期刊文献 > Plant Physiol期刊 选择月份
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2021 Jun (30)
2021 May (46)
2021 Apr (82)
2021 Mar (20)
2021 Feb (16)
1. Dissecting the genetic basis of heterosis in elite super-hybrid rice.
Plant Physiol
2023 Feb 9
Sun Z, Peng J, Lv Q
2. Grain shattering by cell death and fracture in Eragrostis tef.
Plant Physiol
2023 Feb 9
Yu Y, Beyene G, Villmer J
3. Shade represses photosynthetic genes by disrupting the DNA binding of GOLDEN2-LIKE1.
Plant Physiol
2023 Feb 9
Kim N, Jeong J, Kim J
4. Two Interacting Basic Helix-Loop-Helix Transcription Factors Control Flowering Time in Rice.
Plant Physiol
2023 Feb 9
Yin Y, Yan Z, Guan J
5. Tomato APETALA2 family member SlTOE1 regulates inflorescence branching by repressing SISTER OF TM3.
Plant Physiol
2023 Feb 7
Sun S, Wang X, Liu Z
6. An intrinsically disordered region-containing protein mitigates the drought-growth trade-off to boost yields.
Plant Physiol
2023 Feb 7
Liu J, Liu J, Deng L
7. Multi-omics analysis reveals spatiotemporal regulation and function of heteromorphic leaves in Populus.
Plant Physiol
2023 Feb 7
Wu Z, Jiang Z, Li Z
8. Dynamic GOLVEN-ROOT GROWTH FACTOR 1 INSENSITIVE signaling in the root cap mediates root gravitropism.
Plant Physiol
2023 Feb 7
Xu K, Jourquin J, Xu X
9. SPINDLY O-fucosylates nuclear and cytoplasmic proteins involved in diverse cellular processes in plants.
Plant Physiol
2023 Feb 6
Zentella R, Wang Y, Zahn E
10. E3 ligase BRG3 persulfidation delays tomato ripening by reducing ubiquitination of the repressor WRKY71.
Plant Physiol
2023 Feb 3
Sun C, Yao GF, Li LX
11. ETHYLENE RESPONSE FACTORS 4.1/4.2 with an EAR motif repress anthocyanin biosynthesis in red-skinned pears.
Plant Physiol
2023 Feb 3
Sun H, Hu K, Wei S
12. Roles and evolution of four LEAFY homologs in floral patterning and leaf development in woodland strawberry.
Plant Physiol
2023 Feb 3
Zhang Y, Kan L, Hu S
13. In vivo protein kinase activity of SnRK1 fluctuates in Arabidopsis rosettes during light-dark cycles.
Plant Physiol
2023 Feb 2
Avidan O, Moraes TA, Mengin V
14. Soybean ZINC FINGER PROTEIN03 targets two SUPEROXIDE DISMUTASE1s and confers resistance to Phytophthora sojae.
Plant Physiol
2023 Feb 14
Li W, Zheng X, Cheng R
15. Single-cytosine methylation at W-boxes repels binding of WRKY transcription factors through steric hindrance.
Plant Physiol
2023 Feb 14
Charvin M, Halter T, Blanc-Mathieu R
16. SYNTAXIN OF PLANTS81 regulates root meristem activity and stem cell niche maintenance via ROS signaling.
Plant Physiol
2023 Feb 12
Wang M, Zhang H, Zhao X
17. FER and LecRK show haplotype-dependent cold-responsiveness and mediate freezing tolerance in Lotus japonicus.
Plant Physiol
2023 Feb 12
Mustamin Y, Akyol TY, Gordon M
18. The double flower variant of yellowhorn is due to a LINE1 transposon-mediated insertion.
Plant Physiol
2023 Feb 12
Wang H, Lu Y, Zhang T
19. Dissection of the Pearl of Csaba pedigree identifies key genomic segments related to early ripening in grape.
Plant Physiol
2023 Feb 12
He GQ, Huang XX, Pei MS
20. Calcyclin-binding protein-promoted degradation of MdFRUCTOKINASE2 regulates sugar homeostasis in apple.
Plant Physiol
2023 Feb 12
Su J, Jiao T, Liu X
21. Photosynthetic mechanism of maize yield under fluctuating light environments in the field.
Plant Physiol
2023 Feb 12
Wu HY, Qiao MY, Zhang YJ
22. Tomato ABA-IMPORTING TRANSPORTER 1.1 inhibits seed germination under high salinity conditions.
Plant Physiol
2023 Feb 12
Shohat H, Cheriker H, Cohen A
23. Jasmonic acid and salicylic acid modulate systemic reactive oxygen species signaling during stress responses.
Plant Physiol
2023 Feb 12
Myers RJ, Fichman Y, Zandalinas SI
Plant Physiol
2023 Feb 12
Shim JS, Jeong HI, Bang SW
25. High cyclic electron transfer via the PGR5 pathway in the absence of photosynthetic control.
Plant Physiol
2023 Feb 12
Degen GE, Jackson PJ, Proctor MS
26. Phytochrome B mediates dim-light-reduced insect resistance by promoting the ethylene pathway in rice.
Plant Physiol
2023 Feb 12
Huang J, Qiu ZY, He J
27. Ascorbate peroxidase 1 allows monitoring of cytosolic accumulation of effector-triggered reactive oxygen species using a luminol-based assay.
Plant Physiol
2023 Feb 12
Hong X, Qi F, Wang R
28. Fatty acid amide hydrolase and 9-lipoxygenase modulate cotton seedling growth by ethanolamide oxylipin levels.
Plant Physiol
2023 Feb 12
Arias-Gaguancela O, Aziz M, Chapman KD.
29. PICLN modulates alternative splicing and light/temperature responses in plants.
Plant Physiol
2023 Feb 12
Mateos JL, Sanchez SE, Legris M
30. SUPPRESSOR OF GAMMA RESPONSE 1 plays rice-specific roles in DNA damage response and repair.
Plant Physiol
2023 Feb 12
Nishizawa-Yokoi A, Motoyama R, Tanaka T
31. Wheat TaSnRK2.10 phosphorylates TaERD15 and TaENO1 and confers drought tolerance when overexpressed in rice.
Plant Physiol
2023 Feb 12
Zhang Y, Wang J, Li Y
32. Living with high potassium: Balance between nutrient acquisition and K-induced salt stress signaling.
Plant Physiol
2023 Feb 12
Pantha P, Oh DH, Longstreth D
33. Kinase regulators evolved into two families by gain and loss of ability to bind plant steroid receptors.
Plant Physiol
2023 Feb 12
Wei Q, Liu J, Guo F
34. Wheat EARLY FLOWERING 3 affects heading date without disrupting circadian oscillations.
Plant Physiol
2023 Feb 12
Wittern L, Steed G, Taylor LJ
35. Spatial and temporal regulation of parent-of-origin allelic expression in the endosperm.
Plant Physiol
2023 Feb 12
van Ekelenburg YS, Hornslien KS, Van Hautegem T
36. Comprehensive profiling of epigenetic modifications in fast-growing Moso bamboo shoots.
Plant Physiol
2023 Feb 12
Li T, Wang H, Zhang Y
37. miRador: a fast and precise tool for the prediction of plant miRNAs.
Plant Physiol
2023 Feb 12
Hammond RK, Gupta P, Patel P
38. p-Coumaroylation of lignin occurs outside of commelinid monocots in the eudicot genus Morus (mulberry).
Plant Physiol
2023 Feb 12
Hellinger J, Kim H, Ralph J
39. Specialized metabolism by trichome-enriched Rubisco and fatty acid synthase components.
Plant Physiol
2023 Feb 12
Ji W, Mandal S, Rezenom YH
40. BELL1 interacts with CRABS CLAW and INNER NO OUTER to regulate ovule and seed development in pomegranate.
Plant Physiol
2023 Feb 12
Zhao Y, Wang Y, Yan M
41. The intracellular immune receptor like gene SNC1 is an enhancer of effector-triggered immunity in Arabidopsis.
Plant Physiol
2023 Feb 12
Wang Z, Yang L, Hua J.
42. Physiological mechanisms underlying extreme longevity in mountain pine trees.
Plant Physiol
2023 Feb 12
Pasques O, Munné-Bosch S.
43. Interspecies transfer of RAMOSA1 orthologs and promoter cis sequences impacts maize inflorescence architecture.
Plant Physiol
2023 Feb 12
Strable J, Unger-Wallace E, Aragón Raygoza A
44. Single chloroplast in folio imaging sheds light on photosystem energy redistribution during state transitions.
Plant Physiol
2023 Feb 12
Verhoeven D, van Amerongen H, Wientjes E.
45. Increased sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphatase content in Setaria viridis does not affect C4 photosynthesis.
Plant Physiol
2023 Feb 12
Ermakova M, Lopez-Calcagno PE, Furbank RT
46. A viral movement protein co-opts endoplasmic reticulum luminal-binding protein and calreticulin to promote intracellular movement.
Plant Physiol
2023 Feb 12
Huang YW, Sun CI, Hu CC
47. The auxin response factor TaARF15-A1 negatively regulates senescence in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.).
Plant Physiol
2023 Feb 12
Li H, Liu H, Hao C
48. The Phytophthora sojae effector PsFYVE1 modulates immunity-related gene expression by targeting host RZ-1A protein.
Plant Physiol
2023 Feb 12
Lu X, Yang Z, Song W
49. Multi-omics analysis reveals the mechanism of bHLH130 responding to low-nitrogen stress of apple rootstock.
Plant Physiol
2023 Feb 12
Wang X, Chai X, Gao B
50. The trajectory in catalytic evolution of Rubisco in Posidonia seagrass species differs from terrestrial plants.
Plant Physiol
2023 Feb 12
Capó-Bauçà S, Whitney S, Iñiguez C
51. Viridiplantae-specific GLXI and GLXII isoforms co-evolved and detoxify glucosone in planta.
Plant Physiol
2023 Feb 12
Balparda M, Schmitz J, Duemmel M
52. Immunophilin CYN28 is required for accumulation of photosystem II and thylakoid FtsH protease in Chlamydomonas.
Plant Physiol
2023 Feb 12
Fu W, Cui Z, Guo J
53. PHOSPHATE RESPONSE 1 family members act distinctly to regulate transcriptional responses to phosphate starvation.
Plant Physiol
2023 Feb 12
Wang Z, Zheng Z, Zhu Y
54. Tetratricopeptide repeat protein SlREC2 positively regulates cold tolerance in tomato.
Plant Physiol
2023 Feb 10
Zhang Y, Peng Y, Liu J
55. SCARECROW-like GRAS protein PES positively regulates petunia floral scent production.
Plant Physiol
2023 Feb 10
Shor E, Ravid J, Sharon E
56. LysM receptor-like kinases involved in immunity perceive lipo-chitooligosaccharides in mycotrophic plants.
Plant Physiol
2023 Feb 1
Wang T, Gasciolli V, Gaston M
57. Sucrose-induced auxin conjugate hydrolase restores symbiosis in a Medicago cytokinin perception mutant.
Plant Physiol
2023 Feb 1
Molla F, Kundu A, DasGupta M.
58. Manganese concentration affects chloroplast structure and the photosynthetic apparatus in Marchantia polymorpha.
Plant Physiol
2023 Feb 1
Messant M, Hani U, Hennebelle T
59. Tetratricopeptide-containing SMK11 is essential for the assembly of cytochrome c oxidase in maize mitochondria.
Plant Physiol
2023 Feb 1
Ren Z, Fan K, Zhen S
60. Transcriptomic and Metabolomic Analysis Reveals a Protein Module Involved in Pre-harvest Apple Peel Browning.
Plant Physiol
2023 Feb 1
Wang H, Zhang S, Fu Q
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