期刊文献 > Plant Physiol期刊 选择月份
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2021 May (46)
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2021 Feb (16)
1. Shade avoidance in the context of climate change.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 9
Casal JJ, Fankhauser C.
2. Apple SUMO E3 ligase MdSIZ1 regulates cuticular wax biosynthesis by SUMOylating transcription factor MdMYB30.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 7
Zhang YL, Tian Y, Man YY
3. BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE1 internalization can occur independent of ligand binding.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 7
Claus LAN, Liu D, Hohmann U
4. Zeaxanthin is required for eyespot formation and phototaxis in Euglena gracilis.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 6
Tamaki S, Ozasa K, Nomura T
5. Roles of very-long-chain fatty acids in compound leaf patterning in Medicago truncatula.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 6
Wang H, Lu Z, Xu Y
6. Transcription factors NtHD9 and NtHD12 control long glandular trichome formation via jasmonate signaling.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 6
Zhang H, Xu H, Xu M
7. The transcription factor PbrbZIP52 positively affects pear pollen tube longevity by promoting callose synthesis.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 6
Xia Z, Wen B, Shao J
8. Toward mechanistic modelling and rational engineering of plant respiration.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 31
Wendering P, Nikoloski Z.
9. Strigolactones positively regulate Verticillium wilt resistance in cotton via crosstalk with other hormones.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 31
Yi F, An G, Song A
10. MdERF114 enhances the resistance of apple roots to Fusarium solani by regulating the transcription of MdPRX63.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 31
Liu Y, Liu Q, Li X
11. Arabidopsis AGAMOUS-LIKE16 and SUPPRESSOR OF CONSTANS 1 collaborate to regulate of genome-wide expression and flowering time.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 31
Dong X, Zhang LP, Tang YH
12. Mutations in RZF1, a zinc-finger protein, reduce magnesium uptake in roots and translocation to shoots in rice.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 31
Kobayashi NI, Takagi H, Yang X
13. Elicitor-induced plant immunity relies on amino acids accumulation to delay the onset of bacterial virulence.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 30
Zhang X, Tubergen PJ, Agorsor IDK
14. Resting cytosol Ca2+ level- maintained by Ca2+ pumps affect environmental responses in Arabidopsis.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 30
Li Z, Harper JF, Weigand C
15. The transcription factor VviNAC60 regulates senescence- and ripening-related processes in grapevine.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 30
D'Incà E, Foresti C, Orduña L
16. Cryptochromes suppress leaf senescence in response to blue light in Arabidopsis.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 30
Kozuka T, Oka Y, Kohzuma K
17. Natural overexpression of CAROTENOID CLEAVAGE DIOXYGENASE 4 in tomato alters carotenoid flux.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 30
Yoo HJ, Chung MY, Lee HA
18. U-box E3 Ubiquitin Ligase PUB8 Attenuates Abscisic Acid Responses during Early Seedling Growth.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 30
Li Z, Li S, Jin D
19. Impact of engineering the ATP synthase rotor ring on photosynthesis in tobacco chloroplasts.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 27
Yamamoto H, Cheuk A, Shearman J
20. Mitochondrial gene defects in Arabidopsis can broadly affect mitochondrial gene expression through copy number.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 27
Ayabe H, Toyoda A, Iwamoto A
21. Overexpressing Vitamin C Defective 2 reduces fertility and alters Ca2+ signals in Arabidopsis pollen.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 27
Weigand C, Brady D, Davis JA
22. Two cyclic electron flows around photosystem I differentially participate in C4 photosynthesis.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 27
Ogawa T, Kobayashi K, Taniguchi YY
23. Shade represses photosynthetic genes by disrupting the DNA binding of GOLDEN2-LIKE1.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 25
Kim N, Jeong J, Kim J
24. Mitochondrial ferredoxin-like is essential for forming complex I-containing supercomplexes in Arabidopsis.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 25
Röhricht H, Przybyla-Toscano J, Forner J
25. Auxin-independent effects of apical dominance induce changes in phytohormones correlated with bud outgrowth.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 24
Cao D, Chabikwa T, Barbier F
26. Causes and consequences of endogenous hypoxia on growth and metabolism of developing maize kernels.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 24
Langer M, Hilo A, Guan JC
27. Light, rather than circadian rhythm, regulates gas exchange in ferns and lycophytes.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 24
Aros-Mualin D, Guadagno CR, Silvestro D
28. Deadly acceleration in dehydration of Eucalyptus viminalis leaves coincides with high-order vein cavitation.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 24
Tonet V, Carins-Murphy M, Deans R
29. Defining the lipidome of Arabidopsis leaf mitochondria: Specific lipid complement and biosynthesis capacity.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 24
Liu YT, Senkler J, Herrfurth C
30. Alternative 3'-untranslated regions regulate high salt tolerance of Spartina alterniflora.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 23
Wang T, Ye W, Zhang J
31. microRNA408 and its encoded peptide regulate sulfur assimilation and arsenic stress response in Arabidopsis.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 23
Kumar RS, Sinha H, Datta T
32. The Flowering Time Regulator FLK Controls Pathogen Defense in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 20
Fabian M, Gao M, Zhang XN
33. Melatonin priming enhances maize seedling drought tolerance by regulating the antioxidant defense system.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 20
Muhammad I, Yang L, Ahmad S
34. BASIC PENTACYSTEINE2 fine-tunes corm dormancy release in Gladiolus.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 20
Li J, Pan W, Liang J
35. Toward a data infrastructure for the Plant Cell Atlas.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 2
Fahlgren N, Kapoor M, Yordanova G
36. A conserved protein disulfide isomerase enhances plant resistance against herbivores.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 2
Cui JR, Bing XL, Tang YJ
37. Cytokinin signaling regulates two-stage inflorescence arrest in Arabidopsis.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 2
Walker CH, Ware A, Šimura J
38. Cytokinins regulate rice lamina joint development and leaf angle.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 2
Huang P, Zhao J, Hong J
39. Abscisic acid modulates neighbor proximity-induced leaf hyponasty in Arabidopsis.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 2
Michaud O, Krahmer J, Galbier F
40. The plant trans-Golgi network component ECHIDNA regulates defense, cell death, and endoplasmic reticulum stress.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 2
Liu L, Qin L, Safdar LB
41. Ice plant root plasma membrane aquaporins are regulated by clathrin-coated vesicles in response to salt stress.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 2
Gómez-Méndez MF, Amezcua-Romero JC, Rosas-Santiago P
42. Lignocellulose molecular assembly and deconstruction properties of lignin-altered rice mutants.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 2
Martin AF, Tobimatsu Y, Lam PY
43. Essential amino acids in the Plant-Conserved and Class-Specific Regions of cellulose synthases.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 2
Olek AT, Rushton PS, Kihara D
44. Formin protein DRT1 affects gross morphology and chloroplast relocation in rice.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 2
Zhang Y, Dong G, Wu L
45. Botrytis hypersensitive response inducing protein 1 triggers noncanonical PTI to induce plant cell death.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 2
Jeblick T, Leisen T, Steidele CE
46. Phosphorylation of MdCYTOKININ RESPONSE FACTOR4 suppresses ethylene biosynthesis during apple fruit ripening.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 2
Li T, Liu Z, Lv T
47. Rice GLUCAN SYNTHASE-LIKE5 promotes anther callose deposition to maintain meiosis initiation and progression.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 2
Somashekar H, Mimura M, Tsuda K
48. Cytosolic phosphoglucose isomerase is essential for microsporogenesis and embryogenesis in Arabidopsis.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 2
Liu HC, Chen HC, Huang TH
49. ZAXINONE SYNTHASE 2 regulates growth and arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis in rice.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 2
Ablazov A, Votta C, Fiorilli V
50. Low-acidity ALUMINUM-DEPENDENT MALATE TRANSPORTER4 genotype determines malate content in cultivated jujube.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 2
Zhang C, Geng Y, Liu H
51. The coiled-coil protein gene WPRb confers recessive resistance to Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 2
Cai L, Liu J, Wang S
52. Cytosolic disproportionating enzyme2 is essential for pollen germination and pollen tube elongation in rice.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 2
Chen L, Dong X, Yang H
53. Insight into the control of nodule immunity and senescence during Medicago truncatula symbiosis.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 2
Berrabah F, Bernal G, Elhosseyn AS
54. HEAT-RESPONSIVE PROTEIN regulates heat stress via fine-tuning ethylene/auxin signaling pathways in cotton.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 2
Abdullah M, Ahmad F, Zang Y
55. Transcription factors ABF4 and ABR1 synergistically regulate amylase-mediated starch catabolism in drought tolerance.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 2
Zhang Y, Zhu J, Khan M
56. Dual-function DEFENSIN 8 mediates phloem cadmium unloading and accumulation in rice grains.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 2
Gu TY, Qi ZA, Chen SY
57. A stress-inducible protein regulates drought tolerance and flowering time in Brachypodium and Arabidopsis.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 2
Ying S, Scheible WR, Lundquist PK.
58. Conserved noncoding sequences and de novo Mutator insertion alleles are imprinted in maize.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 2
Li T, Yin L, Stoll CE
59. RNA-binding protein MAC5A interacts with the 26S proteasome to regulate DNA damage response in Arabidopsis.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 2
Meng X, Wang Q, Hao R
60. MdbHLH4 negatively regulates apple cold tolerance by inhibiting MdCBF1/3 expression and promoting MdCAX3L-2 expression.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 2
Yang J, Guo X, Mei Q
61. The Evolution of C4 Photosynthesis in Flaveria (Asteraceae): Insights from the Flaveria linearis Complex.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 2
Adachi S, Stata M, Martin DG
62. Transcription factors KNAT3 and KNAT4 are essential for integument and ovule formation in Arabidopsis.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 2
Chen JJ, Wang W, Qin WQ
63. The B-box transcription factor IbBBX29 regulates leaf development and flavonoid biosynthesis in sweet potato.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 2
Gao XR, Zhang H, Li X
64. Deacylation of galactolipids decomposes photosystem II dimers to enhance degradation of damaged D1 protein.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 2
Jimbo H, Wada H.
65. Abscisic acid inhibits primary root growth by impairing ABI4-mediated cell cycle and auxin biosynthesis.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 2
Luo X, Xu J, Zheng C
66. Anatomical adjustments of the tree hydraulic pathway decrease canopy conductance under long-term elevated CO2.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 2
Gattmann M, McAdam SAM, Birami B
67. 3D (x-y-t) Raman imaging of tomato fruit cuticle: Microchemistry during development.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 2
González Moreno A, Domínguez E, Mayer K
68. The intermediate in a nitrate-responsive ω-amidase pathway in plants may signal ammonium assimilation status.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 2
Unkefer PJ, Knight TJ, Martinez RA.
69. Botrytis cinerea infection accelerates ripening and cell wall disassembly to promote disease in tomato fruit.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 2
Silva CJ, Adaskaveg JA, Mesquida-Pesci SD
70. Effector XopQ-induced stromule formation in Nicotiana benthamiana depends on ETI signaling components ADR1 and NRG1.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 2
Prautsch J, Erickson JL, Özyürek S
71. A family of methyl esterases converts methyl salicylate to salicylic acid in ripening tomato fruit.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 2
Frick EM, Sapkota M, Pereira L
72. Large Vascular Bundle Phloem Area 4 enhances grain yield and quality in rice via source-sink-flow.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 2
Zhai L, Yan A, Shao K
73. Transition to ripening in tomato requires hormone-controlled genetic reprogramming initiated in gel tissue.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 2
Chirinos X, Ying S, Rodrigues MA
74. Factor of DNA methylation 1 affects woodland strawberry plant stature and organ size via DNA methylation.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 2
Zheng G, Hu S, Cheng S
75. Rose WRKY13 promotes disease protection to Botrytis by enhancing cytokinin content and reducing abscisic acid signaling.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 2
Liu X, Zhou X, Li D
76. A two-gene strategy increases iron and zinc concentrations in wheat flour, improving mineral bioaccessibility.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 2
Harrington SA, Connorton JM, Nyangoma NIM
77. Epigenetic nature of Arabidopsis thaliana telomeres.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 2
Vaquero-Sedas MI, Vega-Palas MA.
78. Natural variation and artificial selection at the BnaC2.MYB28 locus modulate Brassica napus seed glucosinolate.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 2
Zhou X, Zhang H, Xie Z
79. The herbaceous peony transcription factor WRKY41a promotes secondary cell wall thickening to enhance stem strength.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 2
Tang Y, Lu L, Huang X
80. The unique sweet potato NAC transcription factor IbNAC3 modulates combined salt and drought stresses.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 2
Meng X, Liu S, Zhang C
81. Variation in plant Toll/Interleukin-1 receptor domain protein dependence on ENHANCED DISEASE SUSCEPTIBILITY 1.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 2
Johanndrees O, Baggs EL, Uhlmann C
82. The Medicago SymCEP7 hormone increases nodule number via shoots without compromising lateral root number.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 19
Ivanovici A, Laffont C, Larrainzar E
83. Exogenous Ca2+ Promotes Transcription Factor Phosphorylation to Suppress Ethylene Biosynthesis in Apple.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 19
Xu Y, Liu Z, Lv T
84. HEAT SHOCK PROTEIN 90.6 interacts with carbon and nitrogen metabolism components during seed development.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 18
Xu J, Yang Z, Fei X
85. Interplay among ZF-HD and GRF transcription factors during Arabidopsis leaf development.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 18
Ferela A, Debernardi JM, Rosatti S
86. Effective use of legacy data in a GWAS improves the credibility of QTL detection in rice.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 18
Suganami M, Kojima S, Wang F
87. Combination of bacterial N-acyl homoserine lactones primes Arabidopsis defenses via jasmonate metabolism.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 17
Duan Y, Han M, Grimm M
88. ONE-HELIX PROTEIN 2 is not required for the synthesis of photosystem II subunit D1 in Chlamydomonas.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 17
Wang F, Dischinger K, Westrich LD
89. High-throughput, dynamic, multi-dimensional: an expanding repertoire of plant respiration measurements.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 13
O'Leary BM, Scafaro AP, York LM.
90. Characterization of mutants deficient in N-terminal phosphorylation of the chloroplast ATP synthase subunit β.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 13
Strand DD, Karcher D, Ruf S
91. Shaping the landscape of N6-methyladenosine RNA methylation in Arabidopsis.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 11
Wong CE, Zhang S, Xu T
92. Histone H3K4 methyltransferase DcATX1 promotes ethylene induced petal senescence in carnation.
Plant Physiol
2023 Jan 10
Feng S, Jiang X, Wang R
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