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2021 Jan (11)
1. Cryo-EM Structure of K(+)-Bound hERG Channel Complexed with the Blocker Astemizole.
2021 Mar 4
Asai T, Adachi N, Moriya T
2. For Whom the Bell Tolls: The Structure of the Dead Kinase, IRAK3.
2021 Mar 4
Horne CR, Murphy JM.
3. NMR Structure and Dynamics Studies of Yeast Respiratory Supercomplex Factor 2.
2021 Mar 4
Zhou S, Pettersson P, Huang J
4. Cryo-EM Structure of the Prostaglandin E Receptor EP4 Coupled to G Protein.
2021 Mar 4
Nojima S, Fujita Y, Kimura KT
5. Dimeric Structure of the Pseudokinase IRAK3 Suggests an Allosteric Mechanism for Negative Regulation.
2021 Mar 4
Lange SM, Nelen MI, Cohen P
6. Opening the Door to Better Aspirin.
2021 Mar 4
Thumkeo D, Narumiya S.
7. Assessing the Structures and Interactions of γD-Crystallin Deamidation Variants.
2021 Mar 4
Guseman AJ, Whitley MJ, González JJ
8. Reprogramming the Specificity of a Protein Interface by Computational and Data-Driven Design.
2021 Mar 4
Hertle R, Nazet J, Semmelmann F
9. A "Drug Sweeping" State of the TriABC Triclosan Efflux Pump from Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
2021 Mar 4
Fabre L, Ntreh AT, Yazidi A
10. Structural Basis of CYRI-B Direct Competition with Scar/WAVE Complex for Rac1.
2021 Mar 4
Yelland T, Le AH, Nikolaou S
11. Allosteric HIV Integrase Inhibitors Promote Formation of Inactive Branched Polymers via Homomeric Carboxy-Terminal Domain Interactions.
2021 Mar 4
Gupta K, Allen A, Giraldo C
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