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1. Multiple sgRNAs for one-step inactivation of the duplicated acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase 2 (ACC2) genes in Brassica napus.
Plant Physiol
2022 May 3
LaManna LM, Parulekar MS, Maliga P.
2. Hexose transporter SWEET5 confers galactose sensitivity to Arabidopsis pollen germination via a galactokinase.
Plant Physiol
2022 May 3
Wang J, Yu YC, Li Y
3. Two major metabolic factors for an efficient NADP-malic enzyme type C4 photosynthesis.
Plant Physiol
2022 May 3
Zhao H, Wang Y, Lyu MA
4. Hexose translocation mediated by SlSWEET5b is required for pollen maturation in Solanum lycopersicum.
Plant Physiol
2022 May 3
Ko HY, Tseng HW, Ho LH
5. Brassinosteroids regulate rice seed germination through the BZR1-RAmy3D transcriptional module.
Plant Physiol
2022 May 3
Xiong M, Yu J, Wang J
6. Loss of a pyridoxal-phosphate phosphatase rescues Arabidopsis lacking an endoplasmic reticulum ATP carrier.
Plant Physiol
2022 May 3
Altensell J, Wartenberg R, Haferkamp I
7. Hydraulic vulnerability segmentation in compound-leaved trees: Evidence from an embolism visualization technique.
Plant Physiol
2022 May 3
Song J, Trueba S, Yin XH
8. Genetic analysis of chlorophyll synthesis and degradation regulated by BALANCE of CHLOROPHYLL METABOLISM.
Plant Physiol
2022 May 3
Yamatani H, Ito T, Nishimura K
9. Mass spectrometry-based technologies for probing the 3D world of plant proteins.
Plant Physiol
2022 May 3
Blackburn MR, Minkoff BB, Sussman MR.
10. lncRNA7 and lncRNA2 modulate cell wall defense genes to regulate cotton resistance to Verticillium wilt.
Plant Physiol
2022 May 3
Zhang L, Liu J, Cheng J
11. Transcription factor dynamics in plants: Insights and technologies for in vivo imaging.
Plant Physiol
2022 May 3
Zhang Y, Lu Y, El Sayyed H
12. Rapid stomatal closure contributes to higher water use efficiency in major C4 compared to C3 Poaceae crops.
Plant Physiol
2022 May 3
Ozeki K, Miyazawa Y, Sugiura D.
13. Diterpene synthases from Leonurus japonicus elucidate epoxy-bridge formation of spiro-labdane diterpenoids.
Plant Physiol
2022 May 3
Wang J, Mao Y, Ma Y
14. Expressing the sunflower transcription factor HaHB11 in maize improves waterlogging and defoliation tolerance.
Plant Physiol
2022 May 3
Raineri J, Caraballo L, Rigalli N
15. Transcriptomic and functional analysis provides molecular insights into multicellular trichome development.
Plant Physiol
2022 May 3
Dong M, Xue S, Bartholomew ES
16. Flavodiiron proteins enhance the rate of CO2 assimilation in Arabidopsis under fluctuating light intensity.
Plant Physiol
2022 May 3
Basso L, Sakoda K, Kobayashi R
17. Early seed development requires the A-type ATP-binding cassette protein ABCA10.
Plant Physiol
2022 May 3
Shin S, Chairattanawat C, Yamaoka Y
18. A long noncoding RNA functions in high-light-induced anthocyanin accumulation in apple by activating ethylene synthesis.
Plant Physiol
2022 May 3
Yu J, Qiu K, Sun W
19. The CCCH zinc finger protein C3H15 negatively regulates cell elongation by inhibiting brassinosteroid signaling.
Plant Physiol
2022 May 3
Chai G, Qi G, Wang D
20. Identification and characterization of a set of monocot BAHD monolignol transferases.
Plant Physiol
2022 May 3
Smith RA, Beebe ET, Bingman CA
21. Heinz-resistant tomato cultivars exhibit a lignin-based resistance to field dodder (Cuscuta campestris) parasitism.
Plant Physiol
2022 May 3
Jhu MY, Farhi M, Wang L
22. A bipartite chromatophore transit peptide and N-terminal protein processing in the Paulinella chromatophore.
Plant Physiol
2022 May 3
Oberleitner L, Perrar A, Macorano L
23. TARGET OF RAPAMYCIN is essential for asexual vegetative reproduction in Kalanchoë.
Plant Physiol
2022 May 3
McCready K, Spencer V, Jácome-Blásquez F
24. Essential roles of SERKs in the ROOT MERISTEM GROWTH FACTOR-mediated signaling pathway.
Plant Physiol
2022 May 3
Ou Y, Tao B, Wu Y
25. High mobility group A3 enhances transcription of the DNA demethylase gene SlDML2 to promote tomato fruit ripening.
Plant Physiol
2022 May 3
Li Z, Pi Y, Fan J
26. True oxygen reduction capacity during photosynthetic electron transfer in thylakoids and intact leaves.
Plant Physiol
2022 May 3
Fitzpatrick D, Aro EM, Tiwari A.
27. Photosystem I light-harvesting proteins regulate photosynthetic electron transfer and hydrogen production.
Plant Physiol
2022 May 3
Ho TTH, Schwier C, Elman T
28. The nitrate transporter OsNPF7.9 mediates nitrate allocation and the divergent nitrate use efficiency between indica and japonica rice.
Plant Physiol
2022 May 3
Guan Y, Liu DF, Qiu J
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