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2023 Sep (16)
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2022 Oct (176)
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2021 Aug (169)
2021 Jul (206)
2021 Jun (183)
2021 May (154)
2021 Apr (172)
2021 Mar (210)
2021 Feb (166)
2021 Jan (155)
1. High hedgehog signaling is transduced by a multikinase-dependent switch controlling the apico-basal distribution of the GPCR smoothened.
2022 Sep 9
Gonçalves Antunes M, Sanial M, Contremoulins V
2. Arbidol inhibits human esophageal squamous cell carcinoma growth in vitro and in vivo through suppressing ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3-related protein kinase.
2022 Sep 9
Yang N(#), Lu X(#), Jiang Y(#)
3. GENESPACE tracks regions of interest and gene copy number variation across multiple genomes.
2022 Sep 9
Lovell JT, Sreedasyam A, Schranz ME
4. Redox-controlled reorganization and flavin strain within the ribonucleotide reductase R2b-NrdI complex monitored by serial femtosecond crystallography.
2022 Sep 9
John J, Aurelius O, Srinivas V
5. Automatically tracking feeding behavior in populations of foraging C. elegans.
2022 Sep 9
Bonnard E(#), Liu J(#), Zjacic N
6. Foveal vision anticipates defining features of eye movement targets.
2022 Sep 9
Kroell LM, Rolfs M.
7. Evidence accumulation, not 'self-control', explains dorsolateral prefrontal activation during normative choice.
2022 Sep 8
Hutcherson CA(#), Tusche A(#).
8. Low and high frequency intracranial neural signals match in the human associative cortex.
2022 Sep 8
Jacques C(#), Jonas J(#), Colnat-Coulbois S
9. Integrative analysis of metabolite GWAS illuminates the molecular basis of pleiotropy and genetic correlation.
2022 Sep 8
Smith CJ(#), Sinnott-Armstrong N(#), Cichońska A
10. Cancer genome and tumor microenvironment: Reciprocal crosstalk shapes lung cancer plasticity.
2022 Sep 8
Mansouri S, Heylmann D, Stiewe T
11. Fip1 is a multivalent interaction scaffold for processing factors in human mRNA 3' end biogenesis.
2022 Sep 8
Muckenfuss LM, Migenda Herranz AC, Boneberg FM
12. Regulation of pulmonary surfactant by the adhesion GPCR GPR116/ADGRF5 requires a tethered agonist-mediated activation mechanism.
2022 Sep 8
Bridges JP, Safina C, Pirard B
13. Distinct regions of H. pylori's bactofilin CcmA regulate protein-protein interactions to control helical cell shape.
2022 Sep 8
Sichel SR, Bratton BP, Salama NR.
14. Injury-induced pulmonary tuft cells are heterogenous, arise independent of key Type 2 cytokines, and are dispensable for dysplastic repair.
2022 Sep 8
Barr J(#), Gentile ME(#), Lee S
15. Impact of blindness onset on the representation of sound categories in occipital and temporal cortices.
2022 Sep 7
Mattioni S, Rezk M, Battal C
16. Ecological lipidology.
2022 Sep 7
Trautenberg LC, Brankatschk M, Shevchenko A
17. Altered regulation of Ia afferent input during voluntary contraction in humans with spinal cord injury.
2022 Sep 7
Chen B, Perez MA.
18. Highly efficient generation of isogenic pluripotent stem cell models using prime editing.
2022 Sep 7
Li H(#), Busquets O(#), Verma Y
19. Poxviruses capture host genes by LINE-1 retrotransposition.
2022 Sep 7
Fixsen SM, Cone KR, Goldstein SA
20. Fuzzy supertertiary interactions within PSD-95 enable ligand binding.
2022 Sep 7
Hamilton GL(#), Saikia N(#), Basak S
21. Rethinking the representation of sound.
2022 Sep 7
Bola Ł.
22. Epigenetic remodeling by vitamin C potentiates plasma cell differentiation.
2022 Sep 7
Chen HY(#), Almonte-Loya A(#), Lay FY
23. Genetically manipulating endogenous Kras levels and oncogenic mutations in vivo influences tissue patterning of murine tumorigenesis.
2022 Sep 7
Le Roux Ö, Pershing NLK, Kaltenbrun E
24. LINE-1 retrotransposons facilitate horizontal gene transfer into poxviruses.
2022 Sep 7
Rahman MJ, Haller SL, Stoian AMM
25. Computational modeling and quantitative physiology reveal central parameters for brassinosteroid-regulated early cell physiological processes linked to elongation growth of the Arabidopsis root.
2022 Sep 7
Großeholz R(#), Wanke F(#), Rohr L
26. Machine learning-assisted fluoroscopy of bladder function in awake mice.
2022 Sep 6
De Bruyn H, Corthout N, Munck S
27. Proton-transporting heliorhodopsins from marine giant viruses.
2022 Sep 6
Hososhima S, Mizutori R, Abe-Yoshizumi R
28. Structural model of microtubule dynamics inhibition by kinesin-4 from the crystal structure of KLP-12 -tubulin complex.
2022 Sep 6
Taguchi S(#), Nakano J(#), Imasaki T(#)
29. Mental health in medical and biomedical doctoral students during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic and racial protests.
2022 Sep 6
Schad A(#), Layton RL(#), Ragland D
30. A specific role for importin-5 and NASP in the import and nuclear hand-off of monomeric H3.
2022 Sep 6
Pardal AJ, Bowman AJ.
31. A crosstalk between hepcidin and IRE/IRP pathways controls ferroportin expression and determines serum iron levels in mice.
2022 Sep 6
Charlebois E, Fillebeen C, Katsarou A
32. Recovering mixtures of fast-diffusing states from short single-particle trajectories.
2022 Sep 6
Heckert A, Dahal L, Tjian R
33. Distinct architectural requirements for the parS centromeric sequence of the pSM19035 plasmid partition machinery.
2022 Sep 5
Volante A, Alonso JC, Mizuuchi K.
34. Amygdala-cortical collaboration in reward learning and decision making.
2022 Sep 5
Wassum KM.
35. Multiple ciliary localization signals control INPP5E ciliary targeting.
2022 Sep 5
Cilleros-Rodriguez D(#), Martin-Morales R(#), Barbeito P
36. Why I shrank my lab by half.
2022 Sep 5
Carpenter AE.
37. Deep learning-based feature extraction for prediction and interpretation of sharp-wave ripples in the rodent hippocampus.
2022 Sep 5
Navas-Olive A(#), Amaducci R(#), Jurado-Parras MT
38. Molecular characteristics and laminar distribution of prefrontal neurons projecting to the mesolimbic system.
2022 Sep 5
Babiczky Á, Matyas F.
39. Structure of Geobacter OmcZ filaments suggests extracellular cytochrome polymers evolved independently multiple times.
2022 Sep 5
Wang F, Chan CH, Suciu V
40. A neutrophil-B-cell axis impacts tissue damage control in a mouse model of intraabdominal bacterial infection via Cxcr4.
2022 Sep 30
Gawish R, Maier B, Obermayer G
41. Protein evidence of unannotated ORFs in Drosophila reveals diversity in the evolution and properties of young proteins.
2022 Sep 30
Zheng EB, Zhao L.
42. Traversing missing links in the spread of HIV.
2022 Sep 30
Brintnell E, Poon A.
43. Evolution of cell size control is canalized towards adders or sizers by cell cycle structure and selective pressures.
2022 Sep 30
Proulx-Giraldeau F, Skotheim JM, François P.
44. Airway basal cells show regionally distinct potential to undergo metaplastic differentiation.
2022 Sep 30
Zhou Y(#), Yang Y(#), Guo L(#)
45. Identification of orphan ligand-receptor relationships using a cell-based CRISPRa enrichment screening platform.
2022 Sep 30
Siepe DH, Henneberg LT, Wilson SC
46. In vivo generation of bone marrow from embryonic stem cells in interspecies chimeras.
2022 Sep 30
Wen B, Wang G, Li E
47. Functional brain reconfiguration during sustained pain.
2022 Sep 29
Lee JJ, Lee S, Lee DH
48. Macrophage innate training induced by IL-4 and IL-13 activation enhances OXPHOS driven anti-mycobacterial responses.
2022 Sep 29
Lundahl MLE, Mitermite M(#), Ryan DG(#)
49. Olfactory responses of Drosophila are encoded in the organization of projection neurons.
2022 Sep 29
Choi K, Kim WK, Hyeon C.
50. Putting perception into action with inverse optimal control for continuous psychophysics.
2022 Sep 29
Straub D, Rothkopf CA.
51. Bronchus-associated macrophages efficiently capture and present soluble inhaled antigens and are capable of local Th2 cell activation.
2022 Sep 29
Tang XZ, Kreuk LSM, Cho C
52. Rabphilin 3A binds the N-peptide of SNAP-25 to promote SNARE complex assembly in exocytosis.
2022 Sep 29
Li T, Cheng Q, Wang S
53. The Candida albicans virulence factor candidalysin polymerizes in solution to form membrane pores and damage epithelial cells.
2022 Sep 29
Russell CM(#), Schaefer KG(#), Dixson A
54. A dynamic and expandable digital 3D-atlas maker for monitoring the temporal changes in tissue growth during hindbrain morphogenesis.
2022 Sep 28
Blanc M, Dalmasso G, Udina F
55. Phosphoproteomic mapping reveals distinct signaling actions and activation of muscle protein synthesis by Isthmin-1.
2022 Sep 28
Zhao M, Banhos Danneskiold-Samsøe N, Ulicna L
56. De novo apical domain formation inside the Drosophila adult midgut epithelium.
2022 Sep 28
Chen J, St Johnston D.
57. Functional gradients in the human lateral prefrontal cortex revealed by a comprehensive coordinate-based meta-analysis.
2022 Sep 28
Abdallah M, Zanitti GE, Iovene V
58. Plexins promote Hedgehog signaling through their cytoplasmic GAP activity.
2022 Sep 28
Pinskey JM(#), Hoard TM(#), Zhao XF
59. Flexing the principal gradient of the cerebral cortex to suit changing semantic task demands.
2022 Sep 28
Gao Z, Zheng L, Krieger-Redwood K
60. Distinct population and single-neuron selectivity for executive and episodic processing in human dorsal posterior cingulate.
2022 Sep 28
Aponik-Gremillion L, Chen YY, Bartoli E
61. Ear pinnae in a neotropical katydid (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae) function as ultrasound guides for bat detection.
2022 Sep 28
Pulver CA(#), Celiker E(#), Woodrow C
62. Time encoding migrates from prefrontal cortex to dorsal striatum during learning of a self-timed response duration task.
2022 Sep 28
Tunes GC(#), Fermino de Oliveira E(#), Vieira EUP
63. The SPARC complex defines RNAPII promoters in Trypanosoma brucei.
2022 Sep 28
Staneva DP, Bresson S, Auchynnikava T
64. The effect of calcium supplementation in people under 35 years old: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
2022 Sep 27
Liu Y(#), Le S(#), Liu Y
65. Mixed synapses reconcile violations of the size principle in zebrafish spinal cord.
2022 Sep 27
Menelaou E, Kishore S, McLean DL.
66. Trends in female-selective abortion among Asian diasporas in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada and Australia.
2022 Sep 27
Meh C, Jha P.
67. Uncertainty-based inference of a common cause for body ownership.
2022 Sep 27
Chancel M, Ehrsson HH(#), Ma WJ(#).
68. Species clustering, climate effects, and introduced species in 5 million city trees across 63 US cities.
2022 Sep 27
McCoy DE(#), Goulet-Scott B(#), Meng W
69. Loss of full-length dystrophin expression results in major cell-autonomous abnormalities in proliferating myoblasts.
2022 Sep 27
Gosselin MRF, Mournetas V, Borczyk M
70. Insulin sensitivity in mesolimbic pathways predicts and improves with weight loss in older dieters.
2022 Sep 27
Tiedemann LJ, Meyhöfer SM, Francke P
71. Conduction velocity along a key white matter tract is associated with autobiographical memory recall ability.
2022 Sep 27
Clark IA, Mohammadi S, Callaghan MF
72. Integration of mouse ovary morphogenesis with developmental dynamics of the oviduct, ovarian ligaments, and rete ovarii.
2022 Sep 27
McKey J, Anbarci DN, Bunce C
73. Resurrecting essential amino acid biosynthesis in mammalian cells.
2022 Sep 27
Trolle J(#), McBee RM(#), Kaufman A
74. Bumblebees retrieve only the ordinal ranking of foraging options when comparing memories obtained in distinct settings.
2022 Sep 27
Solvi C(#), Zhou Y(#), Feng Y
75. Quantitative MRI reveals differences in striatal myelin in children with DLD.
2022 Sep 27
Krishnan S, Cler GJ, Smith HJ
76. What happens in the brain?
2022 Sep 27
Smith F, Griffiths TD.
77. Self-organized canals enable long-range directed material transport in bacterial communities.
2022 Sep 26
Li Y(#), Liu S(#), Zhang Y
78. Hepatic AMPK signaling dynamic activation in response to REDOX balance are sentinel biomarkers of exercise and antioxidant intervention to improve blood glucose control.
2022 Sep 26
Wu M(#), Zhao A(#), Yan X(#)
79. Differential requirements for mitochondrial electron transport chain components in the adult murine liver.
2022 Sep 26
Lesner NP, Wang X, Chen Z
80. Fibroblast-derived Hgf controls recruitment and expansion of muscle during morphogenesis of the mammalian diaphragm.
2022 Sep 26
Sefton EM, Gallardo M, Tobin CE
81. Fat2 polarizes the WAVE complex in trans to align cell protrusions for collective migration.
2022 Sep 26
Williams AM, Donoughe S, Munro E
82. Early anteroposterior regionalisation of human neural crest is shaped by a pro-mesodermal factor.
2022 Sep 26
Gogolou A, Souilhol C, Granata I
83. Post-phagocytosis activation of NLRP3 inflammasome by two novel T6SS effectors.
2022 Sep 26
Cohen H, Baram N, Fridman CM
84. c-Myc plays a key role in IFN-γ-induced persistence of Chlamydia trachomatis.
2022 Sep 26
Vollmuth N, Schlicker L, Guo Y
85. Polygenic adaptation after a sudden change in environment.
2022 Sep 26
Hayward LK, Sella G.
86. Non-rapid eye movement sleep determines resilience to social stress.
2022 Sep 23
Bush BJ, Donnay C, Andrews EA
87. One master to rule them all.
2022 Sep 23
Barbeito P, Garcia-Gonzalo FR.
88. Consequences of PDGFRα(+) fibroblast reduction in adult murine hearts.
2022 Sep 23
Kuwabara JT(#), Hara A(#), Bhutada S
89. Wolbachia action in the sperm produces developmentally deferred chromosome segregation defects during the Drosophila mid-blastula transition.
2022 Sep 23
Warecki B(#), Titen SWA(#), Alam MS
90. Regulation of Nodal signaling propagation by receptor interactions and positive feedback.
2022 Sep 23
Preiß H(#), Kögler AC(#), Mörsdorf D(#)
91. A feed-forward pathway drives LRRK2 kinase membrane recruitment and activation.
2022 Sep 23
Vides EG, Adhikari A, Chiang CY
92. Rapid, Reference-Free human genotype imputation with denoising autoencoders.
2022 Sep 23
Dias R, Evans D, Chen SF
93. Fitness effects of CRISPR endonucleases in Drosophila melanogaster populations.
2022 Sep 22
Langmüller AM(#), Champer J(#), Lapinska S
94. Mountain gorillas maintain strong affiliative biases for maternal siblings despite high male reproductive skew and extensive exposure to paternal kin.
2022 Sep 22
Grebe NM, Hirwa JP, Stoinski TS
95. SARS-CoV-2 antibody dynamics in blood donors and COVID-19 epidemiology in eight Brazilian state capitals: A serial cross-sectional study.
2022 Sep 22
Prete CA Jr(#), Buss LF(#), Whittaker C(#)
96. Variable paralog expression underlies phenotype variation.
2022 Sep 22
Bailon-Zambrano R(#), Sucharov J(#), Mumme-Monheit A
97. Higher-order unimodal olfactory sensory preconditioning in Drosophila.
2022 Sep 21
Martinez-Cervantes J(#), Shah P(#), Phan A
98. Proteogenomic analysis of cancer aneuploidy and normal tissues reveals divergent modes of gene regulation across cellular pathways.
2022 Sep 21
Cheng P(#), Zhao X(#), Katsnelson L(#)
99. The compliment sandwich.
2022 Sep 21
Marder E.
100. A dopamine-gated learning circuit underpins reproductive state-dependent odor preference in Drosophila females.
2022 Sep 21
Boehm AC, Friedrich AB, Hunt S
101. Contribution of Trp63(CreERT2)-labeled cells to alveolar regeneration is independent of tuft cells.
2022 Sep 21
Huang H, Fang Y, Jiang M
102. DNA methylome combined with chromosome cluster-oriented analysis provides an early signature for cutaneous melanoma aggressiveness.
2022 Sep 20
Carrier A, Desjobert C, Ponger L
103. Frequency-specific neural signatures of perceptual content and perceptual stability.
2022 Sep 20
Hardstone R, Flounders MW, Zhu M
104. Bone marrow adipocytes drive the development of tissue invasive Ly6C(high) monocytes during obesity.
2022 Sep 20
Boroumand P, Prescott DC, Mukherjee T
105. Repressor element 1-silencing transcription factor deficiency yields profound hearing loss through K(v)7.4 channel upsurge in auditory neurons and hair cells.
2022 Sep 20
Zhang H, Li H, Lu M
106. Stability of motor representations after paralysis.
2022 Sep 20
Guan C(#), Aflalo T(#), Zhang CY
107. Global chromatin mobility induced by a DSB is dictated by chromosomal conformation and defines the HR outcome.
2022 Sep 20
García Fernández F(#), Almayrac E(#), Carré Simon À
108. Network design principle for robust oscillatory behaviors with respect to biological noise.
2022 Sep 20
Qiao L(#), Zhang ZB(#), Zhao W(#)
109. Where is that smell coming from?
2022 Sep 20
Brudner S(#), Emonet T(#).
110. Kinesin-1, -2, and -3 motors use family-specific mechanochemical strategies to effectively compete with dynein during bidirectional transport.
2022 Sep 20
Gicking AM, Ma TC, Feng Q
111. Diverse ancestry whole-genome sequencing association study identifies TBX5 and PTK7 as susceptibility genes for posterior urethral valves.
2022 Sep 20
Chan MMY, Sadeghi-Alavijeh O, Lopes FM
112. Progressive enhancement of kinetic proofreading in T cell antigen discrimination from receptor activation to DAG generation.
2022 Sep 20
Britain DM, Town JP, Weiner OD.
113. Group II truncated haemoglobin YjbI prevents reactive oxygen species-induced protein aggregation in Bacillus subtilis.
2022 Sep 20
Imai T, Tobe R, Honda K
114. The ellipse of insignificance, a refined fragility index for ascertaining robustness of results in dichotomous outcome trials.
2022 Sep 20
Grimes DR.
115. Empirical single-cell tracking and cell-fate simulation reveal dual roles of p53 in tumor suppression.
2022 Sep 20
Rancourt A, Sato S, Satoh MS.
116. FSH-blocking therapeutic for osteoporosis.
2022 Sep 20
Gera S(#), Kuo TC(#), Gumerova AA(#)
117. Distance estimation from monocular cues in an ethological visuomotor task.
2022 Sep 20
Parker PRL, Abe ETT, Beatie NT
118. H3K9me1/2 methylation limits the lifespan of daf-2 mutants in C. elegans.
2022 Sep 20
Huang M(#), Hong M(#), Hou X
119. Transient cell-in-cell formation underlies tumor relapse and resistance to immunotherapy.
2022 Sep 20
Gutwillig A, Santana-Magal N, Farhat-Younis L
120. Keratinocyte PIEZO1 modulates cutaneous mechanosensation.
2022 Sep 2
Mikesell AR, Isaeva O, Moehring F
121. Viscoelastic properties of suspended cells measured with shear flow deformation cytometry.
2022 Sep 2
Gerum R, Mirzahossein E, Eroles M
122. Brain atlas for glycoprotein hormone receptors at single-transcript level.
2022 Sep 2
Ryu V, Gumerova A, Korkmaz F
123. Data-driven, participatory characterization of farmer varieties discloses teff breeding potential under current and future climates.
2022 Sep 2
Woldeyohannes AB(#), Iohannes SD(#), Miculan M
124. Vaccination decreases the risk of influenza A virus reassortment but not genetic variation in pigs.
2022 Sep 2
Li C, Culhane MR, Schroeder DC
125. Surviving on low-energy light comes at a price.
2022 Sep 2
Romero E.
126. Stage-dependent differential influence of metabolic and structural networks on memory across Alzheimer's disease continuum.
2022 Sep 2
Ng KP(#), Qian X(#), Ng KK
127. Crosstalk between AML and stromal cells triggers acetate secretion through the metabolic rewiring of stromal cells.
2022 Sep 2
Vilaplana-Lopera N, Cuminetti V(#), Almaghrabi R(#)
128. Hemocyte differentiation to the megacyte lineage enhances mosquito immunity against Plasmodium.
2022 Sep 2
Barletta ABF, Saha B, Trisnadi N
129. A partially nested cortical hierarchy of neural states underlies event segmentation in the human brain.
2022 Sep 16
Geerligs L, Gözükara D, Oetringer D
130. Microtubules restrict F-actin polymerization to the immune synapse via GEF-H1 to maintain polarity in lymphocytes.
2022 Sep 16
Pineau J, Pinon L, Mesdjian O
131. Sociosexual behavior requires both activating and repressive roles of Tfap2e/AP-2ε in vomeronasal sensory neurons.
2022 Sep 16
Lin JM(#), Mitchell TA(#), Rothstein M
132. 7-Dehydrocholesterol-derived oxysterols cause neurogenic defects in Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome.
2022 Sep 16
Tomita H, Hines KM, Herron JM
133. Mobilome-driven segregation of the resistome in biological wastewater treatment.
2022 Sep 16
de Nies L, Busi SB, Kunath BJ
134. Linking rattiness, geography and environmental degradation to spillover Leptospira infections in marginalised urban settings: An eco-epidemiological community-based cohort study in Brazil.
2022 Sep 16
Eyre MT, Souza FN, Carvalho-Pereira TSA
135. Photonic hyperthermia of malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors at the third near-infrared biowindow.
2022 Sep 16
Gu Y(#), Wang Z(#), Wei C(#)
136. Neural signatures of auditory hypersensitivity following acoustic trauma.
2022 Sep 16
McGill M, Hight AE, Watanabe YL
137. Solute exchange through gap junctions lessens the adverse effects of inactivating mutations in metabolite-handling genes.
2022 Sep 15
Monterisi S, Michl J, Hulikova A
138. Comprehensive analysis of the human ESCRT-III-MIT domain interactome reveals new cofactors for cytokinetic abscission.
2022 Sep 15
Wenzel DM(#), Mackay DR(#), Skalicky JJ(#)
139. Shared mechanisms of auditory and non-auditory vocal learning in the songbird brain.
2022 Sep 15
McGregor JN(#), Grassler AL(#), Jaffe PI
140. Neutrophil-mediated fibroblast-tumor cell il-6/stat-3 signaling underlies the association between neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio dynamics and chemotherapy response in localized pancreatic cancer: A hybrid clinical-preclinical study.
2022 Sep 15
de Castro Silva I, Bianchi A, Deshpande NU
141. Memory persistence and differentiation into antibody-secreting cells accompanied by positive selection in longitudinal BCR repertoires.
2022 Sep 15
Mikelov A(#), Alekseeva EI(#), Komech EA
142. GCN2 eIF2 kinase promotes prostate cancer by maintaining amino acid homeostasis.
2022 Sep 15
Cordova RA, Misra J, Amin PH
143. Murine blastocysts generated by in vitro fertilization show increased Warburg metabolism and altered lactate production.
2022 Sep 15
Lee SH, Liu X, Jimenez-Morales D
144. 3D optogenetic control of arteriole diameter in vivo.
2022 Sep 15
O'Herron PJ, Hartmann DA, Xie K
145. A neurogenic signature involving monoamine Oxidase-A controls human thermogenic adipose tissue development.
2022 Sep 15
Solivan-Rivera J, Yang Loureiro Z, DeSouza T
146. Balance between breadth and depth in human many-alternative decisions.
2022 Sep 15
Vidal A, Soto-Faraco S, Moreno-Bote R.
147. Rvb1/Rvb2 proteins couple transcription and translation during glucose starvation.
2022 Sep 15
Chen YS, Hou W, Tracy S
148. Reverse engineering of metacognition.
2022 Sep 15
Guggenmos M.
149. How the brain regulates alcohol intake.
2022 Sep 14
Walker LC, Pinares-Garcia P, Lawrence AJ.
150. Experimental evidence that chronic outgroup conflict reduces reproductive success in a cooperatively breeding fish.
2022 Sep 14
Braga Goncalves I, Radford AN.
151. Pathogenic variants of sphingomyelin synthase SMS2 disrupt lipid landscapes in the secretory pathway.
2022 Sep 14
Sokoya T(#), Parolek J(#), Foged MM
152. Learning of probabilistic punishment as a model of anxiety produces changes in action but not punisher encoding in the dmPFC and VTA.
2022 Sep 14
Jacobs DS, Allen MC, Park J
153. Neural effects of continuous theta-burst stimulation in macaque parietal neurons.
2022 Sep 13
Romero MC, Merken L, Janssen P(#)
154. Controllability boosts neural and cognitive signatures of changes-of-mind in uncertain environments.
2022 Sep 13
Rouault M, Weiss A, Lee JK
155. Innexin function dictates the spatial relationship between distal somatic cells in the Caenorhabditis elegans gonad without impacting the germline stem cell pool.
2022 Sep 13
Tolkin T(#), Mohammad A(#), Starich TA
156. BRCA2 BRC missense variants disrupt RAD51-dependent DNA repair.
2022 Sep 13
Jimenez-Sainz J, Mathew J, Moore G
157. Robust group- but limited individual-level (longitudinal) reliability and insights into cross-phases response prediction of conditioned fear.
2022 Sep 13
Klingelhöfer-Jens M, Ehlers MR, Kuhn M
158. Rapid transgenerational adaptation in response to intercropping reduces competition.
2022 Sep 13
Stefan L, Engbersen N, Schöb C.
159. Regional importation and asymmetric within-country spread of SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern in the Netherlands.
2022 Sep 13
Han AX, Kozanli E, Koopsen J
160. How hungry roots get their microbes.
2022 Sep 13
Wagner MR.
161. Effectiveness of rapid SARS-CoV-2 genome sequencing in supporting infection control for hospital-onset COVID-19 infection: Multicentre, prospective study.
2022 Sep 13
Stirrup O, Blackstone J, Mapp F
162. A unified view of low complexity regions (LCRs) across species.
2022 Sep 13
Lee B(#), Jaberi-Lashkari N(#), Calo E.
163. Mars, a molecule archive suite for reproducible analysis and reporting of single-molecule properties from bioimages.
2022 Sep 13
Huisjes NM(#), Retzer TM(#), Scherr MJ
164. Genetic and chemical validation of Plasmodium falciparum aminopeptidase PfA-M17 as a drug target in the hemoglobin digestion pathway.
2022 Sep 13
Edgar RCS, Siddiqui G, Hjerrild K
165. Eco-evolutionary dynamics of clonal multicellular life cycles.
2022 Sep 13
Ress V, Traulsen A, Pichugin Y.
166. A global view of the aspiring physician-scientist.
2022 Sep 13
Williams CS, Rathmell WK, Carethers JM
167. Isometric spiracular scaling in scarab beetles-implications for diffusive and advective oxygen transport.
2022 Sep 13
Wagner JM, Klok CJ, Duell ME
168. Structure of the HOPS tethering complex, a lysosomal membrane fusion machinery.
2022 Sep 13
Shvarev D(#), Schoppe J(#), König C(#)
169. The role of anterior insular cortex inputs to dorsolateral striatum in binge alcohol drinking.
2022 Sep 13
Haggerty DL, Munoz B, Pennington T
170. DNA passes through cohesin's hinge as well as its Smc3-kleisin interface.
2022 Sep 12
Collier JE, Nasmyth KA.
171. The C. elegans gonadal sheath Sh1 cells extend asymmetrically over a differentiating germ cell population in the proliferative zone.
2022 Sep 12
Li X, Singh N, Miller C
172. Differentiation signals from glia are fine-tuned to set neuronal numbers during development.
2022 Sep 12
Prasad AR, Lago-Baldaia I, Bostock MP
173. Live-cell imaging in human colonic monolayers reveals ERK waves limit the stem cell compartment to maintain epithelial homeostasis.
2022 Sep 12
Pond KW, Morris JM, Alkhimenok O
174. Unfolding and identification of membrane proteins in situ.
2022 Sep 12
Galvanetto N(#), Ye Z(#), Marchesi A
175. Neural synchronization is strongest to the spectral flux of slow music and depends on familiarity and beat salience.
2022 Sep 12
Weineck K, Wen OX, Henry MJ.
176. The number of cytokinesis nodes in mitotic fission yeast scales with cell size.
2022 Sep 12
Sayyad WA, Pollard TD.
177. The acid ceramidase/ceramide axis controls parasitemia in Plasmodium yoelii-infected mice by regulating erythropoiesis.
2022 Sep 12
Günther A, Hose M, Abberger H
178. Time-resolved parameterization of aperiodic and periodic brain activity.
2022 Sep 12
Wilson LE, da Silva Castanheira J, Baillet S.
179. Uncovering natural variation in root system architecture and growth dynamics using a robotics-assisted phenomics platform.
2022 Sep 1
LaRue T(#), Lindner H(#), Srinivas A
180. Chronic neurotransmission increases the susceptibility of lateral-line hair cells to ototoxic insults.
2022 Sep 1
Lukasz D, Beirl A, Kindt K.
181. The skeletal muscle circadian clock regulates titin splicing through RBM20.
2022 Sep 1
Riley LA, Zhang X, Douglas CM
182. Specific binding of Hsp27 and phosphorylated Tau mitigates abnormal Tau aggregation-induced pathology.
2022 Sep 1
Zhang S(#), Zhu Y(#), Lu J(#)
183. Most cancers carry a substantial deleterious load due to Hill-Robertson interference.
2022 Sep 1
Tilk S, Tkachenko S, Curtis C
184. Ait1 regulates TORC1 signaling and localization in budding yeast.
2022 Sep 1
Wallace RL(#), Lu E(#), Luo X
185. Comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of the ribonucleotide reductase family reveals an ancestral clade.
2022 Sep 1
Burnim AA(#), Spence MA(#), Xu D(#)
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