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2023 Sep (2)
2023 Aug (3)
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2022 Dec (2)
2022 Nov (1)
20 2 (14)
1. Antibody-drug conjugates come of age in oncology.
Nat Rev Drug Discov
20 2 3
Dumontet C, Reichert JM, Senter PD
2. Therapeutic strategies for COVID-19: progress and lessons learned.
Nat Rev Drug Discov
20 2 3
Li G, Hilgenfeld R, Whitley R
3. Trends in the approval of cancer therapies by the FDA in the twenty-first century.
Nat Rev Drug Discov
20 2 3
Scott EC, Baines AC, Gong Y
4. Applications of single-cell RNA sequencing in drug discovery and development.
Nat Rev Drug Discov
20 2 3
Van de Sande B(#), Lee JS(#), Mutasa-Gottgens E(#)
5. Targeting angiogenesis in oncology, ophthalmology and beyond.
Nat Rev Drug Discov
20 2 3
Cao Y, Langer R, Ferrara N.
6. The therapeutic potential of targeting regulated non-apoptotic cell death.
Nat Rev Drug Discov
20 2 3
Hadian K, Stockwell BR.
7. Type 2 chronic inflammatory diseases: targets, therapies and unmet needs.
Nat Rev Drug Discov
20 2 3
Kolkhir P, Akdis CA, Akdis M
8. Small-molecule discovery through DNA-encoded libraries.
Nat Rev Drug Discov
20 2 3
Peterson AA, Liu DR.
9. Amplifying gene expression with RNA-targeted therapeutics.
Nat Rev Drug Discov
20 2 3
Khorkova O, Stahl J, Joji A
10. Delivering on the promise of protein degraders.
Nat Rev Drug Discov
20 2 3
O'Brien Laramy MN, Luthra S, Brown MF
11. Accelerating antiviral drug discovery: lessons from COVID-19.
Nat Rev Drug Discov
20 2 3
von Delft A(#), Hall MD, Kwong AD
12. Deuterium in drug discovery: progress, opportunities and challenges.
Nat Rev Drug Discov
20 2 3
Di Martino RMC, Maxwell BD, Pirali T.
13. Application of Bayesian approaches in drug development: starting a virtuous cycle.
Nat Rev Drug Discov
20 2 3
Ruberg SJ, Beckers F, Hemmings R
14. Overcoming barriers to patient adherence: the case for developing innovative drug delivery systems.
Nat Rev Drug Discov
20 2 3
Baryakova TH, Pogostin BH, Langer R
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