverine fish, Tench (Tinca tinca).
Mol Ecol
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Bernos TA, Day C, Hill J
129. Taxonomic and functional biogeographies of soil bacterial communities across the Tibet plateau are better explained by abiotic conditions than distance and plant community composition.
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Liang Q, Mod HK, Luo S
130. Rapid introgression of non-native alleles following hybridization between a native Anolis lizard species and a cryptic invader across an urban landscape.
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DeVos TB, Bock DG, Kolbe JJ.
131. Speciation patterns of related species under the hybrid zone: A case study of three sclerophyllous oaks in the east Himalaya-Hengduan Mountains.
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Ju M, Yang J, Yue M
132. Effects of heat waves on telomere dynamics and parental brooding effort in nestlings of the zebra finch (Taeniopygia castanotis) transitioning from ectothermy to endothermy.
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Ton R, Boner W, Raveh S
133. Parsing variance by marker type: Testing biogeographic hypotheses and differential contribution of historical processes to population structure in a desert lizard.
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Holmes IA, Monagan IV Jr, Westphal MF
134. Incomplete reproductive barriers and genomic differentiation impact the spread of resistance mutations between green- and red-colour morphs of a cosmopolitan mite pest.
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Xue WX, Sun JT, Witters J
135. Demographic and spatially explicit landscape genomic analyses in a tropical oak reveal the impacts of late Quaternary climate change on Andean montane forests.
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Ortego J, Espelta JM, Armenteras D
136. Signs of local adaptation by genetic selection and isolation promoted by extreme temperature and salinity in the Mediterranean seagrass Posidonia oceanica.
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Nguyen HM, Ruocco M, Dattolo E
137. Evolutionary roles of polyploidization-derived structural variations in the phenotypic diversification of Panax species.
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Zhang YX, Wang XF, Niu YQ
138. Isolation by resistance explains genetic diversity in the Arremon brushfinches of northern Mesoamerica.
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Moreno-Contreras I, Llanes-Quevedo A, Sánchez-González LA
139. Multiple paths toward repeated phenotypic evolution in the spiny-leg adaptive radiation (Tetragnatha; Hawai'i).
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Cerca J, Cotoras DD, Santander CG
140. Phylogenetically-conserved candidate genes unify biodiversity-ecosystem function relationships and eco-evolutionary dynamics across biological scales.
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Blanchet S, Fargeot L, Raffard A.
141. Comparative study highlights how gene flow shapes adaptive genomic architecture.
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Schaal SM, Smith SJ.
142. Genomic responses to parallel temperature gradients in the eelgrass Zostera marina in adjacent bays.
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Schiebelhut LM, Grosberg RK, Stachowicz JJ
143. Selection on standing genetic variation mediates convergent evolution in extremophile fish.
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Ryan K, Greenway R, Landers J
144. Comparative phylogeography reveals the demographic patterns of neotropical ancient mountain species.
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Dantas-Queiroz MV, Hurbath F, de Russo Godoy FM
145. Parental breeding decisions and genetic quality predict social structure of independent offspring.
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Franks VR, Thorogood R, Brekke P.
146. Fire shapes fungal guild diversity and composition through direct and indirect pathways.
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Greenwood L, Nimmo DG, Egidi E
147. A genomic assessment of the marine-speciation paradox within the toothed whale superfamily Delphinoidea.
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Westbury MV, Cabrera AA, Rey-Iglesia A
148. A combination of machine-learning and eDNA reveals the genetic signature of environmental change at the landscape levels.
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Keck F, Brantschen J, Altermatt F.
149. Macrogenetics reveals multifaceted influences of environmental variation on vertebrate population genetic diversity across the Americas.
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Lawrence ER, Pedersen EJ, Fraser DJ.
150. Genomic recovery lags behind demographic recovery in bottlenecked populations of the Channel Island fox, Urocyon littoralis.
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Adams NE, Edmands S.
151. Philopatry influences the genetic population structure of the blacktip shark (Carcharhinus limbatus) at multiple spatial scales.
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Swift DG, O'Leary SJ, Grubbs RD
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