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2021 Feb (16)
1. A Reverse Chromatin Immunoprecipitation Technique Based on the CRISPR-dCas9 System.
Plant Physiol
2022 Oct 28
Wang Z, He Z, Liu Z
2. POPEYE intercellular localization mediates cell-specific iron deficiency responses.
Plant Physiol
2022 Oct 27
Muhammad D, Clark NM, Haque S
3. NAC transcription factor TgNAP promotes tulip petal senescence.
Plant Physiol
2022 Oct 27
Meng L, Yang H, Xiang L
4. Genome editing around the globe: An update on policies and perceptions.
Plant Physiol
2022 Oct 27
Sprink T, Wilhelm R, Hartung F.
5. The photosynthesis apparatus of European mistletoe (Viscum album).
Plant Physiol
2022 Oct 27
Schröder L, Hegermann J, Pille P
6. New horizons for building pyrenoid-based CO2-concentrating mechanisms in plants to improve yields.
Plant Physiol
2022 Oct 27
Adler L, Díaz-Ramos A, Mao Y
7. Transcriptional network underpinning ploidy-related elevated leaf potassium in neo-tetraploids.
Plant Physiol
2022 Oct 27
Fischer S, Flis P, Zhao FJ
8. Shade triggers posttranscriptional PHYTOCHROME-INTERACTING FACTOR-dependent increases in H3K4 trimethylation.
Plant Physiol
2022 Oct 27
Calderon RH, Dalton J, Zhang Y
9. SHOOT MERISTEMLESS participates in the heterophylly of Hygrophila difformis (Acanthaceae).
Plant Physiol
2022 Oct 27
Li G, Yang J, Chen Y
10. The cell biology of charophytes: Exploring the past and models for the future.
Plant Physiol
2022 Oct 27
Domozych DS, Bagdan K.
11. DIACYLGLYCEROL KINASE 5 participates in flagellin-induced signaling in Arabidopsis.
Plant Physiol
2022 Oct 27
Kalachova T, Škrabálková E, Pateyron S
12. Phosphorylation-mediated inactivation of C3H14 by MPK4 enhances bacterial-triggered immunity in Arabidopsis.
Plant Physiol
2022 Oct 27
Wang D, Chai G, Xu L
13. How abiotic stress-induced socialization leads to the formation of massive aggregates in Chlamydomonas.
Plant Physiol
2022 Oct 27
de Carpentier F, Maes A, Marchand CH
14. Model-assisted ideotyping reveals trait syndromes to adapt viticulture to a drier climate.
Plant Physiol
2022 Oct 27
Dayer S, Lamarque LJ, Burlett R
15. Fungal dual-domain LysM effectors undergo chitin-induced intermolecular, and not intramolecular, dimerization.
Plant Physiol
2022 Oct 27
Tian H, Fiorin GL, Kombrink A
16. Flow similarity, stochastic branching, and quarter-power scaling in plants.
Plant Physiol
2022 Oct 27
Price CA, Drake P, Veneklaas EJ
17. Medium-chain triglyceride production in Nannochloropsis via a fatty acid chain length discriminating mechanism.
Plant Physiol
2022 Oct 27
Xin Y, Wang Q, Shen C
18. A small chromosomal inversion mediated by MITE transposons confers cleistogamy in Brassica napus.
Plant Physiol
2022 Oct 27
Wan S, Yang M, Ni F
19. Transcription factor NTL9 negatively regulates Arabidopsis vascular cambium development during stem secondary growth.
Plant Physiol
2022 Oct 27
Sugimoto H, Tanaka T, Muramoto N
20. Native architecture and acclimation of photosynthetic membranes in a fast-growing cyanobacterium.
Plant Physiol
2022 Oct 27
Zhao LS, Li CY, Chen XL
21. ETHYLENE RESPONSE FACTOR 34 promotes secondary cell wall thickening and strength of rice peduncles.
Plant Physiol
2022 Oct 27
Zhang J, Liu Z, Sakamoto S
22. Ascorbate peroxidase postcold regulation of chloroplast NADPH dehydrogenase activity controls cold memory.
Plant Physiol
2022 Oct 27
Seiml-Buchinger V, Reifschneider E, Bittner A
23. STRONG STAYGREEN inhibits DNA binding of PvNAP transcription factors during leaf senescence in switchgrass.
Plant Physiol
2022 Oct 27
Xie Z, Yu G, Lei S
24. An LCO-responsive homolog of NODULE INCEPTION positively regulates lateral root formation in Populus sp.
Plant Physiol
2022 Oct 27
Irving TB, Chakraborty S, Maia LGS
25. The cutin polymer matrix undergoes a fine architectural tuning from early tomato fruit development to ripening.
Plant Physiol
2022 Oct 27
Reynoud N, Geneix N, Petit J
26. T-LOC: A comprehensive tool to localize and characterize T-DNA integration sites.
Plant Physiol
2022 Oct 27
Li S, Wang C, You C
27. A deletion/duplication in the Ligon lintless-2 locus induces siRNAs that inhibit cotton fiber cell elongation.
Plant Physiol
2022 Oct 27
Naoumkina M, Thyssen GN, Fang DD
28. Impact of freeze-thaw-induced pit aspiration on stem water transport in the subalpine conifer Abies veitchii.
Plant Physiol
2022 Oct 27
Taneda H, Ogasa MY, Yazaki K
29. Commonalities and specialties in photosynthetic functions of PROTON GRADIENT REGULATION5 variants in Arabidopsis.
Plant Physiol
2022 Oct 27
Penzler JF, Marino G, Reiter B
30. ECERIFERUM1-6A is required for the synthesis of cuticular wax alkanes and promotes drought tolerance in wheat.
Plant Physiol
2022 Oct 27
He J, Li C, Hu N
31. A retrotransposon insertion in MUTL-HOMOLOG 1 affects wild rice seed set and cultivated rice crossover rate.
Plant Physiol
2022 Oct 27
Liu K, Chen E, Gu Z
32. The small PPR protein SPR2 interacts with PPR-SMR1 to facilitate the splicing of introns in maize mitochondria.
Plant Physiol
2022 Oct 27
Cao SK, Liu R, Wang M
33. Current insights into post-transcriptional regulation of fleshy fruit ripening.
Plant Physiol
2022 Oct 17
Wang W, Wang Y, Chen T
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