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1. Immune cell interactions in tuberculosis.
2022 Dec 8
Flynn JL, Chan J.
2. Structure of a TOC-TIC supercomplex spanning two chloroplast envelope membranes.
2022 Dec 8
Jin Z, Wan L, Zhang Y
3. A Zika virus-specific IgM elicited in pregnancy exhibits ultrapotent neutralization.
2022 Dec 8
Singh T, Hwang KK, Miller AS
4. Genome-wide data from medieval German Jews show that the Ashkenazi founder event pre-dated the 14(th) century.
2022 Dec 8
Waldman S, Backenroth D, Harney É
5. Tracing the origin of everything.
2022 Dec 8
Davies EL.
6. Embryonic origins of adult pluripotent stem cells.
2022 Dec 8
Kimura JO, Bolaños DM, Ricci L
7. A glimpse into TriC's magic chamber of secrets.
2022 Dec 8
Bardwell JCA.
8. Reindeer light the way to scarless wound healing.
2022 Dec 8
Caves E, Horsley V.
9. Domestic dog lineages reveal genetic drivers of behavioral diversification.
2022 Dec 8
Dutrow EV, Serpell JA, Ostrander EA.
10. Intranasal pediatric parainfluenza virus-vectored SARS-CoV-2 vaccine is protective in monkeys.
2022 Dec 8
Le Nouën C, Nelson CE, Liu X
11. Fibroblast inflammatory priming determines regenerative versus fibrotic skin repair in reindeer.
2022 Dec 8
Sinha S, Sparks HD, Labit E
12. Structural visualization of the tubulin folding pathway directed by human chaperonin TRiC/CCT.
2022 Dec 8
Gestaut D, Zhao Y, Park J
13. Structural basis for the severe adverse interaction of sofosbuvir and amiodarone on L-type Ca(v) channels.
2022 Dec 8
Yao X, Gao S, Wang J
14. A human fetal lung cell atlas uncovers proximal-distal gradients of differentiation and key regulators of epithelial fates.
2022 Dec 8
He P, Lim K, Sun D
15. Engineered cell entry links receptor biology with single-cell genomics.
2022 Dec 22
Yu B, Shi Q, Belk JA
16. Spatial proteomics in three-dimensional intact specimens.
2022 Dec 22
Bhatia HS, Brunner AD, Öztürk F
17. Cerebrospinal fluid immune dysregulation during healthy brain aging and cognitive impairment.
2022 Dec 22
Piehl N, van Olst L, Ramakrishnan A
18. IFT-A structure reveals carriages for membrane protein transport into cilia.
2022 Dec 22
Hesketh SJ, Mukhopadhyay AG, Nakamura D
19. Structural basis for the assembly of the type V CRISPR-associated transposon complex.
2022 Dec 22
Schmitz M, Querques I, Oberli S
20. Mobile genetic elements from the maternal microbiome shape infant gut microbial assembly and metabolism.
2022 Dec 22
Vatanen T, Jabbar KS, Ruohtula T
21. Relatlimab and nivolumab in the treatment of melanoma.
2022 Dec 22
Au L, Larkin J, Turajlic S.
22. Mechanism of IFT-A polymerization into trains for ciliary transport.
2022 Dec 22
Meleppattu S, Zhou H, Dai J
23. Comprehensive maturity of nuclear pore complexes regulates zygotic genome activation.
2022 Dec 22
Shen W, Gong B, Xing C
24. The gymnastics of intraflagellar transport complexes keeps trains running inside cilia.
2022 Dec 22
Nachury MV.
25. A brainstem integrator for self-location memory and positional homeostasis in zebrafish.
2022 Dec 22
Yang E, Zwart MF, James B
26. Antibody effector functions are associated with protection from respiratory syncytial virus.
2022 Dec 22
Bartsch YC, Cizmeci D, Kang J
27. Studying human neural function in vivo at the cellular level: Chasing chimeras?
2022 Dec 22
Vermaercke B, Bonin V, Vanderhaeghen P.
28. Chimeric efferocytic receptors improve apoptotic cell clearance and alleviate inflammation.
2022 Dec 22
Morioka S, Kajioka D, Yamaoka Y
29. Integrative single-cell analysis of cardiogenesis identifies developmental trajectories and non-coding mutations in congenital heart disease.
2022 Dec 22
Ameen M, Sundaram L, Shen M
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