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1. Optimal control of pattern formations for an SIR reaction-diffusion epidemic model.
J Theor Biol
2022 Mar 7
Chang L, Gao S, Wang Z.
2. Weak selection helps cheap but harms expensive cooperation in spatial threshold dilemmas.
J Theor Biol
2022 Mar 7
Czárán T, Scheuring I.
3. A two-sex model of human papillomavirus infection: Vaccination strategies and a case study.
J Theor Biol
2022 Mar 7
Gao S, Martcheva M, Miao H
4. A bidirectional Hopf bifurcation analysis of Parkinson's oscillation in a simplified basal ganglia model.
J Theor Biol
2022 Mar 7
Hu B, Xu M, Zhu L
5. Numerical bifurcation analysis and pattern formation in a minimal reaction-diffusion model for vegetation.
J Theor Biol
2022 Mar 7
Kabir MH, Gani MO.
6. An RNA-based theory of natural universal computation.
J Theor Biol
2022 Mar 21
Akhlaghpour H.
7. Optimal composition of chloride cells for osmoregulation in a randomly fluctuating environment.
J Theor Biol
2022 Mar 21
Uchiyama Y, Iwasa Y, Yamaguchi S.
8. Mathematical modelling of autoimmune myocarditis and the effects of immune checkpoint inhibitors.
J Theor Biol
2022 Mar 21
van der Vegt SA, Polonchuk L, Wang K
9. Theoretical evidence of osteoblast self-inhibition after activation of the genetic regulatory network controlling mineralization.
J Theor Biol
2022 Mar 21
Chekroun A, Pujo-Menjouet L, Falcoz S
10. A 3D mathematical model of coupled stem cell-nutrient dynamics in myocardial regeneration therapy.
J Theor Biol
2022 Mar 21
Andreucci D, Bersani AM, Bersani E
11. Modeling the effect of cerebral capillary blood flow on neuronal firing.
J Theor Biol
2022 Mar 21
Chen L, Hannawi Y, Terman D.
12. Hypnozoite dynamics for Plasmodium vivax malaria: The epidemiological effects of radical cure.
J Theor Biol
2022 Mar 21
Mehra S, Stadler E, Khoury D
13. Competition between obligate and facultative scavengers and infection: vulture-jackal-anthrax dynamics in Etosha National Park.
J Theor Biol
2022 Mar 21
Kribs CM, Mackey C.
14. Individual specialization and generalization in predator-prey dynamics: The determinant role of predation efficiency and prey reproductive rates.
J Theor Biol
2022 Mar 21
Araujo G, Moura RR.
15. Evolutionary game of life-cycle types in marine benthic invertebrates: Feeding larvae versus nonfeeding larvae versus direct development.
J Theor Biol
2022 Mar 21
Iwasa Y, Yusa Y, Yamaguchi S.
16. Escaping stochastic extinction of mutant virus: Temporal pattern of emergence of drug resistance within a host.
J Theor Biol
2022 Mar 21
Hayashi R, Iwami S, Iwasa Y.
17. A novel cost framework reveals evidence for competitive selection in the evolution of complex traits during plant domestication.
J Theor Biol
2022 Mar 21
Allaby RG, Stevens CJ, Fuller DQ.
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