期刊文献 > Plant Physiol期刊 选择月份
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2021 Sep (26)
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2021 Jul (21)
2021 Jun (30)
2021 May (46)
2021 Apr (82)
2021 Mar (20)
2021 Feb (16)
1. Transcriptional reprogramming of xylem cell wall biosynthesis in tension wood.
Plant Physiol
2021 May 27
Liu B, Liu J, Yu J
2. Mitochondrial redox systems as central hubs in plant metabolism and signaling.
Plant Physiol
2021 May 27
Van Aken O.
3. Ozone responses in Arabidopsis: beyond stomatal conductance.
Plant Physiol
2021 May 27
Morales LO, Shapiguzov A, Safronov O
4. Stomatal morphology and physiology explain varied sensitivity to abscisic acid across vascular plant lineages.
Plant Physiol
2021 May 27
Gong L, Liu XD, Zeng YY
5. Tailoring photomorphogenic markers to organ growth dynamics.
Plant Physiol
2021 May 27
Martín G, Duque P.
6. Genome-wide analysis in response to nitrogen and carbon identifies regulators for root AtNRT2 transporters.
Plant Physiol
2021 May 27
Ruffel S, Chaput V, Przybyla-Toscano J
7. Syntaxin of plants31 (SYP31) and SYP32 is essential for Golgi morphology maintenance and pollen development.
Plant Physiol
2021 May 27
Rui Q, Tan X, Liu F
8. The serine/threonine/tyrosine kinase STY46 defends against hordeivirus infection by phosphorylating γb protein.
Plant Physiol
2021 May 27
Zhang X, Wang X, Xu K
9. Plasma and vacuolar membrane sphingolipidomes: composition and insights on the role of main molecular species.
Plant Physiol
2021 May 27
Carmona-Salazar L, Cahoon RE, Gasca-Pineda J
10. Bi-directional electron transfer between H2 and NADPH mitigates light fluctuation responses in green algae.
Plant Physiol
2021 May 27
Milrad Y, Schweitzer S, Feldman Y
11. Redox and low-oxygen stress: signal integration and interplay.
Plant Physiol
2021 May 27
Sasidharan R, Schippers JHM, Schmidt RR.
12. Stromal NADH supplied by PHOSPHOGLYCERATE DEHYDROGENASE3 is crucial for photosynthetic performance.
Plant Physiol
2021 May 27
Höhner R, Day PM, Zimmermann SE
13. Genetic variation in the promoter of an R2R3-MYB transcription factor determines fruit malate content in apple (Malus domestica Borkh.).
Plant Physiol
2021 May 27
Jia D, Wu P, Shen F
14. Soybean Yellow Stripe-like 7 is a symbiosome membrane peptide transporter important for nitrogen fixation.
Plant Physiol
2021 May 27
Gavrin A, Loughlin PC, Brear E
15. Motif-based endomembrane trafficking.
Plant Physiol
2021 May 27
Arora D, Damme DV.
16. Xylem network connectivity and embolism spread in grapevine(Vitis vinifera L.).
Plant Physiol
2021 May 27
Wason J, Bouda M, Lee EF
17. A semi-dominant NLR allele causes whole-seedling necrosis in wheat.
Plant Physiol
2021 May 27
Jia H, Xue S, Lei L
18. Fanconi anemia ortholog FANCM regulates meiotic crossover distribution in plants.
Plant Physiol
2021 May 27
Li X, Yu M, Bolaños-Villegas P
19. Ornithine decarboxylase  genes contribute to S-RNase-independent pollen rejection.
Plant Physiol
2021 May 27
Qin X, Chetelat RT.
20. Heat shock protein 101 (HSP101) promotes flowering under nonstress conditions.
Plant Physiol
2021 May 27
Qin F, Yu B, Li W.
21. Kinase SnRK1.1 regulates nitrate channel SLAH3 engaged in nitrate-dependent alleviation of ammonium toxicity.
Plant Physiol
2021 May 27
Sun D, Fang X, Xiao C
22. Live monitoring of plant redox and energy physiology with genetically encoded biosensors.
Plant Physiol
2021 May 27
Müller-Schüssele SJ, Schwarzländer M, Meyer AJ.
23. Chloroplast-derived photo-oxidative stress causes changes in H2O2 and EGSH in other subcellular compartments.
Plant Physiol
2021 May 27
Ugalde JM, Fuchs P, Nietzel T
24. Redox regulation of chloroplast metabolism.
Plant Physiol
2021 May 27
Cejudo FJ, González MC, Pérez-Ruiz JM.
25. Oxygen and reactive oxygen species-dependent regulation of plant growth and development.
Plant Physiol
2021 May 27
Considine MJ, Foyer CH.
26. An undiscovered facet of hydraulic redistribution driven by evaporation-a study from a Populus tomentosa plantation.
Plant Physiol
2021 May 27
Liu Y, Nadezhdina N, Di N
27. Ectopic maltase alleviates dwarf phenotype and improves plant frost tolerance of maltose transporter mutants.
Plant Physiol
2021 May 27
Cvetkovic J, Haferkamp I, Rode R
28. OsmiR396/growth regulating factor modulate rice grain size through direct regulation of embryo-specific miR408.
Plant Physiol
2021 May 27
Yang X, Zhao X, Dai Z
29. Highly pleiotropic functions of CYP78As and AMP1 are regulated in non-cell-autonomous/organ-specific manners.
Plant Physiol
2021 May 27
Nobusawa T, Kamei M, Ueda H
30. Genetic and epigenetic variation in transposable element expression responses to abiotic stress in maize.
Plant Physiol
2021 May 27
Liang Z, Anderson SN, Noshay JM
31. Narrow Leaf21, encoding ribosomal protein RPS3A, controls leaf development in rice.
Plant Physiol
2021 May 27
Uzair M, Long H, Zafar SA
32. Transcription-associated metabolomic adjustments in maize occur during combined drought and cold stress.
Plant Physiol
2021 May 27
Guo Q, Li X, Niu L
33. TCP transcription factors suppress cotyledon trichomes by impeding a cell differentiation-regulating complex.
Plant Physiol
2021 May 27
Lan J, Zhang J, Yuan R
34. Contemporary proteomic strategies for cysteine redoxome profiling.
Plant Physiol
2021 May 27
Willems P, Van Breusegem F, Huang J.
35. Interaction of BTB-TAZ protein MdBT2 and DELLA protein MdRGL3a regulates nitrate-mediated plant growth.
Plant Physiol
2021 May 27
Ren YR, Zhao Q, Yang YY
36. Brassinosteroids repress the seed maturation program during the seed-to-seedling transition.
Plant Physiol
2021 May 27
Ruan J, Chen H, Zhu T
37. Deficiency in alcohol dehydrogenase 2 reduces arsenic in rice grains by suppressing silicate transporters.
Plant Physiol
2021 May 27
Hayashi S, Kuramata M, Abe T
38. Tomato roots secrete tomatine to modulate the bacterial assemblage of the rhizosphere.
Plant Physiol
2021 May 27
Nakayasu M, Ohno K, Takamatsu K
39. The mitochondrial AAA protease FTSH3 regulates Complex I abundance by promoting its disassembly.
Plant Physiol
2021 May 27
Ivanova A, Ghifari AS, Berkowitz O
40. Hexose transporter CsSWEET7a in cucumber mediates phloem unloading in companion cells for fruit development.
Plant Physiol
2021 May 27
Li Y, Liu H, Yao X
41. Brassica carinata genome characterization clarifies U's triangle model of evolution and polyploidy in Brassica.
Plant Physiol
2021 May 27
Song X, Wei Y, Xiao D
42. Unexpected diversity of ferredoxin-dependent thioredoxin reductases in cyanobacteria.
Plant Physiol
2021 May 27
Buey RM, Fernández-Justel D, González-Holgado G
43. The metabolic origins of non-photorespiratory CO2 release during photosynthesis: a metabolic flux analysis.
Plant Physiol
2021 May 27
Xu Y, Fu X, Sharkey TD
44. State transitions and photosystems spatially resolved in individual cells of the cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus.
Plant Physiol
2021 May 27
Bhatti AF, Kirilovsky D, van Amerongen H
45. YSL3-mediated copper distribution is required for fertility, seed size and protein accumulation in Brachypodium.
Plant Physiol
2021 May 27
Sheng H, Jiang Y, Rahmati M
46. OsGRETCHENHAGEN3-2 modulates rice seed storability via accumulation of abscisic acid and protective substances.
Plant Physiol
2021 May 27
Yuan Z, Fan K, Wang Y
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