期刊文献 > Trends Microbiol期刊 选择月份
2023 Sep (4)
2023 Aug (12)
2023 Jul (6)
2023 Jun (9)
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2023 Feb (2)
2023 Jan (9)
2022 Dec (8)
2022 Nov (7)
2022 Oct (5)
2022 Sep (4)
2022 Jul (1)
2022 Feb (1)
20 2 (49)
1. Phosphorus/nitrogen sensing and signaling in diverse root-fungus symbioses.
Trends Microbiol
2023 Sep 8
Zhang Y, Feng H, Druzhinina IS
2. What is microbial dormancy?
Trends Microbiol
2023 Sep 7
McDonald MD, Owusu-Ansah C, Ellenbogen JB
3. Macrolide esterases: current threats and opportunities.
Trends Microbiol
2023 Sep 7
Dhindwal P, Myziuk I, Ruzzini A.
4. Host cell environments and antibiotic efficacy in tuberculosis.
Trends Microbiol
2023 Sep 12
Day NJ, Santucci P, Gutierrez MG.
5. Species-area relationships in microbial-mediated mutualisms.
Trends Microbiol
2023 Jun 8
Veresoglou SD, Johnson D.
6. Decoding the microbiome: advances in genetic manipulation for gut bacteria.
Trends Microbiol
2023 Jun 30
Chen Z, Jin W, Hoover A
7. A framework for understanding and predicting orthohantavirus functional traits.
Trends Microbiol
2023 Jun 3
Mull N, Seifert SN, Forbes KM.
8. Structural diversity and modularity of photosynthetic RC-LH1 complexes.
Trends Microbiol
2023 Jun 26
Liu LN, Bracun L, Li M.
9. Cellular roadmaps of viroid infection.
Trends Microbiol
2023 Jun 20
Ma J, Dissanayaka Mudiyanselage SD, Hao J
10. Features and algorithms: facilitating investigation of secreted effectors in Gram-negative bacteria.
Trends Microbiol
2023 Jun 20
Zhao Z, Hu Y, Hu Y
11. Metabolic flux phenotyping of secondary metabolism in cyanobacteria.
Trends Microbiol
2023 Jun 16
Babele PK, Srivastava A, Young JD.
12. Bacterial extracellular vesicles: an emerging avenue to tackle diseases.
Trends Microbiol
2023 Jun 15
Xie J, Haesebrouck F, Van Hoecke L
13. SARS-CoV-2 and the spike protein in endotheliopathy.
Trends Microbiol
2023 Jun 12
Perico L, Benigni A, Remuzzi G.
14. The roles of calcium signaling and calcium deposition in microbial multicellularity.
Trends Microbiol
2023 Jul 8
Kolodkin-Gal I, Parsek MR, Patrauchan MA.
15. Molecular frustration: a hypothesis for regulation of viral infections.
Trends Microbiol
2023 Jul 26
Twarock R, Towers GJ, Stockley PG.
16. The intracellular life of Acinetobacter baumannii.
Trends Microbiol
2023 Jul 22
Maure A, Robino E, Van der Henst C.
17. Cysteine and resistance to oxidative stress: implications for virulence and antibiotic resistance.
Trends Microbiol
2023 Jul 19
Tikhomirova A, Rahman MM, Kidd SP
18. Plant reoviruses hijack autophagy in insect vectors.
Trends Microbiol
2023 Jul 13
Liu W, Wei T, Wang X.
19. Microbial regulation of feedbacks to ecosystem change.
Trends Microbiol
2023 Jul 1
Ranheim Sveen T, Hannula SE, Bahram M.
20. Expanding diversity and ecological roles of RNA viruses.
Trends Microbiol
2023 Jan 9
Liang Y, Zheng K, McMinn A
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