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2021 May (154)
2021 Apr (172)
2021 Mar (210)
2021 Feb (166)
2021 Jan (155)
1. Temporal context and latent state inference in the hippocampal splitter signal.
2023 Jan 9
Duvelle É, Grieves RM, van der Meer MAA.
2. Cryo-EM structures of mitochondrial respiratory complex I from Drosophila melanogaster.
2023 Jan 9
Agip AA, Chung I, Sanchez-Martinez A
3. EZH2/hSULF1 axis mediates receptor tyrosine kinase signaling to shape cartilage tumor progression.
2023 Jan 9
Lin ZS, Chung CC, Liu YC
4. Kindlin-2 inhibits TNF/NF-κB-Caspase 8 pathway in hepatocytes to maintain liver development and function.
2023 Jan 9
Gao H(#), Zhong Y(#), Zhou L(#)
5. Interdependent progression of bidirectional sister replisomes in E. coli.
2023 Jan 9
Chen PJ, McMullin AB, Visser BJ
6. Efficacy of ultra-short, response-guided sofosbuvir and daclatasvir therapy for hepatitis C in a single-arm mechanistic pilot study.
2023 Jan 9
Flower B, Hung LM, Mccabe L
7. Targeted sensors for glutamatergic neurotransmission.
2023 Jan 9
Hao Y, Toulmé E, König B
8. Mechanotransduction events at the physiological site of touch detection.
2023 Jan 6
Ziolkowski LH, Gracheva EO, Bagriantsev SN.
9. Spatial frequency representation in V2 and V4 of macaque monkey.
2023 Jan 6
Zhang Y, Schriver KE, Hu JM
10. Derivation and external validation of clinical prediction rules identifying children at risk of linear growth faltering.
2023 Jan 6
Ahmed SM, Brintz BJ, Pavlinac PB
11. Multimodal brain age estimates relate to Alzheimer disease biomarkers and cognition in early stages: a cross-sectional observational study.
2023 Jan 6
Millar PR, Gordon BA, Luckett PH
12. Ready and waiting to go.
2023 Jan 6
Rivino L, Wooldridge L.
13. Dalpiciclib partially abrogates ER signaling activation induced by pyrotinib in HER2(+)HR(+) breast cancer.
2023 Jan 5
Bu J(#), Zhang Y(#), Niu N(#)
14. Single-cell profiling of lncRNAs in human germ cells and molecular analysis reveals transcriptional regulation of LNC1845 on LHX8.
2023 Jan 5
Wang N(#), He J(#), Feng X(#)
15. Disrupting the ciliary gradient of active Arl3 affects rod photoreceptor nuclear migration.
2023 Jan 4
Travis AM, Manocha S, Willer JR
16. Metformin protects trabecular meshwork against oxidative injury via activating integrin/ROCK signals.
2023 Jan 4
Xu L, Zhang X, Zhao Y
17. Germline/soma distinction in Drosophila embryos requires regulators of zygotic genome activation.
2023 Jan 4
Colonnetta MM, Schedl P, Deshpande G.
18. Mir155 regulates osteogenesis and bone mass phenotype via targeting S1pr1 gene.
2023 Jan 4
Zheng Z(#), Wu L(#), Li Z(#)
19. Improved ANAP incorporation and VCF analysis reveal details of P2X7 current facilitation and a limited conformational interplay between ATP binding and the intracellular ballast domain.
2023 Jan 4
Durner A, Durner E, Nicke A.
20. Single-cell transcriptomic profiling of the zebrafish inner ear reveals molecularly distinct hair cell and supporting cell subtypes.
2023 Jan 4
Shi T(#), Beaulieu MO(#), Saunders LM
21. Dynamic metabolome profiling uncovers potential TOR signaling genes.
2023 Jan 4
Reichling S, Doubleday PF, Germade T
22. Deciding when to move.
2023 Jan 31
Sullivan L.
23. Pericytes control vascular stability and auditory spiral ganglion neuron survival.
2023 Jan 31
Zhang Y, Neng L, Sharma K
24. Intermittent fasting induces rapid hepatocyte proliferation to restore the hepatostat in the mouse liver.
2023 Jan 31
Sarkar A, Jin Y, DeFelice BC
25. T-REX17 is a transiently expressed non-coding RNA essential for human endoderm formation.
2023 Jan 31
Landshammer A(#), Bolondi A(#), Kretzmer H
26. Efficient generation of marmoset primordial germ cell-like cells using induced pluripotent stem cells.
2023 Jan 31
Seita Y, Cheng K, McCarrey JR
27. Microstructural and crystallographic evolution of palaeognath (Aves) eggshells.
2023 Jan 31
Choi S, Hauber ME, Legendre LJ
28. Impaired iron recycling from erythrocytes is an early hallmark of aging.
2023 Jan 31
Slusarczyk P, Mandal PK, Zurawska G
29. Interacting rhythms enhance sensitivity of target detection in a fronto-parietal computational model of visual attention.
2023 Jan 31
Aussel A, Fiebelkorn IC, Kastner S
30. Olfactory receptor neurons generate multiple response motifs, increasing coding space dimensionality.
2023 Jan 31
Kim B(#), Haney S(#), Milan AP
31. Ecdysone acts through cortex glia to regulate sleep in Drosophila.
2023 Jan 31
Li Y, Haynes P, Zhang SL
32. The impact of lag time to cancer diagnosis and treatment on clinical outcomes prior to the COVID-19 pandemic: A scoping review of systematic reviews and meta-analyses.
2023 Jan 31
Tope P, Farah E, Ali R
33. An IS-mediated, RecA-dependent, bet-hedging strategy in Burkholderia thailandensis.
2023 Jan 30
Lowrey LC, Kent LA, Rios BM
34. Geometric control of Myosin-II orientation during axis elongation.
2023 Jan 30
Lefebvre MF, Claussen NH, Mitchell NP
35. Plasmodium infection disrupts the T follicular helper cell response to heterologous immunization.
2023 Jan 30
Fontana MF, Ollmann Saphire E, Pepper M.
36. Differential chondrogenic differentiation between iPSC derived from healthy and OA cartilage is associated with changes in epigenetic regulation and metabolic transcriptomic signatures.
2023 Jan 30
Khan NM, Diaz-Hernandez ME, Chihab S
37. International multicenter study comparing COVID-19 in patients with cancer to patients without cancer: impact of risk factors and treatment modalities on survivorship.
2023 Jan 30
Raad II, Hachem R, Masayuki N
38. Growth cone advance requires EB1 as revealed by genomic replacement with a light-sensitive variant.
2023 Jan 30
Dema A, Charafeddine R, Rahgozar S
39. State-specific morphological deformations of the lipid bilayer explain mechanosensitive gating of MscS ion channels.
2023 Jan 30
Park YC, Reddy B, Bavi N
40. An atrial fibrillation-associated regulatory region modulates cardiac Tbx5 levels and arrhythmia susceptibility.
2023 Jan 30
Bosada FM, van Duijvenboden K, Giovou AE
41. Molecular characterization of cell types in the squid Loligo vulgaris.
2023 Jan 3
Duruz J, Sprecher M, Kaldun JC
42. The meningeal transcriptional response to traumatic brain injury and aging.
2023 Jan 3
Bolte AC(#), Shapiro DA(#), Dutta AB
43. Antisense oligonucleotide therapy rescues disturbed brain rhythms and sleep in juvenile and adult mouse models of Angelman syndrome.
2023 Jan 3
Lee D(#), Chen W(#), Kaku HN(#)
44. Scale-free behavioral dynamics directly linked with scale-free cortical dynamics.
2023 Jan 27
Jones SA, Barfield JH, Norman VK
45. Phenome-wide Mendelian randomisation analysis identifies causal factors for age-related macular degeneration.
2023 Jan 27
Julian TH, Cooper-Knock J, MacGregor S
46. Regulatory T cells suppress the formation of potent KLRK1 and IL-7R expressing effector CD8 T cells by limiting IL-2.
2023 Jan 27
Tsyklauri O, Chadimova T, Niederlova V
47. Drug specificity and affinity are encoded in the probability of cryptic pocket opening in myosin motor domains.
2023 Jan 27
Meller A, Lotthammer JM, Smith LG
48. Efficacy and safety of metabolic interventions for the treatment of severe COVID-19: in vitro, observational, and non-randomized open label interventional study.
2023 Jan 27
Ehrlich A, Ioannidis K, Nasar M
49. Internal neural states influence the short-term effect of monocular deprivation in human adults.
2023 Jan 27
Chen Y(#), Gao Y(#), He Z(#)
50. Signal denoising through topographic modularity of neural circuits.
2023 Jan 26
Zajzon B, Dahmen D, Morrison A
51. Recruitment of Polo-like kinase couples synapsis to meiotic progression via inactivation of CHK-2.
2023 Jan 26
Zhang L, Stauffer WT, Wang JS
52. Mammalian forelimb evolution is driven by uneven proximal-to-distal morphological diversity.
2023 Jan 26
Rothier PS, Fabre AC, Clavel J
53. Novel analytical tools reveal that local synchronization of cilia coincides with tissue-scale metachronal waves in zebrafish multiciliated epithelia.
2023 Jan 26
Ringers C, Bialonski S, Ege M
54. Principles of RNA recruitment to viral ribonucleoprotein condensates in a segmented dsRNA virus.
2023 Jan 26
Strauss S, Acker J, Papa G
55. LSD1 defines the fiber type-selective responsiveness to environmental stress in skeletal muscle.
2023 Jan 25
Araki H, Hino S, Anan K
56. Neurexins in serotonergic neurons regulate neuronal survival, serotonin transmission, and complex mouse behaviors.
2023 Jan 25
Cheung A, Konno K, Imamura Y
57. Metamorphosis of memory circuits in Drosophila reveals a strategy for evolving a larval brain.
2023 Jan 25
Truman JW, Price J, Miyares RL
58. Nation-wide participation in FIT-based colorectal cancer screening in Denmark during the COVID-19 pandemic: An observational study.
2023 Jan 25
Olesen TB, Jensen H, Møller H
59. GWAS and functional studies suggest a role for altered DNA repair in the evolution of drug resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
2023 Jan 25
Naz S(#), Paritosh K(#), Sanyal P
60. The SARS-CoV-2 accessory protein Orf3a is not an ion channel, but does interact with trafficking proteins.
2023 Jan 25
Miller AN(#), Houlihan PR(#), Matamala E
61. Activation-pathway transitions in human voltage-gated proton channels revealed by a non-canonical fluorescent amino acid.
2023 Jan 25
Suárez-Delgado E, Orozco-Contreras M, Rangel-Yescas GE
62. A concerted mechanism involving ACAT and SREBPs by which oxysterols deplete accessible cholesterol to restrict microbial infection.
2023 Jan 25
Heisler DB(#), Johnson KA(#), Ma DH
63. Use it or lose it.
2023 Jan 24
Rechnitz O, Derdikman D.
64. Beta human papillomavirus 8E6 promotes alternative end joining.
2023 Jan 24
Hu C, Bugbee T, Palinski R
65. Bacterial lifestyle switch in response to algal metabolites.
2023 Jan 24
Barak-Gavish N, Dassa B, Kuhlisch C
66. Hierarchical architecture of dopaminergic circuits enables second-order conditioning in Drosophila.
2023 Jan 24
Yamada D, Bushey D, Li F
67. Structures of human dynein in complex with the lissencephaly 1 protein, LIS1.
2023 Jan 24
Reimer JM, DeSantis ME, Reck-Peterson SL
68. Infant brain regional cerebral blood flow increases supporting emergence of the default-mode network.
2023 Jan 24
Yu Q, Ouyang M, Detre J
69. Selective integration of diverse taste inputs within a single taste modality.
2023 Jan 24
Deere JU, Sarkissian AA, Yang M
70. A hardware system for real-time decoding of in vivo calcium imaging data.
2023 Jan 24
Chen Z, Blair GJ, Guo C
71. Antibody levels following vaccination against SARS-CoV-2: associations with post-vaccination infection and risk factors in two UK longitudinal studies.
2023 Jan 24
Cheetham NJ, Kibble M, Wong A
72. Oncogenic PKA signaling increases c-MYC protein expression through multiple targetable mechanisms.
2023 Jan 24
Chan GKL, Maisel S, Hwang YC
73. The use of non-functional clonotypes as a natural calibrator for quantitative bias correction in adaptive immune receptor repertoire profiling.
2023 Jan 24
Smirnova AO, Miroshnichenkova AM, Olshanskaya YV
74. Chloride-dependent mechanisms of multimodal sensory discrimination and nociceptive sensitization in Drosophila.
2023 Jan 23
Himmel NJ, Sakurai A, Patel AA
75. Compartmentalization and persistence of dominant (regulatory) T cell clones indicates antigen skewing in juvenile idiopathic arthritis.
2023 Jan 23
Mijnheer G, Servaas NH, Leong JY
76. Initiation of HIV-1 Gag lattice assembly is required for recognition of the viral genome packaging signal.
2023 Jan 23
Lei X, Gonçalves-Carneiro D, Zang TM
77. Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) sequences from 33 globally distributed mosquito species for improved metagenomics and species identification.
2023 Jan 23
Koh C, Frangeul L, Blanc H
78. Soluble amyloid-β precursor peptide does not regulate GABA(B) receptor activity.
2023 Jan 23
Rem PD, Sereikaite V, Fernández-Fernández D
79. Multimodal mapping of cell types and projections in the central nucleus of the amygdala.
2023 Jan 20
Wang Y, Krabbe S, Eddison M
80. Quantifying changes in the T cell receptor repertoire during thymic development.
2023 Jan 20
Camaglia F, Ryvkin A, Greenstein E
81. Community composition shapes microbial-specific phenotypes in a cystic fibrosis polymicrobial model system.
2023 Jan 20
Jean-Pierre F, Hampton TH, Schultz D
82. A CRISPR screen in intestinal epithelial cells identifies novel factors for polarity and apical transport.
2023 Jan 20
Klee KMC(#), Hess MW(#), Lohmüller M
83. Participation in the nationwide cervical cancer screening programme in Denmark during the COVID-19 pandemic: An observational study.
2023 Jan 20
Olesen TB, Jensen H, Møller H
84. A modelling approach to estimate the transmissibility of SARS-CoV-2 during periods of high, low, and zero case incidence.
2023 Jan 20
Golding N, Price DJ, Ryan G
85. Structure-based prediction of T cell receptor:peptide-MHC interactions.
2023 Jan 20
Bradley P.
86. How the brain stays in sync with the real world.
2023 Jan 19
Koevoet D(#), Sahakian A(#), Chota S.
87. Gasotransmitter modulation of hypoglossal motoneuron activity.
2023 Jan 19
Browe BM, Peng YJ, Nanduri J
88. Bone circuitry and interorgan skeletal crosstalk.
2023 Jan 19
Zaidi M, Kim SM, Mathew M
89. Future COVID19 surges prediction based on SARS-CoV-2 mutations surveillance.
2023 Jan 19
Najar FZ, Linde E, Murphy CL
90. Protein feeding mediates sex pheromone biosynthesis in an insect.
2023 Jan 19
Gui S, Yuval B, Engl T
91. Selective androgen receptor degrader (SARD) to overcome antiandrogen resistance in castration-resistant prostate cancer.
2023 Jan 19
Wu M(#), Zhang R(#), Zhang Z(#)
92. STAT3 promotes RNA polymerase III-directed transcription by controlling the miR-106a-5p/TP73 axis.
2023 Jan 19
Zhang C, Zhao S, Deng H
93. Control of craniofacial development by the collagen receptor, discoidin domain receptor 2.
2023 Jan 19
Mohamed FF, Ge C, Hallett SA
94. A striatal circuit balances learned fear in the presence and absence of sensory cues.
2023 Jan 19
Kintscher M, Kochubey O, Schneggenburger R.
95. T follicular helper 17 (Tfh17) cells are superior for immunological memory maintenance.
2023 Jan 19
Gao X, Luo K, Wang D
96. Ras/MAPK signalling intensity defines subclonal fitness in a mouse model of hepatocellular carcinoma.
2023 Jan 19
Lozano A, Souche FR, Chavey C
97. RNA sequence to structure analysis from comprehensive pairwise mutagenesis of multiple self-cleaving ribozymes.
2023 Jan 19
Roberts JM, Beck JD, Pollock TB
98. Hypoxia truncates and constitutively activates the key cholesterol synthesis enzyme squalene monooxygenase.
2023 Jan 19
Coates HW, Capell-Hattam IM, Olzomer EM
99. Scleraxis-lineage cells are required for tendon homeostasis and their depletion induces an accelerated extracellular matrix aging phenotype.
2023 Jan 19
Korcari A, Nichols AEC, Buckley MR
100. Temporal derivative computation in the dorsal raphe network revealed by an experimentally-driven augmented integrate-and-fire modeling framework.
2023 Jan 19
Harkin EF, Lynn MB, Payeur A
101. Trisomy 21 induces pericentrosomal crowding delaying primary ciliogenesis and mouse cerebellar development.
2023 Jan 19
Jewett CE, McCurdy BL, O'Toole ET
102. Position representations of moving objects align with real-time position in the early visual response.
2023 Jan 19
Johnson PA, Blom T, van Gaal S
103. eDNA-stimulated cell dispersion from Caulobacter crescentus biofilms upon oxygen limitation is dependent on a toxin-antitoxin system.
2023 Jan 19
Berne C, Zappa S, Brun YV.
104. Tissue libraries enable rapid determination of conditions that preserve antibody labeling in cleared mouse and human tissue.
2023 Jan 19
Zwang TJ, Bennett RE, Lysandrou M
105. Transformer-based deep learning for predicting protein properties in the life sciences.
2023 Jan 18
Chandra A, Tünnermann L, Löfstedt T
106. Differential processing of decision information in subregions of rodent medial prefrontal cortex.
2023 Jan 18
Diehl GW, Redish AD.
107. Targeting RNA:protein interactions with an integrative approach leads to the identification of potent YBX1 inhibitors.
2023 Jan 18
El Hage K, Babault N(#), Maciejak O(#)
108. Mechanism of Ca(2+) transport by ferroportin.
2023 Jan 17
Shen J, Wilbon AS, Zhou M
109. Active morphogenesis of patterned epithelial shells.
2023 Jan 17
Khoromskaia D, Salbreux G.
110. Dermal appendage-dependent patterning of zebrafish atoh1a+ Merkel cells.
2023 Jan 17
Brown TL(#), Horton EC(#), Craig EW
111. A mechanism of uncompetitive inhibition of the serotonin transporter.
2023 Jan 17
Bhat S, El-Kasaby A, Kasture A
112. Inter-organ Wingless/Ror/Akt signaling regulates nutrient-dependent hyperarborization of somatosensory neurons.
2023 Jan 17
Kanaoka Y, Onodera K, Watanabe K
113. Spatially resolved transcriptomics reveals pro-inflammatory fibroblast involved in lymphocyte recruitment through CXCL8 and CXCL10.
2023 Jan 17
Caetano AJ, Redhead Y, Karim F
114. Neural assemblies uncovered by generative modeling explain whole-brain activity statistics and reflect structural connectivity.
2023 Jan 17
van der Plas TL, Tubiana J, Le Goc G
115. Relating pathogenic loss-of function mutations in humans to their evolutionary fitness costs.
2023 Jan 17
Agarwal I, Fuller ZL, Myers SR
116. Gain-of-function variants in the ion channel gene TRPM3 underlie a spectrum of neurodevelopmental disorders.
2023 Jan 17
Burglen L(#), Van Hoeymissen E(#), Qebibo L
117. Sex and prior exposure jointly shape innate immune responses to a live herpesvirus vaccine.
2023 Jan 17
Cheung F(#), Apps R(#), Dropulic L
118. Ephrin-B1 regulates the adult diastolic function through a late postnatal maturation of cardiomyocyte surface crests.
2023 Jan 17
Karsenty C, Guilbeau-Frugier C, Genet G
119. ahctf1 and kras mutations combine to amplify oncogenic stress and restrict liver overgrowth in a zebrafish model of hepatocellular carcinoma.
2023 Jan 17
Morgan KJ, Doggett K, Geng F
120. GluA3 subunits are required for appropriate assembly of AMPAR GluA2 and GluA4 subunits on cochlear afferent synapses and for presynaptic ribbon modiolar-pillar morphology.
2023 Jan 17
Rutherford MA, Bhattacharyya A, Xiao M
121. FGF21 protects against hepatic lipotoxicity and macrophage activation to attenuate fibrogenesis in nonalcoholic steatohepatitis.
2023 Jan 17
Liu C, Schönke M, Spoorenberg B
122. Exploring therapeutic strategies for infantile neuronal axonal dystrophy (INAD/PARK14).
2023 Jan 16
Lin G, Tepe B, McGrane G
123. Maternal obesity blunts antimicrobial responses in fetal monocytes.
2023 Jan 16
Sureshchandra S, Doratt BM, Mendza N
124. Dynamics of immune memory and learning in bacterial communities.
2023 Jan 16
Bonsma-Fisher M, Goyal S.
125. Renal interstitial cells promote nephron regeneration by secreting prostaglandin E2.
2023 Jan 16
Liu X, Yu T, Tan X
126. Inhibition is a prevalent mode of activity in the neocortex around awake hippocampal ripples in mice.
2023 Jan 16
Karimi Abadchi J, Rezaei Z, Knöpfel T
127. A hierarchy of cell death pathways confers layered resistance to shigellosis in mice.
2023 Jan 16
Roncaioli JL, Babirye JP, Chavez RA
128. MCT1-dependent energetic failure and neuroinflammation underlie optic nerve degeneration in Wolfram syndrome mice.
2023 Jan 16
Rossi G, Ordazzo G, Vanni NN
129. Effects of an IgE receptor polymorphism acting on immunity, susceptibility to infection, and reproduction in a wild rodent.
2023 Jan 16
Wanelik KM, Begon M, Bradley JE
130. Nanobodies combined with DNA-PAINT super-resolution reveal a staggered titin nanoarchitecture in flight muscles.
2023 Jan 16
Schueder F(#), Mangeol P(#), Chan EH
131. Dysregulation of the PRUNE2/PCA3 genetic axis in human prostate cancer: from experimental discovery to validation in two independent patient cohorts.
2023 Jan 16
Lauer RC(#), Barry M(#), Smith TL
132. A nanobody toolbox to investigate localisation and dynamics of Drosophila titins and other key sarcomeric proteins.
2023 Jan 16
Loreau V, Rees R, Chan EH
133. Individual behavioral trajectories shape whole-brain connectivity in mice.
2023 Jan 16
Bogado Lopes J, Senko AN, Bahnsen K
134. Histological E-data Registration in rodent Brain Spaces.
2023 Jan 13
Fuglstad JG(#), Saldanha P(#), Paglia J
135. Testing the ion-current model for flagellar length sensing and IFT regulation.
2023 Jan 13
Ishikawa H, Moore J, Diener DR
136. The circadian clock controls temporal and spatial patterns of floral development in sunflower.
2023 Jan 13
Marshall CM, Thompson VL, Creux NM
137. Sensorimotor feedback loops are selectively sensitive to reward.
2023 Jan 13
Codol O, Kashefi M, Forgaard CJ
138. Inhibition of the proton-activated chloride channel PAC by PIP(2).
2023 Jan 12
Mihaljević L(#), Ruan Z(#), Osei-Owusu J
139. Human and macaque pairs employ different coordination strategies in a transparent decision game.
2023 Jan 12
Moeller S, Unakafov AM, Fischer J
140. MicroRNA-eQTLs in the developing human neocortex link miR-4707-3p expression to brain size.
2023 Jan 11
Lafferty MJ, Aygün N, Patel NK
141. The antidepressant sertraline provides a novel host directed therapy module for augmenting TB therapy.
2023 Jan 11
Shankaran D, Singh A, Dawa S
142. A novel fold for acyltransferase-3 (AT3) proteins provides a framework for transmembrane acyl-group transfer.
2023 Jan 11
Newman KE(#), Tindall SN(#), Mader SL
143. Uncovering perturbations in human hematopoiesis associated with healthy aging and myeloid malignancies at single-cell resolution.
2023 Jan 11
Ainciburu M(#), Ezponda T(#), Berastegui N
144. Transiently heritable fates and quorum sensing drive early IFN-I response dynamics.
2023 Jan 11
Van Eyndhoven LC, Verberne VPG, Bouten CVC
145. Unconventional secretion of α-synuclein mediated by palmitoylated DNAJC5 oligomers.
2023 Jan 10
Wu S, Hernandez Villegas NC, Sirkis DW
146. Balancing selection on genomic deletion polymorphisms in humans.
2023 Jan 10
Aqil A, Speidel L, Pavlidis P
147. Adaptation to glucose starvation is associated with molecular reorganization of the circadian clock in Neurospora crassa.
2023 Jan 10
Szőke A, Sárkány O, Schermann G
148. EHD2 overexpression promotes tumorigenesis and metastasis in triple-negative breast cancer by regulating store-operated calcium entry.
2023 Jan 10
Luan H, Bielecki TA, Mohapatra BC
149. Recombinant single-cycle influenza virus with exchangeable pseudotypes allows repeated immunization to augment anti-tumour immunity with immune checkpoint inhibitors.
2023 Jan 10
Kandasamy M, Gileadi U, Rijal P
150. Hierarchical sequence-affinity landscapes shape the evolution of breadth in an anti-influenza receptor binding site antibody.
2023 Jan 10
Phillips AM, Maurer DP, Brooks C
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