期刊文献 > Anal Bioanal Chem期刊 选择月份
2023 Sep (9)
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20 2 (276)
1. Quantitative analysis of respiratory viruses based on lab-on-a-chip platform.
Anal Bioanal Chem
2023 Sep 8
Zhang N, Yue C, Zhan X
2. Microfluidic single-cell measurements of oxidative stress as a function of cell cycle position.
Anal Bioanal Chem
2023 Sep 8
Allcroft TJ, Duong JT, Skardal PS
3. Pesticide biosensors: trends and progresses.
Anal Bioanal Chem
2023 Sep 5
Berkal MA, Nardin C.
4. An innovative dual-signal electrochemical ratiometric determination of creatinine based on silver nanoparticles with intrinsic self-calibration property for bimetallic Prussian blue analogues.
Anal Bioanal Chem
2023 Sep 5
Mahmoud AM, Mahnashi MH, El-Wekil MM.
5. Tuning Hydrophobicity of Paper Substrates for Effective Colorimetric detection of Glucose and Nucleic acids.
Anal Bioanal Chem
2023 Sep 4
Sudarsan S, Shetty P, Chinnappan R
6. Quick insights into whisky - investigating rapid and efficient methods for sensory evaluation and chemical analysis.
Anal Bioanal Chem
2023 Sep 2
Haug H(#), Grasskamp AT(#), Singh S
7. Pesticide residue analysis in different spice samples by automatic µSPE clean-up workflow determination using LC-MS/MS.
Anal Bioanal Chem
2023 Sep 12
Manzano-Sánchez L, Angappan S, Martínez JA
8. Characterization of the metabolic fate of sinapic acid in rats.
Anal Bioanal Chem
2023 Sep 11
Yang X, Shi J, Li H
9. What is cooking in your kitchen: seeing "invisible" with time-resolved coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy.
Anal Bioanal Chem
2023 Sep 1
Zhu H, Xu C, Yakovlev VV
10. Expanding the boundaries of atomic spectroscopy at the single-cell level: critical review of SP-ICP-MS, LIBS and LA-ICP-MS advances for the elemental analysis of tissues and single cells.
Anal Bioanal Chem
2023 May 10
Davison C, Beste D, Bailey M
11. Non-target estrogenic screening of 60 pesticides, six plant protection products, and tomato, grape, and wine samples by planar chromatography combined with the planar yeast estrogen screen bioassay.
Anal Bioanal Chem
2023 Mar 6
Mehl A, Seiferling S, Morlock GE.
12. Towards non-target proactive food safety: identification of active compounds in convenience tomato products by ten-dimensional hyphenation with integrated simulated gastrointestinal digestion.
Anal Bioanal Chem
2023 Mar 29
Schreiner T, Eggerstorfer NM, Morlock GE.
13. A review of the current state of single-cell proteomics and future perspective.
Anal Bioanal Chem
2023 Jun 7
Ahmad R, Budnik B.
14. Graphene-based field-effect transistors for biosensing: where is the field heading to?
Anal Bioanal Chem
2023 Jun 3
Szunerits S, Rodrigues T, Bagale R
15. Production and certification of BOTS-1: bovine muscle-certified reference material for incurred veterinary drug residues.
Anal Bioanal Chem
2023 Jun 16
McRae G, Leek DM, Meija J
16. Pursuing precision in medicine and nutrition: the rise of electrochemical biosensing at the molecular level.
Anal Bioanal Chem
2023 Jul 7
Campuzano S, Barderas R, Moreno-Casbas MT
17. Recent progress in analytical strategies of arsenic-binding proteomes in living systems.
Anal Bioanal Chem
2023 Jul 6
Liu J(#), Chen B(#), Zhang R
18. Evaluating 3D-printed bioseparation structures using multi-length scale tomography.
Anal Bioanal Chem
2023 Jul 31
Johnson TF, Conti M, Iacoviello F
19. Ultrathin porous Pd metallene as highly efficient oxidase mimics for the colorimetric detection of chromium (VI).
Anal Bioanal Chem
2023 Jul 31
Sehrish A, Manzoor R, Wu S
20. An improved evanescent fluorescence scanner suitable for high-resolution glycome mapping of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue sections.
Anal Bioanal Chem
2023 Jul 3
Boottanun P(#), Nagai-Okatani C(#), Nagai M
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