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2021 Jan (43)
1. Optimal foraging strategies for mutually avoiding competitors.
J Theor Biol
2023 Aug 7
Golnaraghi F, Quint DA, Gopinathan A.
2. Predator switching strength controls stability in diamond-shaped food web models.
J Theor Biol
2023 Aug 7
Archibald KM, Sosik HM, Moeller HV
3. Vaccine hesitancy promotes emergence of new SARS-CoV-2 variants.
J Theor Biol
2023 Aug 7
Jing S, Milne R, Wang H
4. Weak selection and stochastic evolutionary stability in a stochastic replicator dynamics.
J Theor Biol
2023 Aug 7
Li C, Feng T, Tao Y
5. What explains the poor contraction of the viral load during paediatric HIV infection?
J Theor Biol
2023 Aug 7
Schröter J, de Boer RJ.
6. A mathematical model of invasion and control of coconut rhinoceros beetle Oryctes rhinoceros (L.) in Guam.
J Theor Biol
2023 Aug 7
Caasi JAS, Guerrero AL, Yoon K
7. Modeling the XBB strain of SARS-CoV-2: Competition between variants and impact of reinfection.
J Theor Biol
2023 Aug 26
Cheng Z, Lai Y, Jin K
8. Cell-center-based model for simulating three-dimensional monolayer tissue deformation.
J Theor Biol
2023 Aug 21
Mimura T, Inoue Y.
9. An adaptive testing strategy for efficient utilization of healthcare resources during an epidemic.
J Theor Biol
2023 Aug 21
Balakrishnan S, Palathingal S.
10. Mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization and inner membrane permeabilization in regulating apoptosis and inflammation.
J Theor Biol
2023 Aug 21
Qi H, Yin YS, Yin ZY
11. Artificial selection of communities drives the emergence of structured interactions.
J Theor Biol
2023 Aug 21
Fraboul J, Biroli G, De Monte S.
12. LRBmat: A novel gut microbial interaction and individual heterogeneity inference method for colorectal cancer.
J Theor Biol
2023 Aug 21
Tang S, Mao S, Chen Y
13. A mathematical study of the efficacy of possible negative feedback pathways involved in neuronal polarization.
J Theor Biol
2023 Aug 21
Bai F, Bertram R, Karamched BR.
14. Molecular mechanism of interaction between kinesin motors affecting their residence times on microtubule lattice and end.
J Theor Biol
2023 Aug 21
Xie P.
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