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1. Premetazoan Origin of Neuropeptide Signaling.
Mol Biol Evol
2022 Apr 11
Yañez-Guerra LA, Thiel D, Jékely G.
2. The Structural Determinants of Intra-Protein Compensatory Substitutions.
Mol Biol Evol
2022 Apr 11
Chaurasia S, Dutheil JY.
3. Tempo of Degeneration Across Independently Evolved Nonrecombining Regions.
Mol Biol Evol
2022 Apr 11
Carpentier F, Rodríguez de la Vega RC, Jay P
4. Gattaca: Base-Pair Resolution Mutation Tracking for Somatic Evolution Studies using Agent-based Models.
Mol Biol Evol
2022 Apr 11
Schenck RO, Brosula G, West J
5. An Extremely Streamlined Macronuclear Genome in the Free-Living Protozoan Fabrea salina.
Mol Biol Evol
2022 Apr 11
Zhang B, Hou L, Qi H
6. Disentangling Signatures of Selection Before and After European Colonization in Latin Americans.
Mol Biol Evol
2022 Apr 11
Mendoza-Revilla J, Chacón-Duque JC, Fuentes-Guajardo M
7. Gene Regulatory Networks of Epidermal and Neural Fate Choice in a Chordate.
Mol Biol Evol
2022 Apr 11
Leon A, Subirana L, Magre K
8. An Enigmatic Stramenopile Sheds Light on Early Evolution in Ochrophyta Plastid Organellogenesis.
Mol Biol Evol
2022 Apr 11
Azuma T, Pánek T, Tice AK
9. Lifestyle Transitions in Fusarioid Fungi are Frequent and Lack Clear Genomic Signatures.
Mol Biol Evol
2022 Apr 11
Hill R, Buggs RJA, Vu DT
10. Paleozoic Protein Fossils Illuminate the Evolution of Vertebrate Genomes and Transposable Elements.
Mol Biol Evol
2022 Apr 11
Frith MC.
11. Canalization of the Polygenic Risk for Common Diseases and Traits in the UK Biobank Cohort.
Mol Biol Evol
2022 Apr 11
Nagpal S, Tandon R, Gibson G.
12. Global Population Genomics of Two Subspecies of Cryptosporidium hominis during 500 Years of Evolution.
Mol Biol Evol
2022 Apr 11
Tichkule S, Cacciò SM, Robinson G
13. Looking through the Lens of the Ribosome Biogenesis Evolutionary History: Possible Implications for Archaeal Phylogeny and Eukaryogenesis.
Mol Biol Evol
2022 Apr 11
Jüttner M, Ferreira-Cerca S.
14. Genetic Diversity, Heteroplasmy, and Recombination in Mitochondrial Genomes of Daphnia pulex, Daphnia pulicaria, and Daphnia obtusa.
Mol Biol Evol
2022 Apr 11
Ye Z, Zhao C, Raborn RT
15. Selection Analysis Identifies Clusters of Unusual Mutational Changes in Omicron Lineage BA.1 That Likely Impact Spike Function.
Mol Biol Evol
2022 Apr 11
Martin DP, Lytras S, Lucaci AG
16. De Novo Assembly of 20 Chicken Genomes Reveals the Undetectable Phenomenon for Thousands of Core Genes on Microchromosomes and Subtelomeric Regions.
Mol Biol Evol
2022 Apr 10
Li M, Sun C, Xu N
17. Quantitative Lipidomics and Spatial MS-Imaging Uncovered Neurological and Systemic Lipid Metabolic Pathways Underlying Troglomorphic Adaptations in Cave-Dwelling Fish.
Mol Biol Evol
2022 Apr 10
Lam SM, Li J, Sun H
18. Challenging Ancient DNA Results About Putative HLA Protection or Susceptibility to Yersinia pestis.
Mol Biol Evol
2022 Apr 10
Di D, Simon Thomas J, Currat M
19. Multiple Mechanisms of Photoreceptor Spectral Tuning in Heliconius Butterflies.
Mol Biol Evol
2022 Apr 10
McCulloch KJ, Macias-Muñoz A, Mortazavi A
20. Geography-Dependent Horizontal Gene Transfer from Vertebrate Predators to Their Prey.
Mol Biol Evol
2022 Apr 10
Kambayashi C, Kakehashi R, Sato Y
21. Different Genes are Recruited During Convergent Evolution of Pregnancy and the Placenta.
Mol Biol Evol
2022 Apr 10
Foster CSP, Van Dyke JU, Thompson MB
22. Venom Gene Sequence Diversity and Expression Jointly Shape Diet Adaptation in Pitvipers.
Mol Biol Evol
2022 Apr 10
Mason AJ, Holding ML, Rautsaw RM
23. Rates of Mutations and Transcript Errors in the Foodborne Pathogen Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica.
Mol Biol Evol
2022 Apr 10
Pan J, Li W, Ni J
24. Global Patterns of Subgenome Evolution in Organelle-Targeted Genes of Six Allotetraploid Angiosperms.
Mol Biol Evol
2022 Apr 10
Sharbrough J, Conover JL, Fernandes Gyorfy M
25. Species Persistence with Hybridization in Toad-Headed Lizards Driven by Divergent Selection and Low Recombination.
Mol Biol Evol
2022 Apr 10
Gao W, Yu CX, Zhou WW
26. Detection of F1 Hybrids from Single-genome Data Reveals Frequent Hybridization in Hymenoptera and Particularly Ants.
Mol Biol Evol
2022 Apr 10
Weyna A, Bourouina L, Galtier N
27. Positive Selection during Niche Adaptation Results in Large-Scale and Irreversible Rearrangement of Chromosomal Gene Order in Bacteria.
Mol Biol Evol
2022 Apr 10
Cao S, Brandis G, Huseby DL
28. Phylogeny-Aware Chemoinformatic Analysis of Chemical Diversity in Lamiaceae Enables Iridoid Pathway Assembly and Discovery of Aucubin Synthase.
Mol Biol Evol
2022 Apr 10
Rodríguez-López CE, Jiang Y, Kamileen MO
29. Multiple Profile Models Extract Features from Protein Sequence Data and Resolve Functional Diversity of Very Different Protein Families.
Mol Biol Evol
2022 Apr 10
Vicedomini R, Bouly JP, Laine E
30. Reconstructing the Origins of the Somatostatin and Allatostatin-C Signaling Systems Using the Accelerated Evolution of Biodiverse Cone Snail Toxins.
Mol Biol Evol
2022 Apr 10
Koch TL, Ramiro IBL, Flórez Salcedo P
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