期刊文献 > Plant Physiol期刊 选择月份
2023 Sep (9)
2023 Aug (121)
2023 Jul (87)
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2021 May (46)
2021 Apr (82)
2021 Mar (20)
2021 Feb (16)
1. The role of lipid-modified proteins in cell wall synthesis and signaling.
Plant Physiol
2023 Sep 8
Quinn O, Kumar M, Turner S.
2. Optimizing the electron transport chain to sustainably improve photosynthesis.
Plant Physiol
2023 Sep 6
Gu L.
3. Arabidopsis MCTP family member QUIRKY regulates the formation of the STRUBBELIG receptor kinase complex.
Plant Physiol
2023 Sep 5
Chen X, Leśniewska B, Boikine R
4. Oryza glumaepatula: A wild relative to improve drought tolerance in cultivated rice.
Plant Physiol
2023 Sep 4
Prakash PT, Chebotarov D, Zhang J
5. Spatiotemporal distribution of reactive oxygen species production, delivery, and use in Arabidopsis root hairs.
Plant Physiol
2023 Sep 4
Kuběnová L, Haberland J, Dvořák P
6. Pectate lyase-like lubricates the male gametophyte's path toward its mating partner.
Plant Physiol
2023 Sep 2
Chebli Y, Geitmann A.
7. Arabidopsis ACYL CARRIER PROTEIN4 and RHOMBOID LIKE10 act independently in chloroplast phosphatidate synthesis.
Plant Physiol
2023 Sep 2
Xu Y, Kambhampati S, Morley SA
8. The phasiRNA siRD29(-) regulates GIBBERELLIN 3-OXIDASE 3 during stolon-to-tuber transitions in potato.
Plant Physiol
2023 Sep 11
Malankar NN, Kondhare KR, Saha K
9. Monoterpene glucosides in Eustoma grandiflorum roots promote hyphal branching in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi.
Plant Physiol
2023 Sep 1
Tominaga T, Ueno K, Saito H
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