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20 2 (90)
1. Therapeutic Protein Drug Interactions: A White Paper From the International Consortium for Innovation and Quality in Pharmaceutical Development.
Clin Pharmacol Ther
2022 Dec 8
Coutant DE, Boulton DW, Dahal UP
2. Disruptive Innovations to Achieve Health Equity Through Healthcare and Research Transformation.
Clin Pharmacol Ther
2022 Dec 5
Golden SH.
3. Facilitating Next-Generation Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Clinical Trials Using HIV Recent Infection Assays: A Consensus Statement from the Forum HIV Prevention Trial Design Project.
Clin Pharmacol Ther
2022 Dec 22
Parkin N, Gao F, Grebe E
4. Association Between ABCG2, ABCB1, ABCC2 Efflux Transporter Single-Nucleotide Variants and Irinotecan Adverse Effects in Patients With Colorectal Cancer: A Real-Life Study.
Clin Pharmacol Ther
2022 Dec 20
Barnett-Griness O, Rennert G, Lejbkowicz F
5. A Review of the Evolving Landscape of Inclusive Research and Improved Clinical Trial Access.
Clin Pharmacol Ther
2022 Dec 19
Mohan SV, Freedman J.
6. Population Pharmacokinetic and Exposure-Response Analyses for Efficacy and Safety of Risankizumab in Patients With Active Crohn's Disease.
Clin Pharmacol Ther
2022 Dec 19
Suleiman AA, Goebel A, Bhatnagar S
7. Scalable Feature Engineering from Electronic Free Text Notes to Supplement Confounding Adjustment of Claims-Based Pharmacoepidemiologic Studies.
Clin Pharmacol Ther
2022 Dec 17
Wyss R, Plasek JM, Zhou L
8. Safety Monitoring of COVID-19 Vaccines: Perspective from the European Medicines Agency.
Clin Pharmacol Ther
2022 Dec 16
Durand J, Dogné JM, Cohet C
9. Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Modeling of the Ponesimod Effect on Heart Rate in Patients With Multiple Sclerosis.
Clin Pharmacol Ther
2022 Dec 16
Valenzuela B, Poggesi I, Luyckx N
10. Effect of Hepatic Impairment on OATP1B Activity: Quantitative Pharmacokinetic Analysis of Endogenous Biomarker and Substrate Drugs.
Clin Pharmacol Ther
2022 Dec 16
Lin J, Kimoto E, Yamazaki S
11. Beyond the Michaelis-Menten: Accurate Prediction of Drug Interactions through Cytochrome P450 3A4 Induction.
Clin Pharmacol Ther
2022 Dec 15
Vu NT(#), Song YM(#), Tran QT(#)
12. Development of Therapeutic Proteins for a New Subcutaneous Route of Administration after the Establishment of Intravenous Dosages: A Systematic Review.
Clin Pharmacol Ther
2022 Dec 14
Xu Z, Leu JH, Xu Y
13. Promoting Clinical Trial Diversity: A Highlight of Select US FDA Initiatives.
Clin Pharmacol Ther
2022 Dec 13
Ramamoorthy A, Araojo R, Vasisht KP
14. Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Oral Psilocybin Administration in Healthy Participants.
Clin Pharmacol Ther
2022 Dec 12
Holze F, Becker AM, Kolaczynska KE
15. Genomewide Association Study Identifies Copy Number Variants Associated with Warfarin Dose Response and Risk of Venous Thromboembolism in African Americans.
Clin Pharmacol Ther
2022 Dec 12
Zhang H, Alarcon C, Cavallari LH
16. Multi-Omics Studies in Historically Excluded Populations: The Road to Equity.
Clin Pharmacol Ther
2022 Dec 10
Yang G, Mishra M, Perera MA.
17. Physiologically-Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling of Omalizumab to Predict the Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics in Pediatric Patients.
Clin Pharmacol Ther
2022 Dec 10
Guo G(#), You X(#), Wu W
18. Clinical Trial Site Perspectives and Practices on Study Participant Diversity and Inclusion.
Clin Pharmacol Ther
2022 Dec 10
MacLennan DL, Plahovinsak JL, MacLennan RJ
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