期刊文献 > RNA Biol期刊 选择月份
2021 Nov (26)
2021 Oct (39)
1. The role of OncoSnoRNAs and Ribosomal RNA 2'-O-methylation in Cancer.
RNA Biol
2021 Oct 15
Barros-Silva D, Klavert J, Jenster G
2. Site-directed RNA editing: recent advances and open challenges.
RNA Biol
2021 Oct 15
Khosravi HM, Jantsch MF.
3. Computational methods for RNA modification detection from nanopore direct RNA sequencing data.
RNA Biol
2021 Oct 15
Furlan M, Delgado-Tejedor A, Mulroney L
4. The enigmatic RNase MRP of kinetoplastids.
RNA Biol
2021 Oct 15
Alm Rosenblad M, López MD, Samuelsson T.
5. RNA 5-methylcytosine modification and its emerging role as an epitranscriptomic mark.
RNA Biol
2021 Oct 15
Gao Y, Fang J.
6. Interplays of different types of epitranscriptomic mRNA modifications.
RNA Biol
2021 Oct 15
Rengaraj P, Obrdlík A, Vukić D
7. TDP43 ribonucleoprotein granules: physiologic function to pathologic aggregates.
RNA Biol
2021 Oct 15
Corbet GA, Wheeler JR, Parker R
8. The RNA editing enzyme ADAR2 restricts L1 mobility.
RNA Biol
2021 Oct 15
Frassinelli L, Orecchini E, Al-Wardat S
9. Epitranscriptomic signatures in stem cell differentiation to the neuronal lineage.
RNA Biol
2021 Oct 15
Șelaru A, Costache M, Dinescu S.
10. Gld2 activity and RNA specificity is dynamically regulated by phosphorylation and interaction with QKI-7.
RNA Biol
2021 Oct 15
Chung CZ, Balasuriya N, Siddika T
11. Structural and functional insights into human tRNA guanine transgylcosylase.
RNA Biol
2021 Oct 15
Sievers K, Welp L, Urlaub H
12. Non-coding RNAs: the extensive and interactive regulators of the blood-brain barrier permeability.
RNA Biol
2021 Oct 15
Yang R, Xu B, Yang B
13. Landscape of tissue-specific RNA Editome provides insight into co-regulated and altered gene expression in pigs (Sus-scrofa).
RNA Biol
2021 Oct 15
Adetula AA, Fan X, Zhang Y
14. Custom long non-coding RNA capture enhances detection sensitivity in different human sample types.
RNA Biol
2021 Oct 15
Morlion A, Everaert C, Nuytens J
15. hnRNPH1-MTR4 complex-mediated regulation of NEAT1v2 stability is critical for IL8 expression.
RNA Biol
2021 Oct 15
Tanu T, Taniue K, Imamura K
16. A single mutation attenuates both the transcription termination and RNA-dependent RNA polymerase activity of T7 RNA polymerase.
RNA Biol
2021 Oct 15
Wu H, Wei T, Yu B
17. The RBS1 domain of Gemin5 is intrinsically unstructured and interacts with RNA through conserved Arg and aromatic residues.
RNA Biol
2021 Oct 15
Embarc-Buh A, Francisco-Velilla R, Camero S
18. Accurate detection of RNA stem-loops in structurome data reveals widespread association with protein binding sites.
RNA Biol
2021 Oct 15
Radecki P, Uppuluri R, Deshpande K
19. Constitutive and variable 2'-O-methylation (Nm) in human ribosomal RNA.
RNA Biol
2021 Oct 15
Motorin Y, Quinternet M, Rhalloussi W
20. Export of RNA-derived modified nucleosides by equilibrative nucleoside transporters defines the magnitude of autophagy response and Zika virus replication.
RNA Biol
2021 Oct 15
Shi SL, Fukuda H, Chujo T
21. Comparative study of bioinformatic tools for the identification of chimeric RNAs from RNA Sequencing.
RNA Biol
2021 Oct 15
Singh S, Li H.
22. Coleopteran-specific StaufenC functions like Drosophila melanogaster Loquacious-PD in dsRNA processing.
RNA Biol
2021 Oct 15
Kim K, Koo J, Yoon JS
23. SRSF5 regulates alternative splicing of DMTF1 pre-mRNA through modulating SF1 binding.
RNA Biol
2021 Oct 15
Li J, Li G, Qi Y
24. MustSeq, an alternative approach for multiplexible strand-specific 3' end sequencing of mRNA transcriptome confers high efficiency and practicality.
RNA Biol
2021 Oct 15
Mai L, Qiu Y, Lian Z
25. Long non-coding RNA RP11-283G6.5 confines breast cancer development through modulating miR-188-3p/TMED3/Wnt/β-catenin signalling.
RNA Biol
2021 Oct 15
Pei J, Zhang S, Yang X
26. Efficient fractionation and analysis of ribosome assembly intermediates in human cells.
RNA Biol
2021 Oct 15
Nieto B, Gaspar SG, Sapio RT
27. Might exogenous circular RNAs act as protein-coding transcripts in plants?
RNA Biol
2021 Oct 15
Marquez-Molins J, Navarro JA, Seco LC
28. FRMC: a fast and robust method for the imputation of scRNA-seq data.
RNA Biol
2021 Oct 15
Wu H, Wang X, Chu M
29. Hairpin sequence and structure is associated with features of isomiR biogenesis.
RNA Biol
2021 Oct 15
Zhiyanov A, Nersisyan S, Tonevitsky A.
30. STAT3-induced ZBED3-AS1 promotes the malignant phenotypes of melanoma cells by activating PI3K/AKT signaling pathway.
RNA Biol
2021 Oct 15
Wang Y, Lou N, Zuo M
31. Novel synthetic 3'-untranslated regions for controlling transgene expression in transgenic Aedes aegypti mosquitoes.
RNA Biol
2021 Oct 15
Chae K, Valentin C, Jakes E
32. Annexin A2 binds the internal ribosomal entry site of c-myc mRNA and regulates its translation.
RNA Biol
2021 Oct 15
Strand E, Hollås H, Sakya SA
33. LentiRILES, a miRNA-ON sensor system for monitoring the functionality of miRNA in cancer biology and therapy.
RNA Biol
2021 Oct 15
Simion V, Loussouarn C, Laurent Y
34. A genetic variant alters the secondary structure of the lncRNA H19 and is associated with dilated cardiomyopathy.
RNA Biol
2021 Oct 15
Martens L, Rühle F, Witten A
35. Large-scale transcriptome-wide profiling of microRNAs in human placenta and maternal plasma at early to mid gestation.
RNA Biol
2021 Oct 15
Smith MD, Pillman K, Jankovic-Karasoulos T
36. LncRNA CASC21 induces HGH1 to mediate colorectal cancer cell proliferation, migration, EMT and stemness.
RNA Biol
2021 Oct 15
Zhang C, E J, Yu E.
37. Duplex formation between the template and the nascent strand in the transcription-regulating sequences is associated with the site of template switching in SARS - CoV-2.
RNA Biol
2021 Oct 15
D'Souza AR, Buckingham AB, Salasc F
38. A novel lncRNA derived from an ultraconserved region: lnc-uc.147, a potential biomarker in luminal A breast cancer.
RNA Biol
2021 Oct 15
Pereira Zambalde E, Bayraktar R, Schultz Jucoski T
39. Pervasive transcription of the mitochondrial genome in Candida albicans is revealed in mutants lacking the mtEXO RNase complex.
RNA Biol
2021 Oct 15
Łabędzka-Dmoch K, Kolondra A, Karpińska MA
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