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2021 Jan (155)
1. Defining the ultrastructure of the hematopoietic stem cell niche by correlative light and electron microscopy.
2022 Aug 9
Agarwala S(#), Kim KY(#), Phan S
2. COVID-19 pandemic dynamics in South Africa and epidemiological characteristics of three variants of concern (Beta, Delta, and Omicron).
2022 Aug 9
Yang W, Shaman JL.
3. Isoform-specific mutation in Dystonin-b gene causes late-onset protein aggregate myopathy and cardiomyopathy.
2022 Aug 9
Yoshioka N, Kurose M, Yano M
4. Positive feedback regulation of frizzled-7 expression robustly shapes a steep Wnt gradient in Xenopus heart development, together with sFRP1 and heparan sulfate.
2022 Aug 9
Yamamoto T, Kambayashi Y, Otsuka Y
5. Modeling osteoporosis to design and optimize pharmacological therapies comprising multiple drug types.
2022 Aug 9
Jörg DJ, Fuertinger DH, Cherif A
6. SMAD4 and TGFβ are architects of inverse genetic programs during fate determination of antiviral CTLs.
2022 Aug 9
Chandiran K, Suarez-Ramirez JE, Hu Y
7. Pre-existing chromosomal polymorphisms in pathogenic E. coli potentiate the evolution of resistance to a last-resort antibiotic.
2022 Aug 9
Jangir PK(#), Yang Q(#), Shaw LP
8. Temporal analysis of enhancers during mouse cerebellar development reveals dynamic and novel regulatory functions.
2022 Aug 9
Ramirez M, Badayeva Y, Yeung J
9. Banp regulates DNA damage response and chromosome segregation during the cell cycle in zebrafish retina.
2022 Aug 9
Babu S, Takeuchi Y, Masai I.
10. Lactate receptor HCAR1 regulates neurogenesis and microglia activation after neonatal hypoxia-ischemia.
2022 Aug 9
Kennedy L(#), Glesaaen ER(#), Palibrk V
11. Multistep loading of a DNA sliding clamp onto DNA by replication factor C.
2022 Aug 8
Schrecker M(#), Castaneda JC(#), Devbhandari S
12. How failure to falsify in high-volume science contributes to the replication crisis.
2022 Aug 8
Rajtmajer SM, Errington TM, Hillary FG.
13. Polysome-CAGE of TCL1-driven chronic lymphocytic leukemia revealed multiple N-terminally altered epigenetic regulators and a translation stress signature.
2022 Aug 8
Ogran A, Havkin-Solomon T, Becker-Herman S
14. A pulse-chasable reporter processing assay for mammalian autophagic flux with HaloTag.
2022 Aug 8
Yim WW(#), Yamamoto H(#), Mizushima N.
15. The VINE complex is an endosomal VPS9-domain GEF and SNX-BAR coat.
2022 Aug 8
Shortill SP, Frier MS, Wongsangaroonsri P
16. Nomograms of human hippocampal volume shifted by polygenic scores.
2022 Aug 8
Janahi M, Aksman L, Schott JM
17. Estimation and worldwide monitoring of the effective reproductive number of SARS-CoV-2.
2022 Aug 8
Huisman JS(#), Scire J(#), Angst DC
18. Adiposity may confound the association between vitamin D and disease risk - a lifecourse Mendelian randomization study.
2022 Aug 8
Richardson TG, Power GM, Davey Smith G.
19. Allosteric stabilization of calcium and phosphoinositide dual binding engages several synaptotagmins in fast exocytosis.
2022 Aug 5
Kobbersmed JRL(#), Berns MMM(#), Ditlevsen S
20. Septin7 is indispensable for proper skeletal muscle architecture and function.
2022 Aug 5
Gönczi M, Ráduly Z, Szabó L
21. trim-21 promotes proteasomal degradation of CED-1 for apoptotic cell clearance in C. elegans.
2022 Aug 5
Yuan L(#), Li P(#), Jing H
22. An auto-inhibited state of protein kinase G and implications for selective activation.
2022 Aug 5
Sharma R, Kim JJ, Qin L
23. Stereotyped behavioral maturation and rhythmic quiescence in C. elegans embryos.
2022 Aug 5
Ardiel EL(#), Lauziere A(#), Xu S
24. A computational account of why more valuable goals seem to require more effortful actions.
2022 Aug 5
Bioud E, Tasu C, Pessiglione M.
25. Poor eyesight reveals a new vision gene.
2022 Aug 5
Biswas T(#), Krishnan J(#), Rohner N.
26. Coupling to short linear motifs creates versatile PME-1 activities in PP2A holoenzyme demethylation and inhibition.
2022 Aug 4
Li Y, Balakrishnan VK, Rowse M
27. The evolution of a counter-defense mechanism in a virus constrains its host range.
2022 Aug 4
Srikant S(#), Guegler CK(#), Laub MT.
28. Expansion and contraction of resource allocation in sensory bottlenecks.
2022 Aug 4
Edmondson LR, Jiménez Rodríguez A, Saal HP.
29. Modular, cascade-like transcriptional program of regeneration in Stentor.
2022 Aug 4
Sood P, Lin A, Yan C
30. Diverse states and stimuli tune olfactory receptor expression levels to modulate food-seeking behavior.
2022 Aug 31
McLachlan IG, Kramer TS(#), Dua M(#)
31. Quantifying dynamic facial expressions under naturalistic conditions.
2022 Aug 31
Jeganathan J, Campbell M, Hyett M
32. Decoding mechanism of action and sensitivity to drug candidates from integrated transcriptome and chromatin state.
2022 Aug 31
Carraro C, Bonaguro L, Schulte-Schrepping J
33. Human WDR5 promotes breast cancer growth and metastasis via KMT2-independent translation regulation.
2022 Aug 31
Cai WL(#), Chen JF(#), Chen H
34. The Arabidopsis SAC9 enzyme is enriched in a cortical population of early endosomes and restricts PI(4,5)P(2) at the plasma membrane.
2022 Aug 31
Lebecq A(#), Doumane M(#), Fangain A
35. Characterization of sequence determinants of enhancer function using natural genetic variation.
2022 Aug 31
Yang MG(#), Ling E(#), Cowley CJ
36. IL-37 expression reduces acute and chronic neuroinflammation and rescues cognitive impairment in an Alzheimer's disease mouse model.
2022 Aug 30
Lonnemann N, Hosseini S, Ohm M
37. Transition to siblinghood causes a substantial and long-lasting increase in urinary cortisol levels in wild bonobos.
2022 Aug 30
Behringer V(#), Berghänel A(#), Deschner T
38. Nuclear fascin regulates cancer cell survival.
2022 Aug 30
Lawson CD, Peel S, Jayo A
39. Non-canonical function of an Hif-1α splice variant contributes to the sustained flight of locusts.
2022 Aug 30
Ding D, Zhang J, Du B
40. Sleep EEG in young people with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome: A cross-sectional study of slow-waves, spindles and correlations with memory and neurodevelopmental symptoms.
2022 Aug 30
Donnelly NA(#), Bartsch U(#), Moulding HA
41. A Notch-dependent transcriptional mechanism controls expression of temporal patterning factors in Drosophila medulla.
2022 Aug 30
Ray A, Li X.
42. p75NTR prevents the onset of cerebellar granule cell migration via RhoA activation.
2022 Aug 30
Zanin JP, Friedman WJ.
43. Contribution of behavioural variability to representational drift.
2022 Aug 30
Sadeh S, Clopath C.
44. The scaffolding protein flot2 promotes cytoneme-based transport of wnt3 in gastric cancer.
2022 Aug 30
Routledge D, Rogers S, Ono Y
45. Neuroscout, a unified platform for generalizable and reproducible fMRI research.
2022 Aug 30
de la Vega A(#), Rocca R(#), Blair RW
46. Hypoxia-inducible factor underlies von Hippel-Lindau disease stigmata.
2022 Aug 30
Ohh M, Taber CC, Ferens FG
47. Robust cone-mediated signaling persists late into rod photoreceptor degeneration.
2022 Aug 30
Scalabrino ML, Thapa M, Chew LA
48. Integrating genomic and epidemiologic data to accelerate progress toward schistosomiasis elimination.
2022 Aug 30
Lund AJ, Wade KJ, Nikolakis ZL
49. Activation of targetable inflammatory immune signaling is seen in myelodysplastic syndromes with SF3B1 mutations.
2022 Aug 30
Choudhary GS(#), Pellagatti A(#), Agianian B
50. Dynamic molecular evolution of a supergene with suppressed recombination in white-throated sparrows.
2022 Aug 30
Jeong H(#), Baran NM(#), Sun D
51. A moonlighting function of a chitin polysaccharide monooxygenase, CWR-1, in Neurospora crassa allorecognition.
2022 Aug 30
Detomasi TC(#), Rico-Ramírez AM(#), Sayler RI
52. Fast, high-throughput production of improved rabies viral vectors for specific, efficient and versatile transsynaptic retrograde labeling.
2022 Aug 30
Sumser A, Joesch M, Jonas P
53. A new role for Hif-1α.
2022 Aug 30
Shin M, Shim J.
54. Genomic evidence for global ocean plankton biogeography shaped by large-scale current systems.
2022 Aug 3
Richter DJ(#), Watteaux R(#), Vannier T(#)
55. Maintaining naivety of T cells.
2022 Aug 3
Duffy K.
56. Estimating the potential to prevent locally acquired HIV infections in a UNAIDS Fast-Track City, Amsterdam.
2022 Aug 3
Blenkinsop A, Monod M, van Sighem A
57. Distinct impact of IgG subclass on autoantibody pathogenicity in different IgG4-mediated diseases.
2022 Aug 3
Bi Y, Su J, Zhou S
58. Robust and Efficient Assessment of Potency (REAP) as a quantitative tool for dose-response curve estimation.
2022 Aug 3
Zhou S(#), Liu X(#), Fang X(#)
59. Tension-driven multi-scale self-organisation in human iPSC-derived muscle fibers.
2022 Aug 3
Mao Q(#), Acharya A(#), Rodríguez-delaRosa A
60. Maternal H3K36 and H3K27 HMTs protect germline development via regulation of the transcription factor LIN-15B.
2022 Aug 3
Cockrum CS, Strome S.
61. Hematopoietic plasticity mapped in Drosophila and other insects.
2022 Aug 3
Hultmark D, Andó I.
62. Structural motifs for subtype-specific pH-sensitive gating of vertebrate otopetrin proton channels.
2022 Aug 3
Teng B(#), Kaplan JP(#), Liang Z
63. Multiple UBX proteins reduce the ubiquitin threshold of the mammalian p97-UFD1-NPL4 unfoldase.
2022 Aug 3
Fujisawa R, Polo Rivera C, Labib KPM.
64. Full spectrum flow cytometry reveals mesenchymal heterogeneity in first trimester placentae and phenotypic convergence in culture, providing insight into the origins of placental mesenchymal stromal cells.
2022 Aug 3
Boss AL, Damani T, Wickman TJ
65. Characterization of full-length CNBP expanded alleles in myotonic dystrophy type 2 patients by Cas9-mediated enrichment and nanopore sequencing.
2022 Aug 26
Alfano M(#), De Antoni L(#), Centofanti F
66. Mechanism of bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ) revealed by targeted removal of legacy bisphosphonate from jawbone using competing inert hydroxymethylene diphosphonate.
2022 Aug 26
Okawa H(#), Kondo T(#), Hokugo A
67. Structural insight on the mechanism of an electron-bifurcating [FeFe] hydrogenase.
2022 Aug 26
Furlan C(#), Chongdar N(#), Gupta P
68. Machine learning-assisted discovery of growth decision elements by relating bacterial population dynamics to environmental diversity.
2022 Aug 26
Aida H, Hashizume T, Ashino K
69. GJA1 depletion causes ciliary defects by affecting Rab11 trafficking to the ciliary base.
2022 Aug 25
Jang DG, Kwon KY, Kweon YC
70. Decomposing the role of alpha oscillations during brain maturation.
2022 Aug 25
Tröndle M, Popov T, Dziemian S
71. An improved organ explant culture method reveals stem cell lineage dynamics in the adult Drosophila intestine.
2022 Aug 25
Marchetti M, Zhang C, Edgar BA.
72. A mosaic-type trimeric RBD-based COVID-19 vaccine candidate induces potent neutralization against Omicron and other SARS-CoV-2 variants.
2022 Aug 25
Zhang J(#), Han ZB(#), Liang Y
73. In situ single particle classification reveals distinct 60S maturation intermediates in cells.
2022 Aug 25
Lucas BA, Zhang K, Loerch S
74. Photoreceptors generate neuronal diversity in their target field through a Hedgehog morphogen gradient in Drosophila.
2022 Aug 25
Bostock MP, Prasad AR, Donoghue A
75. Developmental stage-specific spontaneous activity contributes to callosal axon projections.
2022 Aug 24
Tezuka Y(#), Hagihara KM(#), Ohki K
76. An amphipathic helix in Brl1 is required for nuclear pore complex biogenesis in S. cerevisiae.
2022 Aug 24
Kralt A(#), Wojtynek M(#), Fischer JS(#)
77. Single-molecule analysis of the entire perfringolysin O pore formation pathway.
2022 Aug 24
McGuinness C(#), Walsh JC(#), Bayly-Jones C
78. Automated systematic evaluation of cryo-EM specimens with SmartScope.
2022 Aug 23
Bouvette J(#), Huang Q(#), Riccio AA
79. Identification of putative enhancer-like elements predicts regulatory networks active in planarian adult stem cells.
2022 Aug 23
Neiro J, Sridhar D, Dattani A
80. Polycomb-mediated repression of paternal chromosomes maintains haploid dosage in diploid embryos of Marchantia.
2022 Aug 23
Montgomery SA, Hisanaga T, Wang N
81. Interleukin-33 regulates the endoplasmic reticulum stress of human myometrium via an influx of calcium during initiation of labor.
2022 Aug 23
Chen L(#), Song Z(#), Cao X(#)
82. How splicing confers treatment resistance in prostate cancer.
2022 Aug 23
Konda P, Viswanathan SR.
83. Species-specific chromatin landscape determines how transposable elements shape genome evolution.
2022 Aug 23
Huang Y, Shukla H, Lee YCG.
84. β-cell deletion of the PKm1 and PKm2 isoforms of pyruvate kinase in mice reveals their essential role as nutrient sensors for the K(ATP) channel.
2022 Aug 23
Foster HR, Ho T, Potapenko E
85. BehaviorDEPOT is a simple, flexible tool for automated behavioral detection based on markerless pose tracking.
2022 Aug 23
Gabriel CJ, Zeidler Z, Jin B
86. Satellite glia modulate sympathetic neuron survival, activity, and autonomic function.
2022 Aug 23
Mapps AA, Boehm E, Beier C
87. Alternation emerges as a multi-modal strategy for turbulent odor navigation.
2022 Aug 23
Rigolli N(#), Reddy G(#), Seminara A
88. Rate and oscillatory switching dynamics of a multilayer visual microcircuit model.
2022 Aug 22
Hahn G, Kumar A, Schmidt H
89. Dendritic cell Piezo1 directs the differentiation of T(H)1 and T(reg) cells in cancer.
2022 Aug 22
Wang Y(#), Yang H(#), Jia A(#)
90. Botulinum neurotoxin accurately separates tonic vs. phasic transmission and reveals heterosynaptic plasticity rules in Drosophila.
2022 Aug 22
Han Y, Chien C, Goel P
91. Experience-driven rate modulation is reinstated during hippocampal replay.
2022 Aug 22
Tirole M(#), Huelin Gorriz M(#), Takigawa M
92. Having an abortion during your PhD.
2022 Aug 22
Smythers A.
93. A regeneration-triggered metabolic adaptation is necessary for cell identity transitions and cell cycle re-entry to support blastema formation and bone regeneration.
2022 Aug 22
Brandão AS, Borbinha J, Pereira T
94. Microglia orchestrate neuroinflammation.
2022 Aug 22
Feldman RA.
95. Epac2 in midbrain dopamine neurons contributes to cocaine reinforcement via enhancement of dopamine release.
2022 Aug 22
Liu X, Vickstrom CR, Yu H
96. Genomic epidemiology of the first two waves of SARS-CoV-2 in Canada.
2022 Aug 2
McLaughlin A, Montoya V, Miller RL
97. A paternal bias in germline mutation is widespread in amniotes and can arise independently of cell division numbers.
2022 Aug 2
de Manuel M(#), Wu FL(#), Przeworski M.
98. Glutamine metabolism modulates chondrocyte inflammatory response.
2022 Aug 2
Arra M, Swarnkar G, Adapala NS
99. Focal seizures are organized by feedback between neural activity and ion concentration changes.
2022 Aug 2
Gentiletti D, de Curtis M, Gnatkovsky V
100. Integrated analyses of growth differentiation factor-15 concentration and cardiometabolic diseases in humans.
2022 Aug 2
Lemmelä S(#), Wigmore EM(#), Benner C
101. Artificial selection methods from evolutionary computing show promise for directed evolution of microbes.
2022 Aug 2
Lalejini A, Dolson E, Vostinar AE
102. Disruption in structural-functional network repertoire and time-resolved subcortical fronto-temporoparietal connectivity in disorders of consciousness.
2022 Aug 2
Panda R, Thibaut A, Lopez-Gonzalez A
103. HLJ1 amplifies endotoxin-induced sepsis severity by promoting IL-12 heterodimerization in macrophages.
2022 Aug 19
Luo WJ, Yu SL, Chang CC
104. Global variation in force-of-infection trends for human Taenia solium taeniasis/cysticercosis.
2022 Aug 19
Dixon MA, Winskill P, Harrison WE
105. Data-driven causal analysis of observational biological time series.
2022 Aug 19
Yuan AE, Shou W.
106. EHMT2 methyltransferase governs cell identity in the lung and is required for KRAS (G12D) tumor development and propagation.
2022 Aug 19
Pribluda A, Daemen A, Lima AN
107. Shining a light on hematopoietic stem cells.
2022 Aug 19
Schmidt A.
108. Molecular dissection of condensin II-mediated chromosome assembly using in vitro assays.
2022 Aug 19
Yoshida MM, Kinoshita K, Aizawa Y
109. Audiovisual task switching rapidly modulates sound encoding in mouse auditory cortex.
2022 Aug 18
Morrill RJ, Bigelow J, DeKloe J
110. Structure of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Cya, an evolutionary ancestor of the mammalian membrane adenylyl cyclases.
2022 Aug 18
Mehta V(#), Khanppnavar B(#), Schuster D
111. Artificially stimulating retrotransposon activity increases mortality and accelerates a subset of aging phenotypes in Drosophila.
2022 Aug 18
Rigal J, Martin Anduaga A, Bitman E
112. Double NPY motifs at the N-terminus of the yeast t-SNARE Sso2 synergistically bind Sec3 to promote membrane fusion.
2022 Aug 18
Peer M, Yuan H(#), Zhang Y(#)
113. Temporal and thermal profiling of the Toxoplasma proteome implicates parasite Protein Phosphatase 1 in the regulation of Ca(2+)-responsive pathways.
2022 Aug 17
Herneisen AL, Li ZH, Chan AW
114. Innate immune signaling in trophoblast and decidua organoids defines differential antiviral defenses at the maternal-fetal interface.
2022 Aug 17
Yang L, Semmes EC, Ovies C
115. The proportion of randomized controlled trials that inform clinical practice.
2022 Aug 17
Hutchinson N, Moyer H, Zarin DA
116. Defining hierarchical protein interaction networks from spectral analysis of bacterial proteomes.
2022 Aug 17
Zaydman MA(#), Little AS, Haro F
117. Aminomethanesulfonic acid illuminates the boundary between full and partial agonists of the pentameric glycine receptor.
2022 Aug 17
Ivica J(#), Zhu H(#), Lape R
118. Detecting molecular interactions in live-cell single-molecule imaging with proximity-assisted photoactivation (PAPA).
2022 Aug 17
Graham TGW, Ferrie JJ, Dailey GM
119. DetecDiv, a generalist deep-learning platform for automated cell division tracking and survival analysis.
2022 Aug 17
Aspert T, Hentsch D, Charvin G.
120. An increase of inhibition drives the developmental decorrelation of neural activity.
2022 Aug 17
Chini M, Pfeffer T, Hanganu-Opatz I.
121. Value representations in the rodent orbitofrontal cortex drive learning, not choice.
2022 Aug 17
Miller KJ, Botvinick MM, Brody CD.
122. Membrane-mediated dimerization potentiates PIP5K lipid kinase activity.
2022 Aug 17
Hansen SD, Lee AA, Duewell BR
123. PI3K signaling specifies proximal-distal fate by driving a developmental gene regulatory network in SOX9+ mouse lung progenitors.
2022 Aug 17
Khattar D(#), Fernandes S(#), Snowball J
124. Biphasic regulation of osteoblast development via the ERK MAPK-mTOR pathway.
2022 Aug 17
Kim JM, Yang YS, Hong J
125. Tradeoff breaking as a model of evolutionary transitions in individuality and limits of the fitness-decoupling metaphor.
2022 Aug 17
Bourrat P(#), Doulcier G(#), Rose CJ
126. Neuroinflammation in neuronopathic Gaucher disease: Role of microglia and NK cells, biomarkers, and response to substrate reduction therapy.
2022 Aug 16
Boddupalli CS(#), Nair S(#), Belinsky G
127. Effects of side-effect risk framing strategies on COVID-19 vaccine intentions: a randomized controlled trial.
2022 Aug 16
Sudharsanan N, Favaretti C, Hachaturyan V
128. Inhibition of itch by neurokinin 1 receptor (Tacr1) -expressing ON cells in the rostral ventromedial medulla in mice.
2022 Aug 16
Follansbee T, Domocos D, Nguyen E
129. Zika virus causes placental pyroptosis and associated adverse fetal outcomes by activating GSDME.
2022 Aug 16
Zhao Z, Li Q, Ashraf U
130. Mutual interaction between visual homeostatic plasticity and sleep in adult humans.
2022 Aug 16
Menicucci D, Lunghi C, Zaccaro A
131. Seizures, behavioral deficits, and adverse drug responses in two new genetic mouse models of HCN1 epileptic encephalopathy.
2022 Aug 16
Merseburg A, Kasemir J, Buss EW
132. Earliest evidence for fruit consumption and potential seed dispersal by birds.
2022 Aug 16
Hu H, Wang Y, McDonald PG
133. MKK6 deficiency promotes cardiac dysfunction through MKK3-p38γ/δ-mTOR hyperactivation.
2022 Aug 16
Romero-Becerra R, Mora A, Manieri E
134. PLK4 drives centriole amplification and apical surface area expansion in multiciliated cells.
2022 Aug 15
LoMastro GM, Drown CG, Maryniak AL
135. PH domain-mediated autoinhibition and oncogenic activation of Akt.
2022 Aug 15
Bae H(#), Viennet T(#), Park E
136. Tissue-specific modifier alleles determine Mertk loss-of-function traits.
2022 Aug 15
Akalu YT(#), Mercau ME(#), Ansems M
137. Local field potentials reflect cortical population dynamics in a region-specific and frequency-dependent manner.
2022 Aug 15
Gallego-Carracedo C, Perich MG, Chowdhury RH
138. TRPV1 drugs alter core body temperature via central projections of primary afferent sensory neurons.
2022 Aug 15
Yue WWS, Yuan L, Braz JM
139. Understanding implicit sensorimotor adaptation as a process of proprioceptive re-alignment.
2022 Aug 15
Tsay JS, Kim H, Haith AM
140. Transcriptional heterogeneity and cell cycle regulation as central determinants of Primitive Endoderm priming.
2022 Aug 15
Perera M, Nissen SB, Proks M
141. Structures of topoisomerase V in complex with DNA reveal unusual DNA-binding mode and novel relaxation mechanism.
2022 Aug 15
Osterman A, Mondragón A.
142. Feedback between a retinoid-related nuclear receptor and the let-7 microRNAs controls the pace and number of molting cycles in C. elegans.
2022 Aug 15
Patel R(#), Galagali H(#), Kim JK
143. STAG2 promotes the myelination transcriptional program in oligodendrocytes.
2022 Aug 12
Cheng N, Li G, Kanchwala M
144. Inflammatory stress signaling via NF-kB alters accessible cholesterol to upregulate SREBP2 transcriptional activity in endothelial cells.
2022 Aug 12
Fowler JWM, Zhang R, Tao B
145. Learning to predict target location with turbulent odor plumes.
2022 Aug 12
Rigolli N, Magnoli N, Rosasco L
146. Generation of functional hepatocytes by forward programming with nuclear receptors.
2022 Aug 12
Tomaz RA, Zacharis ED, Bachinger F
147. Integrative small and long RNA omics analysis of human healing and nonhealing wounds discovers cooperating microRNAs as therapeutic targets.
2022 Aug 12
Liu Z(#), Zhang L(#), Toma MA
148. Information flows from hippocampus to auditory cortex during replay of verbal working memory items.
2022 Aug 12
Dimakopoulos V, Mégevand P, Stieglitz LH
149. Closely related type II-C Cas9 orthologs recognize diverse PAMs.
2022 Aug 12
Wei J, Hou L, Liu J
150. Multi-step recognition of potential 5' splice sites by the Saccharomyces cerevisiae U1 snRNP.
2022 Aug 12
Hansen SR, White DS, Scalf M
151. Th2 single-cell heterogeneity and clonal distribution at distant sites in helminth-infected mice.
2022 Aug 11
Radtke D, Thuma N, Schülein C
152. Parallel processing, hierarchical transformations, and sensorimotor associations along the 'where' pathway.
2022 Aug 11
Doudlah R(#), Chang TY(#), Thompson LW
153. Teaming up to make kombucha.
2022 Aug 11
Ponomarova O.
154. A systematic, complexity-reduction approach to dissect the kombucha tea microbiome.
2022 Aug 11
Huang X, Xin Y, Lu T.
155. Circadian oscillations in Trichoderma atroviride and the role of core clock components in secondary metabolism, development, and mycoparasitism against the phytopathogen Botrytis cinerea.
2022 Aug 11
Henríquez-Urrutia M, Spanner R, Olivares-Yánez C
156. Soluble MAC is primarily released from MAC-resistant bacteria that potently convert complement component C5.
2022 Aug 10
Doorduijn DJ, Lukassen MV, van 't Wout MFL
157. Microscopic colitis: Etiopathology, diagnosis, and rational management.
2022 Aug 1
Nielsen OH, Fernandez-Banares F, Sato T
158. The unmitigated profile of COVID-19 infectiousness.
2022 Aug 1
Sender R(#), Bar-On Y(#), Park SW
159. Hypoxia-induced proteasomal degradation of DBC1 by SIAH2 in breast cancer progression.
2022 Aug 1
Liu Q, Luo Q, Feng J
160. Enteroendocrine cell types that drive food reward and aversion.
2022 Aug 1
Bai L, Sivakumar N, Yu S
161. Evolution of multiple omics approaches to define pathophysiology of pediatric acute respiratory distress syndrome.
2022 Aug 1
Whitney JE, Lee IH, Lee JW
162. Prolonged β-adrenergic stimulation disperses ryanodine receptor clusters in cardiomyocytes and has implications for heart failure.
2022 Aug 1
Shen X, van den Brink J, Bergan-Dahl A
163. Mechanism of the cadherin-catenin F-actin catch bond interaction.
2022 Aug 1
Wang A, Dunn AR, Weis WI.
164. Structure-activity relationships of mitochondria-targeted tetrapeptide pharmacological compounds.
2022 Aug 1
Mitchell W, Tamucci JD, Ng EL
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