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2021 Feb (16)
1. The annotation and analysis of complex 3D plant organs using 3DCoordX.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 27
Vijayan A, Strauss S, Tofanelli R
2. A kaleidoscope of photosynthetic antenna proteins and their emerging roles.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 27
Arshad R, Saccon F, Bag P
3. Fibrillin2 in chloroplast plastoglobules participates in photoprotection and jasmonate-induced senescence.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 27
Kim I, Kim EH, Choi YR
4. Arabidopsis HOPS subunit VPS41 carries out plant-specific roles in vacuolar transport and vegetative growth.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 27
Jiang D, He Y, Zhou X
5. Distribution and the evolutionary history of G-protein components in plant and algal lineages.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 27
Mohanasundaram B, Dodds A, Kukshal V
6. OsNAC016 regulates plant architecture and drought tolerance by interacting with the kinases GSK2 and SAPK8.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 27
Wu Q, Liu Y, Xie Z
7. The absorption of water from humid air by grass embryos during germination.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 27
Bin Rahman ANMR, Ding W, Zhang J.
8. Light-induced displacement of PLASTID MOVEMENT IMPAIRED1 precedes light-dependent chloroplast movements.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 27
Dwyer ME, Hangarter RP.
9. Extracellular ATP plays an important role in systemic wound response activation.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 27
Myers RJ, Fichman Y, Stacey G
10. Linker histone variant HIS1-3 and WRKY1 oppositely regulate salt stress tolerance in Arabidopsis.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 27
Wu X, Xu J, Meng X
11. MtEFD and MtEFD2: Two transcription factors with distinct neofunctionalization in symbiotic nodule development.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 27
Jardinaud MF, Fromentin J, Auriac MC
12. The rice transcription factor Nhd1 regulates root growth and nitrogen uptake by activating nitrogen transporters.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 27
Li K, Zhang S, Tang S
13. PDAT regulates PE as transient carbon sink alternative to triacylglycerol in Nannochloropsis.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 27
Yang J, Liu J, Pan Y
14. Re enhances anthocyanin and proanthocyanidin accumulation to produce red foliated cotton and brown fiber.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 27
Wang N, Zhang B, Yao T
15. Oryza sativa PECTIN DEFECTIVE TAPETUM1 affects anther development through a pectin-mediated signaling pathway in rice.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 27
Yin W, Yang H, Wang Y
16. Barley stripe mosaic virus γb protein targets thioredoxin h-type 1 to dampen salicylic acid-mediated defenses.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 27
Jiang Z, Jin X, Yang M
17. Silencing the conserved small nuclear ribonucleoprotein SmD1 target gene alters susceptibility to root-knot nematodes in plants.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 27
Mejias J, Chen Y, Bazin J
18. Transcription factor StABI5-like 1 binding to the FLOWERING LOCUS T homologs promotes early maturity in potato.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 27
Jing S, Sun X, Yu L
19. The interplay of auxin and brassinosteroid signaling tunes root growth under low and different nitrogen forms.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 27
Devi LL, Pandey A, Gupta S
20. SNARE SYP132 mediates divergent traffic of plasma membrane H+-ATPase AHA1 and antimicrobial PR1 during bacterial pathogenesis.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 27
Baena G, Xia L, Waghmare S
21. High expression of the MADS-box gene VRT2 increases the number of rudimentary basal spikelets in wheat.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 27
Backhaus AE, Lister A, Tomkins M
22. Ran-GTP/-GDP-dependent nuclear accumulation of NONEXPRESSOR OF PATHOGENESIS-RELATED GENES1 and TGACG-BINDING FACTOR2 controls salicylic acid-induced leaf senescence.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 27
Pham G, Shin DM, Kim Y
23. APYRASE1/2 mediate red light-induced de-etiolation growth in Arabidopsis seedlings.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 27
Weeraratne G, Wang H, Weeraratne TP
24. Mitochondrion-encoded circular RNAs are widespread and translatable in plants.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 27
Liao X, Li XJ, Zheng GT
25. TaBln1, a member of the Blufensin family, negatively regulates wheat resistance to stripe rust by reducing Ca2+ influx.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 27
Guo S, Zhang Y, Li M
26. Development and carotenoid synthesis in dark-grown carrot taproots require PHYTOCHROME RAPIDLY REGULATED1.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 27
Arias D, Ortega A, González-Calquin C
27. Single-parent expression complementation contributes to phenotypic heterosis in maize hybrids.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 27
Baldauf JA, Liu M, Vedder L
28. CONSTITUTIVE PHOTOMORPHOGENIC 1 promotes seed germination by destabilizing RGA-LIKE 2 in Arabidopsis.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 27
Lee BD, Yim Y, Cañibano E
29. MicroRNA858a, its encoded peptide, and phytosulfokine regulate Arabidopsis growth and development.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 27
Badola PK, Sharma A, Gautam H
30. MicroRNA candidate miRcand137 in apple is induced by Botryosphaeria dothidea for impairing host defense.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 27
Yu X, Hou Y, Cao L
31. GLRaV-2 protein p24 suppresses host defenses by interaction with a RAV transcription factor from grapevine.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 27
Zhang C, Wang X, Li H
32. Cell wall-localized BETA-XYLOSIDASE4 contributes to immunity of Arabidopsis against Botrytis cinerea.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 27
Guzha A, McGee R, Scholz P
33. Building an extensible cell wall.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 27
Cosgrove DJ.
34. SPATULA and ALCATRAZ confer female sterility and fruit cavity via mediating pistil development in cucumber.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 27
Cheng Z, Song X, Liu X
35. 13C-labeling reveals how membrane lipid components contribute to triacylglycerol accumulation in Chlamydomonas.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 27
Young DY, Pang N, Shachar-Hill Y.
36. Alkaline α-galactosidase 2 (CsAGA2) plays a pivotal role in mediating source-sink communication in cucumber.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 27
Liu H, Liu X, Zhao Y
37. Sucrose nonfermenting-1-related protein kinase 1 regulates sheath-to-panicle transport of nonstructural carbohydrates during rice grain filling.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 27
Hu Y, Liu J, Lin Y
38. The evolutionary history of small RNAs in Solanaceae.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 1
Baldrich P, Bélanger S, Kong S
39. A maize triacylglycerol lipase inhibits sugarcane mosaic virus infection.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 1
Xu XJ, Geng C, Jiang SY
40. Tracking metabolites at single-cell resolution reveals metabolic dynamics during plant mitosis.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 1
Okubo-Kurihara E, Ali A, Hiramoto M
41. Pivotal roles of ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL5 in regulation of plant development and fruit metabolism in tomato.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 1
Zhang C, Wu Y, Liu X
42. Sustained defense response via volatile signaling and its epigenetic transcriptional regulation.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 1
Onosato H, Fujimoto G, Higami T
43. The BTB protein MdBT2 recruits auxin signaling components to regulate adventitious root formation in apple.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 1
Ji XL, Li HL, Qiao ZW
44. ABI5 binding protein2 inhibits ABA responses during germination without ABA-INSENSITIVE5 degradation.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 1
Lynch T, Née G, Chu A
45. Maize miR167-ARF3/30-polyamine oxidase 1 module-regulated H2O2 production confers resistance to maize chlorotic mottle virus.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 1
Liu X, Liu S, Chen X
46. Salt stress alters membrane lipid content and lipid biosynthesis pathways in the plasma membrane and tonoplast.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 1
Guo Q, Liu L, Rupasinghe TWT
47. Gene co-expression reveals the modularity and integration of C4 and CAM in Portulaca.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 1
Gilman IS, Moreno-Villena JJ, Lewis ZR
48. The regulatory role of CARBON STARVED ANTHER-mediated photoperiod-dependent male fertility in rice.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 1
Li J, Wang D, Sun S
49. Overexpression of Arabidopsis nucleolar GTP-binding 1 (NOG1) proteins confers drought tolerance in rice.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 1
Pant BD, Lee S, Lee HK
50. FvWRKY48 binds to the pectate lyase FvPLA promoter to control fruit softening in Fragaria vesca.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 1
Zhang WW, Zhao SQ, Gu S
51. Partially functional NARROW LEAF1 balances leaf photosynthesis and plant architecture for greater rice yield.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 1
Ouyang X, Zhong X, Chang S
52. The NAC factor LpNAL delays leaf senescence by repressing two chlorophyll catabolic genes in perennial ryegrass.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 1
Yu G, Xie Z, Lei S
53. Inducible epigenome editing probes for the role of histone H3K4 methylation in Arabidopsis heat stress memory.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 1
Oberkofler V, Bäurle I.
54. MIR164b represses iron uptake by regulating the NAC domain transcription factor5-Nuclear Factor Y, Subunit A8 module in Arabidopsis.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 1
Du Q, Lv W, Guo Y
55. Multiplex knockout of trichome-regulating MYB duplicates in hybrid poplar using a single gRNA.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 1
Bewg WP, Harding SA, Engle NL
56. SALT AND ABA RESPONSE ERF1 improves seed germination and salt tolerance by repressing ABA signaling in rice.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 1
Li Y, Zhou J, Li Z
57. An artificial host  system enables the obligate parasite Cuscuta campestris to grow and reproduce in vitro.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 1
Bernal-Galeano V, Beard K, Westwood JH.
58. Pleiotropic and nonredundant effects of an auxin importer in Setaria and maize.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 1
Zhu C, Box MS, Thiruppathi D
59. Tomato brown rugose fruit virus resistance generated by quadruple knockout of homologs of TOBAMOVIRUS MULTIPLICATION1 in tomato.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 1
Ishikawa M, Yoshida T, Matsuyama M
60. Starch biosynthesis in guard cells has features of both autotrophic and heterotrophic tissues.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 1
Flütsch S, Horrer D, Santelia D.
61. Rice STOMATAL CYTOKINESIS DEFECTIVE2 regulates cell expansion by affecting vesicular trafficking in rice.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 1
Wang F, Cheng Z, Wang J
62. GmMDE genes bridge the maturity gene E1 and florigens in photoperiodic regulation of flowering in soybean.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 1
Zhai H, Wan Z, Jiao S
63. The bHLH/HLH transcription factors GhFP2 and GhACE1 antagonistically regulate fiber elongation in cotton.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 1
Lu R, Li Y, Zhang J
64. Rubisco regulation in response to altered carbon status in the cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 1
Singh AK, Santos-Merino M, Sakkos JK
65. Efficient gene targeting in soybean using Ochrobactrum haywardense-mediated delivery of a marker-free donor template.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 1
Kumar S, Liu ZB, Sanyour-Doyel N
66. Assembly of D1/D2 complexes of photosystem II: Binding of pigments and a network of auxiliary proteins.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 1
Knoppová J, Sobotka R, Yu J
67. Trimeric photosystem I facilitates energy transfer from phycobilisomes in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 1
Akhtar P, Biswas A, Balog-Vig F
68. Pentatricopeptide repeat protein CNS1 regulates maize mitochondrial complex III assembly and seed development.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 1
Ma S, Yang W, Liu X
69. Analysis of exocyst function in endodermis reveals its widespread contribution and specificity of action.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 1
Hématy K, De Bellis D, Wang X
70. The histone deacetylase 1/GSK3/SHAGGY-like kinase 2/BRASSINAZOLE-RESISTANT 1 module controls lateral root formation in rice.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 1
Hou J, Zheng X, Ren R
71. miR2105 and the kinase OsSAPK10 co-regulate OsbZIP86 to mediate drought-induced ABA biosynthesis in rice.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 1
Gao W, Li M, Yang S
72. Past accomplishments and future challenges of the multi-omics characterization of leaf growth.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 1
Skirycz A, Fernie AR.
73. Sphingolipids with 2-hydroxy fatty acids aid in plasma membrane nanodomain organization and oxidative burst.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 1
Ukawa T, Banno F, Ishikawa T
74. MAP KINASE PHOSPHATASE1 promotes osmotolerance by suppressing PHYTOALEXIN DEFICIENT4-independent immunity.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 1
Uchida K, Yamaguchi M, Kanamori K
75. Heat stress leads to rapid lipid remodeling and transcriptional adaptations in Nicotiana tabacum pollen tubes.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 1
Krawczyk HE, Rotsch AH, Herrfurth C
76. The sucrose transport regulator OsDOF11 mediates cytokinin degradation during rice development.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 1
Wu Y, Wang L, Ansah EO
77. A synthetic switch based on orange carotenoid protein to control blue-green light responses in chloroplasts.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 1
Piccinini L, Iacopino S, Cazzaniga S
78. H3K36 demethylase JMJ710 negatively regulates drought tolerance by suppressing MYB48-1 expression in rice.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 1
Zhao W, Wang X, Zhang Q
79. SUMO E3 ligase SIZ1 connects sumoylation and reactive oxygen species homeostasis processes in Arabidopsis.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 1
Castro PH, Couto D, Santos MÂ
80. GLYCINE-RICH RNA-BINDING PROTEIN 7 potentiates effector-triggered immunity through an RNA recognition motif.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 1
Sukarta OCA, Zheng Q, Slootweg EJ
81. Can biochemical traits bridge the gap between genomics and plant performance? A study in rice under drought.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 1
Melandri G, Monteverde E, Riewe D
82. Aureochromes maintain polyunsaturated fatty acid content in Nannochloropsis oceanica.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jun 1
Poliner E, Busch AWU, Newton L
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