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2021 Feb (166)
2021 Jan (155)
1. VLA-4 suppression by senescence signals regulates meningeal immunity and leptomeningeal metastasis.
2022 Dec 9
Li J(#), Huang D(#), Lei B(#)
2. Comprehensive re-analysis of hairpin small RNAs in fungi reveals loci with conserved links.
2022 Dec 9
Johnson NR, Larrondo LF, Álvarez JM
3. eLife's new model and its impact on science communication.
2022 Dec 8
Urban L, De Niz M, Fernández-Chiappe F
4. Teaching old drugs new tricks.
2022 Dec 8
Faille A, Warren AJ.
5. Feedback inhibition underlies new computational functions of cerebellar interneurons.
2022 Dec 8
Halverson HE(#), Kim J(#), Khilkevich A
6. Critical roles for 'housekeeping' nucleases in type III CRISPR-Cas immunity.
2022 Dec 8
Chou-Zheng L, Hatoum-Aslan A.
7. Human Dectin-1 is O-glycosylated and serves as a ligand for C-type lectin receptor CLEC-2.
2022 Dec 8
Haji S, Ito T, Guenther C
8. Emotional learning retroactively promotes memory integration through rapid neural reactivation and reorganization.
2022 Dec 8
Zhu Y, Zeng Y, Ren J
9. Parallel evolution of reduced cancer risk and tumor suppressor duplications in Xenarthra.
2022 Dec 8
Vazquez JM, Pena MT, Muhammad B
10. Gallbladder adenocarcinomas undergo subclonal diversification and selection from precancerous lesions to metastatic tumors.
2022 Dec 8
Kang M(#), Na HY(#), Ahn S
11. Scratch-AID, a deep learning-based system for automatic detection of mouse scratching behavior with high accuracy.
2022 Dec 8
Yu H(#), Xiong J(#), Ye AY
12. Inhibition of β1-AR/Gαs signaling promotes cardiomyocyte proliferation in juvenile mice through activation of RhoA-YAP axis.
2022 Dec 8
Sakabe M, Thompson M, Chen N
13. Rhythmic coordination and ensemble dynamics in the hippocampal-prefrontal network during odor-place associative memory and decision making.
2022 Dec 8
Symanski CA(#), Bladon JH(#), Kullberg ET
14. Structure of the mitoribosomal small subunit with streptomycin reveals Fe-S clusters and physiological molecules.
2022 Dec 8
Itoh Y(#), Singh V(#), Khawaja A(#)
15. DNA damage independent inhibition of NF-κB transcription by anthracyclines.
2022 Dec 7
Chora AF(#), Pedroso D(#), Kyriakou E
16. Doublecortin and JIP3 are neural-specific counteracting regulators of dynein-mediated retrograde trafficking.
2022 Dec 7
Fu X, Rao L, Li P
17. Destabilizers of the thymidylate synthase homodimer accelerate its proteasomal degradation and inhibit cancer growth.
2022 Dec 7
Costantino L, Ferrari S, Santucci M
18. Weakly migratory metastatic breast cancer cells activate fibroblasts via microvesicle-Tg2 to facilitate dissemination and metastasis.
2022 Dec 7
Schwager SC, Young KM, Hapach LA
19. Overcoming the cytoplasmic retention of GDOWN1 modulates global transcription and facilitates stress adaptation.
2022 Dec 7
Zhu Z, Liu J, Feng H
20. Rostral and caudal basolateral amygdala engage distinct circuits in the prelimbic and infralimbic prefrontal cortex.
2022 Dec 7
Manoocheri K, Carter AG.
21. A method for low-coverage single-gamete sequence analysis demonstrates adherence to Mendel's first law across a large sample of human sperm.
2022 Dec 7
Carioscia SA(#), Weaver KJ(#), Bortvin AN
22. Examining the cooperation between extrachromosomal DNA circles.
2022 Dec 7
Zhang J, Zhang CZ.
23. Oncogene expression from extrachromosomal DNA is driven by copy number amplification and does not require spatial clustering in glioblastoma stem cells.
2022 Dec 7
Purshouse K, Friman ET, Boyle S
24. How enzymatic activity is involved in chromatin organization.
2022 Dec 6
Das R, Sakaue T, Shivashankar GV
25. Design of novel cyanovirin-N variants by modulation of binding dynamics through distal mutations.
2022 Dec 6
Kazan IC(#), Sharma P(#), Rahman MI(#)
26. Proteome-wide systems genetics identifies UFMylation as a regulator of skeletal muscle function.
2022 Dec 6
Molendijk J, Blazev R, Mills RJ
27. A unified framework for measuring selection on cellular lineages and traits.
2022 Dec 6
Yamauchi S, Nozoe T, Okura R
28. Host-microbiome metabolism of a plant toxin in bees.
2022 Dec 6
Motta EVS, Gage A, Smith TE
29. Desiccation resistance differences in Drosophila species can be largely explained by variations in cuticular hydrocarbons.
2022 Dec 6
Wang Z, Receveur JP, Pu J
30. Clarifying the role of an unavailable distractor in human multiattribute choice.
2022 Dec 6
Cao Y, Tsetsos K.
31. The clinical pharmacology of tafenoquine in the radical cure of Plasmodium vivax malaria: An individual patient data meta-analysis.
2022 Dec 6
Watson JA(#), Commons RJ(#), Tarning J
32. Glycolytic flux-signaling controls mouse embryo mesoderm development.
2022 Dec 5
Miyazawa H(#), Snaebjornsson MT(#), Prior N
33. Neuroendocrinology of the lung revealed by single-cell RNA sequencing.
2022 Dec 5
Kuo CS, Darmanis S, Diaz de Arce A
34. A Bayesian approach to single-particle electron cryo-tomography in RELION-4.0.
2022 Dec 5
Zivanov J, Otón J, Ke Z
35. Insight into the evolutionary assemblage of cranial kinesis from a Cretaceous bird.
2022 Dec 5
Wang M, Stidham TA, O'Connor JK
36. Glycine inhibits NINJ1 membrane clustering to suppress plasma membrane rupture in cell death.
2022 Dec 5
Borges JP(#), Sætra RSR(#), Volchuk A
37. Effects of dopamine D2/3 and opioid receptor antagonism on the trade-off between model-based and model-free behaviour in healthy volunteers.
2022 Dec 5
Mikus N, Korb S, Massaccesi C
38. Activity disruption causes degeneration of entorhinal neurons in a mouse model of Alzheimer's circuit dysfunction.
2022 Dec 5
Zhao R(#), Grunke SD(#), Wood CA(#)
39. Dependence of diffusion in Escherichia coli cytoplasm on protein size, environmental conditions, and cell growth.
2022 Dec 5
Bellotto N, Agudo-Canalejo J(#), Colin R(#)
40. How (some) mammals lost their hair.
2022 Dec 30
Dean MD.
41. LabNet hardware control software for the Raspberry Pi.
2022 Dec 30
Schatz A, Winter Y.
42. Heterogeneous levels of delta-like 4 within a multinucleated niche cell maintains muscle stem cell diversity.
2022 Dec 30
Eliazer S, Sun X, Barruet E
43. Complex pattern of facial remapping in somatosensory cortex following congenital but not acquired hand loss.
2022 Dec 30
Root V(#), Muret D(#), Arribas M
44. The 'ForensOMICS' approach for postmortem interval estimation from human bone by integrating metabolomics, lipidomics, and proteomics.
2022 Dec 30
Bonicelli A, Mickleburgh HL, Chighine A
45. Right inferior frontal gyrus damage is associated with impaired initiation of inhibitory control, but not its implementation.
2022 Dec 30
Choo Y, Matzke D, Bowren MD Jr
46. Calcium dependence of both lobes of calmodulin is involved in binding to a cytoplasmic domain of SK channels.
2022 Dec 30
Halling DB, Philpo AE, Aldrich RW.
47. Coordinated cadherin functions sculpt respiratory motor circuit connectivity.
2022 Dec 30
Vagnozzi AN, Moore MT, Lin M
48. Protein composition of axonal dopamine release sites in the striatum.
2022 Dec 29
Kershberg L, Banerjee A, Kaeser PS.
49. Is calcium a link between inflammatory bone resorption and heart disease?
2022 Dec 29
Klein GL.
50. Clonally related, Notch-differentiated spinal neurons integrate into distinct circuits.
2022 Dec 29
Bello-Rojas S, Bagnall MW.
51. Inducible lncRNA transgenic mice reveal continual role of HOTAIR in promoting breast cancer metastasis.
2022 Dec 29
Ma Q(#), Yang L(#), Tolentino K(#)
52. Transcriptional profiling of Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria syndrome fibroblasts reveals deficits in mesenchymal stem cell commitment to differentiation related to early events in endochondral ossification.
2022 Dec 29
San Martin R, Das P, Sanders JT
53. Working strokes produced by curling protofilaments at disassembling microtubule tips can be biochemically tuned and vary with species.
2022 Dec 29
Murray LE, Kim H, Rice LM
54. Maximizing CRISPRi efficacy and accessibility with dual-sgRNA libraries and optimal effectors.
2022 Dec 28
Replogle JM(#), Bonnar JL(#), Pogson AN(#)
55. Lack of evidence for increased transcriptional noise in aged tissues.
2022 Dec 28
Ibañez-Solé O, Ascensión AM, Araúzo-Bravo MJ
56. Ultrastructural effects of sleep and wake on the parallel fiber synapses of the cerebellum.
2022 Dec 28
Loschky SS(#), Spano GM(#), Marshall W
57. Fiber-specific structural properties relate to reading skills in children and adolescents.
2022 Dec 28
Meisler SL, Gabrieli JDE.
58. Mature parvalbumin interneuron function in prefrontal cortex requires activity during a postnatal sensitive period.
2022 Dec 28
Canetta SE, Holt ES, Benoit LJ
59. Computational design of peptides to target Na(V)1.7 channel with high potency and selectivity for the treatment of pain.
2022 Dec 28
Nguyen PT(#), Nguyen HM(#), Wagner KM
60. A choline-releasing glycerophosphodiesterase essential for phosphatidylcholine biosynthesis and blood stage development in the malaria parasite.
2022 Dec 28
Ramaprasad A(#), Burda PC(#), Calvani E
61. Deep learning-driven insights into super protein complexes for outer membrane protein biogenesis in bacteria.
2022 Dec 28
Gao M, Nakajima An D, Skolnick J.
62. The holy grail of longevity research.
2022 Dec 23
Mathuru AS.
63. Optogenetics and electron tomography for structure-function analysis of cochlear ribbon synapses.
2022 Dec 23
Chakrabarti R(#), Jaime Tobón LM(#), Slitin L(#)
64. Cortical activity during naturalistic music listening reflects short-range predictions based on long-term experience.
2022 Dec 23
Kern P, Heilbron M, de Lange FP
65. Evolutionary divergence in the conformational landscapes of tyrosine vs serine/threonine kinases.
2022 Dec 23
Gizzio J(#), Thakur A(#), Haldane A
66. The NAD(+) precursor NMN activates dSarm to trigger axon degeneration in Drosophila.
2022 Dec 23
Llobet Rosell A, Paglione M, Gilley J
67. On the origin of universal cell shape variability in confluent epithelial monolayers.
2022 Dec 23
Sadhukhan S, Nandi SK.
68. Fan cells in lateral entorhinal cortex directly influence medial entorhinal cortex through synaptic connections in layer 1.
2022 Dec 23
Vandrey B, Armstrong J, Brown CM
69. Predicting progression-free survival after systemic therapy in advanced head and neck cancer: Bayesian regression and model development.
2022 Dec 23
Barber PR(#), Mustapha R(#), Flores-Borja F(#)
70. Finding the genes for fragile bones.
2022 Dec 23
Kague E.
71. Adaptation dynamics between copy-number and point mutations.
2022 Dec 22
Tomanek I, Guet CC.
72. Molecular mechanism underlying desensitization of the proton-activated chloride channel PAC.
2022 Dec 22
Osei-Owusu J(#), Ruan Z(#), Mihaljević L
73. Long non-coding RNA Neat1 and paraspeckle components are translational regulators in hypoxia.
2022 Dec 22
Godet AC(#), Roussel E(#), David F
74. Cellular features of localized microenvironments in human meniscal degeneration: a single-cell transcriptomic study.
2022 Dec 22
Fu W(#), Chen S(#), Yang R
75. A generalizable brain extraction net (BEN) for multimodal MRI data from rodents, nonhuman primates, and humans.
2022 Dec 22
Yu Z, Han X, Xu W
76. Procalcitonin for antimicrobial stewardship among cancer patients admitted with COVID-19.
2022 Dec 21
Dagher H, Chaftari AM, Mulanovich P
77. Specific deletion of Axin1 leads to activation of β-catenin/BMP signaling resulting in fibular hemimelia phenotype in mice.
2022 Dec 21
Xie R(#), Yi D(#), Zeng D
78. Meningeal lymphatic drainage promotes T cell responses against Toxoplasma gondii but is dispensable for parasite control in the brain.
2022 Dec 21
Kovacs MA, Cowan MN, Babcock IW
79. Senataxin and RNase H2 act redundantly to suppress genome instability during class switch recombination.
2022 Dec 21
Zhao H, Hartono SR, de Vera KMF
80. TGF-β signaling and Creb5 cooperatively regulate Fgf18 to control pharyngeal muscle development.
2022 Dec 21
Feng J, Han X, Yuan Y
81. Thalamocortical contributions to cognitive task activity.
2022 Dec 20
Hwang K, Shine JM, Cole MW
82. Desmosomal connectomics of all somatic muscles in an annelid larva.
2022 Dec 20
Jasek S, Verasztó C, Brodrick E
83. Opposite polarity programs regulate asymmetric subsidiary cell divisions in grasses.
2022 Dec 20
Zhang D, Spiegelhalder RP, Abrash EB
84. Vocal communication is tied to interpersonal arousal coupling in caregiver-infant dyads.
2022 Dec 20
Wass S, Phillips E, Smith C
85. Neurovascular anatomy of dwarf dinosaur implies precociality in sauropods.
2022 Dec 20
Schade M, Knötschke N, Hörnig MK
86. Modeling the spatiotemporal spread of beneficial alleles using ancient genomes.
2022 Dec 20
Muktupavela RA, Petr M, Ségurel L
87. Cross-talk between red blood cells and plasma influences blood flow and omics phenotypes in severe COVID-19.
2022 Dec 20
Recktenwald SM(#), Simionato G(#), Lopes MGM
88. The mini-IDLE 3D biomimetic culture assay enables interrogation of mechanisms governing muscle stem cell quiescence and niche repopulation.
2022 Dec 20
Jacques E, Kuang Y, Kann AP
89. Personality traits are consistently associated with blood mitochondrial DNA copy number estimated from genome sequences in two genetic cohort studies.
2022 Dec 20
Oppong RF, Terracciano A, Picard M
90. Body mass index and childhood symptoms of depression, anxiety, and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: A within-family Mendelian randomization study.
2022 Dec 20
Hughes AM, Sanderson E, Morris T
91. Shifting the focus of zebrafish toward a model of the tumor microenvironment.
2022 Dec 20
Weiss JM(#), Lumaquin-Yin D(#), Montal E(#)
92. A faster way to model neuronal circuitry.
2022 Dec 2
Davison AP, Appukuttan S.
93. Understanding the links between cardiovascular and psychiatric conditions.
2022 Dec 2
Amarasekera S, Jha P.
94. Modular UBE2H-CTLH E2-E3 complexes regulate erythroid maturation.
2022 Dec 2
Sherpa D(#), Mueller J(#), Karayel Ö(#)
95. Uncertainty alters the balance between incremental learning and episodic memory.
2022 Dec 2
Nicholas J, Daw ND, Shohamy D.
96. Adaptation of Drosophila larva foraging in response to changes in food resources.
2022 Dec 2
Wosniack ME, Festa D, Hu N
97. Differential axonal trafficking of Neuropeptide Y-, LAMP1-, and RAB7-tagged organelles in vivo.
2022 Dec 2
Nassal JP, Murphy FH, Toonen RF
98. Inhibition of mutant RAS-RAF interaction by mimicking structural and dynamic properties of phosphorylated RAS.
2022 Dec 2
Ilter M(#), Kasmer R(#), Jalalypour F
99. Lhx2 is a progenitor-intrinsic modulator of Sonic Hedgehog signaling during early retinal neurogenesis.
2022 Dec 2
Li X, Gordon PJ, Gaynes JA
100. Evidence linking APOBEC3B genesis and evolution of innate immune antagonism by gamma-herpesvirus ribonucleotide reductases.
2022 Dec 2
Moraes SN, Becker JT, Moghadasi SA
101. m(6)A epitranscriptomic modification regulates neural progenitor-to-glial cell transition in the retina.
2022 Dec 2
Xin Y, He Q, Liang H
102. VPS9D1-AS1 overexpression amplifies intratumoral TGF-β signaling and promotes tumor cell escape from CD8(+) T cell killing in colorectal cancer.
2022 Dec 2
Yang L, Dong X, Liu Z
103. Long term intrinsic cycling in human life course antibody responses to influenza A(H3N2): an observational and modeling study.
2022 Dec 2
Yang B, García-Carreras B, Lessler J
104. Longitudinal analysis of invariant natural killer T cell activation reveals a cMAF-associated transcriptional state of NKT10 cells.
2022 Dec 2
Kane H, LaMarche NM, Ní Scannail Á
105. Drosophila SUMM4 complex couples insulator function and DNA replication control.
2022 Dec 2
Andreyeva EN(#), Emelyanov AV(#), Nevil M
106. Survival of mineral-bound peptides into the Miocene.
2022 Dec 19
Demarchi B, Mackie M, Li Z
107. Network instability dynamics drive a transient bursting period in the developing hippocampus in vivo.
2022 Dec 19
Graf J(#), Rahmati V(#), Majoros M
108. Aurora A and cortical flows promote polarization and cytokinesis by inducing asymmetric ECT-2 accumulation.
2022 Dec 19
Longhini KM, Glotzer M.
109. Structures of RecBCD in complex with phage-encoded inhibitor proteins reveal distinctive strategies for evasion of a bacterial immunity hub.
2022 Dec 19
Wilkinson M, Wilkinson OJ, Feyerherm C
110. Generating colorblind-friendly scatter plots for single-cell data.
2022 Dec 16
Guha T, Fertig EJ, Deshpande A.
111. Heritability enrichment in context-specific regulatory networks improves phenotype-relevant tissue identification.
2022 Dec 16
Feng Z, Duren Z, Xin J
112. Population codes enable learning from few examples by shaping inductive bias.
2022 Dec 16
Bordelon B, Pehlevan C.
113. A timer gene network is spatially regulated by the terminal system in the Drosophila embryo.
2022 Dec 16
Clark E, Battistara M, Benton MA.
114. Clonal transcriptomics identifies mechanisms of chemoresistance and empowers rational design of combination therapies.
2022 Dec 16
Wild SA(#), Cannell IG(#), Nicholls A
115. Lifespan extension in female mice by early, transient exposure to adult female olfactory cues.
2022 Dec 16
Garratt M, Erturk I, Alonzo R
116. Single-cell RNA sequencing and lineage tracing confirm mesenchyme to epithelial transformation (MET) contributes to repair of the endometrium at menstruation.
2022 Dec 16
Kirkwood PM, Gibson DA, Shaw I
117. Structure-guided isoform identification for the human transcriptome.
2022 Dec 15
Sommer MJ, Cha S, Varabyou A
118. Automated hippocampal unfolding for morphometry and subfield segmentation with HippUnfold.
2022 Dec 15
DeKraker J, Haast RAM, Yousif MD
119. Neural representations of naturalistic events are updated as our understanding of the past changes.
2022 Dec 15
Zadbood A, Nastase S, Chen J
120. Prevalent and dynamic binding of the cell cycle checkpoint kinase Rad53 to gene promoters.
2022 Dec 15
Sheu YJ, Kawaguchi RK, Gillis J
121. A selective LIS1 requirement for mitotic spindle assembly discriminates distinct T-cell division mechanisms within the T-cell lineage.
2022 Dec 15
Argenty J, Rouquié N, Bories C
122. A circular zone of attachment to the extracellular matrix provides directionality to the motility of Toxoplasma gondii in 3D.
2022 Dec 15
Stadler RV, Nelson SR, Warshaw DM
123. Piezo1 as a force-through-membrane sensor in red blood cells.
2022 Dec 14
Vaisey G, Banerjee P, North AJ
124. The missing link between genetic association and regulatory function.
2022 Dec 14
Connally NJ, Nazeen S, Lee D
125. Homeostatic regulation through strengthening of neuronal network-correlated synaptic inputs.
2022 Dec 14
Barnes SJ, Keller GB, Keck T.
126. The regional distribution of resident immune cells shapes distinct immunological environments along the murine epididymis.
2022 Dec 14
Pleuger C, Ai D, Hoppe ML
127. A coordinated transcriptional switching network mediates antigenic variation of human malaria parasites.
2022 Dec 14
Zhang X, Florini F, Visone JE
128. A remarkable adaptive paradigm of heart performance and protection emerges in response to marked cardiac-specific overexpression of ADCY8.
2022 Dec 14
Tarasov KV, Chakir K, Riordon DR
129. The injured sciatic nerve atlas (iSNAT), insights into the cellular and molecular basis of neural tissue degeneration and regeneration.
2022 Dec 14
Zhao XF(#), Huffman LD(#), Hafner H(#)
130. The conserved centrosomin motif, γTuNA, forms a dimer that directly activates microtubule nucleation by the γ-tubulin ring complex (γTuRC).
2022 Dec 14
Rale MJ, Romer B, Mahon BP
131. Gigapixel imaging with a novel multi-camera array microscope.
2022 Dec 14
Thomson EE, Harfouche M, Kim K
132. Retinoic acid-gated BDNF synthesis in neuronal dendrites drives presynaptic homeostatic plasticity.
2022 Dec 14
Thapliyal S(#), Arendt KL(#), Lau AG
133. Monoallelic CRMP1 gene variants cause neurodevelopmental disorder.
2022 Dec 13
Ravindran E(#), Arashiki N(#), Becker LL(#)
134. The need for more research into reproductive health and disease.
2022 Dec 13
Mercuri ND, Cox BJ.
135. T cells modulate the microglial response to brain ischemia.
2022 Dec 13
Benakis C, Simats A, Tritschler S
136. Spinal premotor interneurons controlling antagonistic muscles are spatially intermingled.
2022 Dec 13
Ronzano R(#), Skarlatou S(#), Barriga BK(#)
137. Emergent color categorization in a neural network trained for object recognition.
2022 Dec 13
de Vries JP, Akbarinia A, Flachot A
138. Defining cellular population dynamics at single-cell resolution during prostate cancer progression.
2022 Dec 13
Germanos AA, Arora S, Zheng Y
139. Single amino acid residue mediates reciprocal specificity in two mosquito odorant receptors.
2022 Dec 13
Franco FP, Xu P, Harris BJ
140. Mir204 and Mir211 suppress synovial inflammation and proliferation in rheumatoid arthritis by targeting Ssrp1.
2022 Dec 13
Wang QS(#), Fan KJ(#), Teng H
141. Cell cycle-specific loading of condensin I is regulated by the N-terminal tail of its kleisin subunit.
2022 Dec 13
Tane S, Shintomi K, Kinoshita K
142. Tuning of motor outputs produced by spinal stimulation during voluntary control of torque directions in monkeys.
2022 Dec 13
Kaneshige M, Obara K, Suzuki M
143. The central role of the centrosome.
2022 Dec 12
Stötzel I, Kiermaier E.
144. Predictive modeling reveals that higher-order cooperativity drives transcriptional repression in a synthetic developmental enhancer.
2022 Dec 12
Kim YJ, Rhee K, Liu J
145. Bidirectional promoter activity from expression cassettes can drive off-target repression of neighboring gene translation.
2022 Dec 12
Powers EN, Chan C, Doron-Mandel E
146. Tenotomy-induced muscle atrophy is sex-specific and independent of NFκB.
2022 Dec 12
Meyer GA, Thomopoulos S, Abu-Amer Y
147. Changes in seam number and location induce holes within microtubules assembled from porcine brain tubulin and in Xenopus egg cytoplasmic extracts.
2022 Dec 12
Guyomar C, Bousquet C, Ku S
148. The hidden toll of community outreach.
2022 Dec 1
Ramos RA.
149. Amino acid transporter SLC38A5 regulates developmental and pathological retinal angiogenesis.
2022 Dec 1
Wang Z, Yemanyi F, Blomfield AK
150. The importance of intermediate filaments in the shape maintenance of myoblast model tissues.
2022 Dec 1
Nagle I, Delort F, Hénon S
151. CD47 cross-dressing by extracellular vesicles expressing CD47 inhibits phagocytosis without transmitting cell death signals.
2022 Dec 1
Li Y, Wu Y, Federzoni EA
152. Human hippocampal responses to network intracranial stimulation vary with theta phase.
2022 Dec 1
Lurie SM, Kragel JE, Schuele SU
153. The evolution and biological correlates of hand preferences in anthropoid primates.
2022 Dec 1
Caspar KR, Pallasdies F, Mader L
154. Urotensin II-related peptides, Urp1 and Urp2, control zebrafish spine morphology.
2022 Dec 1
Bearce EA, Irons ZH, O'Hara-Smith JR
155. Evaluation of in silico predictors on short nucleotide variants in HBA1, HBA2, and HBB associated with haemoglobinopathies.
2022 Dec 1
Tamana S(#), Xenophontos M(#), Minaidou A
156. Urine-derived exosomes from individuals with IPF carry pro-fibrotic cargo.
2022 Dec 1
Elliot S, Catanuto P, Pereira-Simon S
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