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2021 Feb (16)
1. Mendel: From genes to genome.
Plant Physiol
2022 Nov 28
Sussmilch FC, Ross JJ, Reid JB.
2. A common whole-genome paleotetraploidization in Cucurbitales.
Plant Physiol
2022 Nov 28
Wang J, Yuan M, Feng Y
3. The chromatin accessibility landscape of pistils and anthers in rice.
Plant Physiol
2022 Nov 28
Wang G, Li X, Shen W
4. Identification of growth regulators using cross-species network analysis in plants.
Plant Physiol
2022 Nov 28
Curci PL, Zhang J, Mähler N
5. DWARF AND ROBUST PLANT regulates plant height via modulating gibberellin biosynthesis in chrysanthemum.
Plant Physiol
2022 Nov 28
Zhang X, Ding L, Song A
6. Clay nanoparticles efficiently deliver small interfering RNA to intact plant leaf cells.
Plant Physiol
2022 Nov 28
Yong J, Wu M, Zhang R
7. An SNW/SKI-INTERACTING PROTEIN influences endoreduplication and cell growth in Arabidopsis.
Plant Physiol
2022 Nov 28
Jiang S, Meng B, Zhang Y
8. Glucose-6-P/phosphate translocator2 mediates the phosphoglucose-isomerase1-independent response to microbial volatiles.
Plant Physiol
2022 Nov 28
Gámez-Arcas S, Muñoz FJ, Ricarte-Bermejo A
9. PHYTOCHROME-INTERACTING FACTOR 4/HEMERA-mediated thermosensory growth requires the Mediator subunit MED14.
Plant Physiol
2022 Nov 28
Bajracharya A, Xi J, Grace KF
10. Transcript and metabolite network perturbations in lignin biosynthetic mutants of Arabidopsis.
Plant Physiol
2022 Nov 28
Wang P, Guo L, Morgan J
11. Transcriptomic and metabolic signatures of diatom plasticity to light fluctuations.
Plant Physiol
2022 Nov 28
Zhou L, Gao S, Yang W
12. The vacuolar H+/Ca transporter CAX1 participates in submergence and anoxia stress responses.
Plant Physiol
2022 Nov 28
Yang J, Mathew IE, Rhein H
13. POLLEN WALL ABORTION 1 is essential for pollen wall development in rice.
Plant Physiol
2022 Nov 28
Zhang L, Liu Y, Wei G
14. Cell- and noncell-autonomous AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR3 controls meristem proliferation and phyllotactic patterns.
Plant Physiol
2022 Nov 28
Zhang K, Zhang H, Pan Y
15. Transcription factor WRKY28 curbs WRKY33-mediated resistance to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in Brassica napus.
Plant Physiol
2022 Nov 28
Zhang K, Liu F, Wang Z
16. Divergent leaf and fine root "pressure-volume relationships" across habitats with varying water availability.
Plant Physiol
2022 Nov 28
Aritsara ANA, Wang S, Li BN
17. Tonoplast-localized transporter ZmNRAMP2 confers root-to-shoot translocation of manganese in maize.
Plant Physiol
2022 Nov 28
Guo J, Long L, Chen A
18. Mitochondria in photosynthetic cells: Coordinating redox control and energy balance.
Plant Physiol
2022 Nov 28
Igamberdiev AU, Bykova NV.
19. Spatiotemporal dynamics of the tomato fruit transcriptome under prolonged water stress.
Plant Physiol
2022 Nov 28
Nicolas P, Shinozaki Y, Powell A
20. Rhamnosyltransferases involved in the biosynthesis of flavone rutinosides in Chrysanthemum species.
Plant Physiol
2022 Nov 28
Wu QW, Wei M, Feng LF
21. Abscisic acid-responsive transcription factors PavDof2/6/15 mediate fruit softening in sweet cherry.
Plant Physiol
2022 Nov 28
Zhai Z, Xiao Y, Wang Y
22. The trans-Golgi-localized protein BICAT3 regulates manganese allocation and matrix polysaccharide biosynthesis.
Plant Physiol
2022 Nov 28
He J, Yang B, Hause G
23. Early defoliation induces auxin redistribution, promoting paradormancy release in pear buds.
Plant Physiol
2022 Nov 28
Wei J, Yang Q, Ni J
24. Cellular and gene expression patterns associated with root bifurcation in Selaginella.
Plant Physiol
2022 Nov 28
Motte H, Fang T, Parizot B
25. Insights into the molecular mechanisms of CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene targeting at multiple loci in Arabidopsis.
Plant Physiol
2022 Nov 28
Zhang Z, Zeng W, Zhang W
26. The START domain mediates Arabidopsis GLABRA2 dimerization and turnover independently of homeodomain DNA binding.
Plant Physiol
2022 Nov 28
Mukherjee T, Subedi B, Khosla A
27. Acetylome reprograming participates in the establishment of fruit metabolism during polyploidization in citrus.
Plant Physiol
2022 Nov 28
Zhang M, Tan FQ, Fan YJ
28. PtoWRKY40 interacts with PtoPHR1-LIKE3 while regulating the phosphate starvation response in poplar.
Plant Physiol
2022 Nov 28
Chen N, Tong S, Yang J
29. Virus-induced gene silencing for in planta validation of gene function in cucurbits.
Plant Physiol
2022 Nov 28
Rhee SJ, Jang YJ, Park JY
30. Root acid phosphatases and rhizobacteria synergistically enhance white lupin and rice phosphorus acquisition.
Plant Physiol
2022 Nov 28
Aslam MM, Pueyo JJ, Pang J
31. Stomatal conductance tracks soil-to-leaf hydraulic conductance in faba bean and maize during soil drying.
Plant Physiol
2022 Nov 28
Müllers Y, Postma JA, Poorter H
32. GA signaling expands: The plant UBX domain-containing protein 1 is a binding partner for the GA receptor.
Plant Physiol
2022 Nov 28
Hauvermale AL, Cárdenas JJ, Bednarek SY
33. INOSITOL (1,3,4) TRIPHOSPHATE 5/6 KINASE1-dependent inositol polyphosphates regulate auxin responses in Arabidopsis.
Plant Physiol
2022 Nov 28
Laha NP, Giehl RFH, Riemer E
34. Uncoupling differential water usage from drought resistance in a dwarf Arabidopsis mutant.
Plant Physiol
2022 Nov 28
Ginzburg DN, Bossi F, Rhee SY.
35. Genome-edited rice deficient in two 4-COUMARATE:COENZYME A LIGASE genes displays diverse lignin alterations.
Plant Physiol
2022 Nov 28
Afifi OA, Tobimatsu Y, Lam PY
36. Knockout of MITOGEN-ACTIVATED PROTEIN KINASE 3 causes barley root resistance against Fusarium graminearum.
Plant Physiol
2022 Nov 28
Basheer J, Vadovič P, Šamajová O
37. Mutation of histone H3 serine 28 to alanine influences H3K27me3-mediated gene silencing in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Plant Physiol
2022 Nov 28
Xu L, Cheng J, Jiang H.
38. Evolutionary analysis of the LORELEI gene family in plants reveals regulatory subfunctionalization.
Plant Physiol
2022 Nov 28
Noble JA, Bielski NV, Liu MJ
39. CycC1;1 negatively modulates ABA signaling by interacting with and inhibiting ABI5 during seed germination.
Plant Physiol
2022 Nov 28
Guo JX, Song RF, Lu KK
40. Modeling root loss reveals impacts on nutrient uptake and crop development.
Plant Physiol
2022 Nov 28
Schäfer ED, Owen MR, Band LR
41. AtPRMT5-mediated AtLCD methylation improves Cd2+ tolerance via increased H2S production in Arabidopsis.
Plant Physiol
2022 Nov 28
Cao H, Liang Y, Zhang L
42. Gene expression and genetic divergence in oak species highlight adaptive genes to soil water constraints.
Plant Physiol
2022 Nov 28
Le Provost G, Brachi B, Lesur I
43. High temperature restricts cell division and leaf size by coordination of PIF4 and TCP4 transcription factors.
Plant Physiol
2022 Nov 28
Saini K, Dwivedi A, Ranjan A.
44. KARRIKIN UPREGULATED F-BOX 1 negatively regulates drought tolerance in Arabidopsis.
Plant Physiol
2022 Nov 28
Tian H, Watanabe Y, Nguyen KH
45. Arabidopsis plastid carbonic anhydrase βCA5 is important for normal plant growth.
Plant Physiol
2022 Nov 28
Weerasooriya HN, DiMario RJ, Rosati VC
46. Ethylene response factor ERF.D7 activates auxin response factor 2 paralogs to regulate tomato fruit ripening.
Plant Physiol
2022 Nov 28
Gambhir P, Singh V, Parida A
47. Plant Lineage-Specific PIKMIN1 Drives APC/CCCS52A2 E3-Ligase Activity-Dependent Cell Division.
Plant Physiol
2022 Nov 24
Willems A, Liang Y, Heyman J
48. Fast X-ray fluorescence microscopy provides high-throughput phenotyping of element distribution in seeds.
Plant Physiol
2022 Nov 24
Ren ZW, Yang M, McKenna BA
49. Expression inheritance and constraints on cis- and trans-regulatory mutations underlying lotus color variation.
Plant Physiol
2022 Nov 23
Gao Z, Yang X, Chen J
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