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1. Genomic Signatures of Mitonuclear Coevolution in Mammals.
Mol Biol Evol
2022 Nov 3
Weaver RJ, Rabinowitz S, Thueson K
2. Early Nitrogenase Ancestors Encompassed Novel Active Site Diversity.
Mol Biol Evol
2022 Nov 3
Schwartz SL, Garcia AK, Kaçar B
3. An Approximate Bayesian Computation Approach for Modeling Genome Rearrangements.
Mol Biol Evol
2022 Nov 3
Moshe A, Wygoda E, Ecker N
4. The Role of the Environment in Horizontal Gene Transfer.
Mol Biol Evol
2022 Nov 3
Acar Kirit H, Bollback JP, Lagator M.
5. The Impact of Genetic Surfing on Neutral Genomic Diversity.
Mol Biol Evol
2022 Nov 3
Schlichta F, Peischl S, Excoffier L.
6. Mode and Tempo of 3D Genome Evolution in Drosophila.
Mol Biol Evol
2022 Nov 3
Torosin NS, Golla TR, Lawlor MA
7. sstar: A Python Package for Detecting Archaic Introgression from Population Genetic Data with S.
Mol Biol Evol
2022 Nov 3
Huang X, Kruisz P, Kuhlwilm M.
8. Taming the Selection of Optimal Substitution Models in Phylogenomics by Site Subsampling and Upsampling.
Mol Biol Evol
2022 Nov 3
Sharma S, Kumar S.
9. Allele-specific Expression Reveals Multiple Paths to Highland Adaptation in Maize.
Mol Biol Evol
2022 Nov 3
Hu H, Crow T, Nojoomi S
10. Ribosomal DNA Instability as a Potential Cause of Karyotype Evolution.
Mol Biol Evol
2022 Nov 3
Li D, Gandhi D, Kumon T
11. Miniature Inverted-repeat Transposable Elements Drive Rapid MicroRNA Diversification in Angiosperms.
Mol Biol Evol
2022 Nov 3
Guo Z, Kuang Z, Tao Y
12. Compensatory Genetic and Transcriptional Cytonuclear Coordination in Allopolyploid Lager Yeast (Saccharomyces pastorianus).
Mol Biol Evol
2022 Nov 3
Zhang K, Li J, Li G
13. Ecological Speciation Promoted by Divergent Regulation of Functional Genes Within African Cichlid Fishes.
Mol Biol Evol
2022 Nov 3
Carruthers M, Edgley DE, Saxon AD
14. General Theory of Specific Binding: Insights from a Genetic-Mechano-Chemical Protein Model.
Mol Biol Evol
2022 Nov 3
McBride JM, Eckmann JP, Tlusty T.
15. Functional Attenuation of UCP1 as the Potential Mechanism for a Thickened Blubber Layer in Cetaceans.
Mol Biol Evol
2022 Nov 3
Zhou M, Wu T, Chen Y
16. Patterns of Population Structure and Introgression Among Recently Differentiated Drosophila melanogaster Populations.
Mol Biol Evol
2022 Nov 3
Coughlan JM, Dagilis AJ, Serrato-Capuchina A
17. Temperature-dependent Small RNA Expression Depends on Wild Genetic Backgrounds of Caenorhabditis briggsae.
Mol Biol Evol
2022 Nov 3
Fusca DD, Sharma E, Weiss JG
18. Loss of Heterozygosity Spectrum Depends on Ploidy Level in Natural Yeast Populations.
Mol Biol Evol
2022 Nov 3
Dutta A, Dutreux F, Schacherer J.
19. Genomic Analyses Reveal Association of ASIP with a Recurrently evolving Adaptive Color Pattern in Frogs.
Mol Biol Evol
2022 Nov 3
Goutte S, Hariyani I, Utzinger KD
20. The Dynamics of Adaptation to Stress from Standing Genetic Variation and de novo Mutations.
Mol Biol Evol
2022 Nov 3
Ament-Velásquez SL, Gilchrist C, Rêgo A
21. Evolution and Diversity of the TopoVI and TopoVI-like Subunits With Extensive Divergence of the TOPOVIBL subunit.
Mol Biol Evol
2022 Nov 3
Brinkmeier J, Coelho S, de Massy B
22. Widespread Gene Expression Divergence in Butterfly Sensory Tissues Plays a Fundamental Role During Reproductive Isolation and Speciation.
Mol Biol Evol
2022 Nov 3
Wu N, Evans E, van Schooten B
23. RNAseq Analysis of Brain Aging in Wild Specimens of Short-Lived Turquoise Killifish: Commonalities and Differences With Aging Under Laboratory Conditions.
Mol Biol Evol
2022 Nov 3
Mazzetto M, Caterino C, Groth M
24. Transcriptome-based Phylogeny of the Semi-aquatic Bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Gerromorpha) Reveals Patterns of Lineage Expansion in a Series of New Adaptive Zones.
Mol Biol Evol
2022 Nov 3
Armisén D, Viala S, Cordeiro IDRS
25. Coemergence of the Amphipathic Helix on Ameloblastin With Mammalian Prismatic Enamel.
Mol Biol Evol
2022 Nov 3
Su J, Bapat RA, Visakan G
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