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2021 Jan (11)
1. Integrative approaches in genome structure analysis.
2022 Jan 6
Boninsegna L, Yildirim A, Zhan Y
2. High-resolution structure of the membrane-embedded skeletal muscle ryanodine receptor.
2022 Jan 6
Melville Z, Kim K, Clarke OB
3. Structure of the peripheral arm of a minimalistic respiratory complex I.
2022 Jan 6
Schimpf J, Oppermann S, Gerasimova T
4. In situ structure of the AcrAB-TolC efflux pump at subnanometer resolution.
2022 Jan 6
Chen M, Shi X, Yu Z
5. Network theory reveals principles of spliceosome structure and dynamics.
2022 Jan 6
Kaur H, van der Feltz C, Sun Y
6. Structure of the ancient TRPY1 channel from Saccharomyces cerevisiae reveals mechanisms of modulation by lipids and calcium.
2022 Jan 6
Ahmed T, Nisler CR, Fluck EC 3rd
7. How CEP164 ciliopathy mutations impair ciliogenesis.
2022 Jan 6
Morrison CG.
8. RCSB Protein Data Bank resources for structure-facilitated design of mRNA vaccines for existing and emerging viral pathogens.
2022 Jan 6
Goodsell DS, Burley SK.
9. Small, but powerful and attractive: (19)F in biomolecular NMR.
2022 Jan 6
Gronenborn AM.
10. Leveraging crosslinking mass spectrometry in structural and cell biology.
2022 Jan 6
Graziadei A, Rappsilber J.
11. TRP channels: branching out into the fungal kingdom.
2022 Jan 6
Hellmich UA, Delemotte L.
12. Recent advances in small-angle scattering and its expanding impact in structural biology.
2022 Jan 6
Trewhella J.
13. Progress toward automated methyl assignments for methyl-TROSY applications.
2022 Jan 6
Clay MC, Saleh T, Kamatham S
14. Molecular mechanisms underlying the role of the centriolar CEP164-TTBK2 complex in ciliopathies.
2022 Jan 6
Rosa E Silva I, Binó L, Johnson CM
15. MANORAA: A machine learning platform to guide protein-ligand design by anchors and influential distances.
2022 Jan 6
Tanramluk D, Pakotiprapha D, Phoochaijaroen S
16. Rieske head domain dynamics and indazole-derivative inhibition of Candida albicans complex III.
2022 Jan 6
Di Trani JM, Liu Z, Whitesell L
17. Chimeric single α-helical domains as rigid fusion protein connections for protein nanotechnology and structural biology.
2022 Jan 6
Collu G, Bierig T, Krebs AS
18. Assembly principles of the human R2TP chaperone complex reveal the presence of R2T and R2P complexes.
2022 Jan 6
Seraphim TV, Nano N, Cheung YWS
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