期刊文献 > Nat Protoc期刊 选择月份
2023 Sep (7)
2023 Aug (3)
2023 Feb (1)
2023 Jan (13)
2022 Dec (7)
2022 Nov (4)
20 2 (57)
1. Comprehensive isolation of extracellular vesicles and nanoparticles.
Nat Protoc
20 2 3
Zhang Q(#), Jeppesen DK(#), Higginbotham JN
2. Generating human blastoids modeling blastocyst-stage embryos and implantation.
Nat Protoc
20 2 3
Heidari Khoei H(#), Javali A(#), Kagawa H(#)
3. 3D human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived bioengineered skeletal muscles for tissue, disease and therapy modeling.
Nat Protoc
20 2 3
Pinton L(#), Khedr M(#), Lionello VM
4. Mitochondrial single-cell ATAC-seq for high-throughput multi-omic detection of mitochondrial genotypes and chromatin accessibility.
Nat Protoc
20 2 3
Lareau CA, Liu V, Muus C
5. Acoustic tweezers for high-throughput single-cell analysis.
Nat Protoc
20 2 3
Yang S, Rufo J, Zhong R
6. Determining chromatin architecture with Micro Capture-C.
Nat Protoc
20 2 3
Hamley JC(#), Li H(#), Denny N
7. Interrogating the configurational stability of atropisomers.
Nat Protoc
20 2 3
Heeb JP, Clayden J, Smith MD
8. Genome-wide pooled CRISPR screening in neurospheres.
Nat Protoc
20 2 3
Abid T(#), Goodale AB(#), Kalani Z
9. Optimizing the Cell Painting assay for image-based profiling.
Nat Protoc
20 2 3
Cimini BA, Chandrasekaran SN, Kost-Alimova M
10. Spatial- and Fourier-domain ptychography for high-throughput bio-imaging.
Nat Protoc
20 2 3
Jiang S(#), Song P(#), Wang T(#)
11. Precise mutagenesis in zebrafish using cytosine base editors.
Nat Protoc
20 2 3
Rosello M, Serafini M, Concordet JP
12. Click chemistry: a transformative technology in nuclear medicine.
Nat Protoc
20 2 3
Bauer D, Sarrett SM, Lewis JS
13. Opto-juxtacellular interrogation of neural circuits in freely moving mice.
Nat Protoc
20 2 3
Ding L(#), Balsamo G(#), Diamantaki M
14. Genetic recording of in vivo cell proliferation by ProTracer.
Nat Protoc
20 2 3
Liu X(#), Weng W(#), He L
15. Encapsulating and stabilizing enzymes using hydrogen-bonded organic frameworks.
Nat Protoc
20 2 3
Chen G, Huang S, Ma X
16. Self-assembled ultraflexible probes for long-term neural recordings and neuromodulation.
Nat Protoc
20 2 3
Guan S(#), Tian H(#), Yang Y(#)
17. Molecular-electromechanical system for unamplified detection of trace analytes in biofluids.
Nat Protoc
20 2 3
Wang X, Dai C, Wu Y
18. Large-scale F0 CRISPR screens in vivo using MIC-Drop.
Nat Protoc
20 2 3
Parvez S, Brandt ZJ, Peterson RT.
19. Rapid biosynthesis of glycoprotein therapeutics and vaccines from freeze-dried bacterial cell lysates.
Nat Protoc
20 2 3
Stark JC, Jaroentomeechai T, Warfel KF
20. CRISPR-Combo-mediated orthogonal genome editing and transcriptional activation for plant breeding.
Nat Protoc
20 2 3
Pan C, Qi Y.
21. Preparation and quantitative analysis of multicenter luminescence materials for sensing function.
Nat Protoc
20 2 3
Han Z, Wang K, Zhou HC
22. Fabrication of electron tunneling probes for measuring single-protein conductance.
Nat Protoc
20 2 3
Jiang T, Yi L, Liu X
23. Microlensed fiber allows subcellular imaging by laser-based mass spectrometry.
Nat Protoc
20 2 3
Meng Y, Hang W, Zare RN.
24. An operant social self-administration and choice model in mice.
Nat Protoc
20 2 3
Ramsey LA, Holloman FM, Lee SS
25. Large-scale growth of C. elegans and isolation of membrane protein complexes.
Nat Protoc
20 2 3
Clark S, Jeong H, Goehring A
26. Electrochemical molecular intercalation and exfoliation of solution-processable two-dimensional crystals.
Nat Protoc
20 2 3
Wang S, Xue J, Xu D
27. Full-length circular RNA profiling by nanopore sequencing with CIRI-long.
Nat Protoc
20 2 3
Hou L(#), Zhang J(#), Zhao F.
28. An inexpensive semi-automated sample processing pipeline for cell-free RNA extraction.
Nat Protoc
20 2 3
Moufarrej MN, Quake SR.
29. Generation of iPSC-derived human forebrain organoids assembling bilateral eye primordia.
Nat Protoc
20 2 3
Gabriel E, Albanna W, Pasquini G
30. The ClusPro AbEMap web server for the prediction of antibody epitopes.
Nat Protoc
20 2 3
Desta IT(#), Kotelnikov S(#), Jones G
31. Isocyanide-based multi-component reactions for carrier-free and carrier-bound covalent immobilization of enzymes.
Nat Protoc
20 2 3
Mohammadi M(#), Shahedi M(#), Ahrari F
32. Tutorial: integrative computational analysis of bulk RNA-sequencing data to characterize tumor immunity using RIMA.
Nat Protoc
20 2 3
Yang L(#), Wang J(#), Altreuter J(#)
33. Structural characterization of protein-material interfacial interactions using lysine reactivity profiling-mass spectrometry.
Nat Protoc
20 2 3
Liu Z(#), Yang S(#), Zhou L(#)
34. Purification and functional characterization of novel human skeletal stem cell lineages.
Nat Protoc
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Hoover MY(#), Ambrosi TH(#), Steininger HM(#)
35. Spiral volumetric optoacoustic tomography for imaging whole-body biodynamics in small animals.
Nat Protoc
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Kalva SK, Deán-Ben XL, Reiss M
36. Ex vivo immunocapture and functional characterization of cell-type-specific mitochondria using MitoTag mice.
Nat Protoc
20 2 3
de Mello NP(#), Fecher C(#), Pastor AM
37. Solution-based self-assembly synthesis of two-dimensional-ordered mesoporous conducting polymer nanosheets with versatile properties.
Nat Protoc
20 2 3
Wei F, Zhang T, Dong R
38. Development of ionic liquid-coated PLGA nanoparticles for applications in intravenous drug delivery.
Nat Protoc
20 2 3
Hamadani CM, Dasanayake GS, Gorniak ME
39. Three-dimensional human neural culture on a chip recapitulating neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration.
Nat Protoc
20 2 3
Kang YJ, Diep YN, Tran M
40. Graphene-molecule-graphene single-molecule junctions to detect electronic reactions at the molecular scale.
Nat Protoc
20 2 3
Yang C(#), Yang C(#), Guo Y
41. Temporally resolved transcriptional recording in E. coli DNA using a Retro-Cascorder.
Nat Protoc
20 2 3
Lear SK(#), Lopez SC(#), González-Delgado A
42. Neural cell isolation from adult macaques for high-throughput analyses and neurosphere cultures.
Nat Protoc
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Wei JR(#), Xiao D(#), Tang L(#)
43. Tutorial: a statistical genetics guide to identifying HLA alleles driving complex disease.
Nat Protoc
20 2 3
Sakaue S, Gurajala S, Curtis M
44. A distal lung organoid model to study interstitial lung disease, viral infection and human lung development.
Nat Protoc
20 2 3
Matkovic Leko I(#), Schneider RT(#), Thimraj TA(#)
45. iBEAT V2.0: a multisite-applicable, deep learning-based pipeline for infant cerebral cortical surface reconstruction.
Nat Protoc
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Wang L(#), Wu Z(#), Chen L
46. Precise genome engineering in Pseudomonas using phage-encoded homologous recombination and the Cascade-Cas3 system.
Nat Protoc
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Zheng W(#), Xia Y(#), Wang X
47. cfSNV: a software tool for the sensitive detection of somatic mutations from cell-free DNA.
Nat Protoc
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Li S, Hu R, Small C
48. Directed differentiation of ureteric bud and collecting duct organoids from human pluripotent stem cells.
Nat Protoc
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Shi M, Fu P, Bonventre JV
49. Preparation of large biological samples for high-resolution, hierarchical, synchrotron phase-contrast tomography with multimodal imaging compatibility.
Nat Protoc
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Brunet J(#), Walsh CL(#), Wagner WL
50. Medulloblastoma and high-grade glioma organoids for drug screening, lineage tracing, co-culture and in vivo assay.
Nat Protoc
20 2 3
Lago C(#), Gianesello M(#), Santomaso L
51. A flow cytometry-based protocol for syngenic isolation of neurovascular unit cells from mouse and human tissues.
Nat Protoc
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Spitzer D, Khel MI, Pütz T
52. Solution-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of crystalline cellulosic materials using a direct dissolution ionic liquid electrolyte.
Nat Protoc
20 2 3
Fliri L, Heise K, Koso T
53. A systems-level mass spectrometry-based technique for accurate and sensitive quantification of the RNA cap epitranscriptome.
Nat Protoc
20 2 3
Wang J(#), Chew BLA(#), Lai Y
54. Detect-seq, a chemical labeling and biotin pull-down approach for the unbiased and genome-wide off-target evaluation of programmable cytosine base editors.
Nat Protoc
20 2 3
Lei Z(#), Meng H(#), Rao X
55. Posttranslational, site-directed photochemical fluorine editing of protein sidechains to probe residue oxidation state via (19)F-nuclear magnetic resonance.
Nat Protoc
20 2 3
Isenegger PG(#), Josephson B(#), Gaunt B
56. A proposed framework to evaluate the quality and reliability of targeted metabolomics assays from the UK Consortium on Metabolic Phenotyping (MAP/UK).
Nat Protoc
20 2 3
Sarmad S, Viant MR, Dunn WB
57. Combining surface-accessible Ag and Au colloidal nanomaterials with SERS for in situ analysis of molecule-metal interactions in complex solution environments.
Nat Protoc
20 2 3
Li C, Zhang Y, Ye Z
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