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2023 Sep (4)
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2022 Dec (2)
2022 Nov (3)
2022 Oct (1)
20 2 (53)
1. Binding of human Cdc123 to eIF2γ.
J Struct Biol
20 2 3
Cardenal Peralta C, Vandroux P, Neumann-Arnold L
2. Towards in situ high-resolution imaging of viruses and macromolecular complexes using cryo-electron tomography.
J Struct Biol
20 2 3
Huang Y, Zhang Y, Ni T.
3. Unusual structural and functional features of TpLRR/BspA-like LRR proteins.
J Struct Biol
20 2 3
Takkouche A, Qiu X, Sedova M
4. OpenFIBSEM: A universal API for FIBSEM control.
J Struct Biol
20 2 3
Cleeve P, Dierickx D, Naegele L
5. Advances in computational approaches to structure determination of alphaviruses and flaviviruses using cryo-electron microscopy.
J Struct Biol
20 2 3
Lata K, Charles S, Mangala Prasad V.
6. A review of the approaches used to solve sub-100 kDa membrane proteins by cryo-electron microscopy.
J Struct Biol
20 2 3
Harrison PJ, Vecerkova T, Clare DK
7. Chemically cross-linked hydrogels from repetitive protein arrays.
J Struct Biol
20 2 3
Boni R, Blackburn EA, Kleinjan DJ
8. Why does the first protein repeat often become the only one?
J Struct Biol
20 2 3
Manasra S, Kajava AV.
9. Protein repeats evolve and emerge in giant viruses.
J Struct Biol
20 2 3
Erdozain S, Barrionuevo E, Ripoll L
10. Building alternative splicing and evolution-aware sequence-structure maps for protein repeats.
J Struct Biol
20 2 3
Szatkownik A, Zea DJ, Richard H
11. Prokaryotic membrane coat - like proteins: An update.
J Struct Biol
20 2 3
Ferrelli ML, Pidre ML, García-Domínguez R
12. Biological light-weight materials: The endoskeletons of cephalopod mollusks.
J Struct Biol
20 2 3
Griesshaber E, Checa AG, Salas C
13. The SIRAH force field: A suite for simulations of complex biological systems at the coarse-grained and multiscale levels.
J Struct Biol
20 2 3
Klein F, Soñora M, Helene Santos L
14. Locating cellular contents during cryoFIB milling using cellular secondary-electron imaging.
J Struct Biol
20 2 3
Lin C, Zhang L, Zhang Z
15. Structural analysis of the water channel AQP2 by single-particle cryo-EM.
J Struct Biol
20 2 3
Kamegawa A, Suzuki S, Suzuki H
16. The role of tandem repeats in bacterial functional amyloids.
J Struct Biol
20 2 3
Nowakowska AW, Wojciechowski JW, Szulc N
17. The repetitive structure of DNA clamps: An overlooked protein tandem repeat.
J Struct Biol
20 2 3
Arrías PN, Monzon AM, Clementel D
18. Insights into the oligomeric structure of the HIV-1 Vpu protein.
J Struct Biol
20 2 3
Majeed S, Adetuyi O, Borbat PP
19. New protein families with hendecad coiled coils in the proteome of life.
J Struct Biol
20 2 3
Martinez-Goikoetxea M, Lupas AN.
20. Cryo-EM reveals the structure and dynamics of a 723-residue malate synthase G.
J Struct Biol
20 2 3
Ho MR, Wu YM, Lu YC
21. CryoEM single particle reconstruction with a complex-valued particle stack.
J Struct Biol
20 2 3
Bromberg R, Guo Y, Borek D
22. PickYOLO: Fast deep learning particle detector for annotation of cryo electron tomograms.
J Struct Biol
20 2 3
Genthe E, Miletic S, Tekkali I
23. Cage versus sheet: Probing the Determinants of Protein - Cucurbit[7]uril Crystalline Architectures.
J Struct Biol
20 2 3
Ramberg KO, Crowley PB.
24. A practical multicellular sample preparation pipeline broadens the application of in situ cryo-electron tomography.
J Struct Biol
20 2 3
Wu Y, Qin C, Du W
25. Lipid nanodiscs as a template for high-resolution cryo-EM structures of peripheral membrane proteins.
J Struct Biol
20 2 3
S Cannon K, Sarsam RD, Tedamrongwanish T
26. Engineering of brick and staple components for ordered assembly of synthetic repeat proteins.
J Struct Biol
20 2 3
Miller J, Urvoas A, Gigant B
27. Identification of structural determinants of nicotinamide phosphoribosyl transferase (NAMPT) activity and substrate selectivity.
J Struct Biol
20 2 3
Houry D, Raasakka A, Ferrario E
28. Structure basis of two nanobodies neutralizing SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant by targeting ultra-conservative epitopes.
J Struct Biol
20 2 3
Sun Z, Wang L, Li L
29. Measuring cryo-TEM sample thickness using reflected light microscopy and machine learning.
J Struct Biol
20 2 3
Last MGF, Voortman LM, Sharp TH.
30. High-throughput segmentation, data visualization, and analysis of sea star skeletal networks.
J Struct Biol
20 2 3
Tomholt L, Baum D, Wood RJ
31. NMR sample optimization and backbone assignment of a stabilized neurotensin receptor.
J Struct Biol
20 2 3
Mohamadi M, Goricanec D, Wagner G
32. Structure and dynamics of the mitochondrial DNA-compaction factor Abf2 from S. cerevisiae.
J Struct Biol
20 2 3
Lidman J, Sallova Y, Matečko-Burmann I
33. Recent advances in the application of atomic force microscopy to structural biology.
J Struct Biol
20 2 3
Dumitru AC, Koehler M.
34. Cell recognition based on atomic force microscopy and modified residual neural network.
J Struct Biol
20 2 3
Wang J, Gao M, Yang L
35. Single particle cryo-EM analysis of Rickettsia conorii Sca2 reveals a formin-like core.
J Struct Biol
20 2 3
Carman PJ, Rebowski G, Dominguez R
36. Direct control of shell regeneration by the mantle tissue in the pearl oyster Pinctada fucata.
J Struct Biol
20 2 3
Huang J, Liu Y, Jiang T
37. Deep Learning-based structure modelling illuminates structure and function in uncharted regions of β-solenoid fold space.
J Struct Biol
20 2 3
Mesdaghi S, Price RM, Madine J
38. The crystal structure of Mycobacterium thermoresistibile MurE ligase reveals the binding mode of the substrate m-diaminopimelate.
J Struct Biol
20 2 3
Rossini NO, Silva C, Dias MVB.
39. A 3D-printed flow-cell for on-grid purification of electron microscopy samples directly from lysate.
J Struct Biol
20 2 3
Ramlaul K, Feng Z, Canavan C
40. Identification and evaluation of potential inhibitor molecules against TcyA from Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus.
J Struct Biol
20 2 3
Lonare S, Sharma M, Dalal V
41. Robust ab initio solution of the cryo-EM reconstruction problem at low resolution with small data sets.
J Struct Biol
20 2 3
Rangan AV, Greengard L.
42. Spectroscopic studies for identifying the chemical states of the periostracum of the Corbicula species in Lake Biwa.
J Struct Biol
20 2 3
Takemoto K, Murakami M, Tabuchi M
43. Structural insight to elucidate the binding specificity of the anti-cortisol Fab fragment with glucocorticoids.
J Struct Biol
20 2 3
Eronen V, Tullila A, Iljin K
44. Challenging level of rigid-body approach involving numerical elements (CHLORAINE) applied to repeated elastin peptides.
J Struct Biol
20 2 3
Depenveiller C, Wong H, Crowet JM
45. The anatomical and micromorphological properties of endemic species to gypsic soils of Semnan, Iran.
J Struct Biol
20 2 3
Rabizadeh F, Amini E, Nasrollahi F.
46. Non-equilibrium virus particle dynamics: Microsecond MD simulations of the complete Flock House virus capsid under different conditions.
J Struct Biol
20 2 3
Jana AK, Sharawy M, May ER.
47. Double-headed binding of myosin II to F-actin shows the effect of strain on head structure.
J Struct Biol
20 2 3
Hojjatian A, Taylor DW, Daneshparvar N
48. Correlating cryo-super resolution radial fluctuations and dual-axis cryo-scanning transmission electron tomography to bridge the light-electron resolution gap.
J Struct Biol
20 2 3
Kirchweger P, Mullick D, Swain PP
49. Sumoylation and the oncogenic E17K mutation affect AKT1 subcellular distribution and impact on Nanog-binding dynamics to chromatin in embryonic stem cells.
J Struct Biol
20 2 3
Francia MG, Oses C, Roberti SL
50. A key piece of the puzzle: The central tetramer of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae septin protofilament and its implications for self-assembly.
J Struct Biol
20 2 3
Marques da Silva R, Christe Dos Reis Saladino G, Antonio Leonardo D
51. Three dimensional structures of the inner and outer pig petrous bone using FIB-SEM: Implications for development and ancient DNA preservation.
J Struct Biol
20 2 3
Ibrahim J, Rechav K, Boaretto E
52. Structure determination and analysis of titin A-band fibronectin type III domains provides insights for disease-linked variants and protein oligomerisation.
J Struct Biol
20 2 3
Rees M, Nikoopour R, Alexandrovich A
53. Lipid composition modulates interactions of p7 viroporin during membrane insertion.
J Struct Biol
20 2 3
Campbell O, Monje-Galvan V.
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