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1. Trapping Tribbles: Nanobody-assisted structure of the TRIB2 pseudokinase.
2022 Nov 3
Santana FR, Linossi EM, Jura N.
2. High-resolution crystal structure and chemical screening reveal pantothenate kinase as a new target for antifungal development.
2022 Nov 3
Gihaz S, Gareiss P, Choi JY
3. Nanobodies identify an activated state of the TRIB2 pseudokinase.
2022 Nov 3
Jamieson SA, Pudjihartono M, Horne CR
4. Hitting them where it hurts: Pantothenate kinase targeting in pathogenic fungi.
2022 Nov 3
Pierce C, Park H.
5. Nanobodies targeting LexA autocleavage disclose a novel suppression strategy of SOS-response pathway.
2022 Nov 3
Maso L, Vascon F, Chinellato M
6. In vitro characterization of the full-length human dynein-1 cargo adaptor BicD2.
2022 Nov 3
Fagiewicz R, Crucifix C, Klos T
7. ATP-site inhibitors induce unique conformations of the acute myeloid leukemia-associated Src-family kinase, Fgr.
2022 Nov 3
Du S, Alvarado JJ, Wales TE
8. Structural basis for the interaction between human Npl4 and Npl4-binding motif of human Ufd1.
2022 Nov 3
Nguyen TQ, My Le LT, Kim DH
9. Pulling the wool over a pathogen's eyes: Llama nanobody inhibitors of the bacterial SOS response.
2022 Nov 3
Chen E, Culyba MJ.
10. A memetic algorithm enables efficient local and global all-atom protein-protein docking with backbone and side-chain flexibility.
2022 Nov 3
Varela D, Karlin V, André I.
11. Structural and dynamic effects of paraoxon binding to human acetylcholinesterase by X-ray crystallography and inelastic neutron scattering.
2022 Nov 3
Gerlits O, Fajer M, Cheng X
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