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2021 Feb (15)
2021 Jan (43)
1. Theoretical guidelines for editing ecological communities.
J Theor Biol
2022 Feb 7
Nguyen VAT, Vural DC.
2. Bernoulli and binomial proliferation on evolutionary graphs.
J Theor Biol
2022 Feb 7
Cuesta FA, Guerberoff G, Rojo ÁL.
3. Sampling bias minimization in disease frequency estimates.
J Theor Biol
2022 Feb 7
Shtossel O, Louzoun Y.
4. Non-cooperative mechanism for bounded and ultrasensitive chromatin remodeling.
J Theor Biol
2022 Feb 7
Fletcher A, Zhao R, Enciso G.
5. Model of drug delivery to populations composed of two cell types.
J Theor Biol
2022 Feb 7
Becker S, Kuznetsov AV, Zhao D
6. Optimal spatial monitoring of populations described by reaction-diffusion models.
J Theor Biol
2022 Feb 7
Parisey N, Leclerc M, Adamczyk-Chauvat K.
7. Epidemic dynamics on metapopulation networks with node2vec mobility.
J Theor Biol
2022 Feb 7
Meng L, Masuda N.
8. Approximating steady state distributions for household structured epidemic models.
J Theor Biol
2022 Feb 7
Holmes A, Tildesley M, Dyson L.
9. Mathematical models of retinitis pigmentosa: The trophic factor hypothesis.
J Theor Biol
2022 Feb 7
Roberts PA.
10. A behavioural modelling approach to assess the impact of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy.
J Theor Biol
2022 Feb 7
Buonomo B, Della Marca R, d'Onofrio A
11. Modeling the subjective perspective of consciousness and its role in the control of behaviours.
J Theor Biol
2022 Feb 7
Rudrauf D, Sergeant-Perthuis G, Belli O
12. Memory-guided foraging and landscape design interact to determine ecosystem services.
J Theor Biol
2022 Feb 7
MacQueen SA, Braun WJ, Tyson RC.
13. The role of a programmatic immune response on the evolution of pathogen traits.
J Theor Biol
2022 Feb 7
Loo SL, Tanaka MM.
14. Algorithmic asymptotic analysis: Extending the arsenal of cancer immunology modeling.
J Theor Biol
2022 Feb 7
Patsatzis DG.
15. The evolution of germ-soma specialization under different genetic and environmental effects.
J Theor Biol
2022 Feb 7
Tverskoi D, Gavrilets S.
16. A mathematical model to evaluate the role of memory B and T cells in heterologous secondary dengue infection.
J Theor Biol
2022 Feb 7
Rubio FA, Yang HM.
17. Comment on the article "Spatially-extended nucleation-aggregation-fragmentation models for the dynamics of prion-like neurodegenerative protein-spreading in the brain and its connectome 486 (2020) 110102".
J Theor Biol
2022 Feb 7
Rahimabadi A, Benali H.
18. The Role of Biofilms, Bacterial Phenotypes, and Innate Immune Response in Mycobacterium avium Colonization to Infection.
J Theor Biol
2022 Feb 7
Weathered C, Pennington K, Escalante P
19. A novel nonlocal partial differential equation model of endothelial progenitor cell cluster formation during the early stages of vasculogenesis.
J Theor Biol
2022 Feb 7
Villa C, Gerisch A, Chaplain MAJ.
20. Cortical depth-dependent modeling of visual hemodynamic responses.
J Theor Biol
2022 Feb 21
Lacy TC, Robinson PA, Aquino KM
21. Impact of social dominance on the evolution of individual learning.
J Theor Biol
2022 Feb 21
Ohtsuki H, Ujiyama S.
22. Parameter identifiability and model selection for sigmoid population growth models.
J Theor Biol
2022 Feb 21
Simpson MJ, Browning AP, Warne DJ
23. Temporal signaling, population control, and information processing through chromatin-mediated gene regulation.
J Theor Biol
2022 Feb 21
Mukund A, Bintu L.
24. A phenotype-structured model to reproduce the avascular growth of a tumor and its interaction with the surrounding environment.
J Theor Biol
2022 Feb 21
Fiandaca G, Bernardi S, Scianna M
25. Trade-off between climatic and human population impacts on Aedes aegypti life history shapes its geographic distribution.
J Theor Biol
2022 Feb 21
Abdalgader T, Pedersen M, Ren D
26. Estimating local outbreak risks and the effects of non-pharmaceutical interventions in age-structured populations: SARS-CoV-2 as a case study.
J Theor Biol
2022 Feb 21
Lovell-Read FA, Shen S, Thompson RN.
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