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2021 Jun (11)
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2021 Feb (15)
2021 Jan (43)
1. Mathematical modeling of ventilator-induced lung inflammation.
J Theor Biol
2021 Oct 7
Minucci S, Heise RL, Valentine MS
2. Dynamical robustness and its structural dependence in biological networks.
J Theor Biol
2021 Oct 7
Ichinose N, Kawashima T, Yada T
3. An agent-based model shows zombie ants exhibit search behavior.
J Theor Biol
2021 Oct 7
Imirzian N, Hughes DP.
4. Disease dynamics and mean field models for clustered networks.
J Theor Biol
2021 Oct 7
Rafo MDV, Di Mauro JP, Aparicio JP.
5. In silico investigations of intratumoral heterogeneous interstitial fluid pressure.
J Theor Biol
2021 Oct 7
Waldeland JO, Gaustad JV, Rofstad EK
6. Unraveling the origin of glucose mediated disparate proliferation dynamics of cancer stem cells.
J Theor Biol
2021 Oct 7
Samanta T, Kar S.
7. Patient-specific parameter estimation: Coupling a heart model and experimental data.
J Theor Biol
2021 Oct 7
Domogo AA, Ottesen JT.
8. Effect of population heterogeneity on herd immunity and on vaccination decision making process.
J Theor Biol
2021 Oct 7
Bai F.
9. Application of a novel mathematical model to identify intermediate hosts of SARS-CoV-2.
J Theor Biol
2021 Oct 7
Royce K.
10. Modeling the outbreak and control of African swine fever virus in large-scale pig farms.
J Theor Biol
2021 Oct 7
Zhang X, Rong X, Li J
11. The adaptive value of tandem communication in ants: Insights from an agent-based model.
J Theor Biol
2021 Oct 7
Goy N, Glaser SM, Grüter C.
12. Spike signal transmission between modules and the predictability of spike activity in modular neuronal networks.
J Theor Biol
2021 Oct 7
Yuan Y, Liu J, Zhao P
13. Role of vascular smooth muscle cell phenotypic switching in plaque progression: A hybrid modeling study.
J Theor Biol
2021 Oct 7
Pan J, Cai Y, Liu M
14. Global sensitivity analysis informed model reduction and selection applied to a Valsalva maneuver model.
J Theor Biol
2021 Oct 7
Randall EB, Randolph NZ, Alexanderian A
15. A general principle for spontaneous genetic symmetry breaking and pattern formation within cell populations.
J Theor Biol
2021 Oct 7
Wang X, Harrison A.
16. Color discrimination properties arising from optimal decoding in the early stages of visual systems.
J Theor Biol
2021 Oct 7
Risau-Gusman S.
17. Hamilton's rule, gradual evolution, and the optimal (feedback) control of phenotypically plastic traits.
J Theor Biol
2021 Oct 7
Avila P, Priklopil T, Lehmann L.
18. Conditions under which distributions of edge length ratios on phylogenetic trees can be used to order evolutionary events.
J Theor Biol
2021 Oct 7
Susko E, Steel M, Roger AJ.
19. Linking the disease transmission to information dissemination dynamics: An insight from a multi-scale model study.
J Theor Biol
2021 Oct 7
Li T, Xiao Y.
20. Modeling reveals no direct role of the extent of HBV DNA integrations on the outcome of infection.
J Theor Biol
2021 Oct 7
Goyal A.
21. The impact of codon choice on translation process in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: folding class, protein function and secondary structure.
J Theor Biol
2021 Oct 7
Santoni D.
22. Replicator dynamics for the game theoretic selection models based on state.
J Theor Biol
2021 Oct 7
Argasinski K, Rudnicki R.
23. Using sensitivity analysis to identify factors promoting higher versus lower infection prevalence in multi-host communities.
J Theor Biol
2021 Oct 7
Cortez MH.
24. Conditions for the existence of zero-determinant strategies under observation errors in repeated games.
J Theor Biol
2021 Oct 7
Mamiya A, Miyagawa D, Ichinose G.
25. Modeling continuous glucose monitoring with fractional differential equations subject to shocks.
J Theor Biol
2021 Oct 7
De Gaetano A, Sakulrang S, Borri A
26. Environmental dimensionality determines species coexistence.
J Theor Biol
2021 Oct 7
Parvinen K, Metz JAJ, Dieckmann U.
27. Parasite evolution in an age-structured population.
J Theor Biol
2021 Oct 21
Hamley JID, Koella JC.
28. Evolution of state-dependent strategies in stochastic games.
J Theor Biol
2021 Oct 21
Wang G, Su Q, Wang L.
29. On the fitness of informative cues in complex environments.
J Theor Biol
2021 Oct 21
Mafessoni F, Lachmann M, Gokhale CS.
30. Stochastic simulation of a model for circadian rhythms in plants.
J Theor Biol
2021 Oct 21
Zhang R, Gonze D.
31. Maintaining the proliferative cell niche in multicellular models of epithelia.
J Theor Biol
2021 Oct 21
Miller C, Crampin E, Osborne JM.
32. Population dynamic regulators in an empirical predator-prey system.
J Theor Biol
2021 Oct 21
Frank A, Subbey S, Kobras M
33. A phosphoinositide-based model of actin waves in frustrated phagocytosis.
J Theor Biol
2021 Oct 21
Avila Ponce de León MA, Félix B, Othmer HG.
34. A minimal model of the interaction of social and individual learning.
J Theor Biol
2021 Oct 21
Cox KJA, Adams PR.
35. Dynamics of prion proliferation under combined treatment of pharmacological chaperones and interferons.
J Theor Biol
2021 Oct 21
Garzón DN, Castillo Y, Navas-Zuloaga MG
36. Nothing better to do? Environment quality and the evolution of cooperation by partner choice.
J Theor Biol
2021 Oct 21
Ecoffet P, Bredeche N, André JB.
37. Homogenization of a reaction diffusion equation can explain influenza A virus load data.
J Theor Biol
2021 Oct 21
Baabdulla AA, Now H, Park JA
38. The role of mound functions and local environment in the diversity of termite mound structures.
J Theor Biol
2021 Oct 21
Fagundes TM, Ordonez JC, Yaghoobian N.
39. How do biases in sex ratio and disease characteristics affect the spread of sexually transmitted infections?
J Theor Biol
2021 Oct 21
Halimubieke N, Pirrie A, Székely T
40. Individual-based model for the control of Bovine Viral Diarrhea spread in livestock trade networks.
J Theor Biol
2021 Oct 21
Bassett J, Gethmann J, Blunk P
41. Rolling-circle and strand-displacement mechanisms for non-enzymatic RNA replication at the time of the origin of life.
J Theor Biol
2021 Oct 21
Tupper AS, Higgs PG.
42. Global analysis of a cancer model with drug resistance due to Lamarckian induction and microvesicle transfer.
J Theor Biol
2021 Oct 21
Dénes A, Marzban S, Röst G.
43. A computational framework for studying energetics and resource management in sea turtle migration and autonomous systems.
J Theor Biol
2021 Oct 21
O'Connell D, Kehl CE, Taylor BK
44. Mathematical modeling of cerebral capillary blood flow heterogeneity and its effect on brain tissue oxygen levels.
J Theor Biol
2021 Oct 21
Terman D, Chen L, Hannawi Y.
45. Phenotypic variation modulates the growth dynamics and response to radiotherapy of solid tumours under normoxia and hypoxia.
J Theor Biol
2021 Oct 21
Celora GL, Byrne HM, Zois CE
46. Escaping the evolutionary trap: Can size-related contest advantage compensate for juvenile mortality disadvantage when parasitoids develop in unnatural invasive hosts?
J Theor Biol
2021 Oct 21
Mesterton-Gibbons M, Cusumano A, Hardy ICW.
47. Coexistence of Hopf-born rotation and heteroclinic cycling in a time-delayed three-gene auto-regulated and mutually-repressed core genetic regulation network.
J Theor Biol
2021 Oct 21
Yang L, Sun W, Turcotte M.
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