期刊文献 > Phys Life Rev期刊 选择月份
2023 Aug (1)
2022 Dec (1)
2022 Nov (2)
20 2 (11)
1. Path integrals, particular kinds, and strange things.
Phys Life Rev
2023 Aug 29
Friston K, Da Costa L, Sakthivadivel DAR
2. Motor invariants in action execution and perception.
Phys Life Rev
2022 Nov 24
Torricelli F, Tomassini A, Pezzulo G
3. Thresholds, bifurcation and chaos in biological phenomena: Comment on "Mathematical models for Dengue fever epidemiology: A 10-year systematic review" by M. Aguiar et al.
Phys Life Rev
2022 Nov 24
Yang HM.
4. Musical engagement as a duet of tight synchrony and loose interpretability.
Phys Life Rev
2022 Dec 28
Rabinowitch TC.
5. Reputation and reciprocity.
Phys Life Rev
20 2 3
Xia C, Wang J, Perc M
6. Mechanotransduction in tumor dynamics modeling.
Phys Life Rev
20 2 3
Blanco B, Gomez H, Melchor J
7. Physics-based character animation and human motor control.
Phys Life Rev
20 2 3
Llobera J, Charbonnier C.
8. Cultural evolution in the science of culture and cultural evolution.
Phys Life Rev
20 2 3
Whiten A.
9. The evolution of social timing.
Phys Life Rev
20 2 3
Verga L, Kotz SA, Ravignani A.
10. A systematic framework of creative metacognition.
Phys Life Rev
20 2 3
Lebuda I, Benedek M.
11. An active inference model of hierarchical action understanding, learning and imitation.
Phys Life Rev
20 2 3
Proietti R, Pezzulo G, Tessari A.
12. Structure and function in artificial, zebrafish and human neural networks.
Phys Life Rev
20 2 3
Ji P, Wang Y, Peron T
13. Advances in pulsed electric stimuli as a physical method for treating liquid foods.
Phys Life Rev
20 2 3
Zare F, Ghasemi N, Bansal N
14. Beyond simple laboratory studies: Developing sophisticated models to study rich behavior.
Phys Life Rev
20 2 3
Maselli A, Gordon J, Eluchans M
15. To copy or not to copy? That is the question! From chimpanzees to the foundation of human technological culture.
Phys Life Rev
20 2 3
Manrique HM, Walker MJ.
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