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2021 May (154)
2021 Apr (172)
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2021 Feb (166)
2021 Jan (155)
1. Dynamic spreading of chromatin-mediated gene silencing and reactivation between neighboring genes in single cells.
2022 Jun 9
Lensch S, Herschl MH, Ludwig CH
2. Heavy isotope labeling and mass spectrometry reveal unexpected remodeling of bacterial cell wall expansion in response to drugs.
2022 Jun 9
Atze H, Liang Y, Hugonnet JE
3. Towards a unified model of naive T cell dynamics across the lifespan.
2022 Jun 9
Rane S(#), Hogan T(#), Lee E
4. Powering the formation of alveoli.
2022 Jun 9
Hu Q, Königshoff M.
5. Hypoxia controls plasma membrane targeting of polarity proteins by dynamic turnover of PI4P and PI(4,5)P2.
2022 Jun 9
Lu J(#), Dong W(#), Hammond GR
6. METTL18-mediated histidine methylation of RPL3 modulates translation elongation for proteostasis maintenance.
2022 Jun 8
Matsuura-Suzuki E(#), Shimazu T(#), Takahashi M
7. Squamation and scale morphology at the root of jawed vertebrates.
2022 Jun 8
Wang Y, Zhu M.
8. Sparse genetically defined neurons refine the canonical role of periaqueductal gray columnar organization.
2022 Jun 8
La-Vu MQ, Sethi E, Maesta-Pereira S
9. Towards a molecular mechanism underlying mitochondrial protein import through the TOM and TIM23 complexes.
2022 Jun 8
Ford HC, Allen WJ, Pereira GC
10. Alone, in the dark: The extraordinary neuroethology of the solitary blind mole rat.
2022 Jun 8
Kashash Y, Smarsh G, Zilkha N
11. Functional coupling between TRPV4 channel and TMEM16F modulates human trophoblast fusion.
2022 Jun 7
Zhang Y, Liang P, Yang L
12. A mechanism with severing near barbed ends and annealing explains structure and dynamics of dendritic actin networks.
2022 Jun 7
Holz D, Hall AR, Usukura E
13. Cytotoxic CD4(+) T cells driven by T-cell intrinsic IL-18R/MyD88 signaling predominantly infiltrate Trypanosoma cruzi-infected hearts.
2022 Jun 7
Barbosa CD(#), Canto FB(#), Gomes A(#)
14. Tonic inhibition of the chloride/proton antiporter ClC-7 by PI(3,5)P2 is crucial for lysosomal pH maintenance.
2022 Jun 7
Leray X(#), Hilton JK(#), Nwangwu K
15. Fast bacterial growth reduces antibiotic accumulation and efficacy.
2022 Jun 7
Łapińska U, Voliotis M, Lee KK
16. Lactoferricins impair the cytosolic membrane of Escherichia coli within a few seconds and accumulate inside the cell.
2022 Jun 7
Semeraro EF, Marx L, Mandl J
17. The control and training of single motor units in isometric tasks are constrained by a common input signal.
2022 Jun 7
Bräcklein M, Barsakcioglu DY, Ibáñez J
18. Prefrontal cortex supports speech perception in listeners with cochlear implants.
2022 Jun 6
Sherafati A, Dwyer N, Bajracharya A
19. Quantifying concordant genetic effects of de novo mutations on multiple disorders.
2022 Jun 6
Guo H, Hou L, Shi Y
20. Hydrodynamic model of fish orientation in a channel flow.
2022 Jun 6
Porfiri M, Zhang P, Peterson SD.
21. Efferocytosis of SARS-CoV-2-infected dying cells impairs macrophage anti-inflammatory functions and clearance of apoptotic cells.
2022 Jun 6
Salina ACG(#), Dos-Santos D(#), Rodrigues TS(#)
22. Genome editing in the unicellular holozoan Capsaspora owczarzaki suggests a premetazoan role for the Hippo pathway in multicellular morphogenesis.
2022 Jun 6
Phillips JE, Santos M, Konchwala M
23. Transposon mutagenesis in Mycobacterium abscessus identifies an essential penicillin-binding protein involved in septal peptidoglycan synthesis and antibiotic sensitivity.
2022 Jun 6
Akusobi C, Benghomari BS, Zhu J
24. Strength of interactions in the Notch gene regulatory network determines patterning and fate in the notochord.
2022 Jun 6
Sánchez-Iranzo H, Halavatyi A, Diz-Muñoz A.
25. Visualizing molecules of functional human profilin.
2022 Jun 6
Pimm ML, Liu X, Tuli F
26. Distinct roles for two Caenorhabditis elegans acid-sensing ion channels in an ultradian clock.
2022 Jun 6
Kaulich E, Carroll T, Ackley BD
27. Cross-modality synthesis of EM time series and live fluorescence imaging.
2022 Jun 6
Santella A(#), Kolotuev I(#), Kizilyaprak C
28. Distinct but overlapping roles of LRRTM1 and LRRTM2 in developing and mature hippocampal circuits.
2022 Jun 6
Dhume SH, Connor SA, Mills F
29. Species-specific sensitivity to TGFβ signaling and changes to the Mmp13 promoter underlie avian jaw development and evolution.
2022 Jun 6
Smith SS, Chu D, Qu T
30. Cells use molecular working memory to navigate in changing chemoattractant fields.
2022 Jun 6
Nandan A(#), Das A(#), Lott R
31. Predictors of human-infective RNA virus discovery in the United States, China, and Africa, an ecological study.
2022 Jun 6
Zhang F, Chase-Topping M, Guo CG
32. Sleep-dependent upscaled excitability, saturated neuroplasticity, and modulated cognition in the human brain.
2022 Jun 6
Salehinejad MA, Ghanavati E, Reinders J
33. A general decoding strategy explains the relationship between behavior and correlated variability.
2022 Jun 6
Ni AM, Huang C, Doiron B
34. A squash and a squeeze.
2022 Jun 30
Devenport D.
35. Adaptor linked K63 di-ubiquitin activates Nedd4/Rsp5 E3 ligase.
2022 Jun 30
Zhu L, Zhang Q, Cordeiro CD
36. Getting the right cells.
2022 Jun 30
Cakir B, Park IH.
37. Gene expression phylogenies and ancestral transcriptome reconstruction resolves major transitions in the origins of pregnancy.
2022 Jun 30
Mika K, Whittington CM, McAllan BM
38. State-dependent activity dynamics of hypothalamic stress effector neurons.
2022 Jun 30
Ichiyama A, Mestern S, Benigno GB
39. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy mutations in the pliant and light chain-binding regions of the lever arm of human β-cardiac myosin have divergent effects on myosin function.
2022 Jun 29
Morck MM, Bhowmik D, Pathak D
40. DIP2 is a unique regulator of diacylglycerol lipid homeostasis in eukaryotes.
2022 Jun 29
Mondal S(#), Kinatukara P(#), Singh S
41. Waveform detection by deep learning reveals multi-area spindles that are selectively modulated by memory load.
2022 Jun 29
Mofrad MH, Gilmore G, Koller D
42. Connectomic analysis of the Drosophila lateral neuron clock cells reveals the synaptic basis of functional pacemaker classes.
2022 Jun 29
Shafer OT(#), Gutierrez GJ(#), Li K
43. Maintaining the joy of discovery.
2022 Jun 28
Marder E.
44. High-throughput Plasmodium falciparum hrp2 and hrp3 gene deletion typing by digital PCR to monitor malaria rapid diagnostic test efficacy.
2022 Jun 28
Vera-Arias CA, Holzschuh A, Oduma CO
45. Evolution-based mathematical models significantly prolong response to abiraterone in metastatic castrate-resistant prostate cancer and identify strategies to further improve outcomes.
2022 Jun 28
Zhang J, Cunningham J, Brown J
46. Aberrant cortical development is driven by impaired cell cycle and translational control in a DDX3X syndrome model.
2022 Jun 28
Hoye ML, Calviello L, Poff AJ
47. Understanding drivers of phylogenetic clustering and terminal branch lengths distribution in epidemics of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
2022 Jun 28
Menardo F.
48. Gill developmental program in the teleost mandibular arch.
2022 Jun 28
Thiruppathy M, Fabian P, Gillis JA
49. Taking on SARS-CoV-2.
2022 Jun 28
Kučan Brlić P, Brizić I.
50. SNTA1 gene rescues ion channel function and is antiarrhythmic in cardiomyocytes derived from induced pluripotent stem cells from muscular dystrophy patients.
2022 Jun 28
Jimenez-Vazquez EN, Arad M, Macías Á
51. Stable antibiotic resistance and rapid human adaptation in livestock-associated MRSA.
2022 Jun 28
Matuszewska M(#), Murray GGR(#), Ba X
52. CAMSAP2 organizes a γ-tubulin-independent microtubule nucleation centre through phase separation.
2022 Jun 28
Imasaki T(#), Kikkawa S(#), Niwa S
53. Domain fusion TLR2-4 enhances the autophagy-dependent clearance of Staphylococcus aureus in the genetic engineering goat.
2022 Jun 28
Wang M(#), Qi Y(#), Cao Y
54. Antibacterial potency of type VI amidase effector toxins is dependent on substrate topology and cellular context.
2022 Jun 28
Radkov A, Sapiro AL, Flores S
55. US women screen at low rates for both cervical and colorectal cancers than a single cancer: a cross-sectional population-based observational study.
2022 Jun 28
Harper DM, Plegue M, Jimbo M
56. Robotic search for optimal cell culture in regenerative medicine.
2022 Jun 28
Kanda GN(#), Tsuzuki T(#), Terada M
57. Cryo-electron tomography of Birbeck granules reveals the molecular mechanism of langerin lattice formation.
2022 Jun 27
Oda T, Yanagisawa H, Shinmori H
58. The integrated stress response remodels the microtubule-organizing center to clear unfolded proteins following proteotoxic stress.
2022 Jun 27
Hurwitz B(#), Guzzi N(#), Gola A
59. Integration of visual and antennal mechanosensory feedback during head stabilization in hawkmoths.
2022 Jun 27
Chatterjee P, Prusty AD, Mohan U
60. Cardiac differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells using defined extracellular matrix proteins reveals essential role of fibronectin.
2022 Jun 27
Zhang J, Gregorich ZR, Tao R
61. Phosphoregulation of DSB-1 mediates control of meiotic double-strand break activity.
2022 Jun 27
Guo H, Stamper EL, Sato-Carlton A
62. Cystathionine-β-synthase is essential for AKT-induced senescence and suppresses the development of gastric cancers with PI3K/AKT activation.
2022 Jun 27
Zhu H(#), Chan KT(#), Huang X
63. Transferrin receptor 1-mediated iron uptake regulates bone mass in mice via osteoclast mitochondria and cytoskeleton.
2022 Jun 27
Das BK(#), Wang L(#), Fujiwara T(#)
64. Global cellular response to chemical perturbation of PLK4 activity and abnormal centrosome number.
2022 Jun 27
Tkach JM, Philip R, Sharma A
65. Cd59 and inflammation regulate Schwann cell development.
2022 Jun 24
Wiltbank AT, Steinson ER, Criswell SJ
66. Amoxicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae can be resensitized by targeting the mevalonate pathway as indicated by sCRilecs-seq.
2022 Jun 24
Dewachter L, Dénéréaz J, Liu X
67. Tongue immune compartment analysis reveals spatial macrophage heterogeneity.
2022 Jun 24
Lyras EM, Zimmermann K, Wagner LK
68. Oscillatory movement of a dynein-microtubule complex crosslinked with DNA origami.
2022 Jun 24
Abdellatef SA, Tadakuma H, Yan K
69. Structure-based electron-confurcation mechanism of the Ldh-EtfAB complex.
2022 Jun 24
Kayastha K(#), Katsyv A(#), Himmrich C
70. Zebrafish fin regeneration involves generic and regeneration-specific osteoblast injury responses.
2022 Jun 24
Sehring I, Mohammadi HF, Haffner-Luntzer M
71. The molecular mechanism of load adaptation by branched actin networks.
2022 Jun 24
Li TD(#), Bieling P(#), Weichsel J
72. Metformin abrogates pathological TNF-α-producing B cells through mTOR-dependent metabolic reprogramming in polycystic ovary syndrome.
2022 Jun 24
Xiao N, Wang J, Wang T
73. Integrating multi-omics data reveals function and therapeutic potential of deubiquitinating enzymes.
2022 Jun 23
Doherty LM, Mills CE, Boswell SA
74. Filamentation modulates allosteric regulation of PRPS.
2022 Jun 23
Hu HH(#), Lu GM(#), Chang CC(#)
75. Recurrent neural networks enable design of multifunctional synthetic human gut microbiome dynamics.
2022 Jun 23
Baranwal M(#), Clark RL(#), Thompson J
76. Rapid and specific degradation of endogenous proteins in mouse models using auxin-inducible degrons.
2022 Jun 23
Macdonald L(#), Taylor GC(#), Brisbane JM
77. Cognitive experience alters cortical involvement in goal-directed navigation.
2022 Jun 23
Arlt C, Barroso-Luque R, Kira S
78. Circadian programming of the ellipsoid body sleep homeostat in Drosophila.
2022 Jun 23
Andreani T, Rosensweig C, Sisobhan S
79. Host chitinase 3-like-1 is a universal therapeutic target for SARS-CoV-2 viral variants in COVID-19.
2022 Jun 23
Kamle S, Ma B, Lee CM
80. The orphan ligand, activin C, signals through activin receptor-like kinase 7.
2022 Jun 23
Goebel EJ, Ongaro L, Kappes EC
81. What is next in African neuroscience?
2022 Jun 22
Donald KA, Maina M, Patel N
82. Perceptual restoration fails to recover unconscious processing for smooth eye movements after occipital stroke.
2022 Jun 22
Kwon S, Fahrenthold BK, Cavanaugh MR
83. Activation of transient receptor potential vanilloid 4 is involved in pressure overload-induced cardiac hypertrophy.
2022 Jun 22
Zou Y(#), Zhang M(#), Wu Q
84. Different brain systems support learning from received and avoided pain during human pain-avoidance learning.
2022 Jun 22
Jepma M, Roy M, Ramlakhan K
85. A second DNA binding site on RFC facilitates clamp loading at gapped or nicked DNA.
2022 Jun 22
Liu X(#), Gaubitz C(#), Pajak J
86. Prediction of type 2 diabetes mellitus onset using logistic regression-based scorecards.
2022 Jun 22
Edlitz Y, Segal E.
87. Pathogenic mutations in the chromokinesin KIF22 disrupt anaphase chromosome segregation.
2022 Jun 22
Thompson AF, Blackburn PR, Arons NS
88. Endoplasmic reticulum stress activates human IRE1α through reversible assembly of inactive dimers into small oligomers.
2022 Jun 22
Belyy V, Zuazo-Gaztelu I, Alamban A
89. Lipolysis of bone marrow adipocytes is required to fuel bone and the marrow niche during energy deficits.
2022 Jun 22
Li Z, Bowers E, Zhu J
90. A new insight into RecA filament regulation by RecX from the analysis of conformation-specific interactions.
2022 Jun 22
Alekseev A(#), Pobegalov G(#), Morozova N
91. Live imaging of the co-translational recruitment of XBP1 mRNA to the ER and its processing by diffuse, non-polarized IRE1α.
2022 Jun 22
Gómez-Puerta S, Ferrero R, Hochstoeger T
92. Nanoscale architecture and coordination of actin cores within the sealing zone of human osteoclasts.
2022 Jun 21
Portes M, Mangeat T, Escallier N
93. Lactococcus lactis NCDO2118 exerts visceral antinociceptive properties in rat via GABA production in the gastro-intestinal tract.
2022 Jun 21
Laroute V(#), Beaufrand C(#), Gomes P
94. Sigma oscillations protect or reinstate motor memory depending on their temporal coordination with slow waves.
2022 Jun 21
Nicolas J, King BR, Levesque D
95. Vision-related convergent gene losses reveal SERPINE3's unknown role in the eye.
2022 Jun 21
Indrischek H, Hammer J, Machate A
96. A nucleation barrier spring-loads the CBM signalosome for binary activation.
2022 Jun 21
Rodriguez Gama A, Miller T, Lange JJ
97. Projected resurgence of COVID-19 in the United States in July-December 2021 resulting from the increased transmissibility of the Delta variant and faltering vaccination.
2022 Jun 21
Truelove S(#), Smith CP(#), Qin M
98. An M protein coiled coil unfurls and exposes its hydrophobic core to capture LL-37.
2022 Jun 21
Kolesinski P, Wang KC, Hirose Y
99. Using population selection and sequencing to characterize natural variation of starvation resistance in Caenorhabditis elegans.
2022 Jun 21
Webster AK, Chitrakar R, Powell M
100. Biophysical K(v)3 channel alterations dampen excitability of cortical PV interneurons and contribute to network hyperexcitability in early Alzheimer's.
2022 Jun 21
Olah VJ(#), Goettemoeller AM(#), Rayaprolu S
101. Rapid adaptation of a complex trait during experimental evolution of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
2022 Jun 21
Smith TM(#), Youngblom MA(#), Kernien JF
102. A native chemical chaperone in the human eye lens.
2022 Jun 20
Serebryany E, Chowdhury S, Woods CN
103. An expanded toolkit for Drosophila gene tagging using synthesized homology donor constructs for CRISPR-mediated homologous recombination.
2022 Jun 20
Kanca O, Zirin J, Hu Y
104. Learning accurate path integration in ring attractor models of the head direction system.
2022 Jun 20
Vafidis P, Owald D, D'Albis T(#)
105. Sequential addition of neuronal stem cell temporal cohorts generates a feed-forward circuit in the Drosophila larval nerve cord.
2022 Jun 20
Wang YW(#), Wreden CC(#), Levy M
106. NAD kinase promotes Staphylococcus aureus pathogenesis by supporting production of virulence factors and protective enzymes.
2022 Jun 20
Leseigneur C, Boucontet L, Duchateau M
107. Comprehensive fitness landscape of SARS-CoV-2 M(pro) reveals insights into viral resistance mechanisms.
2022 Jun 20
Flynn JM, Samant N, Schneider-Nachum G
108. Gatekeeping astrocyte identity.
2022 Jun 20
Cooper A, Berninger B.
109. The role of surface adhesion on the macroscopic wrinkling of biofilms.
2022 Jun 20
Geisel S, Secchi E, Vermant J.
110. A dual-target herbicidal inhibitor of lysine biosynthesis.
2022 Jun 20
Mackie ERR, Barrow AS(#), Christoff RM(#)
111. Homotopic contralesional excitation suppresses spontaneous circuit repair and global network reconnections following ischemic stroke.
2022 Jun 20
Bice AR, Xiao Q, Kong J
112. Obligate sexual reproduction of a homothallic fungus closely related to the Cryptococcus pathogenic species complex.
2022 Jun 17
Passer AR(#), Clancey SA(#), Shea T
113. Convergent mosaic brain evolution is associated with the evolution of novel electrosensory systems in teleost fishes.
2022 Jun 17
Schumacher EL, Carlson BA.
114. Cre/lox regulated conditional rescue and inactivation with zebrafish UFlip alleles generated by CRISPR-Cas9 targeted integration.
2022 Jun 17
Liu F(#), Kambakam S(#), Almeida MP(#)
115. Functional requirements for a Samd14-capping protein complex in stress erythropoiesis.
2022 Jun 17
Ray S, Chee L, Zhou Y
116. Loss of Elp1 disrupts trigeminal ganglion neurodevelopment in a model of familial dysautonomia.
2022 Jun 17
Leonard CE, Quiros J, Lefcort F
117. Multiple timescales of sensory-evidence accumulation across the dorsal cortex.
2022 Jun 16
Pinto L, Tank DW(#), Brody CD(#).
118. All-atom molecular dynamics simulations of Synaptotagmin-SNARE-complexin complexes bridging a vesicle and a flat lipid bilayer.
2022 Jun 16
Rizo J, Sari L, Qi Y
119. Selfee, self-supervised features extraction of animal behaviors.
2022 Jun 16
Jia Y, Li S, Guo X
120. Evolutionary convergence of a neural mechanism in the cavefish lateral line system.
2022 Jun 16
Lunsford ET, Paz A, Keene AC
121. Distinct representation of cue-outcome association by D1 and D2 neurons in the ventral striatum's olfactory tubercle.
2022 Jun 16
Martiros N, Kapoor V, Kim SE
122. Dynamics of allosteric regulation of the phospholipase C-γ isozymes upon recruitment to membranes.
2022 Jun 16
Siraliev-Perez E, Stariha JTB, Hoffmann RM
123. On demand expression control of endogenous genes with DExCon, DExogron and LUXon reveals differential dynamics of Rab11 family members.
2022 Jun 16
Gemperle J, Harrison TS, Flett C
124. Self-organization of in vitro neuronal assemblies drives to complex network topology.
2022 Jun 16
Antonello PC, Varley TF, Beggs J
125. Associating the old with the new.
2022 Jun 15
Liu C, Xue G.
126. The metabolome of Mexican cavefish shows a convergent signature highlighting sugar, antioxidant, and Ageing-Related metabolites.
2022 Jun 15
Medley JK(#), Persons J(#), Biswas T
127. A dysmorphic mouse model reveals developmental interactions of chondrocranium and dermatocranium.
2022 Jun 15
Motch Perrine SM(#), Pitirri MK(#), Durham EL
128. The KASH5 protein involved in meiotic chromosomal movements is a novel dynein activating adaptor.
2022 Jun 15
Agrawal R, Gillies JP, Zang JL
129. Semantic relatedness retroactively boosts memory and promotes memory interdependence across episodes.
2022 Jun 15
Antony JW, Romero A, Vierra AH
130. Age-associated changes to neuronal dynamics involve a disruption of excitatory/inhibitory balance in C. elegans.
2022 Jun 15
Wirak GS, Florman J, Alkema MJ
131. Admixture of evolutionary rates across a butterfly hybrid zone.
2022 Jun 15
Xiong T, Li X, Yago M
132. Lessons from a catalogue of 6674 brain recordings.
2022 Jun 15
Makin ADJ, Tyson-Carr J, Rampone G
133. Niche-specific genome degradation and convergent evolution shaping Staphylococcus aureus adaptation during severe infections.
2022 Jun 14
Giulieri SG, Guérillot R, Duchene S
134. Elevated brain-derived cell-free DNA among patients with first psychotic episode - a proof-of-concept study.
2022 Jun 14
Lubotzky A(#), Pelov I(#), Teplitz R
135. Decoding the activated stem cell phenotype of the neonatally maturing pituitary.
2022 Jun 14
Laporte E, Hermans F, De Vriendt S
136. Androglobin, a chimeric mammalian globin, is required for male fertility.
2022 Jun 14
Keppner A, Correia M, Santambrogio S
137. Analysis of combinatorial chemokine receptor expression dynamics using multi-receptor reporter mice.
2022 Jun 14
Medina-Ruiz L, Bartolini R, Wilson GJ
138. Transmission networks of SARS-CoV-2 in Coastal Kenya during the first two waves: A retrospective genomic study.
2022 Jun 14
Agoti CN, Ochola-Oyier LI, Dellicour S
139. Inferring characteristics of bacterial swimming in biofilm matrix from time-lapse confocal laser scanning microscopy.
2022 Jun 14
Ravel G, Bergmann M, Trubuil A
140. Functional abnormalities in the cerebello-thalamic pathways in a mouse model of DYT25 dystonia.
2022 Jun 14
Aïssa HB(#), Sala RW(#), Georgescu Margarint EL(#)
141. RNA-binding proteins direct myogenic cell fate decisions.
2022 Jun 13
Wheeler JR(#), Whitney ON(#), Vogler TO
142. Quantitative prediction of variant effects on alternative splicing in MAPT using endogenous pre-messenger RNA structure probing.
2022 Jun 13
Kumar J, Lackey L, Waldern JM
143. Systematic lncRNA mapping to genome-wide co-essential modules uncovers cancer dependency on uncharacterized lncRNAs.
2022 Jun 13
Mitra R, Adams CM, Eischen CM.
144. Sequence and structural conservation reveal fingerprint residues in TRP channels.
2022 Jun 10
Cabezas-Bratesco D(#), Mcgee FA(#), Colenso CK
145. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on breast cancer screening indicators in a Spanish population-based program: a cohort study.
2022 Jun 10
Bosch G, Posso M, Louro J
146. Endocytic trafficking promotes vacuolar enlargements for fast cell expansion rates in plants.
2022 Jun 10
Dünser K, Schöller M, Rößling AK
147. Tyrosine phosphorylation tunes chemical and thermal sensitivity of TRPV2 ion channel.
2022 Jun 10
Mo X(#), Pang P(#), Wang Y
148. Ancestral reconstruction of duplicated signaling proteins reveals the evolution of signaling specificity.
2022 Jun 10
Nocedal I, Laub MT.
149. Looking for the origins of axons.
2022 Jun 1
Rockland KS.
150. A neural mechanism for detecting object motion during self-motion.
2022 Jun 1
Kim HR, Angelaki DE, DeAngelis GC.
151. Distinctive mechanisms of epilepsy-causing mutants discovered by measuring S4 movement in KCNQ2 channels.
2022 Jun 1
Edmond MA, Hinojo-Perez A, Wu X
152. A biophysical threshold for biofilm formation.
2022 Jun 1
Moore-Ott JA, Chiu S, Amchin DB
153. Subtype-specific responses of hKv7.4 and hKv7.5 channels to polyunsaturated fatty acids reveal an unconventional modulatory site and mechanism.
2022 Jun 1
Frampton DJA, Choudhury K, Nikesjö J
154. Differentiated glioma cell-derived fibromodulin activates integrin-dependent Notch signaling in endothelial cells to promote tumor angiogenesis and growth.
2022 Jun 1
Sengupta S, Mondal M, Prasasvi KR
155. Minian, an open-source miniscope analysis pipeline.
2022 Jun 1
Dong Z, Mau W, Feng Y
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