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2021 May (154)
2021 Apr (172)
2021 Mar (210)
2021 Feb (166)
2021 Jan (155)
1. Endogenous Syngap1 alpha splice forms promote cognitive function and seizure protection.
2022 Apr 8
Kilinc M, Arora V, Creson TK
2. Efficient differentiation of human primordial germ cells through geometric control reveals a key role for Nodal signaling.
2022 Apr 8
Jo K, Teague S(#), Chen B(#)
3. Completion of neural crest cell production and emigration is regulated by retinoic-acid-dependent inhibition of BMP signaling.
2022 Apr 8
Rekler D, Kalcheim C.
4. Multi-omic rejuvenation of human cells by maturation phase transient reprogramming.
2022 Apr 8
Gill D, Parry A, Santos F
5. Agl24 is an ancient archaeal homolog of the eukaryotic N-glycan chitobiose synthesis enzymes.
2022 Apr 8
Meyer BH, Adam PS, Wagstaff BA
6. Schema representations in distinct brain networks support narrative memory during encoding and retrieval.
2022 Apr 8
Masís-Obando R, Norman KA, Baldassano C.
7. Generation of a CRF(1)-Cre transgenic rat and the role of central amygdala CRF(1) cells in nociception and anxiety-like behavior.
2022 Apr 7
Weera MM, Agoglia AE, Douglass E
8. Task-related hemodynamic responses in human early visual cortex are modulated by task difficulty and behavioral performance.
2022 Apr 7
Burlingham CS, Ryoo M, Roth ZN
9. Genetic loci and metabolic states associated with murine epigenetic aging.
2022 Apr 7
Mozhui K, Lu AT, Li CZ
10. Learning cortical representations through perturbed and adversarial dreaming.
2022 Apr 6
Deperrois N, Petrovici MA, Senn W(#)
11. Late-life fitness gains and reproductive death in Cardiocondyla obscurior ants.
2022 Apr 6
Jaimes-Nino LM, Heinze J, Oettler J.
12. Short-term plasticity in the human visual thalamus.
2022 Apr 6
Kurzawski JW, Lunghi C, Biagi L
13. Concerted modification of nucleotides at functional centers of the ribosome revealed by single-molecule RNA modification profiling.
2022 Apr 6
Bailey AD(#), Talkish J(#), Ding H
14. Acquisition of cellular properties during alveolar formation requires differential activity and distribution of mitochondria.
2022 Apr 6
Zhang K, Yao E, Chen B
15. Listeria monocytogenes requires cellular respiration for NAD(+) regeneration and pathogenesis.
2022 Apr 5
Rivera-Lugo R(#), Deng D(#), Anaya-Sanchez A
16. An Archaea-specific c-type cytochrome maturation machinery is crucial for methanogenesis in Methanosarcina acetivorans.
2022 Apr 5
Gupta D, Shalvarjian KE, Nayak DD.
17. Noisy metabolism can promote microbial cross-feeding.
2022 Apr 5
Lopez JG, Wingreen NS.
18. Reprogramming and redifferentiation of mucosal-associated invariant T cells reveal tumor inhibitory activity.
2022 Apr 5
Sugimoto C, Murakami Y, Ishii E
19. Putting the theory into 'burstlet theory' with a biophysical model of burstlets and bursts in the respiratory preBötzinger complex.
2022 Apr 5
Phillips RS, Rubin JE.
20. Quantifying chromosomal instability from intratumoral karyotype diversity using agent-based modeling and Bayesian inference.
2022 Apr 5
Lynch AR, Arp NL, Zhou AS
21. Evolving new ways to secure a mate.
2022 Apr 5
Lin X, Ren D.
22. Capturing intermediate filament networks.
2022 Apr 4
Coulombe PA.
23. Meta-research: justifying career disruption in funding applications, a survey of Australian researchers.
2022 Apr 4
Barnett A, Page K, Dyer C
24. Why both sides of the gender equation matter.
2022 Apr 4
Barrett LE.
25. Innervation modulates the functional connectivity between pancreatic endocrine cells.
2022 Apr 4
Yang YHC, Briant LJB, Raab CA
26. Precise in vivo functional analysis of DNA variants with base editing using ACEofBASEs target prediction.
2022 Apr 4
Cornean A(#), Gierten J(#), Welz B(#)
27. Pinpointing the tumor-specific T cells via TCR clusters.
2022 Apr 4
Goncharov MM, Bryushkova EA, Sharaev NI
28. DNA circles promote yeast ageing in part through stimulating the reorganization of nuclear pore complexes.
2022 Apr 4
Meinema AC(#), Marzelliusardottir A(#), Mirkovic M(#)
29. Epistatic selection on a selfish Segregation Distorter supergene - drive, recombination, and genetic load.
2022 Apr 29
Navarro-Dominguez B, Chang CH, Brand CL
30. VE-cadherin enables trophoblast endovascular invasion and spiral artery remodeling during placental development.
2022 Apr 29
Sung DC, Chen X, Chen M
31. Rate-limiting transport of positively charged arginine residues through the Sec-machinery is integral to the mechanism of protein secretion.
2022 Apr 29
Allen WJ, Corey RA, Watkins DW
32. Imaging of the pial arterial vasculature of the human brain in vivo using high-resolution 7T time-of-flight angiography.
2022 Apr 29
Bollmann S, Mattern H, Bernier M
33. Doublecortin engages the microtubule lattice through a cooperative binding mode involving its C-terminal domain.
2022 Apr 29
Rafiei A, Cruz Tetlalmatzi S, Edrington CH
34. The aging epigenome.
2022 Apr 28
Pierce BL.
35. Neuronal apoptosis drives remodeling states of microglia and shifts in survival pathway dependence.
2022 Apr 28
Anderson SR, Roberts JM, Ghena N
36. Promoting constructive feedback on preprints with the FAST principles.
2022 Apr 27
Franco Iborra S, Polka J, Puebla I.
37. Development and characterization of new tools for detecting poly(ADP-ribose) in vitro and in vivo.
2022 Apr 27
Challa S(#), Ryu KW(#), Whitaker AL
38. Mechanical stimulation promotes enthesis injury repair by mobilizing Prrx1(+) cells via ciliary TGF-β signaling.
2022 Apr 27
Xiao H, Zhang T, Li C
39. The interferon-inducible GTPase MxB promotes capsid disassembly and genome release of herpesviruses.
2022 Apr 27
Serrero MC, Girault V, Weigang S
40. The devil is in the task structure.
2022 Apr 27
Nafcha O, Hertz U.
41. Drosulfakinin signaling modulates female sexual receptivity in Drosophila.
2022 Apr 27
Wang T(#), Jing B(#), Deng B
42. Computational modeling of threat learning reveals links with anxiety and neuroanatomy in humans.
2022 Apr 27
Abend R(#), Burk D(#), Ruiz SG
43. The role of V3 neurons in speed-dependent interlimb coordination during locomotion in mice.
2022 Apr 27
Zhang H(#), Shevtsova NA(#), Deska-Gauthier D
44. Dopaminergic regulation of vestibulo-cerebellar circuits through unipolar brush cells.
2022 Apr 27
Canton-Josh JE, Qin J, Salvo J
45. Allosteric cooperation in β-lactam binding to a non-classical transpeptidase.
2022 Apr 27
Ahmad N(#), Dugad S(#), Chauhan V
46. Reconstitution of surface lipoprotein translocation through the Slam translocon.
2022 Apr 27
Huynh MS, Hooda Y, Li YR
47. Reorganization of postmitotic neuronal chromatin accessibility for maturation of serotonergic identity.
2022 Apr 26
Zhang XL(#), Spencer WC(#), Tabuchi N
48. Opioid analgesia alters corticospinal coupling along the descending pain system in healthy participants.
2022 Apr 26
Tinnermann A, Sprenger C(#), Büchel C(#).
49. Genetic variation in ALDH4A1 is associated with muscle health over the lifespan and across species.
2022 Apr 26
Villa O(#), Stuhr NL(#), Yen CA(#)
50. Neutrophil extracellular traps arm DC vaccination against NPM-mutant myeloproliferation.
2022 Apr 26
Tripodo C(#), Bassani B(#), Jachetti E
51. A transcriptomic atlas of Aedes aegypti reveals detailed functional organization of major body parts and gut regional specializations in sugar-fed and blood-fed adult females.
2022 Apr 26
Hixson B, Bing XL, Yang X
52. A bidirectional switch in the Shank3 phosphorylation state biases synapses toward up- or downscaling.
2022 Apr 26
Wu CH(#), Tatavarty V(#), Jean Beltran PM(#)
53. Analysis of rod/cone gap junctions from the reconstruction of mouse photoreceptor terminals.
2022 Apr 26
Ishibashi M, Keung J, Morgans CW
54. Inhibitory proteins block substrate access by occupying the active site cleft of Bacillus subtilis intramembrane protease SpoIVFB.
2022 Apr 26
Olenic S, Heo L, Feig M
55. Cohesin-dependence of neuronal gene expression relates to chromatin loop length.
2022 Apr 26
Calderon L(#), Weiss FD(#), Beagan JA(#)
56. Microtubule assembly by tau impairs endocytosis and neurotransmission via dynamin sequestration in Alzheimer's disease synapse model.
2022 Apr 26
Hori T, Eguchi K, Wang HY
57. Natural-gradient learning for spiking neurons.
2022 Apr 25
Kreutzer E, Senn W, Petrovici MA.
58. Activation of the EGFR/MAPK pathway drives transdifferentiation of quiescent niche cells to stem cells in the Drosophila testis niche.
2022 Apr 25
Greenspan LJ, de Cuevas M, Le KH
59. Retinoic acid-induced protein 14 controls dendritic spine dynamics associated with depressive-like behaviors.
2022 Apr 25
Kim SJ, Woo Y, Kim HJ
60. The organic cation transporter 2 regulates dopamine D1 receptor signaling at the Golgi apparatus.
2022 Apr 25
Puri NM, Romano GR, Lin TY
61. Flexible use of memory by food-caching birds.
2022 Apr 25
Applegate MC, Aronov D.
62. Cross-species analysis of LZTR1 loss-of-function mutants demonstrates dependency to RIT1 orthologs.
2022 Apr 25
Cuevas-Navarro A, Rodriguez-Muñoz L, Grego-Bessa J
63. OXPHOS deficiencies affect peroxisome proliferation by downregulating genes controlled by the SNF1 signaling pathway.
2022 Apr 25
Farre JC, Carolino K, Devanneaux L
64. Distinct representations of body and head motion are dynamically encoded by Purkinje cell populations in the macaque cerebellum.
2022 Apr 25
Zobeiri OA, Cullen KE.
65. Where functional MRI stops, metabolism starts.
2022 Apr 25
Frangou P, Clarke WT.
66. Zebrafish airinemes optimize their shape between ballistic and diffusive search.
2022 Apr 25
Park S(#), Kim H(#), Wang Y
67. A tRNA processing enzyme is a key regulator of the mitochondrial unfolded protein response.
2022 Apr 22
Held JP, Feng G, Saunders BR
68. Enhanced C/EBPβ function promotes hypertrophic versus hyperplastic fat tissue growth and prevents steatosis in response to high-fat diet feeding.
2022 Apr 22
Müller C(#), Zidek LM(#), Eichwald S
69. Oligogenic heterozygous inheritance of sperm abnormalities in mouse.
2022 Apr 22
Martinez G, Coutton C, Loeuillet C
70. Widespread nociceptive maps in the human neonatal somatosensory cortex.
2022 Apr 22
Jones L, Verriotis M, Cooper RJ
71. Role of YAP in early ectodermal specification and a Huntington's Disease model of human neurulation.
2022 Apr 22
Piccolo FM(#), Kastan NR(#), Haremaki T
72. Oxytocin neurons mediate the effect of social isolation via the VTA circuits.
2022 Apr 22
Musardo S, Contestabile A, Knoop M
73. Cerebellum encodes and influences the initiation, performance, and termination of discontinuous movements in mice.
2022 Apr 22
Gaffield MA, Sauerbrei BA, Christie JM.
74. A functional screen of RNA binding proteins identifies genes that promote or limit the accumulation of CD138+ plasma cells.
2022 Apr 22
Turner DJ, Saveliev A, Salerno F
75. A cryptic K48 ubiquitin chain binding site on UCH37 is required for its role in proteasomal degradation.
2022 Apr 22
Du J, Babik S, Li Y
76. Cryo-EM structure of the human somatostatin receptor 2 complex with its agonist somatostatin delineates the ligand-binding specificity.
2022 Apr 21
Heo Y(#), Yoon E(#), Jeon YE
77. Exploring the conformational diversity of proteins.
2022 Apr 21
Schlessinger A, Bonomi M.
78. Modeling the consequences of the dikaryotic life cycle of mushroom-forming fungi on genomic conflict.
2022 Apr 20
Auxier B, Czárán TL, Aanen DK.
79. A-type FHFs mediate resurgent currents through TTX-resistant voltage-gated sodium channels.
2022 Apr 20
Xiao Y, Theile JW, Zybura A
80. Invariant neural subspaces maintained by feedback modulation.
2022 Apr 20
Naumann LB, Keijser J, Sprekeler H.
81. Chemoreceptor co-expression in Drosophila melanogaster olfactory neurons.
2022 Apr 20
Task D, Lin CC, Vulpe A
82. Computed tomographic analysis of the dental system of three Jurassic ceratopsians and implications for the evolution of tooth replacement pattern and diet in early-diverging ceratopsians.
2022 Apr 20
Hu J, Forster CA, Xu X
83. Molecular determinants of complexin clamping and activation function.
2022 Apr 20
Bera M, Ramakrishnan S, Coleman J
84. Neocortical pyramidal neurons with axons emerging from dendrites are frequent in non-primates, but rare in monkey and human.
2022 Apr 20
Wahle P, Sobierajski E(#), Gasterstädt I(#)
85. Macrophage inflammation resolution requires CPEB4-directed offsetting of mRNA degradation.
2022 Apr 20
Suñer C(#), Sibilio A(#), Martín J
86. Selective inhibition reveals the regulatory function of DYRK2 in protein synthesis and calcium entry.
2022 Apr 19
Wei T(#), Wang J(#), Liang R(#)
87. Dithiothreitol causes toxicity in C. elegans by modulating the methionine-homocysteine cycle.
2022 Apr 19
G G, Singh J.
88. High and stable ATP levels prevent aberrant intracellular protein aggregation in yeast.
2022 Apr 19
Takaine M, Imamura H, Yoshida S.
89. Neural excursions from manifold structure explain patterns of learning during human sensorimotor adaptation.
2022 Apr 19
Areshenkoff C, Gale DJ, Standage D
90. MCMBP promotes the assembly of the MCM2-7 hetero-hexamer to ensure robust DNA replication in human cells.
2022 Apr 19
Saito Y, Santosa V, Ishiguro KI
91. Intracellular glycosyl hydrolase PslG shapes bacterial cell fate, signaling, and the biofilm development of Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
2022 Apr 19
Zhang J(#), Wu H(#), Wang D(#)
92. Air pollution particles hijack peroxidasin to disrupt immunosurveillance and promote lung cancer.
2022 Apr 19
Wang Z, Zhai Z, Chen C
93. Multi-omics insights into host-viral response and pathogenesis in Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever viruses for novel therapeutic target.
2022 Apr 19
Neogi U(#), Elaldi N(#), Appelberg S
94. Notch controls the cell cycle to define leader versus follower identities during collective cell migration.
2022 Apr 19
Alhashem Z, Feldner-Busztin D, Revell C
95. Deletion of Calsyntenin-3, an atypical cadherin, suppresses inhibitory synapses but increases excitatory parallel-fiber synapses in cerebellum.
2022 Apr 14
Liu Z, Jiang M, Liakath-Ali K
96. Long-range migration of centrioles to the apical surface of the olfactory epithelium.
2022 Apr 14
Ching K(#), Wang JT(#), Stearns T.
97. Probing the segregation of evoked and spontaneous neurotransmission via photobleaching and recovery of a fluorescent glutamate sensor.
2022 Apr 14
Wang CS, Chanaday NL, Monteggia LM
98. Hippocampal-hypothalamic circuit controls context-dependent innate defensive responses.
2022 Apr 14
Bang JY, Sunstrum JK, Garand D
99. Measurements and simulations of microtubule growth imply strong longitudinal interactions and reveal a role for GDP on the elongating end.
2022 Apr 14
Cleary JM, Kim T, Cook ASI
100. Neuronal origins of reduced accuracy and biases in economic choices under sequential offers.
2022 Apr 13
Shi W, Ballesta S, Padoa-Schioppa C.
101. Autoinhibition and regulation by phosphoinositides of ATP8B1, a human lipid flippase associated with intrahepatic cholestatic disorders.
2022 Apr 13
Dieudonné T, Herrera SA(#), Laursen MJ(#)
102. Free spermidine evokes superoxide radicals that manifest toxicity.
2022 Apr 13
Kumar V(#), Mishra RK(#), Ghose D
103. Aspirin's effect on kinetic parameters of cells contributes to its role in reducing incidence of advanced colorectal adenomas, shown by a multiscale computational study.
2022 Apr 13
Wang Y, Boland CR, Goel A
104. Independent and interacting value systems for reward and information in the human brain.
2022 Apr 13
Cogliati Dezza I, Cleeremans A, Alexander WH.
105. A point mutation in the nucleotide exchange factor eIF2B constitutively activates the integrated stress response by allosteric modulation.
2022 Apr 13
Boone M(#), Wang L(#), Lawrence RE
106. Windborne migration amplifies insect-mediated pollination services.
2022 Apr 13
Jia H, Liu Y, Li X
107. Genetic variation of putative myokine signaling is dominated by biological sex and sex hormones.
2022 Apr 13
Velez LM(#), Van C(#), Moore T
108. Protection of nascent DNA at stalled replication forks is mediated by phosphorylation of RIF1 intrinsically disordered region.
2022 Apr 13
Balasubramanian S(#), Andreani M(#), Andrade JG
109. Drosophila TRPγ is required in neuroendocrine cells for post-ingestive food selection.
2022 Apr 13
Dhakal S(#), Ren Q(#), Liu J(#)
110. A mechano-osmotic feedback couples cell volume to the rate of cell deformation.
2022 Apr 13
Venkova L, Vishen AS, Lembo S
111. When dreams don't come true.
2022 Apr 13
Dumitrescu A.
112. Condensation of Ede1 promotes the initiation of endocytosis.
2022 Apr 12
Kozak M, Kaksonen M.
113. A conditional gene-based association framework integrating isoform-level eQTL data reveals new susceptibility genes for schizophrenia.
2022 Apr 12
Li X(#), Jiang L(#), Xue C
114. Effects of mango and mint pod-based e-cigarette aerosol inhalation on inflammatory states of the brain, lung, heart, and colon in mice.
2022 Apr 12
Moshensky A(#), Brand CS(#), Alhaddad H(#)
115. Competition for fluctuating resources reproduces statistics of species abundance over time across wide-ranging microbiotas.
2022 Apr 11
Ho PY, Good BH, Huang KC.
116. A B-cell actomyosin arc network couples integrin co-stimulation to mechanical force-dependent immune synapse formation.
2022 Apr 11
Wang JC, Yim YI, Wu X
117. Humans actively sample evidence to support prior beliefs.
2022 Apr 11
Kaanders P, Sepulveda P, Folke T
118. Structural basis for the absence of low-energy chlorophylls in a photosystem I trimer from Gloeobacter violaceus.
2022 Apr 11
Kato K(#), Hamaguchi T(#), Nagao R(#)
119. Young domestic chicks spontaneously represent the absence of objects.
2022 Apr 11
Szabó E, Chiandetti C, Téglás E
120. Unbiased proteomics, histochemistry, and mitochondrial DNA copy number reveal better mitochondrial health in muscle of high-functioning octogenarians.
2022 Apr 11
Ubaida-Mohien C, Spendiff S, Lyashkov A
121. Characterization of convergent thickening, a major convergence force producing morphogenic movement in amphibians.
2022 Apr 11
Shook DR, Wen JWH, Rolo A
122. Cell-state transitions and collective cell movement generate an endoderm-like region in gastruloids.
2022 Apr 11
Hashmi A, Tlili S, Perrin P
123. Contingency and selection in mitochondrial genome dynamics.
2022 Apr 11
Nunn CJ, Goyal S.
124. The peroxisomal exportomer directly inhibits phosphoactivation of the pexophagy receptor Atg36 to suppress pexophagy in yeast.
2022 Apr 11
Yu H(#), Kamber RA(#), Denic V.
125. A frameshift in time.
2022 Apr 11
Yordanova MM, Baranov PV.
126. Evolution of binding preferences among whole-genome duplicated transcription factors.
2022 Apr 11
Gera T(#), Jonas F(#), More R
127. Automated, high-dimensional evaluation of physiological aging and resilience in outbred mice.
2022 Apr 11
Chen Z, Raj A, Prateek GV
128. Synthetic reconstruction of the hunchback promoter specifies the role of Bicoid, Zelda and Hunchback in the dynamics of its transcription.
2022 Apr 1
Fernandes G(#), Tran H(#), Andrieu M
129. An auxin-inducible, GAL4-compatible, gene expression system for Drosophila.
2022 Apr 1
McClure CD(#), Hassan A(#), Aughey GN
130. A dynamic clamp protocol to artificially modify cell capacitance.
2022 Apr 1
Pfeiffer P, Barreda Tomás FJ, Wu J
131. An incentive circuit for memory dynamics in the mushroom body of Drosophila melanogaster.
2022 Apr 1
Gkanias E, McCurdy LY, Nitabach MN
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