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2021 Feb (16)
1. SAMBA controls cell division rate during maize development.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jan 20
Gong P, Bontinck M, Demuynck K
2. Phosphorylated B6 vitamer deficiency in SALT OVERLY SENSITIVE 4 mutants compromises shoot and root development.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jan 20
Gorelova V, Colinas M, Dell'Aglio E
3. Stress responses and epigenomic instability mark the loss of somatic embryogenesis competence in grapevine.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jan 20
Dal Santo S, De Paoli E, Pagliarani C
4. Biosynthesis and antifungal activity of fungus-induced O-methylated flavonoids in maize.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jan 20
Förster C, Handrick V, Ding Y
5. miR169q and NUCLEAR FACTOR YA8 enhance salt tolerance by activating PEROXIDASE1 expression in response to ROS.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jan 20
Xing L, Zhu M, Luan M
6. Strigo-D2-a bio-sensor for monitoring spatio-temporal strigolactone signaling patterns in intact plants.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jan 20
Song C, Zhao J, Guichard M
7. MiR398-regulated antioxidants contribute to Bamboo mosaic virus accumulation and symptom manifestation.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jan 20
Lin KY, Wu SY, Hsu YH
8. Origin and adaptive evolution of UV RESISTANCE LOCUS 8-mediated signaling during plant terrestrialization.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jan 20
Zhang Z, Xu C, Zhang S
9. BETA-AMYLASE9 is a plastidial nonenzymatic regulator of leaf starch degradation.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jan 20
David LC, Lee SK, Bruderer E
10. TRANS-ACTING SIRNA3-derived short interfering RNAs confer cleavage of mRNAs in rice.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jan 20
Luo L, Yang X, Guo M
11. Enriched HeK4me3 marks at Pm-0 resistance-related genes prime courgette against Podosphaera xanthii.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jan 20
Margaritopoulou T, Kizis D, Kotopoulis D
12. Maize Golden2-like transcription factors boost rice chloroplast development, photosynthesis, and grain yield.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jan 20
Yeh SY, Lin HH, Chang YM
13. Dual expression and anatomy lines allow simultaneous visualization of gene expression and anatomy.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jan 20
Kümpers BMC, Han J, Vaughan-Hirsch J
14. A correlative light electron microscopy approach reveals plasmodesmata ultrastructure at the graft interface.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jan 20
Chambaud C, Cookson SJ, Ollat N
15. Strigolactone signaling regulates cambial activity through repression of WOX4 by transcription factor BES1.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jan 20
Hu J, Hu X, Yang Y
16. qGL3/OsPPKL1 induces phosphorylation of 14-3-3 protein OsGF14b to inhibit OsBZR1 function in brassinosteroid signaling.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jan 20
Gao X, Zhang J, Cai G
17. SPIRE-a software tool for bicontinuous phase recognition: application for plastid cubic membranes.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jan 20
Hain TM, Bykowski M, Saba M
18. Brachypodium distachyon UNICULME4 and LAXATUM-A are redundantly required for development.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jan 20
Liu S, Magne K, Daniel S
19. Asymmetric redundancy of soybean Nodule Inception (NIN) genes in root nodule symbiosis.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jan 20
Fu M, Sun J, Li X
20. Deregulation of phenylalanine biosynthesis evolved with the emergence of vascular plants.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jan 20
El-Azaz J, Cánovas FM, Barcelona B
21. Zinc-finger protein MdBBX7/MdCOL9, a target of MdMIEL1 E3 ligase, confers drought tolerance in apple.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jan 20
Chen P, Zhi F, Li X
22. SlKIX8 and SlKIX9 are negative regulators of leaf and fruit growth in tomato.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jan 20
Swinnen G, Mauxion JP, Baekelandt A
23. Biochemical and molecular properties of LHCX1, the essential regulator of dynamic photoprotection in diatoms.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jan 20
Giovagnetti V, Jaubert M, Shukla MK
24. F-box protein MdAMR1L1 regulates ascorbate biosynthesis in apple by modulating GDP-mannose pyrophosphorylase.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jan 20
Ma S, Li H, Wang L
25. RLB (RICE LATERAL BRANCH) recruits PRC2-mediated H3K27 tri-methylation on OsCKX4 to regulate lateral branching.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jan 20
Wang H, Tong X, Tang L
26. Limited plasticity of anatomical and hydraulic traits in aspen trees under elevated CO2 and seasonal drought.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jan 20
Lauriks F, Salomón RL, De Roo L
27. Carbon dioxide responsiveness mitigates rice yield loss under high night temperature.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jan 20
Bahuguna RN, Chaturvedi AK, Pal M
28. Riboswitch-mediated inducible expression of an astaxanthin biosynthetic operon in plastids.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jan 20
Agrawal S, Karcher D, Ruf S
29. Multiomics approach reveals a role of translational machinery in shaping maize kernel amino acid composition.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jan 20
Shrestha V, Yobi A, Slaten ML
30. Spatiotemporal cytokinin response imaging and ISOPENTENYLTRANSFERASE 3 function in Medicago nodule development.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jan 20
Triozzi PM, Irving TB, Schmidt HW
31. Wound-inducible WUSCHEL-RELATED HOMEOBOX 13 is required for callus growth and organ reconnection.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jan 20
Ikeuchi M, Iwase A, Ito T
32. Chloroplast membrane lipid remodeling protects against dehydration by limiting membrane fusion and distortion.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jan 20
Chng CP, Wang K, Ma W
33. Toward predicting photosynthetic efficiency and biomass gain in crop genotypes over a field season.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jan 20
Keller B, Zimmermann L, Rascher U
34. Flavonoids naringenin chalcone, naringenin, dihydrotricin, and tricin are lignin monomers in papyrus.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jan 20
Rencoret J, Rosado MJ, Kim H
35. A vector system for fast-forward studies of the HOPZ-ACTIVATED RESISTANCE1 (ZAR1) resistosome in the model plant Nicotiana benthamiana.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jan 20
Harant A, Pai H, Sakai T
36. R2R3-MYB genes coordinate conical cell development and cuticular wax biosynthesis in Phalaenopsis aphrodite.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jan 20
Lu HC, Lam SH, Zhang D
37. Two protein disulfide isomerase subgroups work synergistically in catalyzing oxidative protein folding.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jan 20
Fan F, Zhang Q, Zhang Y
38. NtMYB305a binds to the jasmonate-responsive GAG region of NtPMT1a promoter to regulate nicotine biosynthesis.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jan 20
Bian S, Sui X, Wang J
39. A BTB-TAZ protein is required for gene activation by Cauliflower mosaic virus 35S multimerized enhancers.
Plant Physiol
2022 Jan 20
Irigoyen S, Ramasamy M, Misra A
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