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2023 Sep (16)
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2021 Sep (195)
2021 Aug (169)
2021 Jul (206)
2021 Jun (183)
2021 May (154)
2021 Apr (172)
2021 Mar (210)
2021 Feb (166)
2021 Jan (155)
1. Enhanced Cas12a multi-gene regulation using a CRISPR array separator.
2021 Sep 9
Magnusson JP, Rios AR, Wu L
2. How infectious diseases arrived in the colonial Americas.
2021 Sep 9
Pimenoff VN, Houldcroft CJ.
3. Neuronal calmodulin levels are controlled by CAMTA transcription factors.
2021 Sep 9
Vuong-Brender TT(#), Flynn S(#), Vallis Y
4. The corticospinal tract primarily modulates sensory inputs in the mouse lumbar cord.
2021 Sep 9
Moreno-Lopez Y(#), Bichara C(#), Delbecq G
5. The amyloid precursor protein is a conserved Wnt receptor.
2021 Sep 9
Liu T, Zhang T, Nicolas M
6. Finding the right sequence of drugs.
2021 Sep 9
Huynh A, Wood KB.
7. Lipid droplets and ferritin heavy chain: a devilish liaison in human cancer cell radioresistance.
2021 Sep 9
Tirinato L(#), Marafioti MG(#), Pagliari F(#)
8. Witnessing the structural evolution of an RNA enzyme.
2021 Sep 9
Portillo X, Huang YT, Breaker RR
9. Structural basis for diguanylate cyclase activation by its binding partner in Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
2021 Sep 9
Chen G(#), Zhou J(#), Zuo Y
10. Misic, a general deep learning-based method for the high-throughput cell segmentation of complex bacterial communities.
2021 Sep 9
Panigrahi S, Murat D, Le Gall A
11. Sex-specific pubertal and metabolic regulation of Kiss1 neurons via Nhlh2.
2021 Sep 8
Leon S(#), Talbi R(#), McCarthy EA
12. Telomere length is associated with growth in children in rural Bangladesh.
2021 Sep 8
Lin A, Mertens AN, Arnold BF
13. Multicolor fluorescence fluctuation spectroscopy in living cells via spectral detection.
2021 Sep 8
Dunsing V, Petrich A, Chiantia S.
14. Activity-dependent modulation of synapse-regulating genes in astrocytes.
2021 Sep 8
Farhy-Tselnicker I, Boisvert MM, Liu H
15. The interplay of RNA:DNA hybrid structure and G-quadruplexes determines the outcome of R-loop-replisome collisions.
2021 Sep 8
Kumar C, Batra S, Griffith JD
16. ACLY ubiquitination by CUL3-KLHL25 induces the reprogramming of fatty acid metabolism to facilitate iTreg differentiation.
2021 Sep 7
Tian M(#), Hao F(#), Jin X
17. Endothelial pannexin 1-TRPV4 channel signaling lowers pulmonary arterial pressure in mice.
2021 Sep 7
Daneva Z, Ottolini M, Chen YL
18. Activity-dependent regulation of mitochondrial motility in developing cortical dendrites.
2021 Sep 7
Silva CA, Yalnizyan-Carson A, Fernández Busch MV
19. Distributed functions of prefrontal and parietal cortices during sequential categorical decisions.
2021 Sep 7
Zhou Y(#), Rosen MC(#), Swaminathan SK
20. β-hydroxybutyrate accumulates in the rat heart during low-flow ischaemia with implications for functional recovery.
2021 Sep 7
Lindsay RT, Dieckmann S, Krzyzanska D
21. The cooperative binding of TDP-43 to GU-rich RNA repeats antagonizes TDP-43 aggregation.
2021 Sep 7
Rengifo-Gonzalez JC, El Hage K, Clément MJ
22. Ancient role of sulfakinin/cholecystokinin-type signalling in inhibitory regulation of feeding processes revealed in an echinoderm.
2021 Sep 7
Tinoco AB(#), Barreiro-Iglesias A(#), Yañez Guerra LA(#)
23. A universal pocket in fatty acyl-AMP ligases ensures redirection of fatty acid pool away from coenzyme A-based activation.
2021 Sep 7
Patil GS(#), Kinatukara P(#), Mondal S
24. Separable neural signatures of confidence during perceptual decisions.
2021 Sep 7
Balsdon T, Mamassian P(#), Wyart V(#).
25. The evolution of strategy in bacterial warfare via the regulation of bacteriocins and antibiotics.
2021 Sep 7
Niehus R, Oliveira NM, Li A
26. Vision, challenges and opportunities for a Plant Cell Atlas.
2021 Sep 7
Plant Cell Atlas Consortium; Jha SG(#), Borowsky AT(#), Cole BJ(#)
27. Binding affinity landscapes constrain the evolution of broadly neutralizing anti-influenza antibodies.
2021 Sep 7
Phillips AM(#), Lawrence KR(#), Moulana A
28. Gut bacterial aggregates as living gels.
2021 Sep 7
Schlomann BH, Parthasarathy R.
29. A simple regulatory architecture allows learning the statistical structure of a changing environment.
2021 Sep 7
Landmann S, Holmes CM, Tikhonov M.
30. Structural variability and concerted motions of the T cell receptor - CD3 complex.
2021 Sep 7
Pandey PR, Różycki B, Lipowsky R
31. Evolution of cytokine production capacity in ancient and modern European populations.
2021 Sep 7
Domínguez-Andrés J(#), Kuijpers Y(#), Bakker OB
32. Integrated evaluation of telomerase activation and telomere maintenance across cancer cell lines.
2021 Sep 6
Hu K, Ghandi M, Huang FW.
33. Modelling the impact of decidual senescence on embryo implantation in human endometrial assembloids.
2021 Sep 6
Rawlings TM, Makwana K, Taylor DM
34. Structure and dynamics of the chromatin remodeler ALC1 bound to a PARylated nucleosome.
2021 Sep 6
Bacic L(#), Gaullier G(#), Sabantsev A
35. Motor planning under uncertainty.
2021 Sep 6
Alhussein L, Smith MA.
36. HspB8 prevents aberrant phase transitions of FUS by chaperoning its folded RNA-binding domain.
2021 Sep 6
Boczek EE(#), Fürsch J(#), Niedermeier ML
37. Information content differentiates enhancers from silencers in mouse photoreceptors.
2021 Sep 6
Friedman RZ, Granas DM, Myers CA
38. Aorta smooth muscle-on-a-chip reveals impaired mitochondrial dynamics as a therapeutic target for aortic aneurysm in bicuspid aortic valve disease.
2021 Sep 6
Abudupataer M, Zhu S, Yan S
39. Principles of mRNA targeting via the Arabidopsis m(6)A-binding protein ECT2.
2021 Sep 30
Arribas-Hernández L(#), Rennie S(#), Köster T
40. A MET-PTPRK kinase-phosphatase rheostat controls ZNRF3 and Wnt signaling.
2021 Sep 30
Kim M, Reinhard C, Niehrs C.
41. First-principles model of optimal translation factors stoichiometry.
2021 Sep 30
Lalanne JB, Li GW.
42. Adult stem cells and niche cells segregate gradually from common precursors that build the adult Drosophila ovary during pupal development.
2021 Sep 30
Reilein A(#), Kogan HV(#), Misner R
43. The YTHDF proteins ECT2 and ECT3 bind largely overlapping target sets and influence target mRNA abundance, not alternative polyadenylation.
2021 Sep 30
Arribas-Hernández L, Rennie S, Schon M
44. Mutational analysis to explore long-range allosteric couplings involved in a pentameric channel receptor pre-activation and activation.
2021 Sep 30
Lefebvre SN, Taly A, Menny A
45. The LRRK2 G2019S mutation alters astrocyte-to-neuron communication via extracellular vesicles and induces neuron atrophy in a human iPSC-derived model of Parkinson's disease.
2021 Sep 30
de Rus Jacquet A, Tancredi JL, Lemire AL
46. Adaptation and compensation in a bacterial gene regulatory network evolving under antibiotic selection.
2021 Sep 30
Patel V, Matange N.
47. Members of the ELMOD protein family specify formation of distinct aperture domains on the Arabidopsis pollen surface.
2021 Sep 30
Zhou Y, Amom P, Reeder SH
48. Structure of mycobacterial CIII(2)CIV(2) respiratory supercomplex bound to the tuberculosis drug candidate telacebec (Q203).
2021 Sep 30
Yanofsky DJ(#), Di Trani JM(#), Król S
49. Localization of KRAS downstream target ARL4C to invasive pseudopods accelerates pancreatic cancer cell invasion.
2021 Sep 30
Harada A, Matsumoto S, Yasumizu Y
50. Neuronal regulated ire-1-dependent mRNA decay controls germline differentiation in Caenorhabditis elegans.
2021 Sep 3
Levi-Ferber M, Shalash R, Le-Thomas A
51. Concerted conformational dynamics and water movements in the ghrelin G protein-coupled receptor.
2021 Sep 3
Louet M, Casiraghi M, Damian M
52. Dual expression of Atoh1 and Ikzf2 promotes transformation of adult cochlear supporting cells into outer hair cells.
2021 Sep 3
Sun S(#), Li S(#), Luo Z(#)
53. Environmental fluctuations reshape an unexpected diversity-disturbance relationship in a microbial community.
2021 Sep 3
Mancuso CP, Lee H, Abreu CI
54. Functional independence of endogenous μ- and δ-opioid receptors co-expressed in cholinergic interneurons.
2021 Sep 3
Arttamangkul S, Platt EJ, Carroll J
55. Inequalities in the distribution of National Institutes of Health research project grant funding.
2021 Sep 3
Lauer MS, Roychowdhury D.
56. Heparin-binding motif mutations of human diamine oxidase allow the development of a first-in-class histamine-degrading biopharmaceutical.
2021 Sep 3
Gludovacz E, Schuetzenberger K, Resch M
57. LIN37-DREAM prevents DNA end resection and homologous recombination at DNA double-strand breaks in quiescent cells.
2021 Sep 3
Chen BR, Wang Y, Tubbs A
58. mRNA vaccination in people over 80 years of age induces strong humoral immune responses against SARS-CoV-2 with cross neutralization of P.1 Brazilian variant.
2021 Sep 29
Parry H, Tut G, Bruton R
59. Autonomous clocks that regulate organelle biogenesis, cytoskeletal organization, and intracellular dynamics.
2021 Sep 29
Mofatteh M, Echegaray-Iturra F, Alamban A
60. Profiling sensory neuron microenvironment after peripheral and central axon injury reveals key pathways for neural repair.
2021 Sep 29
Avraham O, Feng R, Ewan EE
61. Exposure to landscape fire smoke reduced birthweight in low- and middle-income countries: findings from a siblings-matched case-control study.
2021 Sep 29
Li J(#), Guan T(#), Guo Q(#)
62. Phosphorylation of luminal region of the SUN-domain protein Mps3 promotes nuclear envelope localization during meiosis.
2021 Sep 29
Prasada Rao HB, Sato T, Challa K
63. Competitive binding of MatP and topoisomerase IV to the MukB hinge domain.
2021 Sep 29
Fisher GL(#), Bolla JR(#), Rajasekar KV
64. Lying in a 3T MRI scanner induces neglect-like spatial attention bias.
2021 Sep 29
Lindner A(#), Wiesen D(#), Karnath HO(#).
65. 3'HS1 CTCF binding site in human β-globin locus regulates fetal hemoglobin expression.
2021 Sep 29
Himadewi P(#), Wang XQD(#), Feng F(#)
66. Quantitative proteomics reveals the selectivity of ubiquitin-binding autophagy receptors in the turnover of damaged lysosomes by lysophagy.
2021 Sep 29
Eapen VV(#), Swarup S(#), Hoyer MJ(#)
67. Pain or gain?
2021 Sep 29
Kalienkova V.
68. Predicting cancer risk based on family history.
2021 Sep 29
Jacobs MF.
69. Differentiation of mouse fetal lung alveolar progenitors in serum-free organotypic cultures.
2021 Sep 29
Gkatzis K(#), Panza P(#), Peruzzo S
70. A morphological transformation in respiratory syncytial virus leads to enhanced complement deposition.
2021 Sep 29
Kuppan JP(#), Mitrovich MD(#), Vahey MD.
71. APOE4 is associated with elevated blood lipids and lower levels of innate immune biomarkers in a tropical Amerindian subsistence population.
2021 Sep 29
Garcia AR, Finch C, Gatz M
72. Neural basis for regulation of vasopressin secretion by anticipated disturbances in osmolality.
2021 Sep 29
Kim A, Madara JC, Wu C
73. Total parasite biomass but not peripheral parasitaemia is associated with endothelial and haematological perturbations in Plasmodium vivax patients.
2021 Sep 29
Silva-Filho JL(#), Dos-Santos JC(#), Judice C
74. Mutation analysis links angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma to clonal hematopoiesis and smoking.
2021 Sep 29
Cheng S, Zhang W, Inghirami G
75. An open label randomized controlled trial of tamoxifen combined with amphotericin B and fluconazole for cryptococcal meningitis.
2021 Sep 28
Ngan NTT, Thanh Hoang Le N, Vi Vi NN
76. Tiled-ClickSeq for targeted sequencing of complete coronavirus genomes with simultaneous capture of RNA recombination and minority variants.
2021 Sep 28
Jaworski E, Langsjoen RM, Mitchell B
77. Age-dependent changes in protein incorporation into collagen-rich tissues of mice by in vivo pulsed SILAC labelling.
2021 Sep 28
Ariosa-Morejon Y, Santos A, Fischer R
78. Individual history of winning and hierarchy landscape influence stress susceptibility in mice.
2021 Sep 28
LeClair KB, Chan KL, Kaster MP
79. Deep evolutionary origin of gamete-directed zygote activation by KNOX/BELL transcription factors in green plants.
2021 Sep 28
Hisanaga T, Fujimoto S, Cui Y
80. Mechanically transduced immunosorbent assay to measure protein-protein interactions.
2021 Sep 28
Petell CJ, Randene K, Pappas M
81. Dietary nitrate supplementation prevents radiotherapy-induced xerostomia.
2021 Sep 28
Feng X(#), Wu Z(#), Xu J
82. PGFinder, a novel analysis pipeline for the consistent, reproducible, and high-resolution structural analysis of bacterial peptidoglycans.
2021 Sep 28
Patel AV, Turner RD, Rifflet A
83. Hippocampal replay of experience at real-world speeds.
2021 Sep 27
Denovellis EL, Gillespie AK, Coulter ME
84. Human embryo polarization requires PLC signaling to mediate trophectoderm specification.
2021 Sep 27
Zhu M, Shahbazi M(#), Martin A(#)
85. Characterization and prediction of clinical pathways of vulnerability to psychosis through graph signal processing.
2021 Sep 27
Sandini C, Zöller D, Schneider M
86. Quantifying the relationship between SARS-CoV-2 viral load and infectiousness.
2021 Sep 27
Marc A, Kerioui M, Blanquart F
87. A state space modeling approach to real-time phase estimation.
2021 Sep 27
Wodeyar A, Schatza M, Widge AS
88. Single-molecule imaging reveals the concerted release of myosin from regulated thin filaments.
2021 Sep 27
Smith QM(#), Inchingolo AV(#), Mihailescu MD
89. Convergent and divergent brain structural and functional abnormalities associated with developmental dyslexia.
2021 Sep 27
Yan X, Jiang K, Li H
90. Linking spatial self-organization to community assembly and biodiversity.
2021 Sep 27
Bera BK, Tzuk O, Bennett JJ
91. Spatiotemporal dynamics of PIEZO1 localization controls keratinocyte migration during wound healing.
2021 Sep 27
Holt JR, Zeng WZ(#), Evans EL(#)
92. Phase response analyses support a relaxation oscillator model of locomotor rhythm generation in Caenorhabditis elegans.
2021 Sep 27
Ji H(#), Fouad AD(#), Teng S
93. TRPM7 is critical for short-term synaptic depression by regulating synaptic vesicle endocytosis.
2021 Sep 27
Jiang ZJ(#), Li W(#), Yao LH
94. Conformational changes in twitchin kinase in vivo revealed by FRET imaging of freely moving C. elegans.
2021 Sep 27
Porto D, Matsunaga Y, Franke B
95. A parameter-free statistical test for neuronal responsiveness.
2021 Sep 27
Montijn JS, Seignette K, Howlett MH
96. ASIC1a is required for neuronal activation via low-intensity ultrasound stimulation in mouse brain.
2021 Sep 27
Lim J(#), Tai HH(#), Liao WH(#)
97. Myopalladin knockout mice develop cardiac dilation and show a maladaptive response to mechanical pressure overload.
2021 Sep 24
Filomena MC, Yamamoto DL, Carullo P
98. A promising platform for predicting toxicity.
2021 Sep 24
Ochoa de Olza M.
99. Integrin α5β1 nano-presentation regulates collective keratinocyte migration independent of substrate rigidity.
2021 Sep 23
Di Russo J, Young JL, Wegner JW
100. Common host variation drives malaria parasite fitness in healthy human red cells.
2021 Sep 23
Ebel ER, Kuypers FA, Lin C
101. Creating SPACE to evolve academic assessment.
2021 Sep 23
Schmidt R, Curry S, Hatch A.
102. Multiscale analysis reveals that diet-dependent midgut plasticity emerges from alterations in both stem cell niche coupling and enterocyte size.
2021 Sep 23
Bonfini A, Dobson AJ, Duneau D
103. Task-specific roles of local interneurons for inter- and intraglomerular signaling in the insect antennal lobe.
2021 Sep 23
Fusca D, Kloppenburg P.
104. Infection-exposure in infancy is associated with reduced allergy-related disease in later childhood in a Ugandan cohort.
2021 Sep 22
Lubyayi L, Mpairwe H, Nkurunungi G
105. Circadian regulation of vertebrate cone photoreceptor function.
2021 Sep 22
Zang J, Gesemann M, Keim J
106. Mapping the future for coral reefs.
2021 Sep 22
Bay LK, Howells EJ.
107. A zebrafish screen reveals Renin-angiotensin system inhibitors as neuroprotective via mitochondrial restoration in dopamine neurons.
2021 Sep 22
Kim GJ, Mo H, Liu H
108. Activity-dependent Golgi satellite formation in dendrites reshapes the neuronal surface glycoproteome.
2021 Sep 21
Govind AP(#), Jeyifous O(#), Russell TA
109. Impaired mRNA splicing and proteostasis in preadipocytes in obesity-related metabolic disease.
2021 Sep 21
Sánchez-Ceinos J, Guzmán-Ruiz R, Rangel-Zúñiga OA
110. Evolution of pathogen tolerance and emerging infections: A missing experimental paradigm.
2021 Sep 21
Seal S, Dharmarajan G, Khan I.
111. The cell adhesion molecule Sdk1 shapes assembly of a retinal circuit that detects localized edges.
2021 Sep 21
Rochon PL, Theriault C, Rangel Olguin AG
112. Fine-tuned repression of Drp1-driven mitochondrial fission primes a 'stem/progenitor-like state' to support neoplastic transformation.
2021 Sep 21
Spurlock B, Parker D, Basu MK
113. Variation in human herpesvirus 6B telomeric integration, excision, and transmission between tissues and individuals.
2021 Sep 21
Wood ML, Veal CD, Neumann R
114. Stretching of the retinal pigment epithelium contributes to zebrafish optic cup morphogenesis.
2021 Sep 21
Moreno-Mármol T, Ledesma-Terrón M, Tabanera N
115. Metformin alleviates stress-induced cellular senescence of aging human adipose stromal cells and the ensuing adipocyte dysfunction.
2021 Sep 21
Le Pelletier L(#), Mantecon M(#), Gorwood J
116. Synaptotagmin 7 is targeted to the axonal plasma membrane through γ-secretase processing to promote synaptic vesicle docking in mouse hippocampal neurons.
2021 Sep 20
Vevea JD, Kusick GF, Courtney KC
117. Diverse inhibitory projections from the cerebellar interposed nucleus.
2021 Sep 20
Judd EN, Lewis SM, Person AL.
118. Temporo-cerebellar connectivity underlies timing constraints in audition.
2021 Sep 20
Stockert A, Schwartze M, Poeppel D
119. Evolutionary dynamics of circular RNAs in primates.
2021 Sep 20
Santos-Rodriguez G, Voineagu I, Weatheritt RJ.
120. SMA-miRs (miR-181a-5p, -324-5p, and -451a) are overexpressed in spinal muscular atrophy skeletal muscle and serum samples.
2021 Sep 20
Abiusi E(#), Infante P(#), Cagnoli C
121. Vaccination induces rapid protection against bacterial pneumonia via training alveolar macrophage in mice.
2021 Sep 20
Gu H(#), Zeng X(#), Peng L
122. Developmental change in prefrontal cortex recruitment supports the emergence of value-guided memory.
2021 Sep 20
Nussenbaum K, Hartley CA.
123. Social-like responses are inducible in asocial Mexican cavefish despite the exhibition of strong repetitive behavior.
2021 Sep 20
Iwashita M, Yoshizawa M.
124. Maturation of Purkinje cell firing properties relies on neurogenesis of excitatory neurons.
2021 Sep 20
van der Heijden ME, Lackey EP, Perez R
125. Circular RNA repertoires are associated with evolutionarily young transposable elements.
2021 Sep 20
Gruhl F, Janich P, Kaessmann H
126. Condensation tendency and planar isotropic actin gradient induce radial alignment in confined monolayers.
2021 Sep 20
Xie T(#), St Pierre SR(#), Olaranont N(#)
127. Glycolytic preconditioning in astrocytes mitigates trauma-induced neurodegeneration.
2021 Sep 2
Solano Fonseca R, Metang P, Egge N
128. Muscle-specific economy of force generation and efficiency of work production during human running.
2021 Sep 2
Bohm S, Mersmann F, Santuz A
129. Tissue environment, not ontogeny, defines murine intestinal intraepithelial T lymphocytes.
2021 Sep 2
Brenes AJ(#), Vandereyken M(#), James OJ
130. Modeling spinal locomotor circuits for movements in developing zebrafish.
2021 Sep 2
Roussel Y, Gaudreau SF, Kacer ER
131. L-DOPA modulates activity in the vmPFC, nucleus accumbens, and VTA during threat extinction learning in humans.
2021 Sep 2
Esser R, Korn CW, Ganzer F
132. Single-cell and single-nucleus RNA-seq uncovers shared and distinct axes of variation in dorsal LGN neurons in mice, non-human primates, and humans.
2021 Sep 2
Bakken TE(#), van Velthoven CT(#), Menon V(#)
133. DeepEthogram, a machine learning pipeline for supervised behavior classification from raw pixels.
2021 Sep 2
Bohnslav JP, Wimalasena NK, Clausing KJ
134. Hybrid protein assembly-histone modification mechanism for PRC2-based epigenetic switching and memory.
2021 Sep 2
Lövkvist C, Mikulski P, Reeck S
135. Understanding patterns of HIV multi-drug resistance through models of temporal and spatial drug heterogeneity.
2021 Sep 2
Feder AF, Harper KN, Brumme CJ
136. Classification and genetic targeting of cell types in the primary taste and premotor center of the adult Drosophila brain.
2021 Sep 2
Sterne GR, Otsuna H, Dickson BJ
137. Crosstalk between the chloroplast protein import and SUMO systems revealed through genetic and molecular investigation in Arabidopsis.
2021 Sep 2
Watson SJ, Li N, Ye Y
138. A framework for studying behavioral evolution by reconstructing ancestral repertoires.
2021 Sep 2
Hernández DG(#), Rivera C(#), Cande J
139. Ascorbic acid supports ex vivo generation of plasmacytoid dendritic cells from circulating hematopoietic stem cells.
2021 Sep 2
Laustsen A, van der Sluis RM, Gris-Oliver A
140. Structural characterization of NrnC identifies unifying features of dinucleotidases.
2021 Sep 17
Lormand JD, Kim SK, Walters-Marrah GA
141. A two-stage solution.
2021 Sep 17
Guegan F, Figueiredo L.
142. Fearful-place' coding in the amygdala-hippocampal network.
2021 Sep 17
Kong MS, Kim EJ, Park S
143. PARROT is a flexible recurrent neural network framework for analysis of large protein datasets.
2021 Sep 17
Griffith D, Holehouse AS.
144. Gamete expression of TALE class HD genes activates the diploid sporophyte program in Marchantia polymorpha.
2021 Sep 17
Dierschke T, Flores-Sandoval E, Rast-Somssich MI
145. Characterizing human mobility patterns in rural settings of sub-Saharan Africa.
2021 Sep 17
Meredith HR, Giles JR, Perez-Saez J
146. Ectocytosis prevents accumulation of ciliary cargo in C. elegans sensory neurons.
2021 Sep 17
Razzauti A, Laurent P.
147. Monocyte-derived transcriptome signature indicates antibody-dependent cellular phagocytosis as a potential mechanism of vaccine-induced protection against HIV-1.
2021 Sep 17
Shangguan S, Ehrenberg PK, Geretz A
148. Mesenchymal stromal cell aging impairs the self-organizing capacity of lung alveolar epithelial stem cells.
2021 Sep 16
Chanda D, Rehan M, Smith SR
149. A reduction in voluntary physical activity in early pregnancy in mice is mediated by prolactin.
2021 Sep 16
Ladyman SR, Carter KM, Gillett ML
150. Stimulation of hypothalamic oxytocin neurons suppresses colorectal cancer progression in mice.
2021 Sep 16
Pan S, Yin K, Tang Z
151. Local adaptation and archaic introgression shape global diversity at human structural variant loci.
2021 Sep 16
Yan SM, Sherman RM, Taylor DJ
152. A population-level invasion by transposable elements triggers genome expansion in a fungal pathogen.
2021 Sep 16
Oggenfuss U, Badet T, Wicker T
153. Whole-organism 3D quantitative characterization of zebrafish melanin by silver deposition micro-CT.
2021 Sep 16
Katz SR, Yakovlev MA, Vanselow DJ
154. A nascent polypeptide sequence modulates DnaA translation elongation in response to nutrient availability.
2021 Sep 15
Felletti M, Romilly C, Wagner EGH
155. SUV39 SET domains mediate crosstalk of heterochromatic histone marks.
2021 Sep 15
Stirpe A, Guidotti N, Northall SJ
156. A PX-BAR protein Mvp1/SNX8 and a dynamin-like GTPase Vps1 drive endosomal recycling.
2021 Sep 15
Suzuki SW, Oishi A, Nikulin N
157. A projectome of the bumblebee central complex.
2021 Sep 15
Sayre ME, Templin R, Chavez J
158. A prion accelerates proliferation at the expense of lifespan.
2021 Sep 15
Garcia DM(#), Campbell EA(#), Jakobson CM
159. A modified fluctuation assay reveals a natural mutator phenotype that drives mutation spectrum variation within Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
2021 Sep 15
Jiang P, Ollodart AR, Sudhesh V
160. A novel bivalent chromatin associates with rapid induction of camalexin biosynthesis genes in response to a pathogen signal in Arabidopsis.
2021 Sep 15
Zhao K, Kong D, Jin B
161. Activation of mTORC1 and c-Jun by Prohibitin1 loss in Schwann cells may link mitochondrial dysfunction to demyelination.
2021 Sep 14
Della-Flora Nunes G, Wilson ER, Hurley E
162. Distinct population code for movement kinematics and changes of ongoing movements in human subthalamic nucleus.
2021 Sep 14
London D, Fazl A, Katlowitz K
163. Filopodia powered by class x myosin promote fusion of mammalian myoblasts.
2021 Sep 14
Hammers DW, Hart CC, Matheny MK
164. Bipartite binding and partial inhibition links DEPTOR and mTOR in a mutually antagonistic embrace.
2021 Sep 14
Heimhalt M(#), Berndt A(#), Wagstaff J
165. Regulation of human mTOR complexes by DEPTOR.
2021 Sep 14
Wälchli M, Berneiser K, Mangia F
166. Microbiome-pathogen interactions drive epidemiological dynamics of antibiotic resistance: A modeling study applied to nosocomial pathogen control.
2021 Sep 14
Smith DR, Temime L(#), Opatowski L(#).
167. Translational control of polyamine metabolism by CNBP is required for Drosophila locomotor function.
2021 Sep 14
Coni S(#), Falconio FA(#), Marzullo M(#)
168. Continuous attractors for dynamic memories.
2021 Sep 14
Spalla D, Cornacchia IM, Treves A.
169. Cryo-EM reveals new species-specific proteins and symmetry elements in the Legionella pneumophila Dot/Icm T4SS.
2021 Sep 14
Sheedlo MJ(#), Durie CL(#), Chung JM
170. Optimal plasticity for memory maintenance during ongoing synaptic change.
2021 Sep 14
Raman DV, O'Leary T.
171. An XRCC4 mutant mouse, a model for human X4 syndrome, reveals interplays with Xlf, PAXX, and ATM in lymphoid development.
2021 Sep 14
Roch B(#), Abramowski V(#), Etienne O
172. In situ cryo-ET structure of phycobilisome-photosystem II supercomplex from red alga.
2021 Sep 13
Li M(#), Ma J(#), Li X
173. RNA splicing programs define tissue compartments and cell types at single-cell resolution.
2021 Sep 13
Olivieri JE(#), Dehghannasiri R(#), Wang PL
174. Addressing shortfalls of laboratory HbA(1c) using a model that incorporates red cell lifespan.
2021 Sep 13
Xu Y, Bergenstal RM, Dunn TC
175. Comparison of transcriptional initiation by RNA polymerase II across eukaryotic species.
2021 Sep 13
Petrenko N, Struhl K.
176. Western diet shifts immune cell balance.
2021 Sep 13
Bergey CM.
177. Multiple introductions of multidrug-resistant typhoid associated with acute infection and asymptomatic carriage, Kenya.
2021 Sep 13
Kariuki S(#), Dyson ZA(#), Mbae C
178. Epigenome-wide analysis of DNA methylation and coronary heart disease: a nested case-control study.
2021 Sep 13
Si J, Yang S, Sun D
179. Coherent theta activity in the medial and orbital frontal cortices encodes reward value.
2021 Sep 10
Amarante LM, Laubach M.
180. Heterogeneous side effects of cortical inactivation in behaving animals.
2021 Sep 10
Andrei AR, Debes S, Chelaru M
181. Coupling between motor cortex and striatum increases during sleep over long-term skill learning.
2021 Sep 10
Lemke SM, Ramanathan DS, Darevksy D
182. Structural basis for membrane recruitment of ATG16L1 by WIPI2 in autophagy.
2021 Sep 10
Strong LM, Chang C, Riley JF
183. A Tad-like apparatus is required for contact-dependent prey killing in predatory social bacteria.
2021 Sep 10
Seef S(#), Herrou J(#), de Boissier P
184. Little evidence that Eurasian jays protect their caches by responding to cues about a conspecific's desire and visual perspective.
2021 Sep 10
Amodio P, Farrar BG, Krupenye C
185. End-of-life targeted degradation of DAF-2 insulin/IGF-1 receptor promotes longevity free from growth-related pathologies.
2021 Sep 10
Venz R, Pekec T, Katic I
186. In situ imaging of bacterial outer membrane projections and associated protein complexes using electron cryo-tomography.
2021 Sep 1
Kaplan M, Chreifi G, Metskas LA
187. Dorsal premammillary projection to periaqueductal gray controls escape vigor from innate and conditioned threats.
2021 Sep 1
Wang W(#), Schuette PJ(#), La-Vu MQ
188. Endoplasmic reticulum tubules limit the size of misfolded protein condensates.
2021 Sep 1
Parashar S, Chidambaram R, Chen S
189. Skeleton interoception regulates bone and fat metabolism through hypothalamic neuroendocrine NPY.
2021 Sep 1
Lv X(#), Gao F(#), Li TP
190. Deciphering the triad of infection, immunity and pathology.
2021 Sep 1
Graw F.
191. Drosophila STING protein has a role in lipid metabolism.
2021 Sep 1
Akhmetova K, Balasov M, Chesnokov I.
192. The mitochondrial permeability transition pore activates the mitochondrial unfolded protein response and promotes aging.
2021 Sep 1
Angeli S, Foulger A, Chamoli M
193. The dual role of amyloid-β-sheet sequences in the cell surface properties of FLO11-encoded flocculins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
2021 Sep 1
Bouyx C, Schiavone M, Teste MA
194. Structural insights into the activation of human calcium-sensing receptor.
2021 Sep 1
Chen X(#), Wang L(#), Cui Q(#)
195. Human genetic analyses of organelles highlight the nucleus in age-related trait heritability.
2021 Sep 1
Gupta R, Karczewski KJ, Howrigan D
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