期刊文献 > Mol Syst Biol期刊 选择月份
2023 Sep (3)
2023 Aug (7)
2023 Jul (4)
2023 Jun (5)
2023 May (5)
2023 Apr (4)
2023 Feb (8)
2023 Jan (3)
1. Consistency across multi-omics layers in a drug-perturbed gut microbial community.
Mol Syst Biol
2023 Sep 12
Wuyts S(#), Alves R(#), Zimmermann-Kogadeeva M(#)
2. Robust dimethyl-based multiplex-DIA doubles single-cell proteome depth via a reference channel.
Mol Syst Biol
2023 Sep 12
Thielert M(#), Itang EC(#), Ammar C
3. Predictability of the community-function landscape in wine yeast ecosystems.
Mol Syst Biol
2023 Sep 12
Ruiz J(#), de Celis M(#), Diaz-Colunga J
4. Systems-level transcriptional regulation of Caenorhabditis elegans metabolism.
Mol Syst Biol
2023 May 9
Nanda S, Jacques MA, Wang W
5. Higher-order modular regulation of the human proteome.
Mol Syst Biol
2023 May 9
Kustatscher G(#), Hödl M(#), Rullmann E(#)
6. Stress-sensitive dynamics of miRNAs and Elba1 in Drosophila embryogenesis.
Mol Syst Biol
2023 May 9
Örkenby L, Skog S, Ekman H
7. A stimulus-contingent positive feedback loop enables IFN-β dose-dependent activation of pro-inflammatory genes.
Mol Syst Biol
2023 May 9
Wilder CL, Lefaudeux D, Mathenge R
8. Automated assembly of molecular mechanisms at scale from text mining and curated databases.
Mol Syst Biol
2023 May 9
Bachman JA(#), Gyori BM(#), Sorger PK.
9. Multiplying insights from perturbation experiments: predicting new perturbation combinations.
Mol Syst Biol
2023 Jun 12
Welch J.
10. Predicting cellular responses to complex perturbations in high-throughput screens.
Mol Syst Biol
2023 Jun 12
Lotfollahi M(#), Klimovskaia Susmelj A(#), De Donno C(#)
11. Multisite assessment of reproducibility in high-content cell migration imaging data.
Mol Syst Biol
2023 Jun 12
Hu J(#), Serra-Picamal X(#), Bakker GJ
12. GRaNIE and GRaNPA: inference and evaluation of enhancer-mediated gene regulatory networks.
Mol Syst Biol
2023 Jun 12
Kamal A(#), Arnold C(#), Claringbould A
13. A self-propagating, barcoded transposon system for the dynamic rewiring of genomic networks.
Mol Syst Biol
2023 Jun 12
English MA(#), Alcantar MA(#), Collins JJ.
14. Single-cell biology: what does the future hold?
Mol Syst Biol
2023 Jul 11
Polychronidou M, Hou J, Babu MM
15. Large-scale phosphomimetic screening identifies phospho-modulated motif-based protein interactions.
Mol Syst Biol
2023 Jul 11
Kliche J, Garvanska DH, Simonetti L
16. Transcription factor expression is the main determinant of variability in gene co-activity.
Mol Syst Biol
2023 Jul 11
van Duin L, Krautz R, Rennie S
17. A metabolic map of the DNA damage response identifies PRDX1 in the control of nuclear ROS scavenging and aspartate availability.
Mol Syst Biol
2023 Jul 11
Moretton A(#), Kourtis S(#), Gañez Zapater A(#)
18. Efficient plasmid transfer via natural competence in a microbial co-culture.
Mol Syst Biol
2023 Jan 30
Cheng YY, Zhou Z, Papadopoulos JM
19. One-shot (13) C(15) N-metabolic flux analysis for simultaneous quantification of carbon and nitrogen flux.
Mol Syst Biol
2023 Jan 27
Borah Slater K(#), Beyß M(#), Xu Y
20. Pan-Cancer landscape of protein activities identifies drivers of signalling dysregulation and patient survival.
Mol Syst Biol
2023 Jan 23
Sousa A, Dugourd A, Memon D
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