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1. MP-NeRF: A massively parallel method for accelerating protein structure reconstruction from internal coordinates.
J Comput Chem
2022 Jan 5
Alcaide E, Biderman S, Telenti A
2. Estimating reaction parameters in mechanism-enabled population balance models of nanoparticle size distributions: A Bayesian inverse problem approach.
J Comput Chem
2022 Jan 5
Long DK, Bangerth W, Handwerk DR
3. Advances in vibrational configuration interaction theory - part 2: Fast screening of the correlation space.
J Comput Chem
2022 Jan 5
Mathea T, Petrenko T, Rauhut G.
4. Analysis in silico of chemical reactivity employing the local hyper-softness in some classic aromatic compounds, boron aromatic clusters and all-metal aromatic clusters.
J Comput Chem
2022 Jan 5
Martínez-Araya JI, Islas R.
5. Effects of mussel-inspired co-deposition of 2-hydroxymethyl methacrylate and poly (2-methoxyethyl acrylate) on the hydrophilicity and binding tendency of common hemodialysis membranes: Molecular dynamics simulations and molecular docking studies.
J Comput Chem
2022 Jan 5
Mollahosseini A, Saadati S, Abdelrasoul A.
6. Benchmark ab initio proton affinity and gas-phase basicity of α-alanine based on coupled-cluster theory and statistical mechanics.
J Comput Chem
2022 Jan 5
Dékány AÁ, Czakó G.
7. Thermostabilization mechanisms in thermophilic versus mesophilic three-helix bundle proteins.
J Comput Chem
2022 Jan 30
Nguyen C, Yearwood LM, McCully ME.
8. Improving ligand-ranking of AutoDock Vina by changing the empirical parameters.
J Comput Chem
2022 Jan 30
Pham TNH, Nguyen TH, Tam NM
9. FSATOOL 2.0: An integrated molecular dynamics simulation and trajectory data analysis program.
J Comput Chem
2022 Jan 30
Shu Z, Wu M, Liao J
10. An inexpensive density functional theory-based protocol to predict accurate (19) F-NMR chemical shifts.
J Comput Chem
2022 Jan 30
Benassi E.
11. Next generation quantum theory of atoms in molecules for the design of emitters exhibiting thermally activated delayed fluorescence with laser irradiation.
J Comput Chem
2022 Jan 30
Li Z, Yang Y, Xu T
12. Strategies for the optimization of the structure of crystalline compounds.
J Comput Chem
2022 Jan 30
Pascale F, D'Arco P, Silvio Gentile F
13. Graphene-induced planarization of cyclooctatetraene derivatives.
J Comput Chem
2022 Jan 15
Kroeger AA, Karton A.
14. ParaCopasi: A package for parallel biochemical simulation and analysis.
J Comput Chem
2022 Jan 15
Yuan L, Wu C, Guo X
15. CIFDock: A novel CHARMM-based flexible receptor-flexible ligand docking protocol.
J Comput Chem
2022 Jan 15
Vankayala SL, Warrensford LC, Pittman AR
16. A DLPNO-CCSD(T) benchmarking study of intermolecular interactions of ionic liquids.
J Comput Chem
2022 Jan 15
Seeger ZL, Izgorodina EI.
17. The effect of midbond functions on interaction energies computed using MP2 and CCSD(T).
J Comput Chem
2022 Jan 15
Matveeva R, Falck Erichsen M, Koch H
18. The Ad-MD method to calculate NMR shift including effects due to conformational dynamics: The (31) P NMR shift in DNA.
J Comput Chem
2022 Jan 15
Fukal J, Buděšínský M, Páv O
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