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2023 Sep (38)
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2021 Feb (15)
2021 Jan (43)
1. On the evolutionary emergence of predation.
J Theor Biol
2023 Sep 7
Ispolatov Y, Doebeli C, Doebeli M.
2. Cell orientation under stretch: A review of experimental findings and mathematical modelling.
J Theor Biol
2023 Sep 7
Giverso C, Loy N, Lucci G
3. Are size and mitochondrial power of cells inter-determined?
J Theor Biol
2023 Sep 7
Fahimi P, Matta CF, Okie JG.
4. Spatial metapopulation dynamics with local and global colonization.
J Theor Biol
2023 Sep 7
Le DH, Nguyen TH, Takasu F.
5. Effects of a differentiating therapy on cancer-stem-cell-driven tumors.
J Theor Biol
2023 Sep 7
Fotinós J, Barberis L, Condat CA.
6. An integrated vertex model of the mesoderm invagination during the embryonic development of Drosophila.
J Theor Biol
2023 Sep 7
Jiang J, Aegerter CM.
7. Modeling transit time distributions in microvascular networks.
J Theor Biol
2023 Sep 7
Karst NJ, Geddes JB.
8. Multiple colonies of cancer involved in mutual suppression with the immune system.
J Theor Biol
2023 Sep 7
Matsuo K, Hayashi R, Iwasa Y.
9. Circulating renin-angiotensin systems mediated feedback controls over the mean-arterial pressure.
J Theor Biol
2023 Sep 7
Thakuri B, Kumar Das J, Kumar Roy A
10. No sensitivity to functional forms in the Rosenzweig-MacArthur model with strong environmental stochasticity.
J Theor Biol
2023 Sep 7
Barraquand F.
11. A model of neurovascular coupling and its application to cortical spreading depolarization.
J Theor Biol
2023 Sep 7
Cao J, Grover P, Kainerstorfer JM.
12. A probabilistic approach for the study of epidemiological dynamics of infectious diseases: Basic model and properties.
J Theor Biol
2023 Sep 7
Giral-Barajas J, Herrera-Nolasco CI, Herrera-Valdez MA
13. Workplace absenteeism due to COVID-19 and influenza across Canada: A mathematical model.
J Theor Biol
2023 Sep 7
Avusuglo WS, Mosleh R, Ramaj T
14. The circulation stage of the metastatic cascade: A mathematical description and its clinical implications.
J Theor Biol
2023 Sep 7
Hanin L.
15. Interplay of p53 and XIAP protein dynamics orchestrates cell fate in response to chemotherapy.
J Theor Biol
2023 Sep 7
Abukwaik R, Vera-Siguenza E, Tennant DA
16. Evolution of spite in an n-player game with an opting-out option.
J Theor Biol
2023 Sep 7
Kurokawa S.
17. Eco-evolutionary dynamics in finite network-structured populations with migration.
J Theor Biol
2023 Sep 7
Pattni K, Ali W, Broom M
18. A spatially distributed model of brain metabolism highlights the role of diffusion in brain energy metabolism.
J Theor Biol
2023 Sep 7
Idumah G, Somersalo E, Calvetti D.
19. Mathematical modeling of calcium homeostasis in female rats: An analysis of sex differences and maternal adaptations.
J Theor Biol
2023 Sep 7
Stadt MM, Layton AT.
20. Runaway signals: Exaggerated displays of commitment may result from second-order signaling.
J Theor Biol
2023 Sep 7
Lie-Panis J, Dessalles JL.
21. A laminar model for the joint development of ocular dominance columns and CO blobs in the primary visual cortex.
J Theor Biol
2023 Sep 7
Oster AM.
22. Evolution of pathogens with cross-immunity in response to healthcare interventions.
J Theor Biol
2023 Sep 7
Fan R, Geritz SAH.
23. Modelling how increased Cathepsin B/L and decreased TMPRSS2 usage for cell entry by the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant may affect the efficacy and synergy of TMPRSS2 and Cathepsin B/L inhibitors.
J Theor Biol
2023 Sep 7
Padmanabhan P, Dixit NM.
24. The influence of synaptic pathways on the synchronization patterns of regularly structured mChialvo map network.
J Theor Biol
2023 Sep 7
Sriram S, Mirzaei S, Mehrabbeik M
25. Disentangling the growth curve of microbial culture.
J Theor Biol
2023 Sep 21
Kumakura D, Yamaguchi R, Hara A
26. Life history and deleterious mutation rate coevolution.
J Theor Biol
2023 Sep 21
Avila P, Lehmann L.
27. Data-based modeling of breast cancer and optimal therapy.
J Theor Biol
2023 Sep 21
Pei Y, Han S, Li C
28. A model-based strategy for the COVID-19 vaccine roll-out in the Philippines.
J Theor Biol
2023 Sep 21
Escosio RAS, Cawiding OR, Hernandez BS
29. A Boolean network model of the double-strand break repair pathway choice.
J Theor Biol
2023 Sep 21
Ayala-Zambrano C, Yuste M, Frias S
30. A coupled model for the dynamics of gas exchanges in the human lung with Haldane and Bohr's effects.
J Theor Biol
2023 Sep 21
Boudin L, Grandmont C, Grec B
31. Choice of spatial discretisation influences the progression of viral infection within multicellular tissues.
J Theor Biol
2023 Sep 21
Williams T, McCaw JM, Osborne JM.
32. W. D. Hamilton and the golden sex ratio.
J Theor Biol
2023 Sep 21
Gardner A.
33. Epidemic dynamics with time-varying transmission risk reveal the role of disease stage-dependent infectiousness.
J Theor Biol
2023 Sep 21
Li A, Wu J, Moghadas SM.
34. Rate-dependent effects of state-specific sodium channel blockers in cardiac tissue: Insights from idealized models.
J Theor Biol
2023 Sep 21
Docken SS, Clancy CE, Lewis TJ.
35. Noise-induced dynamics in a single species model with Allee effect driven by correlated colored noises.
J Theor Biol
2023 Sep 21
Yu X, Ma Y.
36. Coevolutionary Stability of Host-Symbiont Systems with Mixed-mode Transmission.
J Theor Biol
2023 Sep 12
Krishnan N, Rózsa L, Szilágyi A
37. Batesian mimicry or general food deception? an evolutionary game between plants for pollinator services.
J Theor Biol
2023 Sep 12
Qu H, Heifetz A, Seifan M.
38. Evolution of dispersal under spatio-temporal heterogeneity.
J Theor Biol
2023 Sep 1
Parvinen K, Ohtsuki H, Wakano JY.
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