期刊文献 > Plant Physiol期刊 选择月份
2023 Sep (9)
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2021 Jun (30)
2021 May (46)
2021 Apr (82)
2021 Mar (20)
2021 Feb (16)
1. Highly differentiated genomic properties underpin the different cell walls of Poaceae and eudicots.
Plant Physiol
2023 May 4
Pancaldi F, Schranz ME, van Loo EN
2. It's only natural: Plant respiration in unmanaged systems.
Plant Physiol
2023 May 31
Schmiege SC, Heskel M, Fan Y
3. The biogenesis and regulation of the plant oxidative phosphorylation system.
Plant Physiol
2023 May 31
Ghifari AS, Saha S, Murcha MW.
4. Dehydrogenase MnGutB1 catalyzes 1-deoxynojirimycin biosynthesis in mulberry.
Plant Physiol
2023 May 31
Yang Z, Luo Y, Xia X
5. Regulation of capsule spine formation in castor.
Plant Physiol
2023 May 31
Liu Y, Wang X, Li Z
6. Arabidopsis ACT DOMAIN REPEAT9 represses glucose signaling pathways.
Plant Physiol
2023 May 31
Liao HS, Chen YJ, Hsieh WY
7. Plasma membrane-associated calcium signaling regulates arsenate tolerance in Arabidopsis.
Plant Physiol
2023 May 31
Liu Y, Zhang Y, Wang Z
8. PECTIN METHYLESTERASE INHIBITOR18 functions in stomatal dynamics and stomatal dimension.
Plant Physiol
2023 May 31
Zhang X, Guo H, Xiao C
9. The transcribed centromeric gene OsMRPL15 is essential for pollen development in rice.
Plant Physiol
2023 May 31
Xie E, Chen J, Wang B
10. Altered expression of SELF-PRUNING disrupts homeostasis and facilitates signal delivery to meristems.
Plant Physiol
2023 May 31
McGarry RC, Kaur H, Lin YT
11. A cryptic natural variant allele of BYPASS2 suppresses the bypass1 mutant phenotype.
Plant Physiol
2023 May 31
Cummins AJ, Siler CJ, Olson JM
12. Tomato sucrose transporter SlSUT4 participates in flowering regulation by modulating gibberellin biosynthesis.
Plant Physiol
2023 May 31
Liang Y, Bai J, Xie Z
13. AaSEPALLATA1 integrates jasmonate and light-regulated glandular secretory trichome initiation in Artemisia annua.
Plant Physiol
2023 May 31
Chen TT, Liu H, Li YP
14. Calcium-binding protein OsANN1 regulates rice blast disease resistance by inactivating jasmonic acid signaling.
Plant Physiol
2023 May 31
Zhao Q, Liu R, Zhou Q
15. Paralog editing tunes rice stomatal density to maintain photosynthesis and improve drought tolerance.
Plant Physiol
2023 May 31
Karavolias NG, Patel-Tupper D, Seong K
16. MicroRNA408 negatively regulates salt tolerance by affecting secondary cell wall development in maize.
Plant Physiol
2023 May 31
Qin R, Hu Y, Chen H
17. Analysis of companion cell and phloem metabolism using a transcriptome-guided model of Arabidopsis metabolism.
Plant Physiol
2023 May 31
Hunt H, Brueggen N, Galle A
18. Exploring the potential of Δ17O in CO2 for determining mesophyll conductance.
Plant Physiol
2023 May 31
Adnew GA, Pons TL, Koren G
19. PP2C.D phosphatase SAL1 positively regulates aluminum resistance via restriction of aluminum uptake in rice.
Plant Physiol
2023 May 31
Xie W, Liu S, Gao H
20. Armadillo repeat only protein GS10 negatively regulates brassinosteroid signaling to control rice grain size.
Plant Physiol
2023 May 31
Chen E, Hou Q, Liu K
21. FAR-RED INSENSITIVE 219 and phytochrome B corepress shade avoidance via modulating nuclear speckle formation.
Plant Physiol
2023 May 31
Peng KC, Siao W, Hsieh HL.
22. Structural and functional regulation of Chlamydomonas lysosome-related organelles during environmental changes.
Plant Physiol
2023 May 31
Long H, Fang J, Ye L
23. Reliable genotyping of recombinant genomes using a robust hidden Markov model.
Plant Physiol
2023 May 31
Campos-Martin R, Schmickler S, Goel M
24. Two isoforms of Arabidopsis protoporphyrinogen oxidase localize in different plastidal membranes.
Plant Physiol
2023 May 31
Hedtke B, Strätker SM, Pulido ACC
25. Kiwifruit bZIP transcription factor AcePosF21 elicits ascorbic acid biosynthesis during cold stress.
Plant Physiol
2023 May 31
Liu X, Bulley SM, Varkonyi-Gasic E
26. A dolabralexin-deficient mutant provides insight into specialized diterpenoid metabolism in maize.
Plant Physiol
2023 May 31
Murphy KM, Dowd T, Khalil A
27. Magnesium promotes tea plant growth via enhanced glutamine synthetase-mediated nitrogen assimilation.
Plant Physiol
2023 May 31
Zhang Q, Shi Y, Hu H
28. Sufficient coumarin accumulation improves apple resistance to Cytospora mali under high-potassium status.
Plant Physiol
2023 May 31
Du Y, Jia H, Yang Z
29. The microRNA ppe-miR393 mediates auxin-induced peach fruit softening by promoting ethylene production.
Plant Physiol
2023 May 31
Ma L, Zhao Y, Chen M
30. SCARECROW maintains the stem cell niche in Arabidopsis roots by ensuring telomere integrity.
Plant Physiol
2023 May 31
Wang B, Shi X, Gao J
31. The transcription factor CmERFI-2 represses CmMYB44 expression to increase sucrose levels in oriental melon fruit.
Plant Physiol
2023 May 31
Gao G, Yang F, Wang C
32. Phytochromes mediate germination inhibition under red, far-red, and white light in Aethionema arabicum.
Plant Physiol
2023 May 31
Mérai Z, Xu F, Musilek A
33. Genome-wide profiling of rice Double-stranded RNA-Binding Protein 1-associated RNAs by targeted RNA editing.
Plant Physiol
2023 May 31
Yin S, Chen Y, Chen Y
34. MEDIATOR SUBUNIT17 is required for transcriptional optimization of root system architecture in Arabidopsis.
Plant Physiol
2023 May 31
Agrawal R, Singh A, Giri J
35. Restricting electron flow at cytochrome b6f when downstream electron acceptors are severely limited.
Plant Physiol
2023 May 31
Saroussi S, Redekop P, Karns DAJ
36. Expression of the wheat multipathogen resistance hexose transporter Lr67res is associated with anion fluxes.
Plant Physiol
2023 May 31
Milne RJ, Dibley KE, Bose J
37. Inhibition of invasive plant Mikania micrantha rapid growth by host-specific rust (Puccinia spegazzinii).
Plant Physiol
2023 May 31
Zhang G, Wang C, Ren X
38. Differential transpiration between pods and leaves during stress combination in soybean.
Plant Physiol
2023 May 31
Sinha R, Shostak B, Induri SP
39. MEDIATOR SUBUNIT 16 negatively regulates rice immunity by modulating PATHOGENESIS RELATED 3 activity.
Plant Physiol
2023 May 31
Zhang P, Ma X, Liu L
40. Transcription factors GmERF1 and GmWRKY6 synergistically regulate low phosphorus tolerance in soybean.
Plant Physiol
2023 May 31
Wang R, Liu X, Zhu H
41. Pulvinar slits: Cellulose-deficient and de-methyl-esterified pectin-rich structures in a legume motor cell.
Plant Physiol
2023 May 31
Takahara M, Tsugawa S, Sakamoto S
42. cis-Golgi phosphate transporters harboring an EXS domain are essential for plant growth and development.
Plant Physiol
2023 May 31
Hsieh YF, Suslov D, Espen L
43. HDR, the last enzyme in the MEP pathway, differently regulates isoprenoid biosynthesis in two woody plants.
Plant Physiol
2023 May 31
Krause T, Wiesinger P, González-Cabanelas D
44. Autophagy and multivesicular body pathways cooperate to protect sulfur assimilation and chloroplast functions.
Plant Physiol
2023 May 31
Fu Y, Fan B, Li X
45. m6A mRNA modification promotes chilling tolerance and modulates gene translation efficiency in Arabidopsis.
Plant Physiol
2023 May 31
Wang S, Wang H, Xu Z
46. Repressive ZINC FINGER OF ARABIDOPSIS THALIANA proteins promote programmed cell death in the Arabidopsis columella root cap.
Plant Physiol
2023 May 31
Feng Q, Cubría-Radío M, Vavrdová T
47. Phylogenetic analyses of seven protein families refine the evolution of small RNA pathways in green plants.
Plant Physiol
2023 May 31
Bélanger S, Zhan J, Meyers BC.
48. PagUNE12 encodes a basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor that regulates the development of secondary vascular tissue in poplar.
Plant Physiol
2023 May 31
Song C, Guo Y, Shen W
49. Laisk measurements in the non-steady-state: tests in plants exposed to warming and variable CO2 concentrations.
Plant Physiol
2023 May 26
Schmiege SC, Sharkey TD, Walker B
50. An update on sugar allocation and accumulation in fruits.
Plant Physiol
2023 May 24
Ren Y, Liao S, Xu Y.
51. Metabolome plasticity in 241 Arabidopsis thaliana accessions reveals evolutionary cold adaptation processes.
Plant Physiol
2023 May 23
Weiszmann J, Walther D, Clauw P
52. Zeatin: The 60th anniversary of its identification.
Plant Physiol
2023 May 2
Jameson PE.
53. Microalgal glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase role in galactolipids and high-value storage lipid biosynthesis.
Plant Physiol
2023 May 2
Zou S, Lu Y, Ma H
54. VILLIN2 regulates cotton defense against Verticillium dahliae by modulating actin cytoskeleton remodeling.
Plant Physiol
2023 May 2
Li WB, Song SW, Zhong MM
55. PANTOTHENATE KINASE4, LOSS OF GDU2, and TRANSPOSON PROTEIN1 affect the canalization of tomato fruit metabolism.
Plant Physiol
2023 May 2
Wijesingha Ahchige M, Fernie AR, Alseekh S.
56. Soybean transporter AAT Rhg1 abundance increases along the nematode migration path and impacts vesiculation and ROS.
Plant Physiol
2023 May 2
Han S, Smith JM, Du Y
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