期刊文献 > Plant Physiol期刊 选择月份
2023 Sep (9)
2023 Aug (121)
2023 Jul (87)
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2023 May (56)
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2023 Feb (60)
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2022 Dec (36)
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2021 Sep (26)
2021 Aug (31)
2021 Jul (21)
2021 Jun (30)
2021 May (46)
2021 Apr (82)
2021 Mar (20)
2021 Feb (16)
1. FUSCA3-induced AINTEGUMENTA-like 6 manages seed dormancy and lipid metabolism.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 7
Liu X, Li N, Chen A
2. IQ domain-containing protein ZmIQD27 modulates water transport in maize.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 5
Li H, Xie J, Gao Y
3. Evolution of the spinach sex-linked region within a rarely recombining pericentromeric region.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 5
She H, Liu Z, Li S
4. Photosystem II monomeric antenna CP26 plays a key role in Non-Photochemical Quenching in Chlamydomonas.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 5
Cazzaniga S, Kim M, Pivato M
5. Forces on and in the cell walls of living plants.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 4
Jarvis MC.
6. CHROMATIN REMODELING 11-dependent nucleosome occupancy affects disease resistance in rice.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 4
Liu H, Li J, Wang S
7. The CALCINEURIN B-LIKE4/CBL-INTERACTING PROTEIN3 module degrades repressor JAZ5 during rose petal senescence.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 4
Chen C, Ma Y, Zuo L
8. DNA methylation role in subgenome expression dominance of Juglans regia and its wild relative J. mandshurica.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 4
Li M, Ou M, He X
9. Advances in understanding cold tolerance in grapevine.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 3
Ren C, Fan P, Li S
10. The extracellular matrix of green algae.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 3
Domozych DS, LoRicco JG.
11. Fruit crops combating drought: Physiological responses and regulatory pathways.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 3
Liu X, Gao T, Liu C
12. Recent advances in epigenetic triggering of climacteric fruit ripening.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 3
Ji Y, Wang A.
13. Insights into cell wall changes during fruit softening from transgenic and naturally occurring mutants.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 3
Shi Y, Li BJ, Grierson D
14. Application of new breeding techniques in fruit trees.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 3
Campa M, Miranda S, Licciardello C
15. L-Ascorbic acid metabolism and regulation in fruit crops.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 3
Liao G, Xu Q, Allan AC
16. Citrus ACC synthase CiACS4 regulates plant height by inhibiting gibberellin biosynthesis.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 3
Chu LL, Yan Z, Sheng XX
17. Plant extracellular self-DNA inhibits growth and induces immunity via the jasmonate signaling pathway.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 3
Zhou X, Gao H, Zhang X
18. Colorful hues: insight into the mechanisms of anthocyanin pigmentation in fruit.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 3
Zhao Y, Sun J, Cherono S
19. The trans-zeatin-type side-chain modification of cytokinins controls rice growth.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 3
Kiba T, Mizutani K, Nakahara A
20. ABRE-BINDING FACTOR3-WRKY DNA-BINDING PROTEIN44 module promotes salinity-induced malate accumulation in pear.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 3
Alabd A, Cheng H, Ahmad M
21. Molecular bases of strawberry fruit quality traits: advances, challenges, and opportunities.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 3
Liu Z, Liang T, Kang C.
22. Cucumber abscisic acid 8'-hydroxylase Csyf2 regulates yellow flesh by modulating carotenoid biosynthesis.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 3
Wang X, Jin B, Yan W
23. FLOWERING LOCUS T mediates photo-thermal timing of inflorescence meristem arrest in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 3
González-Suárez P, Walker CH, Bennett T.
24. E3 ligase MaNIP1 degradation of NON-YELLOW COLORING1 at high temperature inhibits banana degreening.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 3
Luo Q, Wei W, Yang YY
25. The transcription factor CitZAT5 modifies sugar accumulation and hexose proportion in citrus fruit.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 3
Fang H, Shi Y, Liu S
26. Hydraulic tradeoffs underlie enhanced performance of polyploid trees under soil water deficit.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 3
Losada JM, Blanco-Moure N, Fonollá A
27. MicroRNA156ab regulates apple plant growth and drought tolerance by targeting transcription factor MsSPL13.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 3
Feng C, Zhang X, Du B
28. Online data resource for exploring transposon insertion polymorphisms in public soybean germplasm accessions.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 3
Yin Z, Yang Q, Shen D
29. Ubiquitylation of PHYTOSULFOKINE RECEPTOR 1 modulates the defense response in tomato.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 3
Hu Z, Fang H, Zhu C
30. Transcription factor LcNAC002 coregulates chlorophyll degradation and anthocyanin biosynthesis in litchi.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 3
Zou SC, Zhuo MG, Abbas F
31. Persulfidation of transcription factor MYB10 inhibits anthocyanin synthesis in red-skinned pear.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 3
Yao G, Gou S, Zhong T
32. Chloroplast SRP54 and FtsH protease coordinate thylakoid membrane-associated proteostasis in Arabidopsis.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 3
Lei Y, Li B, Wang X
33. ETHYLENE INSENSITIVE3/EIN3-LIKE1 modulate FLOWERING LOCUS C expression via histone demethylase interaction.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 3
Xu M, Li X, Xie W
34. Rice microRNA156/529-SQUAMOSA PROMOTER BINDING PROTEIN-LIKE7/14/17 modules regulate defenses against bacteria.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 3
Hui S, Ke Y, Chen D
35. Two B-box proteins, PavBBX6/9, positively regulate light-induced anthocyanin accumulation in sweet cherry.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 3
Wang Y, Xiao Y, Sun Y
36. Sequence variations affect the 5' splice site selection of plant introns.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 3
Cheng W, Hong C, Zeng F
37. PbrBZR1 interacts with PbrARI2.3 to mediate brassinosteroid-regulated pollen tube growth during self-incompatibility signaling in pear.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 3
Wang Y, Liu P, Cai Y
38. Absence of SICKLE triggers programed cell death by disturbing alternative splicing and decay of mRNAs.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 3
Wu C, Zhen W, Wang X
39. Vaccinium as a comparative system for understanding of complex flavonoid accumulation profiles and regulation in fruit.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 3
Albert NW, Iorizzo M, Mengist MF
40. Riboflavin mediates m6A modification targeted by miR408, promoting early somatic embryogenesis in longan.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 3
Xu X, Zhang C, Xu X
41. Allelic variation of terpene synthases drives terpene diversity in the wild species of the Freesia genus.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 3
Bao T, Kimani S, Li Y
42. ETHYLENE-INSENSITIVE 3-LIKE 2 regulates β-carotene and ascorbic acid accumulation in tomatoes during ripening.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 3
Chen C, Zhang M, Zhang M
43. Natural variation of maize root hydraulic architecture underlies highly diverse water uptake capacities.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 3
Rishmawi L, Bauget F, Protto V
44. A single amino acid substitution in MdLAZY1A dominantly impairs shoot gravitropism in Malus.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 3
Dougherty L, Borejsza-Wysocka E, Miaule A
45. Rice HEAT SHOCK PROTEIN60-3B maintains male fertility under high temperature by starch granule biogenesis.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 3
Lin S, Liu Z, Sun S
46. Abscisic acid and regulation of the sugar transporter gene MdSWEET9b promote apple sugar accumulation.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 3
Zhang S, Wang H, Wang T
47. Transcriptome and DNA methylome divergence of inflorescence development between 2 ecotypes in Panicum hallii.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 3
Weng X, Song H, Sreedasyam A
48. XAP5 CIRCADIAN TIMEKEEPER regulates RNA splicing and the circadian clock by genetically separable pathways.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 3
Zhang H, Kumimoto RW, Anver S
49. Experimental approaches in studying active biomolecules modulating fruit ripening: Melatonin as a case study.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 3
Arabia A, Muñoz P, Pallarés N
50. Symbiosis between Dendrobium catenatum protocorms and Serendipita indica involves the plant hypoxia response pathway.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 3
Xu ZX, Zhu XM, Yin H
51. Transcription factors TgbHLH95 and TgbZIP44 co-target terpene biosynthesis gene TgGPPS in Torreya grandis nuts.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 3
Zhang Z, Tao L, Gao L
52. Overexpression of REDUCED WALL ACETYLATION C increases xylan acetylation and biomass recalcitrance in Populus.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 3
Zhang J, Wang X, Wang HT
53. The 2020 derecho revealed limited overlap between maize genes associated with root lodging and root system architecture.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 3
Zheng Z, Guo B, Dutta S
54. SnRK1 kinase-mediated phosphorylation of transcription factor bZIP39 regulates sorbitol metabolism in apple.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 3
Meng D, Cao H, Yang Q
55. The RNA-binding protein MdHYL1 modulates cold tolerance and disease resistance in apple.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 3
Shen X, Song Y, Ping Y
56. Multi-copper oxidases SKU5 and SKS1 coordinate cell wall formation using apoplastic redox-based reactions in roots.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 3
Chen C, Zhang Y, Cai J
57. COLD REGULATED GENE 27 and 28 antagonize the transcriptional activity of the RVE8/LNK1/LNK2 circadian complex.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 3
Sorkin ML, Tzeng SC, King S
58. The transcription factor PbrMYB24 regulates lignin and cellulose biosynthesis in stone cells of pear fruits.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 3
Xue Y, Shan Y, Yao JL
59. Transcription factors MhDREB2A/MhZAT10 play a role in drought and cold stress response crosstalk in apple.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 3
Li XL, Meng D, Li MJ
60. Large root cortical cells and reduced cortical cell files improve growth under suboptimal nitrogen in silico.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 3
Lopez-Valdivia I, Yang X, Lynch JP.
61. Allelic variation of MdMYB123 controls malic acid content by regulating MdMa1 and MdMa11 expression in apple.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 3
Zheng L, Liao L, Duan C
62. Altered cell wall hydroxycinnamate composition impacts leaf and canopy-level CO2 -uptake and water use in rice.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 28
Pathare VS, Panahabadi R, Sonawane BV
63. An Arginine-to-Histidine Mutation in Flavanone-3-Hydroxylase Results in Pink Strawberry Fruits.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 21
Xu P, Li X, Fan J
64. Pan-genome analysis sheds light on structural variation-based dissection of agronomic traits in melon crops.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 21
Lyu X, Xia Y, Wang C
65. Calredoxin regulates the chloroplast NADPH-dependent thioredoxin reductase in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 20
Zinzius K, Marchetti GM, Fischer R
66. Transcription factor VvWRKY70 inhibits both norisoprenoid and flavonol biosynthesis in grape.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 20
Wei Y, Meng N, Wang Y
67. Phosphatidic acid regulates ammonium uptake by interacting with AMMONIUM TRANSPORTER 1; 1 in Arabidopsis.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 20
Cao H, Liu Q, Liu X
68. Natural variation in OsSEC13 HOMOLOG 1 modulates redox homeostasis to confer cold tolerance in rice.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 20
Gu S, Zhang Z, Li J
69. Overlapping and specialized roles of tomato phytoene synthases in carotenoid and abscisic acid production.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 20
Ezquerro M, Burbano-Erazo E, Rodriguez-Concepcion M.
70. Brassinosteroid signaling regulator BIM1 integrates brassinolide and jasmonic acid signaling during cold tolerance in apple.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 2
An JP, Liu ZY, Zhang XW
71. Jasmonates regulate apical hook development by repressing brassinosteroid biosynthesis and signaling.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 19
Zhang J, Chen W, Li X
72. PYRIDOX(AM)INE 5'-PHOSPHATE OXIDASE3 of Arabidopsis thaliana maintains carbon/nitrogen balance in distinct environmental conditions.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 15
Steensma P, Eisenhut M, Colinas M
73. Comparison of red raspberry and wild strawberry fruits reveals mechanisms of fruit type specification.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 13
Zhou J, Li M, Li Y
74. Host-adaptation and specialization in Tetranychidae mites.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 12
Bruinsma K, Rioja C, Zhurov V
75. Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase 2 specifically regulates photorespiration in rice.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 12
Xu Z, Guo W, Mo B
76. Phytophthora RxLR effector PcSnel4B promotes degradation of resistance protein AtRPS2.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 11
Gao H, Guo Y, Ren M
77. The apiosyltransferase celery UGT94AX1 catalyzes the biosynthesis of the flavone glycoside apiin.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 11
Yamashita M, Fujimori T, An S
78. A Truncated ETHYLENE INSENSITIVE3/EIN3-Like protein, GhLYI, Regulates Senescence in Cotton.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 11
Zhang Y, Zang Y, Chen J
79. Evolution of cytosolic and organellar invertases empowered the colonization and thriving of land plants.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 11
Wan H, Zhang Y, Wu L
80. G-type receptor-like kinase AsNIP43 interacts with rhizobia effector nodulation outer protein P and is required for symbiosis.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 11
Liu Y, Lin Y, Wei F
81. A cell wall-localized β-1,3-glucanase promotes fiber cell elongation and secondary cell wall deposition.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 10
Fang S, Shang X, He Q
82. Hydrolyzable tannins are incorporated into the endocarp during sclerification of the water caltrop Trapa natans.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 10
Huss JC, Antreich SJ, Felhofer M
83. Comparing genomes of Fructus Amomi-producing species reveals genetic basis of volatile terpenoid divergence.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 10
Yang P, Ling XY, Zhou XF
84. Aromatic amino acid biosynthesis impacts root hair development and symbiotic associations in Lotus japonicus.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 10
Montiel J, García-Soto I, James EK
85. Nt-acetylation-independent turnover of SQUALENE EPOXIDASE 1 by Arabidopsis DOA10-like E3 ligases.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 10
Etherington RD, Bailey M, Boyer JB
86. Vacuolar sugar transporter EARLY RESPONSE TO DEHYDRATION 6-LIKE4 affects fructose signaling and plant growth.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 10
Khan A, Cheng J, Kitashova A
87. Jasmonate biosynthesis enzyme allene oxide cyclase 2 mediates cold tolerance and pathogen resistance.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jul 1
Yang L, Sun Q, Geng B
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