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2021 May (154)
2021 Apr (172)
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2021 Feb (166)
2021 Jan (155)
1. Fibroblast mechanotransduction network predicts targets for mechano-adaptive infarct therapies.
2022 Feb 9
Rogers JD, Richardson WJ.
2. Ribonucleotide reductase, a novel drug target for gonorrhea.
2022 Feb 9
Narasimhan J, Letinski S, Jung SP
3. Somite morphogenesis is required for axial blood vessel formation during zebrafish embryogenesis.
2022 Feb 9
Paulissen E, Palmisano NJ, Waxman JS
4. The remarkable gymnastics of ORC.
2022 Feb 9
Stillman B.
5. Differences in local immune cell landscape between Q fever and atherosclerotic abdominal aortic aneurysms identified by multiplex immunohistochemistry.
2022 Feb 9
Cortenbach KRG(#), Staal AHJ(#), Schoffelen T
6. Heparan sulfate-dependent RAGE oligomerization is indispensable for pathophysiological functions of RAGE.
2022 Feb 9
Li M, Ong CY, Langouët-Astrié CJ
7. Covalent inhibition of endoplasmic reticulum chaperone GRP78 disconnects the transduction of ER stress signals to inflammation and lipid accumulation in diet-induced obese mice.
2022 Feb 9
Luo D(#), Fan N(#), Zhang X
8. Inference of the SARS-CoV-2 generation time using UK household data.
2022 Feb 9
Hart WS, Abbott S, Endo A
9. KIF2C regulates synaptic plasticity and cognition in mice through dynamic microtubule depolymerization.
2022 Feb 9
Zheng R(#), Du Y(#), Wang X
10. Pyruvate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase and low abundant ferredoxins support aerobic photomixotrophic growth in cyanobacteria.
2022 Feb 9
Wang Y, Chen X, Spengler K
11. Homeostatic interferon-lambda response to bacterial microbiota stimulates preemptive antiviral defense within discrete pockets of intestinal epithelium.
2022 Feb 9
Van Winkle JA, Peterson ST, Kennedy EA
12. External validation of a mobile clinical decision support system for diarrhea etiology prediction in children: A multicenter study in Bangladesh and Mali.
2022 Feb 9
Garbern SC(#), Nelson EJ(#), Nasrin S
13. Fishing for drugs.
2022 Feb 8
Kemet C(#), Hill E(#), Feng H.
14. Phosphoproteomics of ATR signaling in mouse testes.
2022 Feb 8
Sims JR(#), Faça VM(#), Pereira C(#)
15. Multiple 9-1-1 complexes promote homolog synapsis, DSB repair, and ATR signaling during mammalian meiosis.
2022 Feb 8
Pereira C, Arroyo-Martinez GA, Guo MZ
16. Connexin hemichannels with prostaglandin release in anabolic function of bone to mechanical loading.
2022 Feb 8
Zhao D, Riquelme MA, Guda T
17. Coupling of pupil- and neuronal population dynamics reveals diverse influences of arousal on cortical processing.
2022 Feb 8
Pfeffer T(#), Keitel C(#), Kluger DS
18. Reversing chemorefraction in colorectal cancer cells by controlling mucin secretion.
2022 Feb 8
Cantero-Recasens G(#), Alonso-Marañón J(#), Lobo-Jarne T
19. Investigating phenotypes of pulmonary COVID-19 recovery: A longitudinal observational prospective multicenter trial.
2022 Feb 8
Sonnweber T(#), Tymoszuk P(#), Sahanic S
20. Pathway-specific effects of ADSL deficiency on neurodevelopment.
2022 Feb 8
Dutto I(#), Gerhards J(#), Herrera A
21. Protein-lipid interaction at low pH induces oligomerization of the MakA cytotoxin from Vibrio cholerae.
2022 Feb 8
Nadeem A(#), Berg A, Pace H
22. Extensive age-dependent loss of antibody diversity in naturally short-lived turquoise killifish.
2022 Feb 7
Bradshaw WJ, Poeschla M, Placzek A
23. Rapid odor processing by layer 2 subcircuits in lateral entorhinal cortex.
2022 Feb 7
Bitzenhofer SH, Westeinde EA, Zhang HB
24. Diversity on location.
2022 Feb 7
Yoon YJ, Bassell GJ.
25. SWI/SNF senses carbon starvation with a pH-sensitive low-complexity sequence.
2022 Feb 7
Gutierrez JI, Brittingham GP, Karadeniz Y
26. Mg(2+)-dependent conformational equilibria in CorA and an integrated view on transport regulation.
2022 Feb 7
Johansen NT(#), Bonaccorsi M(#), Bengtsen T(#)
27. The Cl(-)-channel TMEM16A is involved in the generation of cochlear Ca(2+) waves and promotes the refinement of auditory brainstem networks in mice.
2022 Feb 7
Maul A, Huebner AK, Strenzke N
28. Telomere length regulation by Rif1 protein from Hansenula polymorpha.
2022 Feb 7
Malyavko AN, Petrova OA, Zvereva MI
29. Physiological TLR4 regulation in human fetal membranes as an explicative mechanism of a pathological preterm case.
2022 Feb 4
Belville C, Ponelle-Chachuat F, Rouzaire M
30. Interactions between strains govern the eco-evolutionary dynamics of microbial communities.
2022 Feb 4
Goyal A, Bittleston LS, Leventhal GE
31. Novel insights from a multiomics dissection of the Hayflick limit.
2022 Feb 4
Chan M, Yuan H(#), Soifer I(#)
32. Induction of osteogenesis by bone-targeted Notch activation.
2022 Feb 4
Xu C(#), Dinh VV(#), Kruse K
33. Widespread discrepancy in Nnt genotypes and genetic backgrounds complicates granzyme A and other knockout mouse studies.
2022 Feb 4
Rawle DJ(#), Le TT(#), Dumenil T
34. The transcriptional corepressor CTBP-1 acts with the SOX family transcription factor EGL-13 to maintain AIA interneuron cell identity in Caenorhabditis elegans.
2022 Feb 4
Saul J, Hirose T, Horvitz HR.
35. Plant SYP12 syntaxins mediate an evolutionarily conserved general immunity to filamentous pathogens.
2022 Feb 4
Rubiato HM(#), Liu M, O'Connell RJ
36. α-/γ-Taxilin are required for centriolar subdistal appendage assembly and microtubule organization.
2022 Feb 4
Ma D, Wang F, Wang R
37. Cell-type-specific responses to associative learning in the primary motor cortex.
2022 Feb 3
Lee C, Harkin EF, Yin X
38. Zinc finger protein Zfp335 controls early T-cell development and survival through β-selection-dependent and -independent mechanisms.
2022 Feb 3
Wang X(#), Jiao A(#), Sun L(#)
39. Mapping dopaminergic projections in the human brain with resting-state fMRI.
2022 Feb 3
Oldehinkel M, Llera A, Faber M
40. Overriding impaired FPR chemotaxis signaling in diabetic neutrophil stimulates infection control in murine diabetic wound.
2022 Feb 3
Roy R(#), Zayas J(#), Singh SK
41. Host-pathogen genetic interactions underlie tuberculosis susceptibility in genetically diverse mice.
2022 Feb 3
Smith CM, Baker RE, Proulx MK
42. Functional visualization of NK cell-mediated killing of metastatic single tumor cells.
2022 Feb 3
Ichise H, Tsukamoto S, Hirashima T
43. Ribosome profiling of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus reveals novel features of viral gene expression.
2022 Feb 28
Cook GM, Brown K, Shang P
44. Augmentation of progestin signaling rescues testis organization and spermatogenesis in zebrafish with the depletion of androgen signaling.
2022 Feb 28
Zhai G(#), Shu T(#), Yu G
45. Perception is associated with the brain's metabolic response to sensory stimulation.
2022 Feb 28
DiNuzzo M(#), Mangia S(#), Moraschi M
46. Target-specific control of olfactory bulb periglomerular cells by GABAergic and cholinergic basal forebrain inputs.
2022 Feb 28
De Saint Jan D.
47. Competition between parallel sensorimotor learning systems.
2022 Feb 28
Albert ST, Jang J, Modchalingam S
48. Apelin signaling dependent endocardial protrusions promote cardiac trabeculation in zebrafish.
2022 Feb 28
Qi J, Rittershaus A, Priya R
49. When cells get in the flow.
2022 Feb 28
Collu GM, Mlodzik M.
50. Global and context-specific transcriptional consequences of oncogenic Fbw7 mutations.
2022 Feb 28
Thirimanne HN, Wu F, Janssens DH
51. Identification of bipotent progenitors that give rise to myogenic and connective tissues in mouse.
2022 Feb 28
Grimaldi A, Comai G, Mella S
52. Corticohippocampal circuit dysfunction in a mouse model of Dravet syndrome.
2022 Feb 25
Mattis J, Somarowthu A, Goff KM
53. KDM6B interacts with TFDP1 to activate P53 signaling in regulating mouse palatogenesis.
2022 Feb 25
Guo T, Han X, He J
54. Getting closer to the clinic.
2022 Feb 25
Tanaka T, Ferrucci L.
55. Structural basis for an unprecedented enzymatic alkylation in cylindrocyclophane biosynthesis.
2022 Feb 25
Braffman NR(#), Ruskoski TB(#), Davis KM
56. Blocking Kir6.2 channels with SpTx1 potentiates glucose-stimulated insulin secretion from murine pancreatic β cells and lowers blood glucose in diabetic mice.
2022 Feb 25
Ramu Y(#), Yamakaze J(#), Zhou Y
57. Architecture and evolution of the cis-regulatory system of the echinoderm kirrelL gene.
2022 Feb 25
Khor JM, Ettensohn CA.
58. Signature-scoring methods developed for bulk samples are not adequate for cancer single-cell RNA sequencing data.
2022 Feb 25
Noureen N, Ye Z, Chen Y
59. In vivo fluorescence lifetime imaging of macrophage intracellular metabolism during wound responses in zebrafish.
2022 Feb 24
Miskolci V, Tweed KE, Lasarev MR
60. Targeting DNA topoisomerases or checkpoint kinases results in an overload of chaperone systems, triggering aggregation of a metastable subproteome.
2022 Feb 24
Huiting W, Dekker SL(#), van der Lienden JCJ(#)
61. Mechanisms of distributed working memory in a large-scale network of macaque neocortex.
2022 Feb 24
Mejías JF, Wang XJ.
62. Colicin E1 opens its hinge to plug TolC.
2022 Feb 24
Budiardjo SJ, Stevens JJ, Calkins AL
63. Galvanic current activates the NLRP3 inflammasome to promote Type I collagen production in tendon.
2022 Feb 24
Peñin-Franch A, García-Vidal JA, Martínez CM
64. Humans perseverate on punishment avoidance goals in multigoal reinforcement learning.
2022 Feb 24
Sharp PB(#), Russek EM(#), Huys QJM
65. Creation of photocyclic vertebrate rhodopsin by single amino acid substitution.
2022 Feb 24
Sakai K, Shichida Y, Imamoto Y
66. Complex effects of kinase localization revealed by compartment-specific regulation of protein kinase A activity.
2022 Feb 24
LaCroix R, Lin B, Kang TY
67. Impairing one sensory modality enhances another by reconfiguring peptidergic signalling in Caenorhabditis elegans.
2022 Feb 24
Valperga G, de Bono M.
68. Nanoscale binding site localization by molecular distance estimation on native cell surfaces using topological image averaging.
2022 Feb 24
Kumra Ahnlide V, Kumra Ahnlide J, Wrighton S
69. Atmospheric particulate matter aggravates cns demyelination through involvement of TLR-4/NF-kB signaling and microglial activation.
2022 Feb 24
Han B(#), Li X(#), Ai RS(#)
70. PEAR, a flexible fluorescent reporter for the identification and enrichment of successfully prime edited cells.
2022 Feb 23
Simon DA(#), Tálas A(#), Kulcsár PI
71. Identification of electroporation sites in the complex lipid organization of the plasma membrane.
2022 Feb 23
Rems L, Tang X(#), Zhao F(#)
72. Environmental enrichment enhances patterning and remodeling of synaptic nanoarchitecture as revealed by STED nanoscopy.
2022 Feb 23
Wegner W, Steffens H, Gregor C
73. Hydrop enables droplet-based single-cell ATAC-seq and single-cell RNA-seq using dissolvable hydrogel beads.
2022 Feb 23
De Rop FV, Ismail JN, Bravo González-Blas C
74. Spatial transcriptomic and single-nucleus analysis reveals heterogeneity in a gigantic single-celled syncytium.
2022 Feb 23
Gerber T(#), Loureiro C(#), Schramma N(#)
75. A non-bactericidal cathelicidin provides prophylactic efficacy against bacterial infection by driving phagocyte influx.
2022 Feb 23
Yang Y(#), Wu J(#), Li Q
76. Optogenetic inhibition of actomyosin reveals mechanical bistability of the mesoderm epithelium during Drosophila mesoderm invagination.
2022 Feb 23
Guo H, Swan M, He B.
77. Unsupervised learning of haptic material properties.
2022 Feb 23
Metzger A(#), Toscani M(#).
78. The oxygen sensor prolyl hydroxylase domain 2 regulates the in vivo suppressive capacity of regulatory T cells.
2022 Feb 22
Ajouaou Y, Azouz A, Taquin A
79. Epigenetic reprogramming by TET enzymes impacts co-transcriptional R-loops.
2022 Feb 22
Sabino JC, de Almeida MR, Abreu PL
80. A dentate gyrus-CA3 inhibitory circuit promotes evolution of hippocampal-cortical ensembles during memory consolidation.
2022 Feb 22
Twarkowski H, Steininger V, Kim MJ
81. Host casein kinase 1-mediated phosphorylation modulates phase separation of a rhabdovirus phosphoprotein and virus infection.
2022 Feb 22
Fang XD, Gao Q, Zang Y
82. Host ecology regulates interspecies recombination in bacteria of the genus Campylobacter.
2022 Feb 22
Mourkas E, Yahara K, Bayliss SC
83. Diversification of multipotential postmitotic mouse retinal ganglion cell precursors into discrete types.
2022 Feb 22
Shekhar K, Whitney IE, Butrus S
84. Low doses of the organic insecticide spinosad trigger lysosomal defects, elevated ROS, lipid dysregulation, and neurodegeneration in flies.
2022 Feb 22
Martelli F, Hernandes NH, Zuo Z
85. In vivo intraoral waterflow quantification reveals hidden mechanisms of suction feeding in fish.
2022 Feb 22
Provini P, Brunet A, Filippo A
86. TREM2 regulates purinergic receptor-mediated calcium signaling and motility in human iPSC-derived microglia.
2022 Feb 22
Jairaman A(#), McQuade A(#), Granzotto A
87. SARS-CoV2 variant-specific replicating RNA vaccines protect from disease following challenge with heterologous variants of concern.
2022 Feb 22
Hawman DW, Meade-White K, Archer J
88. A survey of optimal strategy for signature-based drug repositioning and an application to liver cancer.
2022 Feb 22
Yang C(#), Zhang H(#), Chen M(#)
89. Using aquatic animals as partners to increase yield and maintain soil nitrogen in the paddy ecosystems.
2022 Feb 22
Guo L(#), Zhao L(#), Ye J
90. Frequency- and spike-timing-dependent mitochondrial Ca(2+) signaling regulates the metabolic rate and synaptic efficacy in cortical neurons.
2022 Feb 22
Stoler O(#), Stavsky A(#), Khrapunsky Y
91. MicroRNA 3'-compensatory pairing occurs through two binding modes, with affinity shaped by nucleotide identity and position.
2022 Feb 22
McGeary SE(#), Bisaria N(#), Pham TM
92. Growing together gives more rice and aquatic food.
2022 Feb 22
Liu J, Caspersen S, Yong JWH.
93. An estimate of the deepest branches of the tree of life from ancient vertically evolving genes.
2022 Feb 22
Moody ERR, Mahendrarajah TA, Dombrowski N
94. How collagen becomes 'stiff'.
2022 Feb 21
Wells RG.
95. Thymocytes trigger self-antigen-controlling pathways in immature medullary thymic epithelial stages.
2022 Feb 21
Lopes N, Boucherit N(#), Santamaria JC(#)
96. Cellular organization in lab-evolved and extant multicellular species obeys a maximum entropy law.
2022 Feb 21
Day TC, Höhn SS, Zamani-Dahaj SA
97. P2Y1 purinergic receptor identified as a diabetes target in a small-molecule screen to reverse circadian β-cell failure.
2022 Feb 21
Marcheva B(#), Weidemann BJ(#), Taguchi A(#)
98. Environmentally sensitive hotspots in the methylome of the early human embryo.
2022 Feb 21
Silver MJ, Saffari A, Kessler NJ
99. STAT3-mediated allelic imbalance of novel genetic variant Rs1047643 and B-cell-specific super-enhancer in association with systemic lupus erythematosus.
2022 Feb 21
Zhang Y, Day K, Absher DM.
100. Telencephalic outputs from the medial entorhinal cortex are copied directly to the hippocampus.
2022 Feb 21
Tsoi SY(#), Öncül M(#), Svahn E
101. Application of ATAC-Seq for genome-wide analysis of the chromatin state at single myofiber resolution.
2022 Feb 21
Sahinyan K(#), Blackburn DM(#), Simon MM(#)
102. Human spinal cord in vitro differentiation pace is initially maintained in heterologous embryonic environments.
2022 Feb 21
Dady A, Davidson L, Halley PA
103. Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition proceeds through directional destabilization of multidimensional attractor.
2022 Feb 21
Wang W, Poe D, Yang Y
104. Parallel evolution of Pseudomonas aeruginosa phage resistance and virulence loss in response to phage treatment in vivo and in vitro.
2022 Feb 21
Castledine M, Padfield D, Sierocinski P
105. Pseudohypoxic HIF pathway activation dysregulates collagen structure-function in human lung fibrosis.
2022 Feb 21
Brereton CJ(#), Yao L(#), Davies ER
106. Paradoxical neuronal hyperexcitability in a mouse model of mitochondrial pyruvate import deficiency.
2022 Feb 21
De La Rossa A(#), Laporte MH(#), Astori S(#)
107. Broca's cerebral asymmetry reflects gestural communication's lateralisation in monkeys (Papio anubis).
2022 Feb 2
Becker Y, Claidière N, Margiotoudi K
108. Genetically engineered insects with sex-selection and genetic incompatibility enable population suppression.
2022 Feb 2
Upadhyay A, Feltman NR, Sychla A
109. Rolling circle RNA synthesis catalyzed by RNA.
2022 Feb 2
Kristoffersen EL, Burman M, Noy A
110. Cooperation among c-subunits of F(o)F(1)-ATP synthase in rotation-coupled proton translocation.
2022 Feb 2
Mitome N(#), Kubo S(#), Ohta S
111. Pupil diameter is not an accurate real-time readout of locus coeruleus activity.
2022 Feb 2
Megemont M(#), McBurney-Lin J(#), Yang H.
112. The m(6)A reader YTHDF2 is a negative regulator for dendrite development and maintenance of retinal ganglion cells.
2022 Feb 18
Niu F, Han P, Zhang J
113. A meta-analysis of the association between male dimorphism and fitness outcomes in humans.
2022 Feb 18
Lidborg LH, Cross CP, Boothroyd LG.
114. Slow oscillation-spindle coupling strength predicts real-life gross-motor learning in adolescents and adults.
2022 Feb 18
Hahn MA, Bothe K, Heib D
115. Hematodinium sp. infection does not drive collateral disease contraction in a crustacean host.
2022 Feb 18
Davies CE, Thomas JE, Malkin SH
116. The transcription factor Xrp1 orchestrates both reduced translation and cell competition upon defective ribosome assembly or function.
2022 Feb 18
Kiparaki M, Khan C, Folgado-Marco V
117. Hypertrophic chondrocytes serve as a reservoir for marrow-associated skeletal stem and progenitor cells, osteoblasts, and adipocytes during skeletal development.
2022 Feb 18
Long JT, Leinroth A, Liao Y
118. Quantitative mapping of keratin networks in 3D.
2022 Feb 18
Windoffer R, Schwarz N, Yoon S
119. Cannabidiol activates neuronal Kv7 channels.
2022 Feb 18
Zhang HB(#), Heckman L(#), Niday Z(#)
120. Visualizing cellular and tissue ultrastructure using Ten-fold Robust Expansion Microscopy (TREx).
2022 Feb 18
Damstra HGJ, Mohar B, Eddison M
121. Cryo-EM structures reveal high-resolution mechanism of a DNA polymerase sliding clamp loader.
2022 Feb 18
Gaubitz C, Liu X, Pajak J
122. Mosaic cis-regulatory evolution drives transcriptional partitioning of HERVH endogenous retrovirus in the human embryo.
2022 Feb 18
Carter TA, Singh M, Dumbović G
123. Influence of sensory modality and control dynamics on human path integration.
2022 Feb 18
Stavropoulos A(#), Lakshminarasimhan KJ(#), Laurens J
124. Sex differences and sex bias in human circadian and sleep physiology research.
2022 Feb 18
Spitschan M, Santhi N, Ahluwalia A
125. Putting interactions on the map.
2022 Feb 17
Augusto Ruiz Agudelo C, Cortes Gómez ÁM.
126. Glycan processing in the Golgi as optimal information coding that constrains cisternal number and enzyme specificity.
2022 Feb 17
Yadav A, Vagne Q, Sens P
127. Mapping the functional connectivity of ecosystem services supply across a regional landscape.
2022 Feb 17
Field RD, Parrott L.
128. Legionella pneumophila regulates host cell motility by targeting Phldb2 with a 14-3-3ζ-dependent protease effector.
2022 Feb 17
Song L(#), Luo J(#), Wang H
129. Constructing the hierarchy of predictive auditory sequences in the marmoset brain.
2022 Feb 17
Jiang Y(#), Komatsu M(#), Chen Y
130. Different computations over the same inputs produce selective behavior in algorithmic brain networks.
2022 Feb 17
Jaworska K, Yan Y, van Rijsbergen NJ
131. Discovery of coordinately regulated pathways that provide innate protection against interbacterial antagonism.
2022 Feb 17
Ting SY, LaCourse KD, Ledvina HE
132. Allele-specific gene expression can underlie altered transcript abundance in zebrafish mutants.
2022 Feb 17
White RJ, Mackay E, Wilson SW
133. Transcriptional heterogeneity of ventricular zone cells in the ganglionic eminences of the mouse forebrain.
2022 Feb 17
Lee DR, Rhodes C, Mitra A
134. Feeling like a 'real' scientist.
2022 Feb 17
Varma A.
135. A novel mechanism of bulk cytoplasmic transport by cortical dynein in Drosophila ovary.
2022 Feb 16
Lu W, Lakonishok M, Serpinskaya AS
136. YAP1 activation by human papillomavirus E7 promotes basal cell identity in squamous epithelia.
2022 Feb 16
Hatterschide J, Castagnino P, Kim HW
137. NMDA receptors in visual cortex are necessary for normal visuomotor integration and skill learning.
2022 Feb 16
Widmer FC, O'Toole SM, Keller GB.
138. Regulation of canonical Wnt signalling by the ciliopathy protein MKS1 and the E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme UBE2E1.
2022 Feb 16
Szymanska K, Boldt K, Logan CV
139. Endurance exercise ameliorates phenotypes in Drosophila models of spinocerebellar ataxias.
2022 Feb 16
Sujkowski A, Richardson K, Prifti MV
140. Effect of cancer on outcome of COVID-19 patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis of studies of unvaccinated patients.
2022 Feb 16
Di Felice G, Visci G, Teglia F
141. Body mass index and adipose distribution have opposing genetic impacts on human blood traits.
2022 Feb 15
Thom CS, Wilken MB, Chou ST
142. Intravital deep-tumor single-beam 3-photon, 4-photon, and harmonic microscopy.
2022 Feb 15
Bakker GJ, Weischer S, Ferrer Ortas J
143. Patient-specific Boolean models of signalling networks guide personalised treatments.
2022 Feb 15
Montagud A, Béal J, Tobalina L
144. Erythropoietin directly remodels the clonal composition of murine hematopoietic multipotent progenitor cells.
2022 Feb 15
Eisele AS, Cosgrove J, Magniez A
145. Comprehensive and unbiased multiparameter high-throughput screening by compaRe finds effective and subtle drug responses in AML models.
2022 Feb 15
Chalabi Hajkarim M(#), Karjalainen E(#), Osipovitch M
146. Hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells improve survival from sepsis by boosting immunomodulatory cells.
2022 Feb 15
Morales-Mantilla DE, Kain B, Le D
147. PBN-PVT projections modulate negative affective states in mice.
2022 Feb 15
Zhu YB(#), Wang Y(#), Hua XX(#)
148. Assessing the effects of stress on feeding behaviors in laboratory mice.
2022 Feb 15
Francois M, Canal Delgado I, Shargorodsky N
149. Repression of hypoxia-inducible factor-1 contributes to increased mitochondrial reactive oxygen species production in diabetes.
2022 Feb 15
Zheng X(#), Narayanan S(#), Xu C(#)
150. Alternate patterns of temperature variation bring about very different disease outcomes at different mean temperatures.
2022 Feb 15
Kunze C(#), Luijckx P(#), Jackson AL
151. VTA-projecting cerebellar neurons mediate stress-dependent depression-like behaviors.
2022 Feb 14
Baek SJ, Park JS, Kim J
152. Gene age shapes the transcriptional landscape of sexual morphogenesis in mushroom-forming fungi (Agaricomycetes).
2022 Feb 14
Merényi Z, Virágh M, Gluck-Thaler E
153. Conformational decoupling in acid-sensing ion channels uncovers mechanism and stoichiometry of PcTx1-mediated inhibition.
2022 Feb 14
Heusser SA(#), Borg CB(#), Colding JM
154. Three-dimensional multi-site random access photostimulation (3D-MAP).
2022 Feb 14
Xue Y, Waller L, Adesnik H
155. A guanosine tetraphosphate (ppGpp) mediated brake on photosynthesis is required for acclimation to nitrogen limitation in Arabidopsis.
2022 Feb 14
Romand S, Abdelkefi H, Lecampion C
156. Multiomic characterization of pancreatic cancer-associated macrophage polarization reveals deregulated metabolic programs driven by the GM-CSF-PI3K pathway.
2022 Feb 14
Boyer S(#), Lee HJ(#), Steele N
157. The MIDAS domain of AAA mechanoenzyme Mdn1 forms catch bonds with two different substrates.
2022 Feb 11
Mickolajczyk KJ, Olinares PDB, Chait BT
158. Coding of chromatic spatial contrast by macaque V1 neurons.
2022 Feb 11
De A, Horwitz GD.
159. STIM1-dependent peripheral coupling governs the contractility of vascular smooth muscle cells.
2022 Feb 11
Krishnan V(#), Ali S(#), Gonzales AL(#)
160. Genetic integration of behavioural and endocrine components of the stress response.
2022 Feb 11
Houslay TM, Earley RL, White SJ
161. Barcoded bulk QTL mapping reveals highly polygenic and epistatic architecture of complex traits in yeast.
2022 Feb 11
Nguyen Ba AN(#), Lawrence KR(#), Rego-Costa A(#)
162. Serum RNAs can predict lung cancer up to 10 years prior to diagnosis.
2022 Feb 11
Umu SU, Langseth H, Zuber V
163. Identification of novel HPFH-like mutations by CRISPR base editing that elevate the expression of fetal hemoglobin.
2022 Feb 11
Ravi NS, Wienert B, Wyman SK
164. Evolution of sexual conflict in scorpionflies.
2022 Feb 11
Soszyńska-Maj A, Krzemińska E, Pérez-de la Fuente R
165. Extracellular electron transfer increases fermentation in lactic acid bacteria via a hybrid metabolism.
2022 Feb 11
Tejedor-Sanz S(#), Stevens ET(#), Li S
166. Multiple motors cooperate to establish and maintain acentrosomal spindle bipolarity in C. elegans oocyte meiosis.
2022 Feb 11
Cavin-Meza G, Kwan MM, Wignall SM.
167. A novel gene ZNF862 causes hereditary gingival fibromatosis.
2022 Feb 10
Wu J(#), Chen D(#), Huang H(#)
168. Cdc6 is sequentially regulated by PP2A-Cdc55, Cdc14, and Sic1 for origin licensing in S. cerevisiae.
2022 Feb 10
Philip J, Örd M, Silva A
169. The E3 ubiquitin ligase mindbomb1 controls planar cell polarity-dependent convergent extension movements during zebrafish gastrulation.
2022 Feb 10
Saraswathy VM, Kurup AJ, Sharma P
170. A vibrissa pathway that activates the limbic system.
2022 Feb 10
Elbaz M(#), Callado Perez A(#), Demers M
171. A unifying mechanism governing inter-brain neural relationship during social interactions.
2022 Feb 10
Zhang W, Rose MC, Yartsev MM.
172. Human embryoid bodies as a novel system for genomic studies of functionally diverse cell types.
2022 Feb 10
Rhodes K(#), Barr KA(#), Popp JM
173. A neural network model of when to retrieve and encode episodic memories.
2022 Feb 10
Lu Q, Hasson U, Norman KA.
174. Eco1-dependent cohesin acetylation anchors chromatin loops and cohesion to define functional meiotic chromosome domains.
2022 Feb 1
Barton RE, Massari LF, Robertson D
175. Adverse childhood experiences and resilience among adult women: A population-based study.
2022 Feb 1
Daníelsdóttir HB, Aspelund T, Thordardottir EB
176. Response to comment on 'Unexpected plasticity in the life cycle of Trypanosoma Brucei'.
2022 Feb 1
Lisack J, Morriswood B, Engstler M.
177. Time-resolved single-cell sequencing identifies multiple waves of mRNA decay during the mitosis-to-G1 phase transition.
2022 Feb 1
Krenning L(#), Sonneveld S(#), Tanenbaum ME.
178. Comment on 'Unexpected plasticity in the life cycle of Trypanosoma brucei'.
2022 Feb 1
Matthews KR, Larcombe S.
179. Reciprocally inhibitory circuits operating with distinct mechanisms are differently robust to perturbation and modulation.
2022 Feb 1
Morozova E, Newstein P, Marder E.
180. A single full-length VAR2CSA ectodomain variant purifies broadly neutralizing antibodies against placental malaria isolates.
2022 Feb 1
Doritchamou JYA, Renn JP, Jenkins B
181. ExSTED microscopy reveals contrasting functions of dopamine and somatostatin CSF-c neurons along the lamprey central canal.
2022 Feb 1
Jalalvand E, Alvelid J, Coceano G
182. Charting brain growth and aging at high spatial precision.
2022 Feb 1
Rutherford S, Fraza C, Dinga R
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