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2021 Jan (155)
1. The fight for evolution.
2022 Nov 9
Altınışık NE.
2. Macroscopic control of cell electrophysiology through ion channel expression.
2022 Nov 9
García-Navarrete M(#), Avdovic M(#), Pérez-Garcia S(#)
3. Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms and brain morphology: Examining confounding bias.
2022 Nov 9
Dall'Aglio L(#), Kim HH(#), Lamballais S(#)
4. Modeling single-cell phenotypes links yeast stress acclimation to transcriptional repression and pre-stress cellular states.
2022 Nov 9
Bergen AC(#), Kocik RA(#), Hose J
5. Convergence of two global regulators to coordinate expression of essential virulence determinants of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
2022 Nov 9
Khan H, Paul P, Sevalkar RR
6. T cell receptor convergence is an indicator of antigen-specific T cell response in cancer immunotherapies.
2022 Nov 9
Pan M, Li B.
7. Learning-related contraction of gray matter in rodent sensorimotor cortex is associated with adaptive myelination.
2022 Nov 9
Mediavilla T, Özalay Ö, Estévez-Silva HM
8. Phage resistance profiling identifies new genes required for biogenesis and modification of the corynebacterial cell envelope.
2022 Nov 9
McKitterick AC, Bernhardt TG.
9. Adapt or perish.
2022 Nov 8
Williams RBH.
10. Connecting to the long axis.
2022 Nov 8
Strange BA.
11. Sampling motion trajectories during hippocampal theta sequences.
2022 Nov 8
Ujfalussy BB, Orbán G.
12. Two neuronal peptides encoded from a single transcript regulate mitochondrial complex III in Drosophila.
2022 Nov 8
Bosch JA, Ugur B, Pichardo-Casas I
13. Integrative modeling reveals the molecular architecture of the intraflagellar transport A (IFT-A) complex.
2022 Nov 8
McCafferty CL, Papoulas O, Jordan MA
14. Gene interaction perturbation network deciphers a high-resolution taxonomy in colorectal cancer.
2022 Nov 8
Liu Z, Weng S, Dang Q
15. Glutathione in the nucleus accumbens regulates motivation to exert reward-incentivized effort.
2022 Nov 8
Zalachoras I(#), Ramos-Fernández E(#), Hollis F
16. Targeted genomic sequencing with probe capture for discovery and surveillance of coronaviruses in bats.
2022 Nov 8
Kuchinski KS, Loos KD, Suchan DM
17. Gastrointestinal helminths increase Bordetella bronchiseptica shedding and host variation in supershedding.
2022 Nov 8
Nguyen NTD(#), Pathak AK(#), Cattadori IM.
18. A prebiotic diet modulates microglial states and motor deficits in α-synuclein overexpressing mice.
2022 Nov 8
Abdel-Haq R, Schlachetzki JCM, Boktor JC
19. Alternative splicing downstream of EMT enhances phenotypic plasticity and malignant behavior in colon cancer.
2022 Nov 8
Xu T, Verhagen M, Joosten R
20. Connexin 43 hemichannels regulate mitochondrial ATP generation, mobilization, and mitochondrial homeostasis against oxidative stress.
2022 Nov 8
Zhang J, Riquelme MA, Hua R
21. Spatiotemporal properties of glutamate input support direction selectivity in the dendrites of retinal starburst amacrine cells.
2022 Nov 8
Srivastava P(#), de Rosenroll G(#), Matsumoto A
22. The molecular basis of socially induced egg-size plasticity in honey bees.
2022 Nov 8
Han B(#), Wei Q(#), Amiri E(#)
23. Modeling and mechanical perturbations reveal how spatially regulated anchorage gives rise to spatially distinct mechanics across the mammalian spindle.
2022 Nov 8
Suresh P(#), Galstyan V(#), Phillips R
24. The role of adolescent lifestyle habits in biological aging: A prospective twin study.
2022 Nov 8
Kankaanpää A, Tolvanen A, Heikkinen A
25. New insights into anatomical connectivity along the anterior-posterior axis of the human hippocampus using in vivo quantitative fibre tracking.
2022 Nov 8
Dalton MA, D'Souza A, Lv J
26. An essential periplasmic protein coordinates lipid trafficking and is required for asymmetric polar growth in mycobacteria.
2022 Nov 8
Gupta KR(#), Gwin CM(#), Rahlwes KC
27. LRG1 is an adipokine that promotes insulin sensitivity and suppresses inflammation.
2022 Nov 8
Choi CHJ, Barr W(#), Zaman S(#)
28. A connectomics-based taxonomy of mammals.
2022 Nov 7
Suarez LE, Yovel Y, van den Heuvel MP
29. The biospheric emergency calls for scientists to change tactics.
2022 Nov 7
Racimo F, Valentini E, Rijo De León G
30. Ultrafast simulation of large-scale neocortical microcircuitry with biophysically realistic neurons.
2022 Nov 7
Oláh VJ, Pedersen NP, Rowan MJM.
31. Sonic hedgehog-dependent recruitment of GABAergic interneurons into the developing visual thalamus.
2022 Nov 7
Somaiya RD, Stebbins K, Gingrich EC
32. T cell deficiency precipitates antibody evasion and emergence of neurovirulent polyomavirus.
2022 Nov 7
Lauver MD, Jin G, Ayers KN
33. Contrasting effects of Ksr2, an obesity gene, on trabecular bone volume and bone marrow adiposity.
2022 Nov 7
Gomez GA, Rundle CH, Xing W
34. Complementary evolution of coding and noncoding sequence underlies mammalian hairlessness.
2022 Nov 7
Kowalczyk A, Chikina M, Clark N.
35. Super-resolution imaging uncovers the nanoscopic segregation of polarity proteins in epithelia.
2022 Nov 7
Mangeol P, Massey-Harroche D, Richard F
36. Whole-brain comparison of rodent and human brains using spatial transcriptomics.
2022 Nov 7
Beauchamp A, Yee Y, Darwin BC
37. DNA-Stimulated Liquid-Liquid phase separation by eukaryotic topoisomerase ii modulates catalytic function.
2022 Nov 7
Jeong J, Lee JH, Carcamo CC
38. The interpretation of computational model parameters depends on the context.
2022 Nov 4
Eckstein MK, Master SL, Xia L
39. Translational rapid ultraviolet-excited sectioning tomography for whole-organ multicolor imaging with real-time molecular staining.
2022 Nov 4
Yu W, Kang L, Tsang VTC
40. Condensin DC loads and spreads from recruitment sites to create loop-anchored TADs in C. elegans.
2022 Nov 4
Kim J(#), Jimenez DS(#), Ragipani B
41. High-resolution secretory timeline from vesicle formation at the Golgi to fusion at the plasma membrane in S. cerevisiae.
2022 Nov 4
Gingras RM, Sulpizio AM, Park J
42. Optimized tight binding between the S1 segment and KCNE3 is required for the constitutively open nature of the KCNQ1-KCNE3 channel complex.
2022 Nov 4
Kasuya G, Nakajo K.
43. Spinosaurus is not an aquatic dinosaur.
2022 Nov 30
Sereno PC, Myhrvold N, Henderson DM
44. High-throughput proteomics of nanogram-scale samples with Zeno SWATH MS.
2022 Nov 30
Wang Z, Mülleder M, Batruch I
45. Presynaptic contact and activity opposingly regulate postsynaptic dendrite outgrowth.
2022 Nov 30
Heckman EL, Doe CQ.
46. An ER phospholipid hydrolase drives ER-associated mitochondrial constriction for fission and fusion.
2022 Nov 30
Nguyen TT, Voeltz GK.
47. Thymic macrophages consist of two populations with distinct localization and origin.
2022 Nov 30
Zhou TA, Hsu HP, Tu YH
48. Oscillations support short latency co-firing of neurons during human episodic memory formation.
2022 Nov 30
Roux F, Parish G, Chelvarajah R
49. Deep proteome profiling reveals signatures of age and sex differences in paw skin and sciatic nerve of naïve mice.
2022 Nov 30
Xian F(#), Sondermann JR(#), Gomez Varela D
50. Finding abundance regulators.
2022 Nov 3
Ozguc O, Vonesch S.
51. Genome-wide base editor screen identifies regulators of protein abundance in yeast.
2022 Nov 3
Schubert OT, Bloom JS, Sadhu MJ
52. A conserved function of Human DLC3 and Drosophila Cv-c in testis development.
2022 Nov 3
Sotillos S, von der Decken I(#), Domenech Mercadé I(#)
53. Mesoscale cortex-wide neural dynamics predict self-initiated actions in mice several seconds prior to movement.
2022 Nov 3
Mitelut C, Zhang Y, Sekino Y
54. Non-coding RNAs in drug and radiation resistance of bone and soft-tissue sarcoma: a systematic review.
2022 Nov 3
Chen HH, Zhang TN, Zhang FY
55. Intracranial human recordings reveal association between neural activity and perceived intensity for the pain of others in the insula.
2022 Nov 3
Soyman E(#), Bruls R(#), Ioumpa K(#)
56. High-resolution imaging of the osteogenic and angiogenic interface at the site of murine cranial bone defect repair via multiphoton microscopy.
2022 Nov 3
Schilling K(#), Zhai Y(#), Zhou Z
57. Environmental morphing enables informed dispersal of the dandelion diaspore.
2022 Nov 29
Seale M, Zhdanov O, Soons MB
58. Functional connectivity subtypes associate robustly with ASD diagnosis.
2022 Nov 29
Urchs SGW, Tam A, Orban P
59. Conservation of oocyte development in germline cysts from Drosophila to mouse.
2022 Nov 29
Spradling AC, Niu W, Yin Q
60. Systemic racial disparities in funding rates at the National Science Foundation.
2022 Nov 29
Chen CY, Kahanamoku SS, Tripati A
61. Improving the accuracy of single-trial fMRI response estimates using GLMsingle.
2022 Nov 29
Prince JS, Charest I, Kurzawski JW
62. Coordinated multiplexing of information about separate objects in visual cortex.
2022 Nov 29
Jun NY, Ruff DA, Kramer LE
63. A motor neuron disease-associated mutation produces non-glycosylated Seipin that induces ER stress and apoptosis by inactivating SERCA2b.
2022 Nov 29
Saito S, Ishikawa T, Ninagawa S
64. High spatial resolution analysis using automated indentation mapping differentiates biomechanical properties of normal vs. degenerated articular cartilage in mice.
2022 Nov 29
Masson AO, Besler B, Edwards WB
65. Large-scale analysis and computer modeling reveal hidden regularities behind variability of cell division patterns in Arabidopsis thaliana embryogenesis.
2022 Nov 29
Laruelle E, Belcram K, Trubuil A
66. Mother cells control daughter cell proliferation in intestinal organoids to minimize proliferation fluctuations.
2022 Nov 29
Huelsz-Prince G, Kok RNU, Goos Y
67. Cellular reprogramming with ATOH1, GFI1, and POU4F3 implicate epigenetic changes and cell-cell signaling as obstacles to hair cell regeneration in mature mammals.
2022 Nov 29
Iyer AA, Hosamani I, Nguyen JD
68. Fixation can change the appearance of phase separation in living cells.
2022 Nov 29
Irgen-Gioro S(#), Yoshida S(#), Walling V
69. Latent functional diversity may accelerate microbial community responses to temperature fluctuations.
2022 Nov 29
Smith TP, Mombrikotb S, Ransome E
70. Tree species and genetic diversity increase productivity via functional diversity and trophic feedbacks.
2022 Nov 29
Tang T(#), Zhang N(#), Bongers FJ
71. Dysregulated H19/Igf2 expression disrupts cardiac-placental axis during development of Silver-Russell syndrome-like mouse models.
2022 Nov 28
Chang S, Fulmer D, Hur SK
72. Glutamine synthetase mRNA releases sRNA from its 3'UTR to regulate carbon/nitrogen metabolic balance in Enterobacteriaceae.
2022 Nov 28
Miyakoshi M, Morita T, Kobayashi A
73. Cell-intrinsic ceramides determine T cell function during melanoma progression.
2022 Nov 25
Hose M(#), Günther A(#), Naser E
74. Metrics of high cofluctuation and entropy to describe control of cardiac function in the stellate ganglion.
2022 Nov 25
Gurel NZ(#), Sudarshan KB(#), Hadaya J
75. Dorsal striatum coding for the timely execution of action sequences.
2022 Nov 25
Martinez MC, Zold CL, Coletti MA
76. Kin selection spreads.
2022 Nov 24
Higham JP.
77. Retinopathy of prematurity: Metabolic risk factors.
2022 Nov 24
Fu Z, Nilsson AK, Hellstrom A
78. Nucleotide-level linkage of transcriptional elongation and polyadenylation.
2022 Nov 24
Geisberg JV(#), Moqtaderi Z(#), Fong N
79. EROS is a selective chaperone regulating the phagocyte NADPH oxidase and purinergic signalling.
2022 Nov 24
Randzavola LO(#), Mortimer PM(#), Garside E
80. Comparative genomics reveals insight into the evolutionary origin of massively scrambled genomes.
2022 Nov 24
Feng Y, Neme R, Beh LY
81. N6-methyladenosine (m6A) reader Pho92 is recruited co-transcriptionally and couples translation to mRNA decay to promote meiotic fitness in yeast.
2022 Nov 24
Varier RA(#), Sideri T(#), Capitanchik C(#)
82. Dilated cardiomyopathy mutation E525K in human beta-cardiac myosin stabilizes the interacting-heads motif and super-relaxed state of myosin.
2022 Nov 24
Rasicci DV, Tiwari P, Bodt SML
83. Phenotyping single-cell motility in microfluidic confinement.
2022 Nov 23
Bentley SA(#), Laeverenz-Schlogelhofer H(#), Anagnostidis V
84. A general approach for stabilizing nanobodies for intracellular expression.
2022 Nov 23
Dingus JG, Tang JCY, Amamoto R
85. Cortex-wide response mode of VIP-expressing inhibitory neurons by reward and punishment.
2022 Nov 23
Szadai Z(#), Pi HJ(#), Chevy Q(#)
86. Centrally expressed Cav3.2 T-type calcium channel is critical for the initiation and maintenance of neuropathic pain.
2022 Nov 23
Fayad SL, Ourties G, Le Gac B
87. The RAM signaling pathway links morphology, thermotolerance, and CO(2) tolerance in the global fungal pathogen Cryptococcus neoformans.
2022 Nov 23
Chadwick BJ, Pham T, Xie X
88. Transcriptome-wide association study and eQTL colocalization identify potentially causal genes responsible for human bone mineral density GWAS associations.
2022 Nov 23
Al-Barghouthi BM, Rosenow WT, Du KP
89. Variation in the ACE2 receptor has limited utility for SARS-CoV-2 host prediction.
2022 Nov 23
Mollentze N, Keen D, Munkhbayar U
90. Multivalency, autoinhibition, and protein disorder in the regulation of interactions of dynein intermediate chain with dynactin and the nuclear distribution protein.
2022 Nov 23
Jara KA, Loening NM, Reardon PN
91. Structure of human phagocyte NADPH oxidase in the resting state.
2022 Nov 22
Liu R(#), Song K(#), Wu JX
92. The genetic risk of gestational diabetes in South Asian women.
2022 Nov 22
Lamri A, Limbachia J, Schulze KM
93. Revealing druggable cryptic pockets in the Nsp1 of SARS-CoV-2 and other β-coronaviruses by simulations and crystallography.
2022 Nov 22
Borsatto A, Akkad O, Galdadas I
94. Bundling and segregation affect pheromone deposition, but not choice, in an ant.
2022 Nov 22
De Agrò M, Matschunas C, Czaczkes TJ.
95. Age acquired skewed X chromosome inactivation is associated with adverse health outcomes in humans.
2022 Nov 22
Roberts AL, Morea A, Amar A
96. Global hypo-methylation in a proportion of glioblastoma enriched for an astrocytic signature is associated with increased invasion and altered immune landscape.
2022 Nov 22
Boot J, Rosser G, Kancheva D
97. Whole brain correlates of individual differences in skin conductance responses during discriminative fear conditioning to social cues.
2022 Nov 22
Vinberg K, Rosén J, Kastrati G
98. Exploratory data on the clinical efficacy of monoclonal antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant of concern.
2022 Nov 22
Mazzaferri F, Mirandola M, Savoldi A
99. Molecular basis for the role of disulfide-linked αCTs in the activation of insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor and insulin receptor.
2022 Nov 22
Li J, Wu J, Hall C
100. The elegance of prickly sensations.
2022 Nov 21
Imambocus BN, Soba P.
101. Evolution and regulation of microbial secondary metabolism.
2022 Nov 21
Santamaria G(#), Liao C(#), Lindberg C
102. SRSF6 balances mitochondrial-driven innate immune outcomes through alternative splicing of BAX.
2022 Nov 21
Wagner AR, Weindel CG, West KO
103. SARS-CoV-2-specific CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cell responses can originate from cross-reactive CMV-specific T cells.
2022 Nov 21
Pothast CR, Dijkland RC, Thaler M
104. Genetic therapy in a mitochondrial disease model suggests a critical role for liver dysfunction in mortality.
2022 Nov 21
Sabharwal A(#), Wishman MD(#), Cervera RL(#)
105. Collateral deletion of the mitochondrial AAA+ ATPase ATAD1 sensitizes cancer cells to proteasome dysfunction.
2022 Nov 21
Winter JM, Fresenius HL, Cunningham CN
106. Measurements of damage and repair of binary health attributes in aging mice and humans reveal that robustness and resilience decrease with age, operate over broad timescales, and are affected differently by interventions.
2022 Nov 21
Farrell S, Kane AE, Bisset E
107. m(6)A modification of U6 snRNA modulates usage of two major classes of pre-mRNA 5' splice site.
2022 Nov 21
Parker MT, Soanes BK, Kusakina J
108. Altered basal ganglia output during self-restraint.
2022 Nov 2
Gu BM, Berke JD.
109. Functional interactions among neurons within single columns of macaque V1.
2022 Nov 2
Trepka EB(#), Zhu S(#), Xia R
110. Mechanisms governing target search and binding dynamics of hypoxia-inducible factors.
2022 Nov 2
Chen Y, Cattoglio C, Dailey GM
111. Visual experience has opposing influences on the quality of stimulus representation in adult primary visual cortex.
2022 Nov 2
Jeon BB, Fuchs T, Chase SM
112. Single-cell transcriptomics identifies Keap1-Nrf2 regulated collective invasion in a Drosophila tumor model.
2022 Nov 2
Chatterjee D, Costa CAM, Wang XF
113. Bringing cells to the edge.
2022 Nov 2
Wang T, You L.
114. Microglia shape the embryonic development of mammalian respiratory networks.
2022 Nov 2
Cabirol MJ(#), Cardoit L(#), Courtand G
115. R-spondin 3 deletion induces Erk phosphorylation to enhance Wnt signaling and promote bone formation in the appendicular skeleton.
2022 Nov 2
Nagano K, Yamana K, Saito H
116. Sugar sensation and mechanosensation in the egg-laying preference shift of Drosophila suzukii.
2022 Nov 18
Wang W, Dweck HKM, Talross GJS
117. Munc13 supports fusogenicity of non-docked vesicles at synapses with disrupted active zones.
2022 Nov 18
Tan C, de Nola G, Qiao C
118. Hedgehog regulation of epithelial cell state and morphogenesis in the larynx.
2022 Nov 18
Ramachandran J, Zhou W, Bardenhagen AE
119. A role for the centrosome in regulating the rate of neuronal efferocytosis by microglia in vivo.
2022 Nov 18
Möller K, Brambach M(#), Villani A(#)
120. Development of visual cortex in human neonates is selectively modified by postnatal experience.
2022 Nov 18
Li M, Liu T, Xu X
121. Mettl3-mediated m(6)A modification of Fgf16 restricts cardiomyocyte proliferation during heart regeneration.
2022 Nov 18
Jiang FQ(#), Liu K(#), Chen JX(#)
122. Discovery of a new class of reversible TEA domain transcription factor inhibitors with a novel binding mode.
2022 Nov 18
Hu L(#), Sun Y(#), Liu S(#)
123. In sync with the heart.
2022 Nov 17
Herman AM.
124. Three-dimensional flagella structures from animals' closest unicellular relatives, the Choanoflagellates.
2022 Nov 17
Pinskey JM, Lagisetty A, Gui L
125. Unleashing a novel function of Endonuclease G in mitochondrial genome instability.
2022 Nov 17
Dahal S, Siddiqua H, Sharma S
126. Phase separation of competing memories along the human hippocampal theta rhythm.
2022 Nov 17
Kerrén C, van Bree S, Griffiths BJ
127. Insulin sensitivity is preserved in mice made obese by feeding a high starch diet.
2022 Nov 17
Brandon AE(#), Small L(#), Nguyen TV
128. Phox2b mutation mediated by Atoh1 expression impaired respiratory rhythm and ventilatory responses to hypoxia and hypercapnia.
2022 Nov 17
Ferreira CB, Silva TM, Silva PE
129. Reevaluation of Piezo1 as a gut RNA sensor.
2022 Nov 16
Nickolls AR, O'Brien GS, Shnayder S
130. Binary and analog variation of synapses between cortical pyramidal neurons.
2022 Nov 16
Dorkenwald S(#), Turner NL(#), Macrina T(#)
131. Genetic architecture of natural variation of cardiac performance from flies to humans.
2022 Nov 16
Saha S(#), Spinelli L(#), Castro Mondragon JA
132. The CIC-ERF co-deletion underlies fusion-independent activation of ETS family member, ETV1, to drive prostate cancer progression.
2022 Nov 16
Gupta N, Song H, Wu W
133. Defocus Corrected Large Area Cryo-EM (DeCo-LACE) for label-free detection of molecules across entire cell sections.
2022 Nov 16
Elferich J, Schiroli G, Scadden DT
134. Quantifying the impact of immune history and variant on SARS-CoV-2 viral kinetics and infection rebound: A retrospective cohort study.
2022 Nov 16
Hay JA(#), Kissler SM(#), Fauver JR(#)
135. How vertebrates got their bite.
2022 Nov 15
Schilling TF, Le Pabic P.
136. A guide for writing anti-racist tenure and promotion letters.
2022 Nov 15
A4BL Anti-racist Tenure Letter Working Group.
137. Endocytic trafficking determines cellular tolerance of presynaptic opioid signaling.
2022 Nov 15
Jullié D, Benitez C, Knight TA
138. Crosshair, semi-automated targeting for electron microscopy with a motorised ultramicrotome.
2022 Nov 15
Meechan K, Guan W, Riedinger A
139. Patterns of interdivision time correlations reveal hidden cell cycle factors.
2022 Nov 15
Hughes FA, Barr AR, Thomas P.
140. Promoter sequence and architecture determine expression variability and confer robustness to genetic variants.
2022 Nov 15
Einarsson H, Salvatore M, Vaagensø C
141. Channel-independent function of UNC-9/Innexin in spatial arrangement of GABAergic synapses in C. elegans.
2022 Nov 15
Hendi A, Niu LG, Snow AW
142. Cellular mechanisms underlying central sensitization in a mouse model of chronic muscle pain.
2022 Nov 15
Lin YL, Yang ZS, Wong WY
143. Mandrill mothers associate with infants who look like their own offspring using phenotype matching.
2022 Nov 15
Charpentier MJE(#), Poirotte C(#), Roura-Torres B
144. Contrasting parental roles shape sex differences in poison frog space use but not navigational performance.
2022 Nov 15
Pašukonis A, Serrano-Rojas SJ, Fischer MT
145. A novel cis-regulatory element drives early expression of Nkx3.2 in the gnathostome primary jaw joint.
2022 Nov 15
Leyhr J(#), Waldmann L(#), Filipek-Górniok B
146. Taxonium, a web-based tool for exploring large phylogenetic trees.
2022 Nov 15
Sanderson T.
147. Evolutionary gain and loss of a plant pattern-recognition receptor for HAMP recognition.
2022 Nov 15
Snoeck S, Abramson BW, Garcia AGK
148. Self-configuring feedback loops for sensorimotor control.
2022 Nov 14
Verduzco-Flores SO, De Schutter E.
149. Sublytic gasdermin-D pores captured in atomistic molecular simulations.
2022 Nov 14
Schaefer SL, Hummer G.
150. The Nse5/6-like SIMC1-SLF2 complex localizes SMC5/6 to viral replication centers.
2022 Nov 14
Oravcová M, Nie M, Zilio N
151. Structure of the GOLD-domain seven-transmembrane helix protein family member TMEM87A.
2022 Nov 14
Hoel CM(#), Zhang L(#), Brohawn SG.
152. Acetylation of a fungal effector that translocates host PR1 facilitates virulence.
2022 Nov 14
Li J, Ma X, Wang C
153. Fast rule switching and slow rule updating in a perceptual categorization task.
2022 Nov 14
Bouchacourt F(#), Tafazoli S(#), Mattar MG
154. High-throughput imaging and quantitative analysis uncovers the nature of plasmid positioning by ParABS.
2022 Nov 14
Köhler R, Kaganovitch E, Murray SM.
155. Molecular basis of the PIP(2)-dependent regulation of Ca(V)2.2 channel and its modulation by Ca(V) β subunits.
2022 Nov 14
Park CG, Yu W, Suh BC.
156. Brown adipocytes local response to thyroid hormone is required for adaptive thermogenesis in adult male mice.
2022 Nov 14
Zekri Y, Guyot R, Suñer IG
157. Structural and functional insights of the human peroxisomal ABC transporter ALDP.
2022 Nov 14
Jia Y(#), Zhang Y(#), Wang W
158. Developing a taxonomy for colorectal cancer.
2022 Nov 11
Fang J, Wang D, Fan X.
159. Nucleus accumbens dopamine tracks aversive stimulus duration and prediction but not value or prediction error.
2022 Nov 11
Goedhoop JN, van den Boom BJG(#), Robke R(#)
160. Robotic multi-probe single-actuator inchworm neural microdrive.
2022 Nov 10
Smith RD, Kolb I, Tanaka S
161. Endosymbiotic selective pressure at the origin of eukaryotic cell biology.
2022 Nov 10
Raval PK, Garg SG, Gould SB.
162. Mcm2 promotes stem cell differentiation via its ability to bind H3-H4.
2022 Nov 10
Xu X(#), Hua X(#), Brown K
163. SRSF10 is essential for progenitor spermatogonia expansion by regulating alternative splicing.
2022 Nov 10
Liu W(#), Lu X(#), Zhao ZH(#)
164. An automated feeding system for the African killifish reveals the impact of diet on lifespan and allows scalable assessment of associative learning.
2022 Nov 10
McKay A(#), Costa EK(#), Chen J(#)
165. Environmental DNA from archived leaves reveals widespread temporal turnover and biotic homogenization in forest arthropod communities.
2022 Nov 10
Krehenwinkel H(#), Weber S(#), Broekmann R
166. Systematic analysis of membrane contact sites in Saccharomyces cerevisiae uncovers modulators of cellular lipid distribution.
2022 Nov 10
Castro IG(#), Shortill SP(#), Dziurdzik SK(#)
167. A low-cost, open-source evolutionary bioreactor and its educational use.
2022 Nov 1
Gopalakrishnan V(#), Crozier D(#), Card KJ(#)
168. Collective dynamics support group drumming, reduce variability, and stabilize tempo drift.
2022 Nov 1
Dotov D, Delasanta L, Cameron DJ
169. Rapid encoding of task regularities in the human hippocampus guides sensorimotor timing.
2022 Nov 1
Polti I(#), Nau M(#), Kaplan R
170. Regulated degradation of the inner nuclear membrane protein SUN2 maintains nuclear envelope architecture and function.
2022 Nov 1
Krshnan L, Siu WS, Van de Weijer M
171. Kiaa1024L/Minar2 is essential for hearing by regulating cholesterol distribution in hair bundles.
2022 Nov 1
Gao G, Guo S, Zhang Q
172. Microplankton life histories revealed by holographic microscopy and deep learning.
2022 Nov 1
Bachimanchi H, Midtvedt B, Midtvedt D
173. Instructions and experiential learning have similar impacts on pain and pain-related brain responses but produce dissociations in value-based reversal learning.
2022 Nov 1
Atlas LY, Dildine TC, Palacios-Barrios EE
174. Molecular and anatomical characterization of parabrachial neurons and their axonal projections.
2022 Nov 1
Pauli JL(#), Chen JY(#), Basiri ML(#)
175. Suppressed prefrontal neuronal firing variability and impaired social representation in IRSp53-mutant mice.
2022 Nov 1
Kim W, Shin JJ, Jeong YJ
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