期刊文献 > Viruses期刊 选择月份
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2021 Oct (221)
2021 Sep (231)
2021 Aug (224)
2021 Jul (234)
2021 Jun (238)
2021 May (230)
2021 Apr (215)
2021 Mar (207)
2021 Feb (168)
2021 Jan (167)
1. Mosquito-Borne Viruses and Non-Human Vertebrates in Australia: A Review.
2021 Feb 9
Ong OTW, Skinner EB, Johnson BJ
2. Brilacidin Demonstrates Inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 in Cell Culture.
2021 Feb 9
Bakovic A, Risner K, Bhalla N
3. Nudivirus Sequences Identified from the Southern and Western Corn Rootworms (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae).
2021 Feb 9
Liu S, Sappington TW, Coates BS
4. Lentiviral Vector Bioprocessing.
2021 Feb 9
Perry C, Rayat ACME.
5. Pseudorabies Virus Infection Causes Downregulation of Ligands for the Activating NK Cell Receptor NKG2D.
2021 Feb 9
Denaeghel S, De Pelsmaeker S, Van Waesberghe C
6. Porcine Circovirus 3 Detection in Aborted Fetuses and Stillborn Piglets from Swine Reproductive Failure Cases.
2021 Feb 9
Saporiti V, Valls L, Maldonado J
7. Distinct Features of Germinal Center Reactions in Macaques Infected by SIV or Vaccinated with a T-Dependent Model Antigen.
2021 Feb 9
Trovato M, Ibrahim HM, Isnard S
8. Synthetic Messenger RNA-Based Vaccines: from Scorn to Hype.
2021 Feb 9
Pascolo S.
9. Advances in Hepatitis E Virus Biology and Pathogenesis.
2021 Feb 9
Lin S, Zhang YJ.
10. Special Issue: "Bacteriophages and Biofilms".
2021 Feb 8
Drulis-Kawa Z, Maciejewska B.
11. Recent Progress on Exosomes in RNA Virus Infection.
2021 Feb 8
Zhang L, Ju Y, Chen S
12. The Key Role of Nucleic Acid Vaccines for One Health.
2021 Feb 8
Fomsgaard A, Liu MA.
13. Human Cytomegalovirus and Autoimmune Diseases: Where Are We?
2021 Feb 8
Gugliesi F, Pasquero S, Griffante G
14. Deletion of the L7L-L11L Genes Attenuates ASFV and Induces Protection against Homologous Challenge.
2021 Feb 8
Zhang J, Zhang Y, Chen T
15. Sialic Acid Receptors: The Key to Solving the Enigma of Zoonotic Virus Spillover.
2021 Feb 8
Kuchipudi SV, Nelli RK, Gontu A
16. Identification of RSV Fusion Protein Interaction Domains on the Virus Receptor, Nucleolin.
2021 Feb 8
Mastrangelo P, Chin AA, Tan S
17. H7N7 Avian Influenza Virus Mutation from Low to High Pathogenicity on a Layer Chicken Farm in the UK.
2021 Feb 8
Byrne AMP, Reid SM, Seekings AH
18. Deep Impact of Random Amplification and Library Construction Methods on Viral Metagenomics Results.
2021 Feb 7
Regnault B, Bigot T, Ma L
19. Structural and Functional Diversity among Five RING Finger Proteins from Carassius Auratus Herpesvirus (CaHV).
2021 Feb 7
Wang ZH, Ke F, Zhang QY
20. Characterizing and Evaluating the Zoonotic Potential of Novel Viruses Discovered in Vampire Bats.
2021 Feb 6
Bergner LM, Mollentze N, Orton RJ
21. Special Issue "Emerging Viruses 2020: Surveillance, Prevention, Evolution and Control".
2021 Feb 6
Campos FS, de Arruda LB, da Fonseca FG.
22. High Diversity of Human Non-Polio Enterovirus Serotypes Identified in Contaminated Water in Nigeria.
2021 Feb 5
Majumdar M, Klapsa D, Wilton T
23. Studies on the Occurrence of Viruses in Planting Material of Grapevines in Southwestern Germany.
2021 Feb 5
Messmer N, Bohnert P, Schumacher S
24. Epstein-Barr Virus and Peri-Implantitis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
2021 Feb 5
Roca-Millan E, Domínguez-Mínger J, Schemel-Suárez M
25. SARS Coronavirus-2 Microneutralisation and Commercial Serological Assays Correlated Closely for Some but Not All Enzyme Immunoassays.
2021 Feb 4
Walker GJ, Naing Z, Ospina Stella A
26. Knowledge of Zika Virus Transmission and Its Prevention among High-Risk Pregnant Women in Brazil.
2021 Feb 4
Pires LC, Dantas LR, Witkin SS
27. Visualizing HIV-1 Capsid and Its Interactions with Antivirals and Host Factors.
2021 Feb 4
Wilbourne M, Zhang P.
28. Characterization of Hepatitis B Virus Integrations Identified in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Genomes.
2021 Feb 4
Mathkar PP, Chen X, Sulovari A
29. Evolution of SARS-CoV-2 Envelope, Membrane, Nucleocapsid, and Spike Structural Proteins from the Beginning of the Pandemic to September 2020: A Global and Regional Approach by Epidemiological Week.
2021 Feb 4
Troyano-Hernáez P, Reinosa R, Holguín Á.
30. HIV-1 Infection Transcriptomics: Meta-Analysis of CD4+ T Cells Gene Expression Profiles.
2021 Feb 4
Coelho AVC, Gratton R, Melo JPB
31. Mucosal-Associated Invariant T (MAIT) Cells Are Highly Activated and Functionally Impaired in COVID-19 Patients.
2021 Feb 3
Deschler S, Kager J, Erber J
32. Anti-SU Antibody Responses in Client-Owned Cats Following Vaccination against Feline Leukaemia Virus with Two Inactivated Whole-Virus Vaccines (Fel-O-Vax(®) Lv-K and Fel-O-Vax(®) 5).
2021 Feb 3
Westman M, Norris J, Malik R
33. The Role of ND10 Nuclear Bodies in Herpesvirus Infection: A Frenemy for the Virus?
2021 Feb 3
Jan Fada B, Reward E, Gu H.
34. Anti-HEV IgG Avidity Testing: Utility for Diagnosing Acute and Resolved Genotype 3 Infections.
2021 Feb 3
Minosse C, Lapa D, Coppola A
35. A Crucial Role of ACBD3 Required for Coxsackievirus Infection in Animal Model Developed by AAV-Mediated CRISPR Genome Editing Technique.
2021 Feb 3
Shin HJ, Ku KB, Kim S
36. Thapsigargin Is a Broad-Spectrum Inhibitor of Major Human Respiratory Viruses: Coronavirus, Respiratory Syncytial Virus and Influenza A Virus.
2021 Feb 3
Al-Beltagi S, Preda CA, Goulding LV
37. Mammalian Orthoreovirus (MRV) Is Widespread in Wild Ungulates of Northern Italy.
2021 Feb 3
Arnaboldi S, Righi F, Filipello V
38. The First Whole Genome Sequence and Characterisation of Avian Nephritis Virus Genotype 3.
2021 Feb 3
Lagan Tregaskis P, Devaney R, Smyth VJ.
39. APOBECs and Herpesviruses.
2021 Feb 28
Cheng AZ, Moraes SN, Shaban NM
40. Lipid Droplets Accumulation during Hepatitis C Virus Infection in Cell-Culture Varies among Genotype 1-3 Strains and Does Not Correlate with Virus Replication.
2021 Feb 28
Galli A, Ramirez S, Bukh J.
41. Adenovirus Core Proteins: Structure and Function.
2021 Feb 28
Kulanayake S, Tikoo SK.
42. A New Generation of Functional Tagged Proteins for HIV Fluorescence Imaging.
2021 Feb 28
Mamede JI, Griffin J, Gambut S
43. From Submerged Cultures to 3D Cell Culture Models: Evolution of Nasal Epithelial Cells in Asthma Research and Virus Infection.
2021 Feb 28
Aydin M, Naumova EA, Bellm A
44. Isolation of a New Infectious Pancreatic Necrosis Virus (IPNV) Variant from a Fish Farm in Scotland.
2021 Feb 28
Benkaroun J, Muir KF, Allshire R
45. TMPRSS11D and TMPRSS13 Activate the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein.
2021 Feb 28
Kishimoto M, Uemura K, Sanaki T
46. Genetic Characteristics of Avian Influenza Virus Isolated from Wild Birds in South Korea, 2019-2020.
2021 Feb 27
Na EJ, Kim YS, Lee SY
47. Circulation and Molecular Epidemiology of Enteroviruses in Paralyzed, Immunodeficient and Healthy Individuals in Tunisia, a Country with a Polio-Free Status for Decades.
2021 Feb 27
Chouikha A, Rezig D, Driss N
48. Analysis of a Novel Bacteriophage vB_AchrS_AchV4 Highlights the Diversity of Achromobacter Viruses.
2021 Feb 27
Kaliniene L, Noreika A, Kaupinis A
49. Multivalent DNA Vaccines as A Strategy to Combat Multiple Concurrent Epidemics: Mosquito-Borne and Hemorrhagic Fever Viruses.
2021 Feb 27
Jiang J, Ramos SJ, Bangalore P
50. Human Astroviruses: A Tale of Two Strains.
2021 Feb 27
Hargest V, Davis AE, Tan S
51. Characterization of the Mycovirome of the Phytopathogenic Fungus, Neofusicoccum parvum.
2021 Feb 27
Marais A, Faure C, Comont G
52. Endogenization of a Prosimian Retrovirus during Lemur Evolution.
2021 Feb 27
Apakupakul K, Deem SL, Maqsood R
53. In Vitro and In Vivo Models for Studying SARS-CoV-2, the Etiological Agent Responsible for COVID-19 Pandemic.
2021 Feb 27
Rosa RB, Dantas WM, do Nascimento JCF
54. The Alphaviral Capsid Protein Inhibits IRAK1-Dependent TLR Signaling.
2021 Feb 27
Landers VD, Wilkey DW, Merchant ML
55. Demystifying Excess Immune Response in COVID-19 to Reposition an Orphan Drug for Down-Regulation of NF-κB: A Systematic Review.
2021 Feb 27
Peddapalli A, Gehani M, Kalle AM
56. Functional Dissection of the Dominant Role of CD55 in Protecting Vesicular Stomatitis Virus against Complement-Mediated Neutralization.
2021 Feb 26
Asok Kumar N, Muraleedharan Suma S, Kunnakkadan U
57. Attitudes towards Anti-SARS-CoV2 Vaccination among Healthcare Workers: Results from a National Survey in Italy.
2021 Feb 26
Di Gennaro F, Murri R, Segala FV
58. The Role of the Host Ubiquitin System in Promoting Replication of Emergent Viruses.
2021 Feb 26
Valerdi KM, Hage A, van Tol S
59. Experimental Challenge of Sheep and Cattle with Dugbe Orthonairovirus, a Neglected African Arbovirus Distantly Related to CCHFV.
2021 Feb 26
Hartlaub J, von Arnim F, Fast C
60. The Atypical Kinase RIOK3 Limits RVFV Propagation and Is Regulated by Alternative Splicing.
2021 Feb 26
Havranek KE, White LA, Bisom TC
61. Serological and Molecular Investigation of Batai Virus Infections in Ruminants from the State of Saxony-Anhalt, Germany, 2018.
2021 Feb 26
Cichon N, Eiden M, Schulz J
62. HBV-Integration Studies in the Clinic: Role in the Natural History of Infection.
2021 Feb 26
Pollicino T, Caminiti G.
63. Virus Prospecting in Crickets-Discovery and Strain Divergence of a Novel Iflavirus in Wild and Cultivated Acheta domesticus.
2021 Feb 25
de Miranda JR, Granberg F, Onorati P
64. RNA Viruses in Aquatic Unicellular Eukaryotes.
2021 Feb 25
Sadeghi M, Tomaru Y, Ahola T.
65. Mechanisms of Rhinovirus Neutralisation by Antibodies.
2021 Feb 25
Touabi L, Aflatouni F, McLean GR.
66. RNA Helicase A Regulates the Replication of RNA Viruses.
2021 Feb 25
Shi RZ, Pan YQ, Xing L.
67. The Role of Tissue Resident Memory CD4 T Cells in Herpes Simplex Viral and HIV Infection.
2021 Feb 25
O'Neil TR, Hu K, Truong NR
68. Liquid Biomolecular Condensates and Viral Lifecycles: Review and Perspectives.
2021 Feb 25
Etibor TA, Yamauchi Y, Amorim MJ.
69. In Silico, In Vitro and In Cellulo Models for Monitoring SARS-CoV-2 Spike/Human ACE2 Complex, Viral Entry and Cell Fusion.
2021 Feb 25
Lapaillerie D, Charlier C, Fernandes HS
70. Rescue of Infectious Rotavirus Reassortants by a Reverse Genetics System Is Restricted by the Receptor-Binding Region of VP4.
2021 Feb 25
Falkenhagen A, Huyzers M, van Dijk AA
71. Imaging Techniques to Study Plant Virus Replication and Vertical Transmission.
2021 Feb 25
Pina MAS, Gómez-Aix C, Méndez-López E
72. Potential Role of Birds in Japanese Encephalitis Virus Zoonotic Transmission and Genotype Shift.
2021 Feb 24
Hameed M, Wahaab A, Nawaz M
73. Identification of Host Factors Associated with the Development of Equine Herpesvirus Myeloencephalopathy by Transcriptomic Analysis of Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells from Horses.
2021 Feb 24
Zarski LM, Giessler KS, Jacob SI
74. Integrase-Defective Lentiviral Vector Is an Efficient Vaccine Platform for Cancer Immunotherapy.
2021 Feb 23
Morante V, Borghi M, Farina I
75. Antiviral Bioactive Compounds of Mushrooms and Their Antiviral Mechanisms: A Review.
2021 Feb 23
Seo DJ, Choi C.
76. BK Polyomavirus Micro-RNAs: Time Course and Clinical Relevance in Kidney Transplant Recipients.
2021 Feb 23
Demey B, Descamps V, Presne C
77. Radioligand Assay-Based Detection of Antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 in Hospital Workers Treating Patients with Severe COVID-19 in Japan.
2021 Feb 23
Matsunaga H, Makino A, Kato Y
78. Resveratrol Inhibits HCoV-229E and SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus Replication In Vitro.
2021 Feb 23
Pasquereau S, Nehme Z, Haidar Ahmad S
79. Recent Advances in Bunyavirus Glycoprotein Research: Precursor Processing, Receptor Binding and Structure.
2021 Feb 23
Hulswit RJG, Paesen GC, Bowden TA
80. Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) G Protein Vaccines With Central Conserved Domain Mutations Induce CX3C-CX3CR1 Blocking Antibodies.
2021 Feb 23
Bergeron HC, Murray J, Nuñez Castrejon AM
81. Dengue Virus Serotype 2 Intrahost Diversity in Patients with Different Clinical Outcomes.
2021 Feb 23
Torres MC, Lima de Mendonça MC, Damasceno Dos Santos Rodrigues C
82. Erasing the Invisible Line to Empower the Pandemic Response.
2021 Feb 23
Decaro N, Lorusso A, Capua I.
83. Maternal Infection and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes among Pregnant Travellers: Results of the International Zika Virus in Pregnancy Registry.
2021 Feb 22
Vouga M, Pomar L, Soriano-Arandes A
84. Next Generation Sequencing for HIV-1 Drug Resistance Testing-A Special Issue Walkthrough.
2021 Feb 22
Kantor R.
85. Development of Genome Editing Approaches against Herpes Simplex Virus Infections.
2021 Feb 22
Zhang I, Hsiao Z, Liu F.
86. Examination of Staphylococcus aureus Prophages Circulating in Egypt.
2021 Feb 22
Ene A, Miller-Ensminger T, Mores CR
87. Predominance of HBV Genotype B and HDV Genotype 1 in Vietnamese Patients with Chronic Hepatitis.
2021 Feb 22
Hoan NX, Hoechel M, Tomazatos A
88. Antiviral Cytokine Response in Neuroinvasive and Non-Neuroinvasive West Nile Virus Infection.
2021 Feb 22
Zidovec-Lepej S, Vilibic-Cavlek T, Barbic L
89. On the Prevalence and Potential Functionality of an Intrinsic Disorder in the MERS-CoV Proteome.
2021 Feb 22
Alshehri MA, Manee MM, Alqahtani FH
90. Aerosolized Exposure to H5N1 Influenza Virus Causes Less Severe Disease Than Infection via Combined Intrabronchial, Oral, and Nasal Inoculation in Cynomolgus Macaques.
2021 Feb 22
Mooij P, Stammes MA, Mortier D
91. Transcriptome Analysis of Responses to Dengue Virus 2 Infection in Aedes albopictus (Skuse) C6/36 Cells.
2021 Feb 22
Li M, Xing D, Su D
92. Role of the Host Genetic Susceptibility to 2009 Pandemic Influenza A H1N1.
2021 Feb 22
Pérez-Rubio G, Ponce-Gallegos MA, Domínguez-Mazzocco BA
93. An Efficient, Counter-Selection-Based Method for Prophage Curing in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Strains.
2021 Feb 21
Shmidov E, Zander I, Lebenthal-Loinger I
94. Residual Proviral Reservoirs: A High Risk for HIV Persistence and Driving Forces for Viral Rebound after Analytical Treatment Interruption.
2021 Feb 21
Wang X, Xu H.
95. Single-Molecule FRET Imaging of Virus Spike-Host Interactions.
2021 Feb 21
Lu M.
96. Risk Factors for Respiratory Syncytial Virus Lower Respiratory Tract Infections: Evidence from an Indonesian Cohort.
2021 Feb 21
Crow R, Mutyara K, Agustian D
97. Improving the Inhibitory Effect of Phages against Pseudomonas aeruginosa Isolated from a Burn Patient Using a Combination of Phages and Antibiotics.
2021 Feb 21
Aghaee BL, Khan Mirzaei M, Alikhani MY
98. Rational Design of a Pan-Coronavirus Vaccine Based on Conserved CTL Epitopes.
2021 Feb 21
Li M, Zeng J, Li R
99. Characterization of the GBoV1 Capsid and Its Antibody Interactions.
2021 Feb 20
Yu JC, Mietzsch M, Singh A
100. Design and Synthesis of HCV-E2 Glycoprotein Epitope Mimics in Molecular Construction of Potential Synthetic Vaccines.
2021 Feb 20
Meuleman TJ, Cowton VM, Patel AH
101. Application of Environment-Friendly Rhamnolipids against Transmission of Enveloped Viruses Like SARS-CoV2.
2021 Feb 20
Jin L, Black W, Sawyer T.
102. Modeling Mongoose Rabies in the Caribbean: A Model-Guided Fieldwork Approach to Identify Research Priorities.
2021 Feb 20
Sauvé CC, Rees EE, Gilbert AT
103. Standard Bacteriophage Purification Procedures Cause Loss in Numbers and Activity.
2021 Feb 20
Carroll-Portillo A, Coffman CN, Varga MG
104. The Interplay between ESCRT and Viral Factors in the Enveloped Virus Life Cycle.
2021 Feb 20
Meng B, Lever AML.
105. Recent Hydroxychloroquine Use Is Not Significantly Associated with Positive PCR Results for SARS-CoV-2: A Nationwide Observational Study in South Korea.
2021 Feb 20
Bae S, Ghang B, Kim YJ
106. Efficacy of Oral Vaccine against Classical Swine Fever in Wild Boar and Estimation of the Disease Dynamics in the Quantitative Approach.
2021 Feb 20
Bazarragchaa E, Isoda N, Kim T
107. First Description of a Temperate Bacteriophage (vB_FhiM_KIRK) of Francisella hispaniensis Strain 3523.
2021 Feb 20
Köppen K, Prensa GI, Rydzewski K
108. Association between Genetic Variants in NOS2 and TNF Genes with Congenital Zika Syndrome and Severe Microcephaly.
2021 Feb 20
Gomes JA, Sgarioni E, Boquett JA
109. Persistent Human Papillomavirus Infection.
2021 Feb 20
Della Fera AN, Warburton A, Coursey TL
110. The SARS-CoV-2-Inactivating Activity of Hydroxytyrosol-Rich Aqueous Olive Pulp Extract (HIDROX(®)) and Its Use as a Virucidal Cream for Topical Application.
2021 Feb 2
Takeda Y, Jamsransuren D, Matsuda S
111. Seroprevalence of Severe Fever with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome Virus in Small-Animal Veterinarians and Nurses in the Japanese Prefecture with the Highest Case Load.
2021 Feb 2
Kirino Y, Ishijima K, Miura M
112. Injectable Antiretroviral Drugs: Back to the Future.
2021 Feb 2
Berruti M, Riccardi N, Canetti D
113. Application of Super-Resolution and Advanced Quantitative Microscopy to the Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Influenza Virus Replication.
2021 Feb 2
Touizer E, Sieben C, Henriques R
114. The VP3 Protein of Bluetongue Virus Associates with the MAVS Complex and Interferes with the RIG-I-Signaling Pathway.
2021 Feb 2
Pourcelot M, Amaral Moraes R, Fablet A
115. Infection, Dissemination, and Transmission Potential of North American Culex quinquefasciatus, Culex tarsalis, and Culicoides sonorensis for Oropouche Virus.
2021 Feb 2
McGregor BL, Connelly CR, Kenney JL.
116. Human Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection in a Human T Cell Line Is Hampered at Multiple Steps.
2021 Feb 2
de Souza Cardoso R, Viana RMM, Vitti BC
117. Genomic Signatures of SARS-CoV-2 Associated with Patient Mortality.
2021 Feb 2
Dumonteil E, Fusco D, Drouin A
118. Human TRIM5α: Autophagy Connects Cell-Intrinsic HIV-1 Restriction and Innate Immune Sensor Functioning.
2021 Feb 19
Cloherty APM, Rader AG, Compeer B
119. Phage-Bacteria Interactions in Potential Applications of Bacteriophage vB_EfaS-271 against Enterococcus faecalis.
2021 Feb 19
Topka-Bielecka G, Nejman-Faleńczyk B, Bloch S
120. Viral Vectors for COVID-19 Vaccine Development.
2021 Feb 19
Lundstrom K.
121. Recovery of Recombinant Avian Paramyxovirus Type-3 Strain Wisconsin by Reverse Genetics and Its Evaluation as a Vaccine Vector for Chickens.
2021 Feb 19
Elbehairy MA, Khattar SK, Samal SK.
122. ABCE1 Regulates RNase L-Induced Autophagy during Viral Infections.
2021 Feb 18
Ramnani B, Manivannan P, Jaggernauth S
123. A Look into Bunyavirales Genomes: Functions of Non-Structural (NS) Proteins.
2021 Feb 18
Leventhal SS, Wilson D, Feldmann H
124. Targeting the Complement Serine Protease MASP-2 as a Therapeutic Strategy for Coronavirus Infections.
2021 Feb 17
Flude BM, Nannetti G, Mitchell P
125. Unique Cytokine Response in West Nile Virus Patients Who Developed Chronic Kidney Disease: A Prospective Cohort Study.
2021 Feb 17
Hansen M, Nolan MS, Gorchakov R
126. Structure Unveils Relationships between RNA Virus Polymerases.
2021 Feb 17
Mönttinen HAM, Ravantti JJ, Poranen MM.
127. Polyamine Analog Diethylnorspermidine Restricts Coxsackievirus B3 and Is Overcome by 2A Protease Mutation In Vitro.
2021 Feb 16
Hulsebosch BM, Mounce BC.
128. Leptomeningeal Carcinomatosis of a Poorly Differentiated Cervical Carcinoma Caused by Human Papillomavirus Type 18.
2021 Feb 16
Zorzato P, Zambon M, Gori S
129. Honeysuckle Aqueous Extracts Induced let-7a Suppress EV71 Replication and Pathogenesis In Vitro and In Vivo and Is Predicted to Inhibit SARS-CoV-2.
2021 Feb 16
Lee YR, Chang CM, Yeh YC
130. Safety and Outcomes Associated with the Pharmacological Inhibition of the Kinin-Kallikrein System in Severe COVID-19.
2021 Feb 16
Mansour E, Palma AC, Ulaf RG
131. Feline Leukemia Virus p27 Antigen Concentration and Proviral DNA Load Are Associated with Survival in Naturally Infected Cats.
2021 Feb 15
Beall MJ, Buch J, Clark G
132. Relationships between Viral Load and the Clinical Course of COVID-19.
2021 Feb 15
Tsukagoshi H, Shinoda D, Saito M
133. African Swine Fever Virus Circulation between Tanzania and Neighboring Countries: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
2021 Feb 15
Hakizimana JN, Yona C, Kamana O
134. PEDV Infection Generates Conformation-Specific Antibodies That Can Be Effectively Detected by a Cell-Based ELISA.
2021 Feb 15
Hsu WT, Chang CY, Tsai CH
135. The Role of NK Cells in EBV Infection and EBV-Associated NPC.
2021 Feb 15
Png YT, Yang AZY, Lee MY
136. Structure-Based Identification of Natural Products as SARS-CoV-2 M(pro) Antagonist from Echinacea angustifolia Using Computational Approaches.
2021 Feb 15
Bharadwaj S, El-Kafrawy SA, Alandijany TA
137. Transient Neutropenia in Immunocompetent Infants with Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection.
2021 Feb 15
Korematsu T, Koga H.
138. Heparan Sulfate Is a Cellular Receptor for Enteric Human Adenoviruses.
2021 Feb 14
Rajan A, Palm E, Trulsson F
139. Circulation of Fluorescently Labelled Phage in a Murine Model.
2021 Feb 14
Kaźmierczak Z, Majewska J, Milczarek M
140. Entry of Phenuiviruses into Mammalian Host Cells.
2021 Feb 14
Koch J, Xin Q, Tischler ND
141. T4-like Bacteriophages Isolated from Pig Stools Infect Yersinia pseudotuberculosis and Yersinia pestis Using LPS and OmpF as Receptors.
2021 Feb 13
Salem M, Pajunen MI, Jun JW
142. Viral Loads and Disease Severity in Children with Rhinovirus-Associated Illnesses.
2021 Feb 13
Sanchez-Codez MI, Moyer K, Benavente-Fernández I
143. Captivating Perplexities of Spinareovirinae 5' RNA Caps.
2021 Feb 13
Kniert J, Lin QF, Shmulevitz M.
144. Comparative Transcriptome Profiling of Human and Pig Intestinal Epithelial Cells after Porcine Deltacoronavirus Infection.
2021 Feb 13
Cruz-Pulido D, Boley PA, Ouma WZ
145. Adenovirus and the Cornea: More Than Meets the Eye.
2021 Feb 13
Rajaiya J, Saha A, Ismail AM
146. Small-Angle X-ray Scattering Models of APOBEC3B Catalytic Domain in a Complex with a Single-Stranded DNA Inhibitor.
2021 Feb 12
Barzak FM, Ryan TM, Kvach MV
147. Ubiquitin Ligase SMURF2 Interacts with Filovirus VP40 and Promotes Egress of VP40 VLPs.
2021 Feb 12
Shepley-McTaggart A, Schwoerer MP, Sagum CA
148. Metatranscriptome Analysis of Sympatric Bee Species Identifies Bee Virus Variants and a New Virus, Andrena-Associated Bee Virus-1.
2021 Feb 12
Daughenbaugh KF, Kahnonitch I, Carey CC
149. Development and In Vivo Evaluation of a MGF110-1L Deletion Mutant in African Swine Fever Strain Georgia.
2021 Feb 12
Ramirez-Medina E, Vuono E, Pruitt S
150. A Single Point Mutation, Asn(16)→Lys, Dictates the Temperature-Sensitivity of the Reovirus tsG453 Mutant.
2021 Feb 12
Glover KKM, Sutherland DM, Dermody TS
151. Phylogeographic Genetic Diversity in the White Sucker Hepatitis B Virus across the Great Lakes Region and Alberta, Canada.
2021 Feb 12
Adams CR, Blazer VS, Sherry J
152. Titers of Neutralizing Antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 Are Independent of Symptoms of Non-Severe COVID-19 in Young Adults.
2021 Feb 12
Jonsdottir HR, Bielecki M, Siegrist D
153. Transcriptomic Responses of the Honey Bee Brain to Infection with Deformed Wing Virus.
2021 Feb 12
Pizzorno MC, Field K, Kobokovich AL
154. Berberine and Obatoclax Inhibit SARS-Cov-2 Replication in Primary Human Nasal Epithelial Cells In Vitro.
2021 Feb 11
Varghese FS, van Woudenbergh E, Overheul GJ
155. Antiviral Activity of 3D, a Butene Lactone Derivative Against Influenza A Virus In Vitro and In Vivo.
2021 Feb 11
Wang Z, Fang J, Luo J
156. Viral Infections and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: New Players in an Old Story.
2021 Feb 11
Quaglia M, Merlotti G, De Andrea M
157. Diagnostic SARS-CoV-2 Cycle Threshold Value Predicts Disease Severity, Survival, and Six-Month Sequelae in COVID-19 Symptomatic Patients.
2021 Feb 11
Trunfio M, Venuti F, Alladio F
158. TRIMming Type I Interferon-Mediated Innate Immune Response in Antiviral and Antitumor Defense.
2021 Feb 11
Wang L, Ning S.
159. Elephant Endotheliotropic Herpesvirus Is Omnipresent in Elephants in European Zoos and an Asian Elephant Range Country.
2021 Feb 11
Hoornweg TE, Schaftenaar W, Maurer G
160. VOC 202012/01 Variant Is Effectively Neutralized by Antibodies Produced by Patients Infected before Its Diffusion in Italy.
2021 Feb 11
Rondinone V, Pace L, Fasanella A
161. Distribution of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Genotypes in HIV-Negative and HIV-Positive Women with Cervical Intraepithelial Lesions in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa.
2021 Feb 11
Taku O, Mbulawa ZZA, Phohlo K
162. The Paradoxes of Viral mRNA Translation during Mammalian Orthoreovirus Infection.
2021 Feb 11
Guo Y, Parker JSL.
163. Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Subtype H5N8 in Poultry Farms, South Korea.
2021 Feb 10
Kim WH, Bae SH, Cho S.
164. A Canine Distemper Virus Retrospective Study Conducted from 2011 to 2019 in Central Italy (Latium and Tuscany Regions).
2021 Feb 10
Ricci I, Cersini A, Manna G
165. The HIV-1 Capsid: From Structural Component to Key Factor for Host Nuclear Invasion.
2021 Feb 10
Scoca V, Di Nunzio F.
166. The Role of Waste Management in Control of Rabies: A Neglected Issue.
2021 Feb 1
Wright N, Subedi D, Pantha S
167. Seroprevalence of Hepatitis E Virus in Moose (Alces alces), Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus), Red Deer (Cervus elaphus), Roe Deer (Capreolus capreolus), and Muskoxen (Ovibos moschatus) from Norway.
2021 Feb 1
Sacristán C, Madslien K, Sacristán I
168. Application of Advanced Light Microscopy to the Study of HIV and Its Interactions with the Host.
2021 Feb 1
Saffarian S.
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