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20 2 (59)
1. Epigenetic rejuvenation by partial reprogramming.
20 2 3
Puri D, Wagner W.
2. What is happening to immunohistochemistry?
20 2 3
Gautron L.
3. Defining bone fide effectors of RAS GTPases.
20 2 3
Smith MJ.
4. An oncospace for human cancers.
20 2 3
Aguadé-Gorgorió G, Costa J, Solé R.
5. Regulation and function of poised mRNAs in lymphocytes.
20 2 3
Turner M.
6. Fraternity of old-timers: How ubiquitin regulates miRNA functions.
20 2 3
Ryazansky S, Akulenko N.
7. An out-of-equilibrium definition of protein turnover.
20 2 3
Martin B, Suter DM.
8. Cochlear tonotopy from proteins to perception.
20 2 3
Fettiplace R.
9. A short story on how chromophore is hydrolyzed from rhodopsin for recycling.
20 2 3
Hong JD, Palczewski K.
10. Vasa, a regulator of localized mRNA translation on the spindle.
20 2 3
Sundaram Buitrago PA, Rao K, Yajima M.
11. The current status and trends of DNA extraction.
20 2 3
Ye X, Lei B.
12. BENDing with Polycomb in pluripotency and cancer.
20 2 3
Khan A, Prasanth S.
13. The Arf family GTPases: Regulation of vesicle biogenesis and beyond.
20 2 3
Li FL, Guan KL.
14. Cytoskeleton network participates in the anti-infection responses of macrophage.
20 2 3
Mei J, Huang X, Fan C
15. Functional hierarchy of PCNA-interacting motifs in DNA processing enzymes.
20 2 3
Hamdan SM, De Biasio A.
16. Modeling the evolution of recombination plasticity: A prospective review.
20 2 3
Rybnikov SR, Frenkel Z, Hübner S
17. Molecules interact. But how strong and how much?
20 2 3
Weimer K, Zambo B, Gogl G.
18. Emerging role of TAK1 in the regulation of skeletal muscle mass.
20 2 3
Roy A, Narkar VA, Kumar A.
19. The survival of curaxins in the cancer arena.
20 2 3
Theocharous G, Papaspyropoulos A, Gorgoulis V.
20. Why is there no service to support taxonomy?
20 2 3
Sigwart JD, Chen C, Tilic E
21. Physiological ramifications of constrained collective cell migration.
20 2 3
Leclech C, Barakat AI.
22. ISG15: A link between innate immune signaling, DNA replication, and genome stability.
20 2 3
Wardlaw CP, Petrini JHJ.
23. Fluid protein fold space and its implications.
20 2 3
Porter LL.
24. ORChestra coordinates the replication and repair music.
20 2 3
Liu D, Sonalkar J, Prasanth SG.
25. The sorting platform in the type III secretion pathway: From assembly to function.
20 2 3
Soto JE, Lara-Tejero M.
26. Lampbrush chromosome studies in the post-genomic era.
20 2 3
Krasikova A, Fishman V, Kulikova T.
27. Is Drosophila Dpp/BMP morphogen spreading required for wing patterning and growth?
20 2 3
Matsuda S, Affolter M.
28. N(6) - Methyladenosine defines a new checkpoint in γδ T cell development.
20 2 3
Zhao J, Ding C, Li HB.
29. Novel secretory organelles of parasite origin - at the center of host-parasite interaction.
20 2 3
Bekić V, Kilian N.
30. Life of p: A consonant older than speech.
20 2 3
Lameira AR, Moran S.
31. HNRNPU's multi-tasking is essential for proper cortical development.
20 2 3
Sapir T, Reiner O.
32. Targeting a novel apoptotic pathway in human disease.
20 2 3
D'Addio F, Montefusco L, Lunati ME
33. Benefits of co-translational complex assembly for cellular fitness.
20 2 3
Khan K, Fox PL.
34. Shaping eukaryotic epigenetic systems by horizontal gene transfer.
20 2 3
Arkhipova IR, Yushenova IA, Rodriguez F.
35. The history and conceptual framework of assays and screens.
20 2 3
Giacoletto CJ, Schiller MR.
36. Harnessing the cooperation between DNA-PK and cGAS in cancer therapies: The cooperation between DNA-PK and cGAS shapes tumour immunogenicity.
20 2 3
Taffoni C, Schüssler M, Vila IK
37. Managing fuels and fluids: Network integration of osmoregulatory and metabolic hormonal circuits in the polymodal control of homeostasis in insects.
20 2 3
Koyama T, Rana DW, Halberg KV.
38. Proposed mechanism for the selection of lactase persistence in childhood.
20 2 3
Fabre A, Fabre A, Bon C
39. How mitochondria showcase evolutionary mechanisms and the importance of oxygen.
20 2 3
Speijer D.
40. Tau, microtubule dynamics, and axonal transport: New paradigms for neurodegenerative disease.
20 2 3
Cario A, Berger CL.
41. MED26-containing Mediator may orchestrate multiple transcription processes through organization of nuclear bodies.
20 2 3
Suzuki H, Furugori K, Abe R
42. Tender love and disassembly: How a TLDc domain protein breaks the V-ATPase.
20 2 3
Wilkens S, Khan MM, Knight K
43. Can you remember silence? Epigenetic memory and reversibility as a site of intervention.
20 2 3
Lloyd S, Lutz PE, Bonventre C.
44. Tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte therapy: Clinical aspects and future developments in this breakthrough cancer treatment.
20 2 3
Lee H, Kim K, Chung J
45. Sticky, Adaptable, and Many-sided: SAM protein versatility in normal and pathological hematopoietic states.
20 2 3
Ray S, Hewitt K.
46. New paradigms in actomyosin energy transduction: Critical evaluation of non-traditional models for orthophosphate release.
20 2 3
Månsson A, Ušaj M, Moretto L
47. A Kuhnian revolution in molecular biology: Most genes in complex organisms express regulatory RNAs.
20 2 3
Mattick JS.
48. Solving the conundrum of intra-specific variation in metabolic rate: A multidisciplinary conceptual and methodological toolkit: New technical developments are opening the door to an understanding of why metabolic rate varies among individual animals of a species: New technical developments are opening the door to an understanding of why metabolic rate varies among individual animals of a species.
20 2 3
Metcalfe NB, Bellman J, Bize P
49. Deep into the niche: Deciphering local endoderm-microenvironment interactions in development, homeostasis, and disease of pancreas and intestine.
20 2 3
Szlachcic WJ, Letai KC, Scavuzzo MA
50. A tale of two genomes: What drives mitonuclear discordance in asexual lineages of a freshwater snail?
20 2 3
Neiman M, Sharbrough J.
51. Regulation of HSF1 transcriptional complexes under proteotoxic stress: Mechanisms of heat shock gene transcription involve the stress-induced HSF1 complex formation, changes in chromatin states, and formation of phase-separated condensates: Mechanisms of heat shock gene transcription involve the stress-induced HSF1 complex formation, changes in chromatin states, and formation of phase-separated condensates.
20 2 3
Fujimoto M, Takii R, Nakai A.
52. Muscle stem cells get a new look: Dynamic cellular projections as sensors of the stem cell niche.
20 2 3
Krauss RS, Kann AP.
53. Are secondary effects of bisphosphonates on the vascular system of bone contributing to increased risk for atypical femoral fractures in osteoporosis?
20 2 3
Hart DA.
54. A natural heme deficiency exists in biology that allows nitric oxide to control heme protein functions by regulating cellular heme distribution.
20 2 3
Stuehr DJ, Biswas P, Dai Y
55. Underlying mechanisms that ensure actomyosin-mediated directional remodeling of cell-cell contacts for multicellular movement: Tricellular junctions and negative feedback as new aspects underlying actomyosin-mediated directional epithelial morphogenesis: Tricellular junctions and negative feedback as new aspects underlying actomyosin-mediated directional epithelial morphogenesis.
20 2 3
Uechi H, Kuranaga E.
56. Jerne's "immune network theory", of interacting anti-idiotypic antibodies applied to immune responses during COVID-19 infection and after COVID-19 vaccination.
20 2 3
Kurbel S.
57. PAQR proteins and the evolution of a superpower: Eating all kinds of fats: Animals rely on evolutionarily conserved membrane homeostasis proteins to compensate for dietary variation.
20 2 3
Pilon M, Ruiz M.
58. Hypothesis: Drainage of the peripheral tissue edema by the hyperbaric oxygen therapy because of hyperoxygenation that constricts arterioles and alters the downstream capillary fluid traffic in affected tissues.
20 2 3
Kurbel S, Ćurković V, Kovačić B.
59. Oxiforms: Unique cysteine residue- and chemotype-specified chemical combinations can produce functionally-distinct proteoforms: Like how mixing primary colours creates new shades, cysteine residue- and chemotype-specified chemical combinations can produce functionally-distinct proteoforms called oxiforms: Like how mixing primary colours creates new shades, cysteine residue- and chemotype-specified chemical combinations can produce functionally-distinct proteoforms called oxiforms.
20 2 3
Cobley JN.
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