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2021 Jan (11)
1. Structure and assembly pattern of a freshwater short-tailed cyanophage Pam1.
2022 Feb 3
Zhang JT, Yang F, Du K
2. Protein structure prediction using residue-resolved protection factors from hydrogen-deuterium exchange NMR.
2022 Feb 3
Nguyen TT, Marzolf DR, Seffernick JT
3. Crystal structure of the Tspan15 LEL domain reveals a conserved ADAM10 binding site.
2022 Feb 3
Lipper CH, Gabriel KH, Seegar TCM
4. Acid-stable capsid structure of Helicobacter pylori bacteriophage KHP30 by single-particle cryoelectron microscopy.
2022 Feb 3
Kamiya R, Uchiyama J, Matsuzaki S
5. An engineered construct of cFLIP provides insight into DED1 structure and interactions.
2022 Feb 3
Panaitiu AE, Basiashvili T, Mierke DF
6. Simplified quality assessment for small-molecule ligands in the Protein Data Bank.
2022 Feb 3
Shao C, Westbrook JD, Lu C
7. Structural evidence for visual arrestin priming via complexation of phosphoinositols.
2022 Feb 3
Sander CL, Luu J, Kim K
8. Seeing your partner: Structural elucidation of the first C8 tetraspanin protein.
2022 Feb 3
Binger KJ, Wright MD.
9. Tsg101/ESCRT-I recruitment regulated by the dual binding modes of K63-linked diubiquitin.
2022 Feb 3
Strickland M, Watanabe S, Bonn SM
10. Native state fluctuations in a peroxiredoxin active site match motions needed for catalysis.
2022 Feb 3
Estelle AB, Reardon PN, Pinckney SH
11. High-resolution mapping of metal ions reveals principles of surface layer assembly in Caulobacter crescentus cells.
2022 Feb 3
Herdman M, von Kügelgen A, Kureisaite-Ciziene D
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