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1. A reply to "TCR+/BCR+ dual-expressing cells and their associated public BCR clonotype are not enriched in type 1 diabetes".
2021 Feb 4
Ahmed R, Omidian Z, Giwa A
2. 3D Genome of macaque fetal brain reveals evolutionary innovations during primate corticogenesis.
2021 Feb 4
Luo X, Liu Y, Dang D
3. Fund Black scientists.
2021 Feb 4
Stevens KR, Masters KS, Imoukhuede PI
4. G3BPs tether the TSC complex to lysosomes and suppress mTORC1 signaling.
2021 Feb 4
Prentzell MT, Rehbein U, Cadena Sandoval M
5. p53 is a central regulator driving neurodegeneration caused by C9orf72 poly(PR).
2021 Feb 4
Maor-Nof M, Shipony Z, Lopez-Gonzalez R
6. Cell-cycle-dependent EBNA1-DNA crosslinking promotes replication termination at oriP and viral episome maintenance.
2021 Feb 4
Dheekollu J, Wiedmer A, Ayyanathan K
7. Spatiotemporal analysis of human intestinal development at single-cell resolution.
2021 Feb 4
Fawkner-Corbett D, Antanaviciute A, Parikh K
8. A pan-cancer single-cell transcriptional atlas of tumor infiltrating myeloid cells.
2021 Feb 4
Cheng S, Li Z, Gao R
9. NMR spectroscopy captures the essential role of dynamics in regulating biomolecular function.
2021 Feb 4
Alderson TR, Kay LE.
10. A "data sharing trust" model for rapid, collaborative science.
2021 Feb 4
Chan V, Gherardini PF, Krummel MF
11. Multi-organ proteomic landscape of COVID-19 autopsies.
2021 Feb 4
Nie X, Qian L, Sun R
12. Compromised SARS-CoV-2-specific placental antibody transfer.
2021 Feb 4
Atyeo C, Pullen KM, Bordt EA
13. Reconstruction of motor control circuits in adult Drosophila using automated transmission electron microscopy.
2021 Feb 4
Phelps JS, Hildebrand DGC, Graham BJ
14. Meta-analysis of tumor- and T cell-intrinsic mechanisms of sensitization to checkpoint inhibition.
2021 Feb 4
Litchfield K, Reading JL, Puttick C
15. Changes in genome architecture and transcriptional dynamics progress independently of sensory experience during post-natal brain development.
2021 Feb 4
Tan L, Ma W, Wu H
16. TCR(+)/BCR(+) dual-expressing cells and their associated public BCR clonotype are not enriched in type 1 diabetes.
2021 Feb 4
Japp AS, Meng W, Rosenfeld AM
17. Training the metaorganism: the microbial counterpart.
2021 Feb 4
King IL, Divangahi M.
18. Strength in numbers: predicting response to checkpoint inhibitors from large clinical datasets.
2021 Feb 4
Stenzinger A, Kazdal D, Peters S.
19. Adult neural stem cell activation in mice is regulated by the day/night cycle and intracellular calcium dynamics.
2021 Feb 4
Gengatharan A, Malvaut S, Marymonchyk A
20. Infection trains the host for microbiota-enhanced resistance to pathogens.
2021 Feb 4
Stacy A, Andrade-Oliveira V, McCulloch JA
21. A natural single-guide RNA repurposes Cas9 to autoregulate CRISPR-Cas expression.
2021 Feb 4
Workman RE, Pammi T, Nguyen BTK
22. Iron"ing out hemophagocytosis through PIEZO1.
2021 Feb 18
Hanchard NA, Wonkam A.
23. Massively parallel assessment of human variants with base editor screens.
2021 Feb 18
Hanna RE, Hegde M, Fagre CR
24. Mechanism of gating and partial agonist action in the glycine receptor.
2021 Feb 18
Yu J, Zhu H, Lape R
25. Still we rise.
2021 Feb 18
Olusanya O.
26. DNA origami signposts for identifying proteins on cell membranes by electron cryotomography.
2021 Feb 18
Silvester E, Vollmer B, Pražák V
27. Ligand recognition and allosteric regulation of DRD1-Gs signaling complexes.
2021 Feb 18
Xiao P, Yan W, Gou L
28. Structural basis for IL-12 and IL-23 receptor sharing reveals a gateway for shaping actions on T versus NK cells.
2021 Feb 18
Glassman CR, Mathiharan YK, Jude KM
29. Transforming myself and academia for good.
2021 Feb 18
Starbird C.
30. Massive expansion of human gut bacteriophage diversity.
2021 Feb 18
Camarillo-Guerrero LF, Almeida A, Rangel-Pineros G
31. Functional interrogation of DNA damage response variants with base editing screens.
2021 Feb 18
Cuella-Martin R, Hayward SB, Fan X
32. Structural insights into the human D1 and D2 dopamine receptor signaling complexes.
2021 Feb 18
Zhuang Y, Xu P, Mao C
33. Low-frequency stimulation enhances ensemble co-firing and dexterity after stroke.
2021 Feb 18
Khanna P, Totten D, Novik L
34. Cone-shaped HIV-1 capsids are transported through intact nuclear pores.
2021 Feb 18
Zila V, Margiotta E, Turoňová B
35. A role of PIEZO1 in iron metabolism in mice and humans.
2021 Feb 18
Ma S, Dubin AE, Zhang Y
36. Synthetic biology in the clinic: engineering vaccines, diagnostics, and therapeutics.
2021 Feb 18
Tan X, Letendre JH, Collins JJ
37. Recording of elapsed time and temporal information about biological events using Cas9.
2021 Feb 18
Park J, Lim JM, Jung I
38. Functional characterization of the dural sinuses as a neuroimmune interface.
2021 Feb 18
Rustenhoven J, Drieu A, Mamuladze T
39. The dural sinus hub: more than just a brain drain.
2021 Feb 18
Mundt S, Keller A, Greter M.
40. Bones of contention: skeletal patterning across the fin-to-limb transition.
2021 Feb 18
Tulenko FJ, Currie PD.
41. Human gut mycobiota tune immunity via CARD9-dependent induction of anti-fungal IgG antibodies.
2021 Feb 18
Doron I, Leonardi I, Li XV
42. Latent developmental potential to form limb-like skeletal structures in zebrafish.
2021 Feb 18
Hawkins MB, Henke K, Harris MP.
43. Adaptive immunity to SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19.
2021 Feb 18
Sette A, Crotty S.
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