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1. Innate Lymphoid Cells in Autoimmune Diseases.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 7
Clottu AS, Humbel M, Fluder N
2. A Practical Strategy for Exploring the Pharmacological Mechanism of Luteolin Against COVID-19/Asthma Comorbidity: Findings of System Pharmacology and Bioinformatics Analysis.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 7
Xie YZ, Peng CW, Su ZQ
3. PP2Cδ Controls the Differentiation and Function of Dendritic Cells Through Regulating the NSD2/mTORC2/ACLY Pathway.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 7
Lv N, Jin S, Liang Z
4. Case Report: Multicentric Reticulohistiocytosis Associated With Posterior Mediastinal Adenosquamous Carcinoma, Antinuclear Antibody Positivity and Lupus Anticoagulant Positivity.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 7
Tang Z, Wang X, Xia Z
5. Chimeric Antigens Receptor T Cell Therapy Improve the Prognosis of Pediatric Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia With Persistent/Recurrent Minimal Residual Disease in First Complete Remission.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 7
Hu GH, Cheng YF, Zuo YX
6. The ALDH Family Contributes to Immunocyte Infiltration, Proliferation and Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transformation in Glioma.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 7
Wang Z, Mo Y, Tan Y
7. Editorial: Exploring Immune Variability in Susceptibility to Tuberculosis Infection in Humans.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 7
Seshadri C, Sutherland JS, Lindestam Arlehamn CS
8. Critical Involvement of CD44 in T Helper Type 2 Cell-Mediated Eosinophilic Airway Inflammation in a Mouse Model of Acute Asthma.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 7
Katoh S.
9. Myeloid Diagnostic and Prognostic Markers of Immune Suppression in the Blood of Glioma Patients.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 7
Del Bianco P, Pinton L, Magri S
10. Treatment of Severe Japanese Encephalitis Complicated With Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and Guillain-Barré Syndrome With Protein A Immunoadsorption: A Case Report.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 7
Zang Q, Wang Y, Guo J
11. Effect of Salivary Exosomal miR-25-3p on Periodontitis With Insulin Resistance.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 7
Byun JS, Lee HY, Tian J
12. Circadian Regulation Patterns With Distinct Immune Landscapes in Gliomas Aid in the Development of a Risk Model to Predict Prognosis and Therapeutic Response.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 6
Tian R, Li Y, Shu M.
13. Lactylated Histone H3K18 as a Potential Biomarker for the Diagnosis and Predicting the Severity of Septic Shock.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 6
Chu X, Di C, Chang P
14. Case Report: Addition of PD-1 Antibody Camrelizumab Overcame Resistance to Trastuzumab Plus Chemotherapy in a HER2-Positive, Metastatic Gallbladder Cancer Patient.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 6
Wang L, Li X, Cheng Y
15. Dynamics of Macrophage, T and B Cell Infiltration Within Pulmonary Granulomas Induced by Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Two Non-Human Primate Models of Aerosol Infection.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 6
Hunter L, Hingley-Wilson S, Stewart GR
16. Applications and Immunological Effects of Quantum Dots on Respiratory System.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 6
Ren L, Wang L, Rehberg M
17. Optimization of Single-Dose VSV-Based COVID-19 Vaccination in Hamsters.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 6
O'Donnell KL, Clancy CS, Griffin AJ
18. Structure and Fc-Effector Function of Rhesusized Variants of Human Anti-HIV-1 IgG1s.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 6
Tolbert WD, Nguyen DN, Tuyishime M
19. The Predictive Value of MAP2K1/2 Mutations on Efficiency of Immunotherapy in Melanoma.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 6
Ye T, Zhang JY, Liu XY
20. Comprehensive Analysis of CD4(+) T Cell Response Cross-Reactive to SARS-CoV-2 Antigens at the Single Allele Level of HLA Class II.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 6
Hyun YS, Lee YH, Jo HA
21. Case Report: Anti-LGI1 Encephalitis Following COVID-19 Vaccination.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 5
Zlotnik Y, Gadoth A, Abu-Salameh I
22. Duality of Interactions Between TGF-β and TNF-α During Tumor Formation.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 5
Liu ZW, Zhang YM, Zhang LY
23. Identification of Hub Biomarkers and Immune-Related Pathways Participating in the Progression of Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibody-Associated Glomerulonephritis.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 5
Xia MD, Yu RR, Chen DM.
24. Chimerism-Based Tolerance to Kidney Allografts in Humans: Novel Insights and Future Perspectives.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 5
Podestà MA, Sykes M.
25. Cleavage-Mediated Regulation of Myd88 Signaling by Inflammasome-Activated Caspase-1.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 5
Avbelj M, Hafner-Bratkovič I, Lainšček D
26. Mechanistic and Biomarker Studies to Demonstrate Immune Tolerance in Multiple Sclerosis.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 5
Docampo MJ, Lutterotti A, Sospedra M
27. PP2A and Its Inhibitors in Helper T-Cell Differentiation and Autoimmunity.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 5
Khan MM, Kalim UU, Khan MH
28. miR-18a-3p and Its Target Protein HuR May Regulate Myogenic Differentiation in Immune-Mediated Necrotizing Myopathy.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 5
Ye L, Zuo Y, Chen F
29. Pharmacological Inhibition of IRE-1 Alpha Activity in Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 and Type 2-Infected Dendritic Cells Enhances T Cell Activation.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 5
Tognarelli EI, Retamal-Díaz A, Farías MA
30. TGFβ2 Induces the Soluble Isoform of CTLA-4 - Implications for CTLA-4 Based Checkpoint Inhibitor Antibodies in Malignant Melanoma.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 5
Khanolkar RC, Zhang C, Al-Fatyan F
31. Myeloid Fbxw7 Prevents Pulmonary Fibrosis by Suppressing TGF-β Production.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 5
He J, Du Y, Li G
32. Diet and Hygiene in Modulating Autoimmunity During the Pandemic Era.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 5
Abdelhamid L, Luo XM.
33. Pregnancy-Related Attack in Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder With AQP4-IgG: A Single-Center Study and Meta-Analysis.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 5
Deng S, Lei Q, Lu W.
34. Immunostimulatory Properties of Chemotherapy in Breast Cancer: From Immunogenic Modulation Mechanisms to Clinical Practice.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 5
Zhang J, Pan S, Jian C
35. T Helper Cell Lineage-Defining Transcription Factors: Potent Targets for Specific GVHD Therapy?
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 5
Campe J, Ullrich E.
36. Obesity Increases Gene Expression of Markers Associated With Immunosenescence in Obese Middle-Aged Individuals.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 5
Brunelli DT, Boldrini VO, Bonfante ILP
37. Characteristics of Dysregulated Proinflammatory Cytokines and Cognitive Dysfunction in Late-Life Depression and Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 5
Nie J, Fang Y, Chen Y
38. Induction of Functional Specific Antibodies, IgG-Secreting Plasmablasts and Memory B Cells Following BCG Vaccination.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 5
Bitencourt J, Peralta-Álvarez MP, Wilkie M
39. Parasite-Probiotic Interactions in the Gut: Bacillus sp. and Enterococcus faecium Regulate Type-2 Inflammatory Responses and Modify the Gut Microbiota of Pigs During Helminth Infection.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 5
Myhill LJ, Stolzenbach S, Mejer H
40. Functional Analysis of Variants in Complement Factor I Identified in Age-Related Macular Degeneration and Atypical Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 5
de Jong S, de Breuk A, Bakker B
41. N-Formyl Methionine Peptide-Mediated Neutrophil Activation in Systemic Sclerosis.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 5
Kuley R, Stultz RD, Duvvuri B
42. Encephalomyelitis Caused by Balamuthia mandrillaris in a Woman With Breast Cancer: A Case Report and Review of the Literature.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 5
Hu J, Zhang Y, Yu Y
43. CD1d(hi)PD-L1(hi)CD27(+) Regulatory Natural Killer Subset Suppresses Atopic Dermatitis.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 5
Min KY, Koo J, Noh G
44. Dysregulated TP53 Among PTSD Patients Leads to Downregulation of miRNA let-7a and Promotes an Inflammatory Th17 Phenotype.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 4
Busbee PB, Bam M, Yang X
45. High Complete Response Rate in Patients With Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma Receiving Autologous Cytokine-Induced Killer Cell Therapy Plus Anti-Programmed Death-1 Agent: A Single-Center Study.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 4
Zhao L, Li T, Song Y
46. Diagnostic Biomarkers and Immune Infiltration in Patients With T Cell-Mediated Rejection After Kidney Transplantation.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 4
Zhou H, Lu H, Sun L
47. New Approaches to Dendritic Cell-Based Therapeutic Vaccines Against HIV-1 Infection.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 4
Espinar-Buitrago M, Muñoz-Fernández MA.
48. Prognostic Landscape of Tumor-Infiltrating T and B Cells in Human Cancer.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 4
Zheng M, Li YM, Liu ZY
49. Extracellular Vesicles as a New Promising Therapy in HIV Infection.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 4
Navarrete-Muñoz MA, Llorens C, Benito JM
50. The GT1-TPS Structural Domain Protein From Haemonchus contortus Could Be Suppressive Antigen of Goat PBMCs.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 4
Wen Z, Aleem MT, Aimulajiang K
51. Promotor Hypomethylation Mediated Upregulation of miR-23b-3p Targets PTEN to Promote Bronchial Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition in Chronic Asthma.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 4
Guo Y, Yuan X, Hong L
52. Endogenous Retroviruses Provide Protection Against Vaginal HSV-2 Disease.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 4
Jayewickreme R, Mao T, Philbrick W
53. The Spectrum of Inborn Errors of Immunity in the United Arab Emirates: 5 Year Experience in a Tertiary Center.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 31
Shendi HM, Al Kuwaiti AA, Al Dhaheri AD
54. Brain Antigens Stimulate Proliferation of T Lymphocytes With a Pathogenic Phenotype in Multiple Sclerosis Patients.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 31
Gottlieb A, Pham HPT, Lindsey JW.
55. Neutralizing Antibody Responses to SARS-CoV-2 in Recovered COVID-19 Patients Are Variable and Correlate With Disease Severity and Receptor-Binding Domain Recognition.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 31
Maciola AK, La Raja M, Pacenti M
56. Peptide-Based Vaccines for Tuberculosis.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 31
Gong W, Pan C, Cheng P
57. Healthcare Workers in South Korea Maintain a SARS-CoV-2 Antibody Response Six Months After Receiving a Second Dose of the BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccine.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 31
Choi JH, Kim YR, Heo ST
58. Photochemically-Mediated Inflammation and Cross-Presentation of Mycobacterium bovis BCG Proteins Stimulates Strong CD4 and CD8 T-Cell Responses in Mice.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 31
Waeckerle-Men Y, Kotkowska ZK, Bono G
59. Successful Induction of Specific Immunological Tolerance by Combined Kidney and Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation in HLA-Identical Siblings.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 31
Fehr T, Hübel K, de Rougemont O
60. Gelsolin Attenuates Neonatal Hyperoxia-Induced Inflammatory Responses to Rhinovirus Infection and Preserves Alveolarization.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 31
Cui TX, Brady AE, Zhang YJ
61. Decidualization of Stromal Cells Promotes Involvement of Mast Cells in Successful Human Pregnancy by Increasing Stem Cell Factor Expression.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 31
Ueshima C, Kataoka TR, Osakabe M
62. Knowledge Mapping of Immunotherapy for Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Bibliometric Study.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 31
Shen J, Shen H, Ke L
63. Extracellular Vesicles Promote the Formation of Pre-Metastasis Niche in Gastric Cancer.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 31
Tang D, Liu S, Shen H
64. The ECSIT Mediated Toll3-Dorsal-ALFs Pathway Inhibits Bacterial Amplification in Kuruma Shrimp.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 31
Ding D, Sun XJ, Yan M
65. Structural Basis of Antibody Conformation and Stability Modulation by Framework Somatic Hypermutation.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 3
Sheng Z, Bimela JS, Katsamba PS
66. Grass Carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) KAT8 Inhibits IFN 1 Response Through Acetylating IRF3/IRF7.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 3
Li M, Hu J, Mao H
67. Elevated X-Box Binding Protein1 Splicing and Interleukin-17A Expression Are Associated With Active Generalized Vitiligo in Gujarat Population.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 3
Jadeja SD, Vaishnav J, Bharti AH
68. Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor-Induced Cerebral Pseudoprogression: Patterns and Categorization.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 3
Urban H, Steidl E, Hattingen E
69. Effect of Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stromal Cell Therapies in Rodent Models of Sepsis: A Meta-Analysis.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 3
Ge L, Zhao J, Deng H
70. Transcriptomic and Histological Analysis of Exacerbated Immune Response in Multidrug-Resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa in a Murine Model of Endophthalmitis.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 3
Naik P, Pandey S, Naik MN
71. Transcriptome Analysis of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) Skin in Response to Sea Lice and Infectious Salmon Anemia Virus Co-Infection Under Different Experimental Functional Diets.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 3
Cai W, Kumar S, Navaneethaiyer U
72. Single-Cell Analysis Reveals the Immune Characteristics of Myeloid Cells and Memory T Cells in Recovered COVID-19 Patients With Different Severities.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 3
Li X, Garg M, Jia T
73. Low-Dose Radiotherapy Leads to a Systemic Anti-Inflammatory Shift in the Pre-Clinical K/BxN Serum Transfer Model and Reduces Osteoarthritic Pain in Patients.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 3
Weissmann T, Rückert M, Zhou JG
74. Comprehensive Analysis of Expression, Prognostic Value, and Immune Infiltration for Ubiquitination-Related FBXOs in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 3
Zhang Y, Liu Q, Cui M
75. T Cell Memory in Infection, Cancer, and Autoimmunity.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 3
Barnaba V.
76. Disturbance of Gut Bacteria and Metabolites Are Associated with Disease Severity and Predict Outcome of NMDAR Encephalitis: A Prospective Case-Control Study.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 3
Gong X, Liu Y, Liu X
77. Natural Barcodes for Longitudinal Single Cell Tracking of Leukemic and Immune Cell Dynamics.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 3
Penter L, Gohil SH, Wu CJ.
78. Modulation of IL-6 Expression by KLF4-Mediated Transactivation and PCAF-Mediated Acetylation in Sublytic C5b-9-Induced Rat Glomerular Mesangial Cells.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 3
Xia L, Liu Y, Zhang Z
79. Persistence of Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies in Long Term Care Residents Over Seven Months After Two COVID-19 Outbreaks.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 3
Tanunliong G, Liu A, Vijh R
80. Revisiting the Development of Vaccines Against Pathogenic Leptospira: Innovative Approaches, Present Challenges, and Future Perspectives.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 3
Barazzone GC, Teixeira AF, Azevedo BOP
81. B Cell Receptor Signaling and Protein Kinase D2 Support Regulatory B Cell Function in Pancreatic Cancer.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 3
Michaud D, Mirlekar B, Steward C
82. Multi-Omics Analysis for Transcriptional Regulation of Immune-Related Targets Using Epigenetic Data: A New Research Direction.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 3
Huang C, Zhang N, Xiong H
83. Autoinflammatory Keratinization Disease With Hepatitis and Autism Reveals Roles for JAK1 Kinase Hyperactivity in Autoinflammation.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 3
Takeichi T, Lee JYW, Okuno Y
84. The Inhibitory Receptor Siglec-8 Interacts With FcεRI and Globally Inhibits Intracellular Signaling in Primary Mast Cells Upon Activation.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 28
Korver W, Wong A, Gebremeskel S
85. Predicted HLA Class I and Class II Epitopes From Licensed Vaccines Are Largely Conserved in New SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Variant of Concern.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 28
López D.
86. Light-Sheet Scattering Microscopy to Visualize Long-Term Interactions Between Cells and Extracellular Matrix.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 28
Zhou X, Zhao R, Yanamandra AK
87. Autoantibody:Autoantigen Competitor Decoys: Application to Cardiac Phenotypes.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 28
Cardozo T, Cardozo L, Boutjdir M.
88. Hsp90 Levels in Idiopathic Inflammatory Myopathies and Their Association With Muscle Involvement and Disease Activity: A Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Study.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 28
Štorkánová H, Oreská S, Špiritović M
89. Cytokine Release Syndrome in Cancer Patients Receiving Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors: A Case Series of 25 Patients and Review of the Literature.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 28
Tay SH, Toh MMX, Thian YL
90. Toll-Like Receptor- and Protein Kinase R-Induced Type I Interferon Sustains Infection of Leishmania donovani in Macrophages.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 28
Dias BT, Goundry A, Vivarini AC
91. Hygiene Hypothesis Indicators and Prevalence of Antinuclear Antibodies in US Adolescents.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 28
Meier HCS, Sandler DP, Wilkerson J
92. Three Specific Potential Epitopes That Could Be Recognized by T Cells of Convalescent COVID-19 Patients Were Identified From Spike Protein.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 28
Zhang Y, Yang Z, Tang M
93. SARS-CoV-2 Infection Triggers Auto-Immune Response in ARDS.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 28
Juanes-Velasco P, Landeira-Viñuela A, García-Vaquero ML
94. High Interferon Signature Leads to Increased STAT1/3/5 Phosphorylation in PBMCs From SLE Patients by Single Cell Mass Cytometry.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 28
Yiu G, Rasmussen TK, Tsai BL
95. Diversity of Dysregulated Long Non-Coding RNAs in HBV-Related Hepatocellular Carcinoma.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 28
Samudh N, Shrilall C, Arbuthnot P
96. Flaviviruses: Innate Immunity, Inflammasome Activation, Inflammatory Cell Death, and Cytokines.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 28
Pan Y, Cai W, Cheng A
97. Breast Cancer Vaccines: Disappointing or Promising?
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 28
Zhu SY, Yu KD.
98. Case Report: A Case of Epstein-Barr Virus-Associated Acute Liver Failure Requiring Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation After Emergent Liver Transplantation.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 28
Nakajima K, Hiejima E, Nihira H
99. A Commercial Anti-TIF1γ ELISA Is Superior to Line and Dot Blot and Should Be Considered as Part of Routine Myositis-Specific Antibody Testing.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 28
Mulhearn B, Li D, McMorrow F
100. The Natural Cytotoxicity Receptor NKp44 (NCR2, CD336) Is Expressed on the Majority of Porcine NK Cells Ex Vivo Without Stimulation.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 28
Mair KH, Crossman AJ, Wagner B
101. Low Levels of Granulocytic Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells May Be a Good Marker of Survival in the Follow-Up of Patients With Severe COVID-19.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 28
Jiménez-Cortegana C, Sánchez-Jiménez F, Pérez-Pérez A
102. The Splenic Marginal Zone in Children Is Characterized by a Subpopulation of CD27-Negative, Lowly IGHV-Mutated B Cells.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 27
Kibler A, Budeus B, Küppers R
103. The Impact of Esophageal Oncological Surgery on Perioperative Immune Function; Implications for Adjuvant Immune Checkpoint Inhibition.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 27
Donlon NE, Davern M, Sheppard AD
104. Rexinoids Modulate Effector T Cell Expression of Mucosal Homing Markers CCR9 and α4β7 Integrin and Direct Their Migration In Vitro.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 27
Manhas KR, Marshall PA, Wagner CE
105. An Update on Human Papilloma Virus Vaccines: History, Types, Protection, and Efficacy.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 27
Yousefi Z, Aria H, Ghaedrahmati F
106. Intravenous Immunoglobulin Therapy for Critically Ill COVID-19 Patients With Different Inflammatory Phenotypes: A Multicenter, Retrospective Study.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 27
Chen Y, Xie J, Wu W
107. Decreased Expression of Programmed Death Ligand-L1 by Seven in Absentia Homolog 2 in Cholangiocarcinoma Enhances T-Cell-Mediated Antitumor Activity.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 27
Zheng H, Zheng WJ, Wang ZG
108. Genetic Changes Driving Immunosuppressive Microenvironments in Oral Premalignancy.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 27
Rangel R, Pickering CR, Sikora AG
109. Characterization of Pipefish Immune Cell Populations Through Single-Cell Transcriptomics.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 27
Parker J, Guslund NC, Jentoft S
110. Molecular Identification of Nocardia seriolae and Comparative Analysis of Spleen Transcriptomes of Hybrid Snakehead (Channa maculata Female × Channa argus Male) With Nocardiosis Disease.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 27
Zhang N, Zhang H, Dong Z
111. Purine-Induced IFN-γ Promotes Uric Acid Production by Upregulating Xanthine Oxidoreductase Expression.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 27
Wang H, Xie L, Song X
112. PiggyBac Transposon-Mediated CD19 Chimeric Antigen Receptor-T Cells Derived From CD45RA-Positive Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells Possess Potent and Sustained Antileukemic Function.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 27
Suematsu M, Yagyu S, Nagao N
113. Dominant Antiviral CD8(+) T Cell Responses Empower Prophylactic Antibody-Eliciting Vaccines Against Cytomegalovirus.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 27
Pardieck IN, van Duikeren S, Veerkamp DMB
114. IBD-Associated Atg16L1T300A Polymorphism Regulates Commensal Microbiota of the Intestine.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 27
Liu H, Gao P, Jia B
115. Self-Tolerance of Vascular Tissues Is Broken Down by Vascular Dendritic Cells in Response to Systemic Inflammation to Initiate Regional Autoinflammation.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 26
Sun L, Zhang W, Zhao L
116. Lactic Acid Bacteria Mixture Isolated From Wild Pig Alleviated the Gut Inflammation of Mice Challenged by Escherichia coli.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 26
Zhong Y, Fu D, Deng Z
117. Aerosolized Intratracheal Inoculation of Recombinant Protective Antigen (rPA) Vaccine Provides Protection Against Inhalational Anthrax in B10.D2-Hc(0) Mice.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 26
Song X, Zhang W, Zhai L
118. Oxysterols Protect Epithelial Cells Against Pore-Forming Toxins.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 26
Ormsby TJR, Owens SE, Clement L
119. SARS-CoV-2 Spike-Specific CD4+ T Cell Response Is Conserved Against Variants of Concern, Including Omicron.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 26
Mazzoni A, Vanni A, Spinicci M
120. Case Report: Altered NK Cell Compartment and Reduced CXCR4 Chemotactic Response of B Lymphocytes in an Immunodeficient Patient With HPV-Related Disease.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 26
Doria M, Moscato GMF, Di Cesare S
121. Modulation of Macrophage Immunometabolism: A New Approach to Fight Infections.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 26
Gauthier T, Chen W.
122. A Novel Immunobiotics Bacteroides dorei Ameliorates Influenza Virus Infection in Mice.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 26
Song L, Huang Y, Liu G
123. Examining the Effect of Kindlin-3 Binding Site Mutation on LFA-1-ICAM-1 Bonds by Force Measuring Optical Tweezers.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 26
McDonald C, Morrison VL, McGloin D
124. Neurological Infection, Kynurenine Pathway, and Parasitic Infection by Neospora caninum.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 26
Del'Arco AE, Argolo DS, Guillemin G
125. An Emerging Role of TIM3 Expression on T Cells in Chronic Kidney Inflammation.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 26
Lu C, Chen H, Wang C
126. Identification of a Novel Mutation in TNFAIP3 in a Family With Poly-Autoimmunity.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 26
Rossi MN, Federici S, Uva A
127. Peptide Biomarkers for the Diagnosis of Dengue Infection.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 26
Falconi-Agapito F, Kerkhof K, Merino X
128. A Targeted Complement Inhibitor CRIg/FH Protects Against Experimental Autoimmune Myasthenia Gravis in Rats via Immune Modulation.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 26
Song J, Zhao R, Yan C
129. The Role of Immunometabolism in the Pathogenesis of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 26
Robinson GA, Wilkinson MGL, Wincup C.
130. Cancer and Autoimmune Diseases: A Tale of Two Immunological Opposites?
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 25
Elkoshi Z.
131. Immune Response in Moderate to Critical Breakthrough COVID-19 Infection After mRNA Vaccination.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 25
Paniskaki K, Anft M, Meister TL
132. Temporary Shutdown of ERK1/2 Phosphorylation Is Associated With Activation of Adaptive Immune Cell Responses and Disease Progression During Leishmania amazonensis Infection in BALB/c Mice.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 25
Oliveira LG, Souza-Testasicca MC, Ricotta TNQ
133. Histone Acetylation Regulator-Mediated Acetylation Patterns Define Tumor Malignant Pathways and Tumor Microenvironment in Hepatocellular Carcinoma.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 25
Xu Y, Liao W, Luo Q
134. Analysis of Immunological Characteristics and Genomic Alterations in HPV-Positive Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Based on PD-L1 Expression.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 25
Xu SM, Shi CJ, Xia RH
135. Molecular, Immunological, and Clinical Features Associated With Lymphoid Neogenesis in Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 25
Pagliarulo F, Cheng PF, Brugger L
136. Exploiting Glutamine Consumption in Atherosclerotic Lesions by Positron Emission Tomography Tracer (2S,4R)-4-(18)F-Fluoroglutamine.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 25
Palani S, Miner MWG, Virta J
137. Islet Lymphocytes Maintain a Stable Regulatory Phenotype Under Homeostatic Conditions and Metabolic Stress.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 25
Whitesell JC, Lindsay RS, Olivas-Corral JG
138. Editorial: The Role of Reactive Oxygen Species in Protective Immunity.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 25
Martinvalet D, Walch M.
139. Extracellular Vesicles as Biomarkers of Acute Graft-vs.-Host Disease After Haploidentical Stem Cell Transplantation and Post-Transplant Cyclophosphamide.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 25
Lia G, Di Vito C, Bruno S
140. Construction and Evaluation of Recombinant Attenuated Edwardsiella piscicida Vaccine (RAEV) Vector System Encoding Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (Ich) Antigen IAG52B.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 25
Swain B, Powell CT, Curtiss R 3rd.
141. Epigenetic Modifications in Tumor-Associated Macrophages: A New Perspective for an Old Foe.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 24
Niu Y, Chen J, Qiao Y.
142. B-Cell Dysregulation in Idiopathic Nephrotic Syndrome: What We Know and What We Need to Discover.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 24
Colucci M, Oniszczuk J, Vivarelli M
143. Expression Profiles and Prognostic Value of Multiple Inhibitory Checkpoints in Head and Neck Lymphoepithelioma-Like Carcinoma.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 24
Zou WQ, Luo WJ, Feng YF
144. A New Trend in Cancer Treatment: The Combination of Epigenetics and Immunotherapy.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 24
Liu Z, Ren Y, Weng S
145. Autocrine/Paracrine Loop Between SCF(+)/c-Kit(+) Mast Cells Promotes Cutaneous Melanoma Progression.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 24
Annese T, Tamma R, Bozza M
146. The Prognostic Value of FoxP3+ Tumour-Infiltrating Lymphocytes in Rectal Cancer Depends on Immune Phenotypes Defined by CD8+ Cytotoxic T Cell Density.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 24
Schnellhardt S, Hirneth J, Büttner-Herold M
147. Sarcodia suiae Water Extract Promotes the Expression of Proinflammatory and Th1-Type Cytokines and Delay the Onset of Mortality in Cobia (Rachycentron canadum) During Photobacterium damselae subsp. damselae Infection.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 24
Lee PT, Nan FH, Chiu PY
148. Induction of TLR4/TLR2 Interaction and Heterodimer Formation by Low Endotoxic Atypical LPS.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 24
Francisco S, Billod JM, Merino J
149. Causal Relationship Between Gut Microbiota and Autoimmune Diseases: A Two-Sample Mendelian Randomization Study.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 24
Xu Q, Ni JJ, Han BX
150. Cytokines in the Immune Microenvironment Change the Glycosylation of IgG by Regulating Intracellular Glycosyltransferases.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 24
Cao Y, Song Z, Guo Z
151. Editorial: Defining the Spatial Organization of Immune Responses to Cancer and Viruses In Situ.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 24
Phillips D, Rodig SJ, Jiang S.
152. IL-13 Genetic Susceptibility to Bullous Pemphigoid: A Potential Target for Treatment and a Prognostic Marker.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 24
Wang Y, Mao X, Liu Y
153. Neutrophils Culture in Collagen Gel System.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 24
Li R, Wang Z, Huang J
154. Omicron: A Heavily Mutated SARS-CoV-2 Variant Exhibits Stronger Binding to ACE2 and Potently Escapes Approved COVID-19 Therapeutic Antibodies.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 24
Shah M, Woo HG.
155. Phenomic Analysis of Chronic Granulomatous Disease Reveals More Severe Integumentary Infections in X-Linked Compared With Autosomal Recessive Chronic Granulomatous Disease.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 24
Chiu TL, Leung D, Chan KW
156. The PDE4 Inhibitor Tanimilast Blunts Proinflammatory Dendritic Cell Activation by SARS-CoV-2 ssRNAs.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 24
Nguyen HO, Schioppa T, Tiberio L
157. Comprehensive Landscape of Immune Infiltration and Aberrant Pathway Activation in Ischemic Stroke.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 24
Liu R, Song P, Gu X
158. Is There a Crucial Link Between Vitamin D Status and Inflammatory Response in Patients With COVID-19?
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 24
Saponaro F, Franzini M, Okoye C
159. A Diagnostic Model With IgM Autoantibodies and Carcinoembryonic Antigen for Early Detection of Lung Adenocarcinoma.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 24
Zhang X, Li J, Wang Y
160. Measurement of SARS-CoV-2 Antibody Titers Improves the Prediction Accuracy of COVID-19 Maximum Severity by Machine Learning in Non-Vaccinated Patients.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 21
Kurano M, Ohmiya H, Kishi Y
161. Association Between Autoimmune Diseases and Spontaneous Cervicocranial Arterial Dissection.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 21
Li H, Song P, Yang W
162. Murine CXCR3(+)CXCR6(+)γδT Cells Reside in the Liver and Provide Protection Against HBV Infection.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 21
Wang Y, Guan Y, Hu Y
163. An Artifact in Intracellular Cytokine Staining for Studying T Cell Responses and Its Alleviation.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 21
Gong Z, Li Q, Shi J
164. Atypical Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome-Associated FHR1 Isoform FHR1*B Enhances Complement Activation and Inflammation.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 21
Xu B, Kang Y, Du Y
165. Corrigendum: Inhibition of Lung Tumor Development in ApoE Knockout Mice via Enhancement of TREM-1 Dependent NK Cell Cytotoxicity.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 21
Lee YS, Yeo IJ, Kim KC
166. Silica Induction of Diverse Inflammatory Proteome in Lungs of Lupus-Prone Mice Quelled by Dietary Docosahexaenoic Acid Supplementation.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 21
Rajasinghe LD, Bates MA, Benninghoff AD
167. Maternal Nutrition During Late Gestation and Lactation: Association With Immunity and the Inflammatory Response in the Offspring.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 21
Li Q, Yang S, Zhang X
168. Swine Enteric Coronaviruses (PEDV, TGEV, and PDCoV) Induce Divergent Interferon-Stimulated Gene Responses and Antigen Presentation in Porcine Intestinal Enteroids.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 20
Yin L, Liu X, Hu D
169. The Dual Role of CCR5 in the Course of Influenza Infection: Exploring Treatment Opportunities.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 20
Ferrero MR, Tavares LP, Garcia CC.
170. Immunotherapy With Interferon α11, But Not Interferon Beta, Controls Persistent Retroviral Infection.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 20
Schwerdtfeger M, Dickow J, Schmitz Y
171. Case Report: Genetic Double Strike: VEXAS and TET2-Positive Myelodysplastic Syndrome in a Patient With Long-Standing Refractory Autoinflammatory Disease.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 20
Lötscher F, Seitz L, Simeunovic H
172. Identification of the Association Between Toll-Like Receptors and T-Cell Activation in Takayasu's Arteritis.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 20
Tian Y, Huang B, Li J
173. Gut Microbiome and Bile Acid Metabolism Induced the Activation of CXCR5+ CD4+ T Follicular Helper Cells to Participate in Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder Recurrence.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 20
Cheng X, Zhou L, Li Z
174. A Mouse Immunogenicity Model for the Evaluation of Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccines.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 20
Arunachalam AB, Vile S, Rosas A.
175. Case Report: Eosinophilic Esophagitis in a Patient With a Novel STAT1 Gain-of-Function Pathogenic Variant.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 20
Scott O, Sharfe N, Dadi H
176. Diverse Roles of TRPV4 in Macrophages: A Need for Unbiased Profiling.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 20
Nguyen TN, Siddiqui G, Veldhuis NA
177. Investigating Molecular Signatures Underlying Trapeziometacarpal Osteoarthritis Through the Evaluation of Systemic Cytokine Expression.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 20
Ratneswaran A, Rockel JS, Antflek D
178. Small Proline-Rich Protein 3 Regulates IL-33/ILC2 Axis to Promote Allergic Airway Inflammation.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 20
Zhu G, Cai H, Ye L
179. Predicting the Risk of Psoriatic Arthritis in Plaque Psoriasis Patients: Development and Assessment of a New Predictive Nomogram.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 20
Liu P, Kuang Y, Ye L
180. Neuroinflammation Associated With Inborn Errors of Immunity.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 19
Lindahl H, Bryceson YT.
181. A Novel Polymeric Nanohybrid Antimicrobial Engineered by Antimicrobial Peptide MccJ25 and Chitosan Nanoparticles Exerts Strong Antibacterial and Anti-Inflammatory Activities.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 19
Haitao Y, Yifan C, Mingchao S
182. Enhanced Immune Responses by Virus-Mimetic Polymeric Nanostructures Against Infectious Diseases.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 19
Li X, Liu S, Yin P
183. Ferroptosis Activation Scoring Model Assists in Chemotherapeutic Agents' Selection and Mediates Cross-Talk With Immunocytes in Malignant Glioblastoma.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 19
Wang Z, Dai Z, Zheng L
184. Filling the Gaps in Antagonist CCR5 Binding, a Retrospective and Perspective Analysis.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 19
Amerzhanova Y, Vangelista L.
185. Effect of D-Ala-Ended Peptidoglycan Precursors on the Immune Regulation of Lactobacillus plantarum Strains.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 19
Song X, Li F, Zhang M
186. The Immune Response to SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination: Insights Learned From Adult Patients With Common Variable Immune Deficiency.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 19
Quinti I, Locatelli F, Carsetti R.
187. Interkit Reproducibility of the Indirect Immunofluorescence Assay on HEp-2 Cells Depends on the Immunofluorescence Reactivity Intensity and Pattern.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 19
Silva MJ, Dellavance A, Baldo DC
188. Pro-Resolving Factor Administration Limits Cancer Progression by Enhancing Immune Response Against Cancer Cells.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 18
Wetzel A, Bonnefoy F, Chagué C
189. Quantification of Fat Metaplasia in the Sacroiliac Joints of Patients With Axial Spondyloarthritis by Chemical Shift-Encoded MRI: A Diagnostic Trial.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 18
Liu D, Lin C, Liu B
190. Polymorphonuclear Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells Are Abundant in Peripheral Blood of Cancer Patients and Suppress Natural Killer Cell Anti-Tumor Activity.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 18
Tumino N, Besi F, Martini S
191. CD300a Receptor Blocking Enhances Early Clearance of Leishmania donovani From Its Mammalian Host Through Modulation of Effector Functions of Phagocytic and Antigen Experienced T Cells.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 18
Singh R, Anand A, Rawat AK
192. Surgical Trauma in Mice Modifies the Content of Circulating Extracellular Vesicles.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 18
Mkrtchian S, Ebberyd A, Veerman RE
193. Rituximab in the Treatment of Interstitial Lung Diseases Related to Anti-Melanoma Differentiation-Associated Gene 5 Dermatomyositis: A Systematic Review.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 18
He C, Li W, Xie Q
194. Impact of Antigen Presentation Mechanisms on Immune Response in Autoimmune Hepatitis.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 18
Fasano R, Malerba E, Prete M
195. Identification of Inflammation-Related Biomarker Pro-ADM for Male Patients With Gout by Comprehensive Analysis.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 18
Qiu K, Zeng T, Liao Y
196. Melatonin Mitigates Oxazolone-Induced Colitis in Microbiota-Dependent Manner.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 18
Zhao ZX, Yuan X, Cui YY
197. Systemic Immune Dysregulation Correlates With Clinical Features of Early Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 18
Hao Z, Lin M, Du F
198. Leptin Promotes Greater Ki67 Expression in CD4(+) T Cells From Obese Compared to Lean Persons Living With HIV.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 17
Fuseini H, Smith R, Nochowicz CH
199. B- and T-Cell Responses After SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination in Patients With Multiple Sclerosis Receiving Disease Modifying Therapies: Immunological Patterns and Clinical Implications.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 17
Iannetta M, Landi D, Cola G
200. Asthma Associated Cytokines Regulate the Expression of SARS-CoV-2 Receptor ACE2 in the Lung Tissue of Asthmatic Patients.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 17
Saheb Sharif-Askari F, Goel S, Saheb Sharif-Askari N
201. Metabolic Enzyme Triosephosphate Isomerase 1 and Nicotinamide Phosphoribosyltransferase, Two Independent Inflammatory Indicators in Rheumatoid Arthritis: Evidences From Collagen-Induced Arthritis and Clinical Samples.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 17
Lei M, Tao MQ, Wu YJ
202. Human Leucocyte Antigen G and Murine Qa-2 Are Critical for Myeloid Derived Suppressor Cell Expansion and Activation and for Successful Pregnancy Outcome.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 17
Dietz S, Schwarz J, Velic A
203. Immune Checkpoint LAG3 and Its Ligand FGL1 in Cancer.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 17
Shi AP, Tang XY, Xiong YL
204. Neutrophil Extracellular Traps Caused by Gut Leakage Trigger the Autoimmune Response in Nonobese Diabetic Mice.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 17
You Q, Shen Y, Wu Y
205. The Association of HLA-G Gene Polymorphism and Its Soluble Form With Male Infertility.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 17
Piekarska K, Radwan P, Tarnowska A
206. Injectable Hydrogel as a Unique Platform for Antitumor Therapy Targeting Immunosuppressive Tumor Microenvironment.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 17
Liu Y, Geng Y, Yue B
207. G Protein-Coupled Receptor Kinase 2 as Novel Therapeutic Target in Fibrotic Diseases.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 17
Li N, Shan S, Li XQ
208. Exosomes Recovered From the Plasma of COVID-19 Patients Expose SARS-CoV-2 Spike-Derived Fragments and Contribute to the Adaptive Immune Response.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 17
Pesce E, Manfrini N, Cordiglieri C
209. High Throughput scRNA-Seq Provides Insights Into Leydig Cell Senescence Induced by Experimental Autoimmune Orchitis: A Prominent Role of Interstitial Fibrosis and Complement Activation.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 17
Li Y, Mi P, Wu J
210. Human Dermcidin Protects Mice Against Hepatic Ischemia-Reperfusion-Induced Local and Remote Inflammatory Injury.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 14
Qiang X, Li J, Zhu S
211. The β-NGF/TrkA Signalling Pathway Is Associated With the Production of Anti-Nucleoprotein IgG in Convalescent COVID-19.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 14
Usai C, Gibbons JM, Pade C
212. Establishing a Prognostic Signature Based on Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition-Related Genes for Endometrial Cancer Patients.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 14
Liu J, Cui G, Shen S
213. Liver and Hepatocyte Transplantation: What Can Pigs Contribute?
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 14
Li X, Wang Y, Yang H
214. The Immunological Role of CDK4/6 and Potential Mechanism Exploration in Ovarian Cancer.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 14
Liu C, Huang Y, Cui Y
215. Mesenchymal Stem Cells Overexpressing ACE2 Favorably Ameliorate LPS-Induced Inflammatory Injury in Mammary Epithelial Cells.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 14
Yan S, Ye P, Aleem MT
216. Antagonistic Activities of Lactobacillus rhamnosus JB3 Against Helicobacter pylori Infection Through Lipid Raft Formation.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 14
Do AD, Su CH, Hsu YM.
217. Natural Killer Cells in Anti-Neutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibody-Associated Vasculitis - A Review of the Literature.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 14
Fuchs S, Scheffschick A, Gunnarsson I
218. Corrigendum: Gamma/Delta T Cells in the Course of Healthy Human Pregnancy: Cytotoxic Potential and the Tendency of CD8 Expression Make CD56+ γδT Cells a Unique Lymphocyte Subset.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 14
Nörenberg J, Jaksó P, Barakonyi A.
219. Current Understanding of Exosomal MicroRNAs in Glioma Immune Regulation and Therapeutic Responses.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 14
Peng J, Liang Q, Xu Z
220. Spike-Dependent Opsonization Indicates Both Dose-Dependent Inhibition of Phagocytosis and That Non-Neutralizing Antibodies Can Confer Protection to SARS-CoV-2.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 14
Bahnan W, Wrighton S, Sundwall M
221. TRPM2 Is Not Required for T-Cell Activation and Differentiation.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 14
Lory NC, Nawrocki M, Corazza M
222. STING Signaling Drives Production of Innate Cytokines, Generation of CD8(+) T Cells and Enhanced Protection Against Trypanosoma cruzi Infection.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 14
Vieira RS, Nascimento MS, Noronha IH
223. Communication Pattern Changes Along With Declined IGF1 of Immune Cells in COVID-19 Patients During Disease Progression.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 14
Zhao M, Liu Z, Shao F
224. Corrigendum: Impact of NK Cell Activating Receptor Gene Variants on Receptor Expression and Outcome of Immunotherapy in Acute Myeloid Leukemia.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 13
Hussein BA, Hallner A, Wennström L
225. Case Report: Hemophagocytic Lymphocytosis in a Patient With Glutaric Aciduria Type IIC.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 13
Huang L, Wu W, Zhu Y
226. Emerging Molecular Markers Towards Potential Diagnostic Panels for Lupus.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 13
Tan G, Baby B, Zhou Y
227. β2-Adrenoceptor Deficiency Results in Increased Calcified Cartilage Thickness and Subchondral Bone Remodeling in Murine Experimental Osteoarthritis.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 13
Rösch G, Muschter D, Taheri S
228. Collapsing Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis in Viral Infections.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 13
Muehlig AK, Gies S, Huber TB
229. When a Friend Becomes Your Enemy: Natural Killer Cells in Atherosclerosis and Atherosclerosis-Associated Risk Factors.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 13
Palano MT, Cucchiara M, Gallazzi M
230. Monolaurin Confers a Protective Effect Against Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus Infection in Piglets by Regulating the Interferon Pathway.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 13
Zhang Q, Yi D, Ji C
231. Low-Molecular-Weight Heparin Enhanced Therapeutic Effects of Human Adipose-Derived Stem Cell Administration in a Mouse Model of Lupus Nephritis.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 13
Matsuda S, Kotani T, Saito T
232. Anti-CD40 Antibody Fused to CD40 Ligand Is a Superagonist Platform for Adjuvant Intrinsic DC-Targeting Vaccines.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 13
Ceglia V, Zurawski S, Montes M
233. ADAM Metalloproteinase Domain 17 Regulates Cholestasis-Associated Liver Injury and Sickness Behavior Development in Mice.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 13
Almishri W, Swain LA, D'Mello C
234. HPV-16 E7-Specific Cellular Immune Response in Women With Cervical Intraepithelial Lesion Contributes to Viral Clearance: A Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Clinical Study.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 13
Zhang L, Shi X, Zhang Q
235. IgA Complexes Induce Neutrophil Extracellular Trap Formation More Potently Than IgG Complexes.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 13
Gimpel AK, Maccataio A, Unterweger H
236. Circulating Exosomal circRNAs Contribute to Potential Diagnostic Value of Large Artery Atherosclerotic Stroke.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 13
Xiao Q, Hou R, Li H
237. Editorial: Function and Dysfunction of Complement Factor H.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 13
Józsi M, Barlow PN, Meri S.
238. DNA Damage Repair in Brain Tumor Immunotherapy.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 13
Zhao S, Xu B, Ma W
239. Case Report: Variety of Target Antigens During 1 Year Follow-Up of a Patient Initially Diagnosed With Bullous Pemphigoid.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 13
Qian H, Zhou Z, Shi L
240. Oral Therapy Using a Combination of Nanotized Antimalarials and Immunomodulatory Molecules Reduces Inflammation and Prevents Parasite Induced Pathology in the Brain and Spleen of P. berghei ANKA Infected C57BL/6 Mice.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 13
Mukherjee S, Ray G, Saha B
241. The cGAS-STING Pathway in Bacterial Infection and Bacterial Immunity.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 13
Liu N, Pang X, Zhang H
242. Corilagin Ameliorates Con A-Induced Hepatic Injury by Restricting M1 Macrophage Polarization.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 13
Yan F, Cheng D, Wang H
243. Combination of Tertiary Lymphoid Structure and Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio Predicts Survival in Patients With Hepatocellular Carcinoma.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 13
Wen S, Chen Y, Hu C
244. Differential Virus-Specific IFN-Gamma Producing T Cell Responses to Marek's Disease Virus in Chickens With B19 and B21 MHC Haplotypes.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 13
Boodhoo N, Behboudi S.
245. The Antibacterial Activity of Erythrocytes From Goose (Anser domesticus) Can Be Associated With Phagocytosis and Respiratory Burst Generation.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 13
Yang Y, Chen J, Lu L
246. Editorial: Tenascins - Key Players in Tissue Homeostasis and Defense.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 12
Yoshida KI, Midwood KS, Orend G.
247. Corrigendum: Nasal Administration of Anti-CD3 Monoclonal Antibody (Foralumab) Reduces Lung Inflammation and Blood Inflammatory Biomarkers in Mild to Moderate COVID-19 Patients: A Pilot Study.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 12
Moreira TG, Matos KTF, De Paula GS
248. Mesenchymal Stem Cells Derived Extracellular Vesicles Alleviate Traumatic Hemorrhagic Shock Induced Hepatic Injury via IL-10/PTPN22-Mediated M2 Kupffer Cell Polarization.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 12
Zhang Y, Zhang X, Zhang H
249. Metabolic and Immune Markers for Precise Monitoring of COVID-19 Severity and Treatment.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 12
Rendeiro AF, Vorkas CK, Krumsiek J
250. N6-Methyladenosine-Related LncRNAs Are Potential Remodeling Indicators in the Tumor Microenvironment and Prognostic Markers in Osteosarcoma.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 12
Wu Z, Zhang X, Chen D
251. Optimization of SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Expression in the Silkworm and Induction of Efficient Protective Immunity by Inoculation With Alum Adjuvants.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 12
Masuda A, Lee JM, Miyata T
252. Cytokine Elevation in Severe COVID-19 From Longitudinal Proteomics Analysis: Comparison With Sepsis.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 12
Ebihara T, Matsumoto H, Matsubara T
253. Potential Anionic Substances Binding to Platelet Factor 4 in Vaccine-Induced Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia of ChAdOx1-S Vaccine for SARS-CoV-2.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 12
Pang X, Liu H, He X
254. Integrative Lipidomics and Metabolomics for System-Level Understanding of the Metabolic Syndrome in Long-Term Treated HIV-Infected Individuals.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 12
Olund Villumsen S, Benfeitas R, Knudsen AD
255. CD209/CD14(+) Dendritic Cells Characterization in Rheumatoid and Psoriatic Arthritis Patients: Activation, Synovial Infiltration, and Therapeutic Targeting.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 12
Marzaioli V, Canavan M, Floudas A
256. Neutrophil-Mediated Immunopathology and Matrix Metalloproteinases in Central Nervous System - Tuberculosis.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 12
Poh XY, Loh FK, Friedland JS
257. Editorial: Inflammatory Mechanisms of Hemolytic Diseases.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 12
Sesti-Costa R, Silva-Filho JL, Barcellini W
258. Generation of High Quality Memory B Cells.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 12
Inoue T, Shinnakasu R, Kurosaki T.
259. Sorting Nexin 27 Enables MTOC and Secretory Machinery Translocation to the Immune Synapse.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 12
González-Mancha N, Rodríguez-Rodríguez C, Alcover A
260. Identification of Robust Biomarkers for Early Predicting Efficacy of Subcutaneous Immunotherapy in Children With House Dust Mite-Induced Allergic Rhinitis by Multiple Cytokine Profiling.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 12
Xie S, Fan R, Tang Q
261. Increased Circulating Cell-Free DNA in Eosinophilic Granulomatosis With Polyangiitis: Implications for Eosinophil Extracellular Traps and Immunothrombosis.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 12
Hashimoto T, Ueki S, Kamide Y
262. Intralymphatic GAD-alum Injection Modulates B Cell Response and Induces Follicular Helper T Cells and PD-1+ CD8+ T Cells in Patients With Recent-Onset Type 1 Diabetes.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 12
Barcenilla H, Pihl M, Wahlberg J
263. KIR-HLA Functional Repertoire Influences Trastuzumab Efficiency in Patients With HER2-Positive Breast Cancer.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 12
Muraro E, De Zorzi M, Miolo G
264. DNA Based Vaccine Expressing SARS-CoV-2 Spike-CD40L Fusion Protein Confers Protection Against Challenge in a Syrian Hamster Model.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 12
Tamming LA, Duque D, Tran A
265. The Kynurenine/Tryptophan Ratio Is a Sensitive Biomarker for the Diagnosis of Pediatric Tuberculosis Among Indian Children.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 12
Tornheim JA, Paradkar M, Zhao H
266. Longitudinal High-Throughput Sequencing of the T-Cell Receptor Repertoire Reveals Dynamic Change and Prognostic Significance of Peripheral Blood TCR Diversity in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer During Chemotherapy.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 12
Chen YT, Hsu HC, Lee YS
267. Toripalimab: the First Domestic Anti-Tumor PD-1 Antibody in China.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 12
Zhang L, Hao B, Geng Z
268. Effects of Dietary Phospholipids on Growth Performance, Digestive Enzymes Activity and Intestinal Health of Largemouth Bass (Micropterus salmoides) Larvae.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 11
Wang S, Han Z, Turchini GM
269. Roles of Polymorphonuclear Neutrophils in Ischemic Brain Injury and Post-Ischemic Brain Remodeling.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 11
Mohamud Yusuf A, Hagemann N, Ludewig P
270. Factors Determining Long-Term Antitumor Responses to Immune Checkpoint Blockade Therapy in Melanoma.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 11
Loo K, Smithy JW, Postow MA
271. LncRNAs and Rheumatoid Arthritis: From Identifying Mechanisms to Clinical Investigation.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 11
Huang W, Li X, Huang C
272. Pleckstrin Levels Are Increased in Patients with Chronic Periodontitis and Regulated via the MAP Kinase-p38α Signaling Pathway in Gingival Fibroblasts.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 11
Alim MA, Njenda D, Lundmark A
273. Clinical Courses of IKAROS and CTLA4 Deficiencies: A Systematic Literature Review and Retrospective Longitudinal Study.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 11
Hoshino A, Toyofuku E, Mitsuiki N
274. Neutralizing Activity and SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine mRNA Persistence in Serum and Breastmilk After BNT162b2 Vaccination in Lactating Women.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 11
Yeo KT, Chia WN, Tan CW
275. Tissue Trafficking Kinetics of Rhesus Macaque Natural Killer Cells Measured by Serial Intravascular Staining.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 11
Mortlock RD, Wu C, Potter EL
276. Natural Killer Cells in the Malignant Niche of Multiple Myeloma.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 11
Venglar O, Bago JR, Motais B
277. Editorial: Immune-Related Non-Communicable Diseases in Africa.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 11
Barbouche MR, Eley BS.
278. Uveitis as a Risk Factor for Developing Acute Myocardial Infarction in Ankylosing Spondylitis: A National Population-Based Longitudinal Cohort Study.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 11
Lai YF, Lin TY, Chien WC
279. Oral Administration of Nanopeptide CMCS-20H Conspicuously Boosts Immunity and Precautionary Effect Against Bacterial Infection in Fish.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 11
Huo X, Wang Z, Xiao X
280. Grabbing the Bull by Both Horns: Bovine Ultralong CDR-H3 Paratopes Enable Engineering of 'Almost Natural' Common Light Chain Bispecific Antibodies Suitable For Effector Cell Redirection.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 11
Klewinghaus D, Pekar L, Arras P
281. First Results From a Propensity Matching Trial of Mycophenolate Mofetil vs. Azathioprine in Treatment-Naive AIH Patients.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 11
Dalekos GN, Arvaniti P, Gatselis NK
282. Human Brain Organoids as an In Vitro Model System of Viral Infectious Diseases.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 11
Su X, Yue P, Kong J
283. LncRNA GAS5/miR-137 Is a Hypoxia-Responsive Axis Involved in Cardiac Arrest and Cardiopulmonary Cerebral Resuscitation.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 11
Jing W, Tuxiu X, Xiaobing L
284. Epitope-Specific Anti-C1q Autoantibodies in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 11
Kleer JS, Rabatscher PA, Weiss J
285. High Dimensional Analyses of Circulating Immune Cells in Psoriatic Arthritis Detects Elevated Phosphorylated STAT3.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 11
Macaubas C, Rahman SS, Lavi I
286. Naringenin Regulates FKBP4/NR3C1/NRF2 Axis in Autophagy and Proliferation of Breast Cancer and Differentiation and Maturation of Dendritic Cell.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 11
Xiong H, Chen Z, Lin B
287. The Spectrum of the Deficiency of Adenosine Deaminase 2: An Observational Analysis of a 60 Patient Cohort.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 10
Barron KS, Aksentijevich I, Deuitch NT
288. Patient-Level DNA Damage Repair Pathway Profiles and Anti-Tumor Immunity for Gastric Cancer.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 10
Lou S, Wang Y, Zhang J
289. Evidence of Microglial Immune Response Following Coronavirus PHEV Infection of CNS.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 10
Zhang J, Li Z, Lu H
290. Pentose Phosphate Pathway Regulates Tolerogenic Apoptotic Cell Clearance and Immune Tolerance.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 10
He D, Mao Q, Jia J
291. Liver Bacterial Dysbiosis With Non-Tuberculosis Mycobacteria Occurs in SIV-Infected Macaques and Persists During Antiretroviral Therapy.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 10
Fisher BS, Fancher KA, Gustin AT
292. The Role of Microglial Phagocytosis in Ischemic Stroke.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 10
Jia J, Yang L, Chen Y
293. Fine Mapping Analysis of the MHC Region to Identify Variants Associated With Chinese Vitiligo and SLE and Association Across These Diseases.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 10
Cao L, Zhang R, Wang Y
294. Promising Immunotherapy in Metastatic Testicular Sex Cord Stromal Tumours After First-Line Chemotherapy.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 10
Shang B, Cao C, Jiang W
295. Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells Are Increased in Lung Transplant Recipients and Regulated by Immunosuppressive Therapy.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 10
Iglesias-Escudero M, Segundo DS, Merino-Fernandez D
296. Editorial: Hexose Uptake and Metabolism in Immune Homeostasis and Inflammation.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 10
Zhang D, Liu C, Nakatsukasa H
297. Editorial: The Role of Opioid Receptors in Immune System Function.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 10
Rogers TJ, Roy S.
298. The Primary Immunodeficiency Database in Japan.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 10
Mitsui-Sekinaka K, Sekinaka Y, Endo A
299. Case Report: High Doses of Intravenous Immunoglobulins as a Successful Treatment for Late Onset Immune Agranulocytosis After Rituximab Plus Bendamustine.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 10
Diez-Feijóo R, Rodríguez-Sevilla JJ, Fernández-Rodríguez C
300. Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress-Associated Neuronal Death and Innate Immune Response in Neurological Diseases.
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 10
Shi M, Chai Y, Zhang J
301. HLA-G in Allergy: Does It Play an Immunoregulatory Role?
Front Immunol
2022 Jan 10
Negrini S, Contini P, Murdaca G
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