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2021 Aug (169)
2021 Jul (206)
2021 Jun (183)
2021 May (154)
2021 Apr (172)
2021 Mar (210)
2021 Feb (166)
2021 Jan (155)
1. Evolutionary transcriptomics implicates new genes and pathways in human pregnancy and adverse pregnancy outcomes.
2021 Oct 8
Mika K(#), Marinić M(#), Singh M(#)
2. Neuropsychological evidence of multi-domain network hubs in the human thalamus.
2021 Oct 8
Hwang K, Shine JM, Bruss J
3. TAZ inhibits glucocorticoid receptor and coordinates hepatic glucose homeostasis in normal physiological states.
2021 Oct 8
Xu S(#), Liu Y(#), Hu R(#)
4. Memory recall involves a transient break in excitatory-inhibitory balance.
2021 Oct 8
Koolschijn RS(#), Shpektor A(#), Clarke WT
5. An improved fluorescent noncanonical amino acid for measuring conformational distributions using time-resolved transition metal ion FRET.
2021 Oct 8
Zagotta WN, Sim BS, Nhim AK
6. Retinoic acid signaling is directly activated in cardiomyocytes and protects mouse hearts from apoptosis after myocardial infarction.
2021 Oct 8
Da Silva F, Jian Motamedi F, Weerasinghe Arachchige LC
7. Duox-generated reactive oxygen species activate ATR/Chk1 to induce G2 arrest in Drosophila tracheoblasts.
2021 Oct 8
Kizhedathu A, Chhajed P, Yeramala L
8. Intergenerational adaptations to stress are evolutionarily conserved, stress-specific, and have deleterious trade-offs.
2021 Oct 8
Burton NO, Willis A, Fisher K
9. Inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 polymerase by nucleotide analogs from a single-molecule perspective.
2021 Oct 7
Seifert M(#), Bera SC(#), van Nies P
10. NHE6 depletion corrects ApoE4-mediated synaptic impairments and reduces amyloid plaque load.
2021 Oct 7
Pohlkamp T(#), Xian X(#), Wong CH(#)
11. The East Asian gut microbiome is distinct from colocalized White subjects and connected to metabolic health.
2021 Oct 7
Ang QY(#), Alba DL(#), Upadhyay V(#)
12. Modulation of fracture healing by the transient accumulation of senescent cells.
2021 Oct 7
Saul D, Monroe DG, Rowsey JL
13. Experience-dependent weakening of callosal synaptic connections in the absence of postsynaptic FMRP.
2021 Oct 7
Zhang Z, Gibson JR, Huber KM.
14. The mammalian rod synaptic ribbon is essential for Ca(v) channel facilitation and ultrafast synaptic vesicle fusion.
2021 Oct 7
Grabner CP, Moser T.
15. Closed-loop auditory stimulation method to modulate sleep slow waves and motor learning performance in rats.
2021 Oct 6
Moreira CG, Baumann CR, Scandella M
16. AKAP79 enables calcineurin to directly suppress protein kinase A activity.
2021 Oct 6
Church TW, Tewatia P, Hannan S
17. A functional genetic toolbox for human tissue-derived organoids.
2021 Oct 6
Sun D, Evans L, Perrone F
18. Calcium dependence of neurotransmitter release at a high fidelity synapse.
2021 Oct 6
Eshra A, Schmidt H, Eilers J
19. Bayesian inference of population prevalence.
2021 Oct 6
Ince RA, Paton AT, Kay JW
20. Divergent acyl carrier protein decouples mitochondrial Fe-S cluster biogenesis from fatty acid synthesis in malaria parasites.
2021 Oct 6
Falekun S, Sepulveda J, Jami-Alahmadi Y
21. Two different cell-cycle processes determine the timing of cell division in Escherichia coli.
2021 Oct 6
Colin A(#), Micali G(#), Faure L
22. β-Catenin-NF-κB-CFTR interactions in cholangiocytes regulate inflammation and fibrosis during ductular reaction.
2021 Oct 5
Hu S(#), Russell JO(#), Liu S
23. 3D cell neighbour dynamics in growing pseudostratified epithelia.
2021 Oct 5
Gómez HF, Dumond MS, Hodel L
24. Visualizing formation of the active site in the mitochondrial ribosome.
2021 Oct 5
Chandrasekaran V(#), Desai N(#), Burton NO(#)
25. Visually induced changes in cytokine production in the chick choroid.
2021 Oct 5
Summers JA, Martinez E.
26. Protective mitochondrial fission induced by stress-responsive protein GJA1-20k.
2021 Oct 5
Shimura D, Nuebel E, Baum R
27. HIV status alters disease severity and immune cell responses in Beta variant SARS-CoV-2 infection wave.
2021 Oct 5
Karim F, Gazy I, Cele S
28. Redefining innate natural antibodies as important contributors to anti-tumor immunity.
2021 Oct 5
Rawat K, Tewari A, Morrisson MJ
29. Neural excitability and sensory input determine intensity perception with opposing directions in initial cortical responses.
2021 Oct 5
Stephani T, Hodapp A, Jamshidi Idaji M
30. Dynamic dichotomy of accumbal population activity underlies cocaine sensitization.
2021 Oct 5
van Zessen R, Li Y, Marion-Poll L
31. Modelling the neural code in large populations of correlated neurons.
2021 Oct 5
Sokoloski S, Aschner A, Coen-Cagli R.
32. DDK/Hsk1 phosphorylates and targets fission yeast histone deacetylase Hst4 for degradation to stabilize stalled DNA replication forks.
2021 Oct 5
Aricthota S, Haldar D.
33. Unbiased identification of novel transcription factors in striatal compartmentation and striosome maturation.
2021 Oct 5
Cirnaru MD, Song S, Tshilenge KT
34. Microglia and CD206(+) border-associated mouse macrophages maintain their embryonic origin during Alzheimer's disease.
2021 Oct 5
Wu X, Saito T, Saido TC
35. A sex-specific evolutionary interaction between ADCY9 and CETP.
2021 Oct 5
Gamache I, Legault MA, Grenier JC
36. Cell-to-cell heterogeneity in Sox2 and Bra expression guides progenitor motility and destiny.
2021 Oct 5
Romanos M(#), Allio G(#), Roussigné M
37. Y chromosome functions in mammalian spermatogenesis.
2021 Oct 4
Subrini J, Turner J.
38. Early life experience sets hard limits on motor learning as evidenced from artificial arm use.
2021 Oct 4
Maimon-Mor RO, Schone HR, Henderson Slater D
39. Myogenin controls via AKAP6 non-centrosomal microtubule-organizing center formation at the nuclear envelope.
2021 Oct 4
Becker R, Vergarajauregui S, Billing F
40. The transcription factor Xrp1 is required for PERK-mediated antioxidant gene induction in Drosophila.
2021 Oct 4
Brown B(#), Mitra S(#), Roach FD
41. Parallel functional testing identifies enhancers active in early postnatal mouse brain.
2021 Oct 4
Lambert JT(#), Su-Feher L(#), Cichewicz K
42. Single-cell growth inference of Corynebacterium glutamicum reveals asymptotically linear growth.
2021 Oct 4
Messelink JJ(#), Meyer F(#), Bramkamp M
43. The evolution of division of labour in structured and unstructured groups.
2021 Oct 29
Cooper GA, Frost H, Liu M
44. Paths and pathways that generate cell-type heterogeneity and developmental progression in hematopoiesis.
2021 Oct 29
Girard JR(#), Goins LM(#), Vuu DM(#)
45. Piezo1 ion channels inherently function as independent mechanotransducers.
2021 Oct 29
Lewis AH, Grandl J.
46. Genetic, cellular, and structural characterization of the membrane potential-dependent cell-penetrating peptide translocation pore.
2021 Oct 29
Trofimenko E, Grasso G(#), Heulot M(#)
47. Causal roles of prefrontal cortex during spontaneous perceptual switching are determined by brain state dynamics.
2021 Oct 29
Watanabe T.
48. The decoy SNARE Tomosyn sets tonic versus phasic release properties and is required for homeostatic synaptic plasticity.
2021 Oct 29
Sauvola CW, Akbergenova Y, Cunningham KL
49. Genetically engineered mice for combinatorial cardiovascular optobiology.
2021 Oct 29
Lee FK, Lee JC, Shui B
50. Humans use forward thinking to exploit social controllability.
2021 Oct 29
Na S(#), Chung D(#), Hula A
51. Growth-dependent signals drive an increase in early G1 cyclin concentration to link cell cycle entry with cell growth.
2021 Oct 29
Sommer RA, DeWitt JT, Tan R
52. 6-Phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (6PGD), a key checkpoint in reprogramming of regulatory T cells metabolism and function.
2021 Oct 28
Daneshmandi S, Cassel T, Higashi RM
53. Disrupted PGR-B and ESR1 signaling underlies defective decidualization linked to severe preeclampsia.
2021 Oct 28
Garrido-Gomez T(#), Castillo-Marco N(#), Clemente-Ciscar M(#)
54. Phagocytic 'teeth' and myosin-II 'jaw' power target constriction during phagocytosis.
2021 Oct 28
Vorselen D(#), Barger SR(#), Wang Y
55. Decoding subjective emotional arousal from EEG during an immersive virtual reality experience.
2021 Oct 28
Hofmann SM(#), Klotzsche F(#), Mariola A(#)
56. Evolving interpretable plasticity for spiking networks.
2021 Oct 28
Jordan J(#), Schmidt M(#), Senn W
57. Evidence for a deep, distributed and dynamic code for animacy in human ventral anterior temporal cortex.
2021 Oct 27
Rogers TT, Cox CR, Lu Q
58. RNF43 inhibits WNT5A-driven signaling and suppresses melanoma invasion and resistance to the targeted therapy.
2021 Oct 27
Radaszkiewicz T, Nosková M, Gömöryová K
59. Surface-associated antigen induces permeabilization of primary mouse B-cells and lysosome exocytosis facilitating antigen uptake and presentation to T-cells.
2021 Oct 27
Maeda FY(#), van Haaren JJ(#), Langley DB
60. Fusion of tethered membranes can be driven by Sec18/NSF and Sec17/αSNAP without HOPS.
2021 Oct 26
Song H, Wickner WT.
61. Mitochondrial phenotypes in purified human immune cell subtypes and cell mixtures.
2021 Oct 26
Rausser S, Trumpff C, McGill MA
62. Infrared molecular fingerprinting of blood-based liquid biopsies for the detection of cancer.
2021 Oct 26
Huber M(#), Kepesidis KV(#), Voronina L
63. Septal cholinergic input to CA2 hippocampal region controls social novelty discrimination via nicotinic receptor-mediated disinhibition.
2021 Oct 26
Pimpinella D, Mastrorilli V, Giorgi C
64. A connectome of the Drosophila central complex reveals network motifs suitable for flexible navigation and context-dependent action selection.
2021 Oct 26
Hulse BK(#), Haberkern H(#), Franconville R(#)
65. Cryo-EM reconstructions of inhibitor-bound SMG1 kinase reveal an autoinhibitory state dependent on SMG8.
2021 Oct 26
Langer LM, Bonneau F, Gat Y
66. Visual pursuit behavior in mice maintains the pursued prey on the retinal region with least optic flow.
2021 Oct 26
Holmgren CD(#), Stahr P(#), Wallace DJ
67. Electron cryo-tomography reveals the subcellular architecture of growing axons in human brain organoids.
2021 Oct 26
Hoffmann PC(#), Giandomenico SL(#), Ganeva I
68. Virophages and retrotransposons colonize the genomes of a heterotrophic flagellate.
2021 Oct 26
Hackl T, Duponchel S, Barenhoff K
69. Mapping the fly's 'brain in the brain'.
2021 Oct 26
Heinze S.
70. The chromatin-remodeling enzyme Smarca5 regulates erythrocyte aggregation via Keap1-Nrf2 signaling.
2021 Oct 26
Ding Y(#), Li Y(#), Zhao Z(#)
71. Plasticity of olfactory bulb inputs mediated by dendritic NMDA-spikes in rodent piriform cortex.
2021 Oct 26
Kumar A, Barkai E, Schiller J.
72. Patched 1 reduces the accessibility of cholesterol in the outer leaflet of membranes.
2021 Oct 26
Kinnebrew M, Luchetti G, Sircar R
73. Auditory sensory deprivation induced by noise exposure exacerbates cognitive decline in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease.
2021 Oct 26
Paciello F, Rinaudo M, Longo V
74. Purified EDEM3 or EDEM1 alone produces determinant oligosaccharide structures from M8B in mammalian glycoprotein ERAD.
2021 Oct 26
George G(#), Ninagawa S(#), Yagi H
75. Fascin limits Myosin activity within Drosophila border cells to control substrate stiffness and promote migration.
2021 Oct 26
Lamb MC, Kaluarachchi CP, Lansakara TI
76. Echolocating toothed whales use ultra-fast echo-kinetic responses to track evasive prey.
2021 Oct 26
Vance H, Madsen PT, Aguilar de Soto N
77. The Lon protease temporally restricts polar cell differentiation events during the Caulobacter cell cycle.
2021 Oct 25
Omnus DJ(#), Fink MJ(#), Szwedo K
78. Effect of SARS-CoV-2 proteins on vascular permeability.
2021 Oct 25
Rauti R(#), Shahoha M(#), Leichtmann-Bardoogo Y(#)
79. Protein kinase Cδ is essential for the IgG response against T-cell-independent type 2 antigens and commensal bacteria.
2021 Oct 25
Fukao S, Haniuda K, Tamaki H
80. Subpopulations of neurons in lOFC encode previous and current rewards at time of choice.
2021 Oct 25
Hocker DL, Brody CD, Savin C
81. Astrocyte GluN2C NMDA receptors control basal synaptic strengths of hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons in the stratum radiatum.
2021 Oct 25
Chipman PH, Fung CCA(#), Pazo Fernandez A(#)
82. Intestinal goblet cells sample and deliver lumenal antigens by regulated endocytic uptake and transcytosis.
2021 Oct 22
Gustafsson JK, Davis JE, Rappai T
83. A single synonymous nucleotide change impacts the male-killing phenotype of prophage WO gene wmk.
2021 Oct 22
Perlmutter JI, Meyers JE, Bordenstein SR.
84. Physical observables to determine the nature of membrane-less cellular sub-compartments.
2021 Oct 22
Heltberg ML, Miné-Hattab J, Taddei A
85. Molecular reconstruction of recurrent evolutionary switching in olfactory receptor specificity.
2021 Oct 22
Prieto-Godino LL, Schmidt HR, Benton R.
86. The elusive perspective of a food thief.
2021 Oct 22
Zeiträg C, Jacobs I.
87. Short-chain fatty acids activate acetyltransferase p300.
2021 Oct 22
Thomas SP, Denu JM.
88. mTORC1-induced retinal progenitor cell overproliferation leads to accelerated mitotic aging and degeneration of descendent Müller glia.
2021 Oct 22
Lim S, Kim YJ, Park S
89. Modality-specific tracking of attention and sensory statistics in the human electrophysiological spectral exponent.
2021 Oct 21
Waschke L, Donoghue T, Fiedler L
90. Identifying Plasmodium falciparum transmission patterns through parasite prevalence and entomological inoculation rate.
2021 Oct 21
Amoah B(#), McCann RS(#), Kabaghe AN
91. Sex determination gene transformer regulates the male-female difference in Drosophila fat storage via the adipokinetic hormone pathway.
2021 Oct 21
Wat LW, Chowdhury ZS, Millington JW
92. Ciliary Hedgehog signaling regulates cell survival to build the facial midline.
2021 Oct 21
Abrams SR, Reiter JF.
93. Sequence features of retrotransposons allow for epigenetic variability.
2021 Oct 20
Costello KR, Leung A, Trac C
94. Disturbed retinoid metabolism upon loss of rlbp1a impairs cone function and leads to subretinal lipid deposits and photoreceptor degeneration in the zebrafish retina.
2021 Oct 20
Schlegel DK, Ramkumar S, von Lintig J
95. Human Erbb2-induced Erk activity robustly stimulates cycling and functional remodeling of rat and human cardiomyocytes.
2021 Oct 19
Strash N, DeLuca S, Janer Carattini GL
96. Antimicrobials from a feline commensal bacterium inhibit skin infection by drug-resistant S. pseudintermedius.
2021 Oct 19
O'Neill AM, Worthing KA, Kulkarni N
97. Finger somatotopy is preserved after tetraplegia but deteriorates over time.
2021 Oct 19
Kikkert S, Pfyffer D, Verling M
98. An experimental test of the effects of redacting grant applicant identifiers on peer review outcomes.
2021 Oct 19
Nakamura RK, Mann LS, Lindner MD
99. Learning differentially shapes prefrontal and hippocampal activity during classical conditioning.
2021 Oct 19
Klee JL, Souza BC, Battaglia FP.
100. 5'-Modifications improve potency and efficacy of DNA donors for precision genome editing.
2021 Oct 19
Ghanta KS(#), Chen Z(#), Mir A(#)
101. Mechanical overstimulation causes acute injury and synapse loss followed by fast recovery in lateral-line neuromasts of larval zebrafish.
2021 Oct 19
Holmgren M, Ravicz ME, Hancock KE
102. The inner mechanics of rhodopsin guanylyl cyclase during cGMP-formation revealed by real-time FTIR spectroscopy.
2021 Oct 19
Fischer P, Mukherjee S, Peter E
103. scAAVengr, a transcriptome-based pipeline for quantitative ranking of engineered AAVs with single-cell resolution.
2021 Oct 19
Öztürk BE, Johnson ME, Kleyman M
104. The structure of behavioral variation within a genotype.
2021 Oct 19
Werkhoven Z, Bravin A, Skutt-Kakaria K
105. Neuronal sequences during theta rely on behavior-dependent spatial maps.
2021 Oct 18
Parra-Barrero E, Diba K, Cheng S.
106. Collagen polarization promotes epithelial elongation by stimulating locoregional cell proliferation.
2021 Oct 18
Katsuno-Kambe H, Teo JL, Ju RJ
107. Excitatory and inhibitory receptors utilize distinct post- and trans-synaptic mechanisms in vivo.
2021 Oct 18
Miyazaki T, Morimoto-Tomita M, Berthoux C
108. The OpenNeuro resource for sharing of neuroscience data.
2021 Oct 18
Markiewicz CJ, Gorgolewski KJ, Feingold F
109. Early prediction of in-hospital death of COVID-19 patients: a machine-learning model based on age, blood analyses, and chest x-ray score.
2021 Oct 18
Garrafa E(#), Vezzoli M(#), Ravanelli M
110. Different B cell subpopulations show distinct patterns in their IgH repertoire metrics.
2021 Oct 18
Ghraichy M, von Niederhäusern V, Kovaltsuk A
111. Visualizing synaptic plasticity in vivo by large-scale imaging of endogenous AMPA receptors.
2021 Oct 18
Graves AR(#), Roth RH(#), Tan HL(#)
112. Cell and circuit origins of fast network oscillations in the mammalian main olfactory bulb.
2021 Oct 18
Burton SD, Urban NN.
113. Relationships between community composition, productivity and invasion resistance in semi-natural bacterial microcosms.
2021 Oct 18
Jones ML, Rivett DW, Pascual-García A
114. Susceptibility rhythm to bacterial endotoxin in myeloid clock-knockout mice.
2021 Oct 18
Lang V, Ferencik S, Ananthasubramaniam B
115. Pathogenic LRRK2 control of primary cilia and Hedgehog signaling in neurons and astrocytes of mouse brain.
2021 Oct 18
Khan SS, Sobu Y, Dhekne HS
116. PP2A/B55α substrate recruitment as defined by the retinoblastoma-related protein p107.
2021 Oct 18
Fowle H, Zhao Z, Xu Q
117. Presynaptic stochasticity improves energy efficiency and helps alleviate the stability-plasticity dilemma.
2021 Oct 18
Schug S(#), Benzing F(#), Steger A.
118. What leads to parallel evolution?
2021 Oct 18
Chakraborty D.
119. Preparing for implantation.
2021 Oct 18
Kim JJ.
120. Ssl2/TFIIH function in transcription start site scanning by RNA polymerase II in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
2021 Oct 15
Zhao T, Vvedenskaya IO, Lai WK
121. Markov state models of proton- and pore-dependent activation in a pentameric ligand-gated ion channel.
2021 Oct 15
Bergh C, Heusser SA, Howard R
122. Emerging dynamics from high-resolution spatial numerical epidemics.
2021 Oct 15
Thomine O, Alizon S, Boennec C
123. Regulatory T-cells inhibit microglia-induced pain hypersensitivity in female mice.
2021 Oct 15
Kuhn JA(#), Vainchtein ID(#), Braz J
124. Sepsis leads to lasting changes in phenotype and function of memory CD8 T cells.
2021 Oct 15
Jensen IJ, Li X, McGonagill PW
125. An open-source, high-performance tool for automated sleep staging.
2021 Oct 14
Vallat R, Walker MP.
126. Sex and self defense.
2021 Oct 14
Drott MT.
127. SLC1A5 provides glutamine and asparagine necessary for bone development in mice.
2021 Oct 14
Sharma D, Yu Y, Shen L
128. The generation of cortical novelty responses through inhibitory plasticity.
2021 Oct 14
Schulz A(#), Miehl C(#), Berry MJ 2nd
129. Skipping ahead: A circuit for representing the past, present, and future.
2021 Oct 14
Robinson JC, Brandon MP.
130. circFL-seq reveals full-length circular RNAs with rolling circular reverse transcription and nanopore sequencing.
2021 Oct 14
Liu Z, Tao C, Li S
131. Neuronal activity in dorsal anterior cingulate cortex during economic choices under variable action costs.
2021 Oct 13
Cai X, Padoa-Schioppa C.
132. Evolution of irreversible somatic differentiation.
2021 Oct 13
Gao Y, Park HJ, Traulsen A
133. Tbx5 drives Aldh1a2 expression to regulate a RA-Hedgehog-Wnt gene regulatory network coordinating cardiopulmonary development.
2021 Oct 13
Rankin SA, Steimle JD, Yang XH
134. Control of Arabidopsis shoot stem cell homeostasis by two antagonistic CLE peptide signalling pathways.
2021 Oct 13
Schlegel J, Denay G, Wink R
135. Simplifying the development of portable, scalable, and reproducible workflows.
2021 Oct 13
Piccolo SR, Ence ZE, Anderson EC
136. A bacterial membrane sculpting protein with BAR domain-like activity.
2021 Oct 13
Phillips DA(#), Zacharoff LA(#), Hampton CM
137. IRAK1-dependent Regnase-1-14-3-3 complex formation controls Regnase-1-mediated mRNA decay.
2021 Oct 12
Akaki K, Ogata K, Yamauchi Y
138. Pathogen clonal expansion underlies multiorgan dissemination and organ-specific outcomes during murine systemic infection.
2021 Oct 12
Hullahalli K, Waldor MK.
139. Utility of polygenic embryo screening for disease depends on the selection strategy.
2021 Oct 12
Lencz T(#), Backenroth D(#), Granot-Hershkovitz E
140. Linking functional and molecular mechanisms of host resilience to malaria infection.
2021 Oct 12
Kamiya T(#), Davis NM(#), Greischar MA
141. mRNA vaccine-induced T cells respond identically to SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern but differ in longevity and homing properties depending on prior infection status.
2021 Oct 12
Neidleman J(#), Luo X(#), McGregor M
142. Decreased recent adaptation at human mendelian disease genes as a possible consequence of interference between advantageous and deleterious variants.
2021 Oct 12
Di C, Murga Moreno J, Salazar-Tortosa DF
143. Quantitative theory for the diffusive dynamics of liquid condensates.
2021 Oct 12
Hubatsch L, Jawerth LM, Love C
144. USP28 deletion and small-molecule inhibition destabilizes c-MYC and elicits regression of squamous cell lung carcinoma.
2021 Oct 12
Ruiz EJ, Pinto-Fernandez A, Turnbull AP
145. Pathway dynamics can delineate the sources of transcriptional noise in gene expression.
2021 Oct 12
Ham L, Jackson M, Stumpf MP.
146. Secondary metabolites of Hülle cells mediate protection of fungal reproductive and overwintering structures against fungivorous animals.
2021 Oct 12
Liu L, Sasse C, Dirnberger B
147. What's the use?
2021 Oct 12
Fletcher JM, Wu Y, Lu Q.
148. Aggregation in the spotlight.
2021 Oct 12
Wang Z, Collier M, Benesch J.
149. Switch-like and persistent memory formation in individual Drosophila larvae.
2021 Oct 12
Lesar A, Tahir J, Wolk J
150. Protein phosphatase 1 in association with Bud14 inhibits mitotic exit in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
2021 Oct 11
Kocakaplan D(#), Karabürk H(#), Dilege C
151. IFN-γ mediates Paneth cell death via suppression of mTOR.
2021 Oct 11
Araujo A, Safronova A, Burger E
152. A pre-screening strategy to assess resected tumor margins by imaging cytoplasmic viscosity and hypoxia.
2021 Oct 11
Huang H, Lin Y, Ma W
153. Fibrinogen αC-subregions critically contribute blood clot fibre growth, mechanical stability, and resistance to fibrinolysis.
2021 Oct 11
McPherson HR, Duval C, Baker SR
154. Transcription initiation at a consensus bacterial promoter proceeds via a 'bind-unwind-load-and-lock' mechanism.
2021 Oct 11
Mazumder A, Ebright RH, Kapanidis AN.
155. A beta-glucosidase of an insect herbivore determines both toxicity and deterrence of a dandelion defense metabolite.
2021 Oct 11
Huber M, Roder T, Irmisch S
156. Proof of concept for multiple nerve transfers to a single target muscle.
2021 Oct 1
Luft M, Klepetko J, Muceli S
157. microRNA-mediated regulation of microRNA machinery controls cell fate decisions.
2021 Oct 1
Liu Q, Novak MK, Pepin RM
158. Par3 cooperates with Sanpodo for the assembly of Notch clusters following asymmetric division of Drosophila sensory organ precursor cells.
2021 Oct 1
Houssin E(#), Pinot M(#), Bellec K
159. HIF1α stabilization in hypoxia is not oxidant-initiated.
2021 Oct 1
Kumar A, Vaish M, Karuppagounder SS
160. Dynamics and variability in the pleiotropic effects of adaptation in laboratory budding yeast populations.
2021 Oct 1
Bakerlee CW(#), Phillips AM(#), Nguyen Ba AN
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